• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
Jeremiah Lloyd
War Hawker, Underground Warehouse | "... I just got sold to a fucking madman." "Good riddance."

"No, I'd suspect that if you attempted to submit that for the Guiness, they wouldn't even read your application,"
Jeremiah replied bluntly as he tapped away on a calculator. "Orange energy blade, six-grand. An old Astra-900, eight-hundred and fifty. One-hundred and twenty litres of Napalm, one and a half grand. Sixty litres of corrosive gas, two-grand. Everything I can discern from this drawing, another four and a half. That comes out at fourteen-thousand, eight hundred and fifty. But since I like you, I'll give you a ten-percent discount. I'll contact you when your energy blade is ready. You can make your payment upstairs."

Afterwards, Jeremiah lead Wildcard back to the elevator, which began their long ascent back to ground level. Whilst standing in the elevator, Jeremiah unbuckled the 'decorative' particle sword on his belt and offered it to Wildcard as well. "Next time you visit, bring this and ask for it to be repaired. It's about time the passcode is updated. It's getting really annoying, determining whether a customer actually knows of the passphrase or just happened to hear it and decided to try it."
ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles
Project Nexus
I ran forward and I slammed my arm into Ashimar's knee then slammed it into his lower back. I quickly jumped backward and I said, "Adorable? Yeah yeah okay, Ive seen worse than a...Demon using his own arm as a weapon, Wait...Are you mocking me?"
"Oooh! I love gifts! Is it one where I get my son back? Oh, wait...Is it where I get a little cute puppy?" It was clear I was mocking the Demon but It wasn't in a strong way. I ran forward and I kicked the demon in the left-foot and I slammed my arm into it, Then swung the arm in a full 360 at Ashimar's chest in order to knock him back.

LostHaven LostHaven

As the trio were suddenly and abruptly transported to a cruise ship, James and his clothes got suddenly and violently soaking wet as his summoning of Thyris was activated without much consent. "Thyris, we're going to have to pay for that, and I don't have the budget for wine...I guess we could ask nicely for a glass after this is done?" He stared at Thyris as she leapt off the side of the cruise ship. If one listened closely, they may have heard James' brain make the tone of dial-up internet. "...We're on a hijacked cruise ship, this isn't a time to relax." Besides that fact, he'd much rather not 'show off some skin'. He felt a gentle tug at the back of his mind as Thyris made the attempt to use her true form. Without much consideration he gave the a-okay for it, attention going to Sophia.

As Sophia started to talk about swimsuits an uneasy feeling settled into Jame's stomach, much like the feeling one would feel as if they were in grave danger. A sweat built at his brow, which was thankfully unnoticeable given the fact he was soaked to the bone by the new 'summoning rules' that came along with Thyris. "I don't get it either. I don't really enjoy the beach so I never understood the appeal." There was a question before him of which may decide his fate in the short and long term. He stared at the swimsuit options, a nervous chill and sweat taking hold of him. "I don't know, maybe one of the one-pieces?" It was a quiet mutter, one out of desperation of an answer to get out of the situation at hand. Besides, the idea of Sophia in a swim suit was startling enough, a bikini may give him a heart attack. He didn't even like bikini's to begin with! He glanced around before giving a sigh, trying to focus on the situation at hand. "Sophia, can you tell me where the pirates likely are on the ship at the moment? We can't have Thyris do all the work."

Deathkitten Deathkitten Cam E. Leon Cam E. Leon
Natalie Brenton

She blew a raspberry in exasperation, waving him off. She'd like this 'oh so nice lovey-dovey fatherly feeling' to leave her post-haste, but she was stuck with it right now she guessed. "It's fine, it's fine. Just don't want it around too long is all. We'll figure out how to train you with this." As she focused on the road she gently tapped agas on the metaphorical shoulder. "Think you could help Darren with this power of is?" "Flattering. You trust me to use your vessel and talk with him?" "Absolutely fucking not, I'll be playing the middle ground. But he needs help, and he IS blessed by God so we should help out, even you know that." "He does have the blessing yes. But look at what his family has done with it! They've turned it into a joke, a disgrace!" "He's not his family first off, and wouldn't you rather he use it for it's intention and design than for his own gain?" "Fine. But if he turns, I'm dealing with him personally." "La de fucking da then, Agas. Good chat."

