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Fantasy Superhuman, supernatural themed kerfuffle (1x1) OPEN


Probably a raccoon.
Picture this:

A world where humans are gaining superpowers, and supernatural creatures are using this as a way to come out of the shadows without revealing that they exist. One character can either be a regular human, or a superpowered human. The other character is a supernatural creature.

Think cross between MHA (My Hero Academia) or Marvel's X-Men mutants (but the world is just getting powers so only about 30% of the populace has them) and all mythology from all regions/times/religions (although they overlap in some places and most mythology creatures have died off over the several thousand years prior to this so we can kinda pick what we want to include, just with the possible range of all creatures). If that makes sense.

In this world, there are mixed feelings about superhumans, some people say they're dangerous, other believe they're mostly good and it's just a couple bad eggs/extremists causing trouble. Per governments usually policing of bodies, they do the same thing here and it's illegal to use any powers in public. Superheroes are just barely starting to become a thing, but they're considered vigilantes and have the possibility to be arrested. So most people hide their powers if possible, those with physical changes just have to go through life being silently judged and sometimes are victims of assault/murder because of it. (Yes, this will have underlying political themes of "fighting the man" if you're not down with that, I suggest looking elsewhere.) However the supernatural creatures are just glad to be able to walk down the streets and participate in society. So really big step up for them. Downside of that is a lot of them seem to eat humans and now they're hiding in plain sight. (Some of them have managed to find other sources of food, the supernatural character can be played either way.) The supernatural characters do participate in an underground supernatural society, they have their own government of sorts. Some have been cast out, others choose not to participate, but it's a pretty big underground web and that's where the decision was made to rejoin society initially.

As for the characters themselves, they can be played pretty much any way you want. I don't want to restrict your character development process. I'm cool with playing either character as well, I have ideas for both, so feel free to go with whatever one you want. I usually play my character in their early to mid 20's for age.

I am feeling like a romance, I don't have to, but I'd like to. If you're down with that as well just note that I play male characters and all of them are polysexual meaning it does not matter to me what gender you decide for your character.

As far as plot, I'm thinking they meet in a super ordinary way, like slice of life at the start, maybe a coffee shop. And then it devolves into chaos. Maybe the superhuman displayed powers in public and now is on the run. Maybe the supernatural character saw them display their powers and left the society in order to help them. Maybe the society didn't like that and now they're both on the run together. Just some basic ideas.

I like to flesh out ideas with my partners so we both get a say in how things go instead of me dictating everything. So be aware that this a skeleton plot and we can definitely go a different direction if you have something else in mind.

As for what I'm looking for in a partner:
-decent grammar
-enough paragraphs to work off of
-fairly regular replies, I'll probably be posting about every 7-10days, more when I don't have classes, but I don't expect more than that from you

If I think of anything else I'll add it here.
If you have questions or are interested in this idea feel free to reply here or PM me.

Thanks for any interest

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