The conversation took the span of two whole seconds, give or take one and a half. "Agas said she'd help," she said, omitting the fact about Agas also saying she'd kill him herself if he turned. "It's not a bad feeling, per say. It's like...I guess what having a dad around would have felt like. But I don't want it is the thing. I don't want a dependency or a craving for it. People think drugs are nice, until they start needing them. And I know you hate all of this, and I wouldn't be doing this if we had another alternative. But I can't go crashing a party and expect answers, let alone for them not to run off. SoulFlare can't chase after them on foot if they're all as fast as Finis was."

Deathkitten Deathkitten
Shard had kept his cool, at least what could be referred to as cool with shard. Until the final comment he was willing to withstand most insults. His father had already thrown most his way. BUt The words that came out of azrochs mouth. Filled him raged unbridled. A magic dagger summoning into his hand shard swung at azroch before he stopped inches away form azroch. Seiva had called him off. hesitating for a second. HE dispersed the dagger and stepped back. Lettings seiva handle most of the talking. IN the state he was in now. He would much rather attempt to kill azroch then speak. So Seiva was the best one to handle this for now. "I require something from the back. I shall return." shard spoke as he walked back into the house section of the building. "Ruru relax. I have not gone insane yet.... You have Seiva for thanking me. As any second later I would have attempted to kill him." he told her. Before walking up to the attic. Where he held most of his mysterious shit for years. "where is it. That asshole used it to corner me. If a mere human should be able to use it. I definitely can." He was flipping through various journals and books that were held within a locked chest. In truth. Most of these were his journals. Detailing parts of his time on earth with ruru. But also many other things. Right now. He was searching for a book he wrote during the end of the 100 year war. That human... Joan of Arc. If it was just her. It would have been simple to just teleport away. But some mage... Damn mage had devised a spell capable of creating an area that not even shards Highest level spatial dislocation spells could be used in. An Anti teleport field if you may. The most dangerous type of magic is teleport magic. As depending on the skill. One doesn't even need to have gone to the place before. As long as they know the location and can do the equations. They could teleport right inside the house and assassinate. Shard already had a magic barrier around the store. But His was not as proficient in blocking teleport as this one. So unfornately. Shard had to give up a bit of pride to try and study this spell. With OA shard would rather take no chances.

Deathkitten Deathkitten ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles
Wow this was expensive. But hey, ten percent off, I'd be CRAZY not to take this deal!

Wildcard let out a low impressed whistle as a number was given to him that would ordinarily be insanely painful to pay. But Wildcard had the money to spare, gained from both illegal and somewhat legal means. "Sounds good! I can pay with a debit card, right?" Following Jeremiah to the elevator, taking the 'decorative' weapon and storing it safely away on his person. "You got it. For a new passcode, why not something no one would ever suspect. Something like uhhh...Do you have any gum? No one walks into a gun shop and asks for gum! It's genius!" Walking up stairs he handed off the 'debit card' to Jeremiah, having collected his ammo boxes from the elevator. "So Zim, what sorts of things can you do? If you're cursed you must have cool tricks! You can speak, that's cool! You can't see though, but I guess that's okay. If I swing you super duper hard, can you cut through a building like in those Japanese cartoons? Can I bring you out just an inch and then push you back down, and empty a room? That'd be super handy! Maybe use that as a party trick!"

LostHaven LostHaven
"One piece. Understood. I shall acquire one later master." Sophia said camly. As she was attempting to dry james off with towels she just grabbed from one of the towel storages nearby. "I believe thyris will began Making a.... "scene" as one calls it. Would you like to let her deal with it? Or shall we also contribute." she said calmly as cyclones of water shot up around the storm. circling it as water was rising. Eventually. Having created a wall of flowing water surrounding the entire ship. Even From where james and sophia were on the deck. They could see the large Shadow of thyris swimming through the wall. The glow of her eyes piercing through. "Oh humans who defile the oceans of nature. You poison the waters. You kill its inhabitants to near extinction. And now. You attempt to commit further sins upon the ocean? the source of all life?" The Voice was undoubtedly Thyris. However. James had not heard this tone from her for a while. This was the tone and way of speech Thyris had used when the first met. Back when she was doing her job as a divine beast of the sea. Before james ya know... shoved her in a book. But nevermind that! Now. How would those poor pirates respond seeing as they were trapped in a circle of water. With the unmistakable shadow of a giant monster swimming within that wall? Honestly you kinda feel bad for them

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Deathkitten Deathkitten

As Seiva made the attempt to run her hands through his hair her wrist was grabbed and held back, like he was holding back an annoying dog who wanted his food. "Don't," was all he offered before he released her wrist. His attention jumped to shard as he came very close to making an attempt on his life, an amused raise of the eyebrow his only response. A surprise attack from the front? Even if he'd hit him with that shiv of his, he'd be fine. Shard, however, would have had his skull crushed in front of his entire bakery. It was funny, he'd just made that attempt in his bakery while there were people here. How ever would he explain that one? "Weakness is weakness, Seiva. So hopefully her boons you speak of greatly outweigh that fact. I did not know her well, I had no desire to. Shard has no light in his eyes, not yet. I would have crushed one of his prized cakes just to kill it if there was any." Speaking of the cakes he glanced at them, gently snapping his fingers as they went up in a quick blaze and disappeared, safely sent off to his personal domain.

As she tossed the knife at him he caught it between two fingers, toying with it by rolling it between his fingers with practiced finesse. "Every good show must end, Seiva. Kingdoms rise and fall, cities burn. People die. And I quite enjoy that show. So, this Alliance wants batteries then? Interesting approach indeed." He leaned forward on the counter as he stared at the place where Shard had gone off to. This of course, shortened him enough for Seiva to lay her head on top of his, earning an irritated growl from him. Reaching out he pushed her off of him firmly but carefully, a dangerous light glinting in his eyes at her offer. "I wouldn't mind a fight that doesn't end with a flick of my wrist. I'd greatly enjoy snapping someone's spine over my knee as well, I haven't done that in...oh, an hour?" He straightened up, adjusting his tie. "You know the domain more than I do at the moment. Do lead on, but last I heard the humans military had established a perimeter around the crater."

Deathkitten Deathkitten Cam E. Leon Cam E. Leon
Darren blushed softly, shrugging as he looked away again, “Thanks.. I appreciate the help. Hopefully we can figure something out. I know that this is important and stuff. I’m going along with it, after all. It’s not meant to be fun. We’ll get info out of them, and then kill them! Sounds like a plan. I hope we can actually take them out... I don’t know how strong they’ll be...”

He lolled his head back towards her, watching her drive for a moment. He sighed a little, “Hey. Don’t look at it like a fatherly thing. You don’t have a dad and mine sucks. Let’s look at it another way, yeah? I think... to me it feels more like an old friend. Friends aren’t over at your house forever, though. It’s okay to see them from time to time, and it’s ok to be happy about seeing them. It’s also not something you have forever. Or... like sugar. You don’t want too much anyway. I have to deal with it all the time now, even though I don’t want to, but even still I don’t really want to look at it like a father thing. I don’t want to rely on it or grow to rely on it. Either way! Once I learn how to control it, I’ll make sure to disconnect from you since you don’t want it.”

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles
Blessed Death
' Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil '
There was a red alert for a 'grisly murder' at an apartment nearby, and why shouldn't she investigate? There was always the chance it was demonic or spiritual, or vampiric for instance. If it was not, even then she would do her best to be of assistance. She wasn't quite sure where Magnus was at this exact point and time, he'd show up when needed most she supposed. Rounding a corner she came to a slow as she took in the sight before her. Someone was using their detached arm to fight a reaper...Wait, a Reaper? That was strange, usually, they didn't cause such mayhem. But something about this one seemed quite a deal off. Best course of action was to get involved post haste. Giving her gloves a quick tug she stepped forward.

Monofilament wires, so thin and indescribable that even entities with a near-perfect sense of perception could call them 'invisible' gently spooled out from the tips of her fingers and along the glove's fingers. With a gentle wave of her hand in a fashion similar to a conductor welcoming an audience, the wires lashed out towards the Reaper, tearing into the location of where his ribs should be, leaving quite decent gashes in him. Traditionally, weapons would have no affect on such a thing. Fortunately enough, her weapon of choice was specifically designed for spirits, demons, and of course vampiric. "I am terribly sorry for my late arrival, you look like you could use some assistance, yes?" The woman's accent was touched with notes of germanic, but besides that it seemed fine enough. The wires spooled from her gloves again as she made another grandious wave towards Ash, the wires lashing out in another attempt to carve into his side. Her movements were quick but graceful, whereas the wires were quick and...less graceful but more painful.

LostHaven LostHaven Stricken Steel Stricken Steel Deathkitten Deathkitten

As Jewel walked out of earshot he glanced at Kite, giving a nod. "Squash your excitement. Find that inner peace we've discussed, and stick to it. First..." He glanced towards the house, the schematics he had 'obtained' through his research mapping out the building for him in but seconds. "There's a skylight we can use up top. There's a specific path we'll have to take to avoid activating any roof sensors, so mirror my footsteps exactly. The sensors have a maximum radius around them, they don't all connect like a blanket. On me." Making the motion to follow along he crept around the house until they found themselves in the shrubbery nearby, pulling a grapple from a tactical pouch and engaging it, a silent hiss flying up and landing on the rooftop. Giving a silent nod towards Kite he started to make his way up the line, pausing once she was up with him. Once that was done he pulled the grapple line back up and stowed it back away.

He studied the rooftop in silence for a brief moment. "Exactly as I do. One false movement and we get detected. One of us will have to stay behind to put the skylight back into place while the other heads down...Think you can do that? I'll stay behind and reposition it, and I'll lower a line to you once that's done. I don't care what you grab, just be quick about it and don't get seen. And if all else fails...she said not to kill anyone. Knocking someone unconscious is acceptable." Carefully he started to step across the rooftop, making careful note not to step into any of the sensors range that he had mapped.

Deathkitten Deathkitten
Seiva Kerona Meldain.PNGSeiva
Seiva grinned up at Azroch as he stood, looking tiny beside him. She ran a finger down his tie, thoughtfully making a soft hmmm sound as she considered what they would go on to do.

“Well... I think we can handle a few military guards, don’t you? I never pegged you for being concerned. If they get in my way, they’ll be a pink mist,” she said, grin widening, “I swear, am I so flirty with you that you forget how much I like violence too? I love a good fight, especially when it ends with a lovely little puddle of blood and mess of brains.”

She pulled away from him and headed to the door, “Mm... you sure you’re gonna keep up with me cutie? I don’t wanna have to protect you~“ She glanced back with that same grin, enjoying teasing him about something he was obviously very good at.

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Cam E. Leon Cam E. Leon
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Project Nexus
I noticed very thinned out wires of the sorts shot at the demon and through his rib-cage then looked back to who was talking. "Yeah, Quite a bit late indeed ma'am, I'm afraid I don't find you familiar? And Also, I planned on handling this myself." I prepared to strike the Demon with my arm again but seen the woman had it under control, Or mostly under control at least.
"Ma'am, Do you require further assistance or do you need more help?" I asked as I reattached my arm quickly. I looked at the dead dissected men behind the Demon and muttered, "Poor Basterds..."

LostHaven LostHaven ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles
Ashimar the Sorrowmaker
Streets | "It's over when I decide it is over."

The first strike against the reaper's knee had little to no effect, producing a loud thump as it crashed into Ashimar's greaves. The second was far more effective, resulting in a snap as the blunt object collided with his spine. Throughout the entire sequence, Ashimar hadn't even bothered to retaliate, and by the time Nexus had retreated back a step, Ashimar was already on his feet, despite a presumably shattered spine that would have incapacitated almost anybody. "Bludgeoning is effective," Ashimar commented with a slight nod. "Instead of aiming for 'vitals', you targeted areas that would limit mobility if damaged. I will give credit where it is due." After reattaching his left arm back to its socket, Ashimar held out his hand whereafter the sickle-and-chain embedded into the concrete floor flew outwards, and back into Ashimar's hand. "However, you face an opponent who is practically impervious to physical attacks. You had little chance of winning without magic."

He had begun to slowly approach the cyborg, chains dragging across the floor when another presence neared. One glance to the side revealed the woman to be completely 'unarmed', with negligible amounts of mana. Hence, the reaper had completely ignored her until it was far too late to react. He noticed a brief, metallic sheen in the air only moments before dozens of invisible wires dug into his chest, leaving wide, gashing wounds from which the green flames that enveloped his body gushed outward. However, more pressing than the woman's ability to damage a reaper's body was the fact that he felt pain. Each wound burned like the annoying sting of a wasp, leading Ashimar to realize that the wires had been imparted with holy-magic. "You are interrupting my hunt," Ashimar snarled as he held one hand to his wounds, necrotic energies pulsing from his palm and into his undead body, expelling the lingering holy magic in his wounds and regenerating any damage caused. He reacted in time to Carmen's second wave of wires, swinging his chain outward, intercepting the wires before they could cause him any more inconvenience.

"You, priest? Or an exorcist?" Ashimar called out, the annoyance in his voice all but disappeared. "If you're eager to join, then so be it. Let us raise the difficulty of the game in accordance with the surplus of players, shall we?" Following this little declaration, Ashimar slammed his left foot into the ground, causing the concrete below to crack. Lines of sickly pale light peeked out from the ground, drawing itself into a circle, with the point where Ashimar had slammed his foot at the epicenter. Then, the same deathly mist that had carpeted the apartment billowed out from the circle, and in mere moments, a large area had been covered in the sickly fog. With foul necromancy permeating the air, the mutilated corpses that scattered the perimeter began to crawl back to their feet, reanimated by foul magic. However, more pressing was the threat of the mist to a living organism - in mere moments of exposure, necrosis would begin to settle in. Thankfully for Carmen, her holy water seemed to ward off the mist well enough.

However, there would be another inconvenience for her. The blessed wires also warded off the mist, and thus where the wires were was also a noticeable string of air free of the foul fog. Ashimar now had a clear vision of where her nigh-invisible wires were. Then, taking the initiative, the reaper tossed his sickle toward Carmen, flying at her with a straight trajectory.

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Stricken Steel Stricken Steel
Blessed Death
"Your assistance would be further appreciated to dispatch the Reaper, yes." The chain clashed with the wires in the air, though they did not break or even tangle, quickly returning back to the sender's glove. "Truly, if you've failed to dispatch him thus far you really are a poor hunter, Reaper." She slowly started to walk forward, tilting her head quizzically at his question. "Such a strange question to ask at a time like this. I am an exorcist by trade." She glanced at the resurrected corpses, giving a disappointed click of her tongue. Definitely not a true Reaper, anymore at least. They despised undead after all. The energy in the air was very much unholy, so it was only in their best interest she aid in stopping any sort of necrosis to settle in on the other face present. Reaching into her pocket she produced a vial of holy water, underhanding it towards Nexus with a quick and calm 'catch'. "Do keep that on you, if you'd rather not rot from the inside out."

At the scythe being tossed in her direction, she quickly but calmly wove a weave around herself, a birdcage of wires around her. These wires were quite capable of tearing through thick sheets of titanium with limited issue, so it was a safe assumption that the Scythe would fail to find purchase. If anything, it was a good chance the thing would become tangled inside of the mess of wires. "Sir, if you could, start to dispatch the undead. Your weaponry will do little against this foe I'm afraid."

Stricken Steel Stricken Steel Deathkitten Deathkitten LostHaven LostHaven
Project Nexus
I caught the vial of Holy-Water and examined it. Although my skin was fully artificial my brain could still 'rot' from the inside so I placed it on my tool-belt, Planning to make use of it in the future. "Aye, I shall keep this on me, Just in case things went south." I said as I put my rifle on 'Safety Off'. After hearing her words, I began to fire Shots at the so-called 'Un-dead'.
I felt sorry for the Agents and Police that had been killed and reanimated just to be killed again. Seemingly, Headshots stood out since they tore their skulls apart. The Undead would've stood no chances to me since I could simply 'absorb' their weak and feeble clawings and slow punches.
Ashimar the Sorrowmaker
Streets | "Annoying little bee."

Carmen's meagre provocation elicited little response from the mad reaper, other than a mocking laugh. "Tell me, is it more entertaining to swat a bee, or to peel off its wings, and watch it writhe?" The reaper hummed as the scythe made contact with the wires, finding itself ensnared within the messy web. Ashimar gave it a little tug, to no avail. "Urias, rapier." Ashimar verbally commanded, to which the sickle responded by morphing into a long piercing blade, which slipped free of the wires with ease. Despite the impracticality of a scythe against his opponent though, his weapon immediately shifted back to its original form after returning to Ashimar's hand. It was clear that a brawl like this would simply result in a long and arduous stalemate, with that troublesome weapon of hers. "Desecrate." A small mote of energy gathered beneath Carmen, festering for a breath moment before exploding outward in a vile burst of necromantic energy, apparently powerful enough to completely ignore the warding effects of the holy water Carmen wore.

However, Ashimar didn't relent after one measly spell. The reaper bombarded Carmen with one spell after the other without pause. Furthermore, it appeared that casting did not take much concentration on the reaper's part, as he began to give chase as Carmen danced her way around the explosions of necromantic magicks.

Nexus on the flipside would be having a far easier time, combating the undead. They were slow, immobile, and many already largely incapacitated seeing as their corpses were already in a mutilated state. They were more reminiscent of zombies one would expect from a bad movie, or a video game, save for the fact that their horrid screeches and pleas were intelligible.




The reanimated corpses cried and screamed all forms of pleas, be it to end their cursed, unliving state, or to 'save' them. The situation was only more sickening to the ones familiar with the workings of necromancy - not only had the corpses been reanimated by profaned magic, but Ashimar had gone the extra step, and placed the souls of the slain back into their corpses-made-marionettes, allowing them to feel every ounce of pain in their desecrated bodies. The ones that were decapitated continued shambling onward, clumsily clawing at Nexus. Unlike the movies, these puppets animated by magic would not cease until the body was utterly destroyed. Thus, any hope of returning their bodies to their families was now dust in the wind, should Nexus truly 'dispatch' them all.

Stricken Steel Stricken Steel ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles
Blessed Death
"Such a strange and disappointing specimen you are," she remarked, watching the scythe become tangled in her birdcage of wires. As the scythe shifted forms to be pulled free she glanced downwards at the mote of energy, leaping out of the way just in time to avoid being blasted. "Interesting." Where was that troublesome Poultergeist at right about now, she could use a distraction. Continuing to dance around the energy blasts she seemed completely unbothered by the situation at hand, if anything she was smiling a bit as if she was a child being shown an interesting picture. "I wouldn't get so close if I were you, Reaper." She carefully moved her hands and fingers, like a maestro conducting an orchestra of death and dismemberment. A fishnet pattern of wires was sent the Reapers direction, wires folded and played with in ways that were absolutely not natural, even for the most skilled combatant.

Three of the undead were suddenly and horribly exploded into a fine red mist, wires having wrapped and strung them up only to 'blend' them apart. "Hero, their suffering is beyond compare right now. He's a necromancer and an admittedly skilled one at that. You have to destroy them...completely." One of the un-dead was suddenly wrapped in another set of wires, only for it to be tugged forward with exertion of strength, turned into a 'living' projectile for the back of the Reaper. "So tell me, how did it go so wrong that you forsook your duties? Are you insane? Tortured and tormented? Surely not a puppet, unless I get you on my strings that is. Perhaps I'll have you sing Pinocchio?"

Deathkitten Deathkitten Stricken Steel Stricken Steel LostHaven LostHaven
Project Nexus
I nodded as I attached my Carbine onto my back. "Close Combat Engaged. Exterminate at own choice." The AI in my suit had spoken. I took a deep breath and grabbed an Undead by the neck and pulled their head off to end their suffering quickly.
"This makes it even harder..." I muttered to myself as the screams had echoed throughout my helmet as I ripped the undead into pieces. "I'm really sorry, Truly I am." I said to one of the Undead as I continued what had to be done. "Would you like me to filter out the Excessive noise?" The AI asked. With a thought, The screaming was filtered out my ears except for the Noises the two rivals were creating.

LostHaven LostHaven ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Deathkitten Deathkitten
Ashimar the Sorrowmaker
Streets | "I'm far from finished."

Ashimar's sockets narrowed into slits, curving upward imitating a joyful expression. "Madness is a trait I am rather prideful of. Though, may I suggest you refrain from making a marionette out of this madman? The last one to try has been erased in his entirety." Ashimar continued to make small talk even as Carmen launched one of his own undead toward him. With one fell swoop of the scythe, the corpse was sliced cleanly in half. All the while, the reaper's spells were gradually becoming faster, now offering only a quarter of a second to react, and the force of each explosion was becoming greater than the last. Ashimar's chase relented to a degree following another wave of wires, to which Ashimar lashed out his chains in response. He then ceased the chase entirely, and as any attempt at melee combat was practically fruitless, he began to focus entirely on casting. The frequency of the explosions increased once more, and he was beginning to cast multiple simultaneously. At this point, it was becoming more or less of a bullet-hell - one misstep on Carmen's behalf, or a lucky guess from Ashimar would easily decide the outcome at this point.

However, it seemed as though the pace of the battle had begun to bore Ashimar. Whilst he relentlessly assaulted Carmen with the same spell, he took note of his undead, more or less totally erradicated. However, the poor souls were far from earning repose. "Your roles are far from fulfilled. Rise again and serve me." Faint silhouettes from the remaining intact corpses were subsequently torn out of their undead vessels, and the wandering souls freed of deathly prisons alike were all pulled together into a swirling vortex of souls.

What followed were spine-chilling shrieks of indescribable torment as tortured souls were crudely welded together into a shape that resembled a giant skull. The constituent souls of the undead horror however, were still fully visible, most joined into the mass by the torso, shrieking and wailing in their torment. Now there were two problems; the reaper throwing barrages of magic, and its horrid, undead servant which had began to charge toward Carmen with an ear-shattering scream, in an attempt to engulf her in its ethereal, misty mass.

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Stricken Steel Stricken Steel (By the way feel free to take a cheap shot or run lmao.)

images (31).jpeg
Location: LA
Interaction: ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles

Indeed it was easy enough to find the herd of dogs roaming the streets. As she came apon them her eyes widened at just how many dogs there where running together. “how did so many dogs come together like this?!” She asked herself in shock as traversed the streets from above via her line arrow. Though it was a massive pack of animals they didn’t seem to be causing much damage or harm to civilians really so she figured it best to see where they where going. Maybe the dogs where heading somewhere that would make it easier for Charlie to figure all this out and round up the dogs.​
“Oh my good god I am gonna hate getting involved with this one,” Magnus finally said, shouting as the poltergeist floated into the room at speed to defend his partner.

“God DAMN you are one ugly sonofabitch. Oh, I guess you’re here too, zombie monster,” he quipped, coming to a stop in front of Carmen. Flames erupted in the room in front of them, with intent to char any bits or bobs of bodies to an absolute crisp.

“Rock, paper, scissors, fire. It’s my favorite. Now, mister rogue reaper. Bud. Just asking for a friend, but ah, no slicing me with your scythe please. Yeah? I don’t wanna mess up my delicate ghostly physique.”

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Stricken Steel Stricken Steel LostHaven LostHaven
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Kali quietly sat in the back of her car the rain made quiet little noises against the glass and roof of the car. "Driver. Take a left." She said emotionlessly. She was currently Sitting in the back of one of her classic cars. A BMW 7 series. A personal favorite of hers. Given how little she cared of cars. Currently, her face was dead. Emotionless and lacking life. she was having Cassie hold a mirror for her as she manipulated her face like it was clay. changing her expressions. "hmm. Sad... or happy... Maybe a look of hope? or tears. So many emotions.... So many unnecessary things." She was on her way to her brothers house. Granted, She had not been there in quite some time. The last time she had went there.... IT was to.... get rid of an annoyance. And now, She was there to see that very annoyance back. "Driver. here." she said without even looking where they were. The car pulled into the house. It was a simple house. Two story. three bedrooms. In a nice suburban neighborhood. That was excluding the underground workshop... But nonetheless. The CEO of a world wide company... living in a simple middle class suburban home.... How very.... Sherm like. Was all Kali could think as she stepped outside. not bothering with an umbrella. She approached the door. For as much as their was rain. It seemed she was barely getting wet. as if nature itself didn't want to touch the malice filled woman walking forward. Finally fixing her face. one of hope and small sadness. She rang the doorbell. "sherm? Its panzer. I heard you moved back into your house. I brought some food incase you forgot to go shopping." Sure enough. She had actually gone and bough food. Currently in the trunk of her car. Sherm was the type to forget about food or rest. But it was not sisterly love that drew her to do this. Sherm was hers. Her weapon maker. her repair man. Her brother. She could not let such a valuable asset break or degrade. One must keep their tools in top condition after all. And the other reason... Was incase any nosy paparazzi had followed her. Now, she simply had to wait for the door to open.

Deathkitten Deathkitten
Dantalion, as excited as she was, managed to hold back her tears and her eagerness to tackle her father with a hug. He clearly didn’t want to show anything of the sort, so that could all wait until later.

“Father, this reaper here wishes to gain information. I’ve been resurrected, somehow, by a rather reclusive bunch of ner-do-wells. This reaper woman wishes to know more, and though I don’t remember what occurred to me, I know of the best person around for acquisition of knowledge. I, as well, desperately wanted to find you. It was an effort of joint need,” Dantalion explained, sighing in relief as she dropped the connection. She was exhausted already. Her father would know that. There was no point in hiding it.

“She seems to be in a bit of a hurry for one reason or another, which is... kind of ironic, considering,” she continued, shrugging lightly as she rested a hand on Oriax’s shoulder, “Oriax helped me out a lot... He’s not part of the reaper’s concern. I’m sorry I’ve dragged you two into this. Hopefully it’s a quick mess, however.”

LostHaven LostHaven ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles
A Redhead and SO Many Dogs
Following the dogs wasn't incredibly difficult, how could it be? The pack was massive and everyone gave them a wide berth all the same. It took maybe ten minutes of playing 'follow the leader' before Charlie found herself in one of the parks. The dogs had picked up their pace near the end, now all surrounding a woman who sat on a bench and calmly reading 'War and Peace'. At her right side, right beside the bench was a massive wolf-dog, on whose head a hand was gently laid and giving him ear scritches. Despite the steady rainfall, the woman seemed unbothered as if there was a routine here she was going to follow come hell or high water. She glanced up at the horde of dogs, and then Charlie, before going back to her reading all the same. She didn't seem bothered at all by the going on, as if it wasn't happening at all.

Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
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