• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

"Long day doesn't even begin to cover it. The rescue's only just started and I'm fed up." Starting forward towards Castle Bullshit, the massive sword rested on her shoulder. The fact it was so light when it obviously shouldn't be was frankly a bit infuriating. A medieval setting like this would have had no access to any of the materials to make a weapon this large be lightweight. Glancing over towards her newfound party member she grumbled, glaring ahead again. "Unlikely. I get the feeling something insanely annoying, stupid, or both will prevent us from just bypassing combat. We're going to have to go through this and deal with it."

Deathkitten Deathkitten Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
Casey Kemp

He glanced at her, offering only a small sigh. "I'm a bit hurt you think I'm that stupid, Kite. Not only is that stupid, but it's also impulsive and unprofessional. You should know me better than that by now." He gave a solemn nod as she voiced her concern, replying in kind. "I have the same worry and will continue to have it until proven otherwise. Just be wary of him...that's also another reason why there wouldn't be a kiss on the first date." As they arrived at Sean's house, he couldn't help but find himself leveling a cool glare at the boy. "Final warning. Don't do that shit." As he climbed in and buckled up he nodded slowly, at least Sean was smart enough to go digging into rabbit holes and made it known. He found it somewhat funny that his mother was concerned about their financial status. All things considered, Casey had enough money to make even the richest man gawk. What he did with that money and where he kept it was his own business.

Casey was acutely aware of the guards piling into their soccer mom van, a thought coming to mind. He had a golden opportunity to see how long Seans personal guard could keep up. There was no harm in testing them, see what he was dealing with. He didn't expect to lose them immediately, but he knew he'd lose them at some point...he'd see how long it took them. Glancing towards Ada and then back to the road ahead of them as he started off he pretended to mull the question over in his head as he started his own personal test. "I'd take something with some bite to it if that's an option." Of course, what ada probably heard was 'something hot enough to kill a bull elephant' given Casey's track record, but it's not like he forced her to eat it either. "I'll be in the car when you're all done. If I'm on the phone just hang out outside and chat till I'm done."

Deathkitten Deathkitten
Thomas Black

Twenty minutes had passed since The Beast had been calmed and subdued, and twenty minutes of Thomas laying naked beneath a blanket with Tabby on guard nearby with his clothes and an umbrella. "Mnnn..." he groaned, eyes fluttering open as he came too. He was on the cold, wet, hard ground...he remembered the building falling on him. "Tabby? What happened?" He blinked his eyes a few times to ground himself before speaking again. "Please look away and shut your eyes." Tabby of course complied to his request as he got upright, taking clothes and redressing himself as much the same he had been before the transformation. There was no hangover headache, no sickness in his stomach, just discomfort of the lack of knowledge of what the hell he had done. He glanced over towards the other military personnel tending to what looked like a young boy. "...Did he kill someone?"

Deathkitten Deathkitten
1601401885483.pngCastle Ruins
Entertainingly, it seemed the beasties in the outside area heading up to the ruins of the castle and the dungeon itself were easy. In fact, they were all one-hit-kills, so the wolf's desire to "speed run" was met regardless, even if the beasties tried to attack them. The field led to an inclined tunnel of stairs, which headed up to a massive, oversized set of doors. They looked heavy as could be and as though they hadn't been opened in years with ivy growing across them.

In front of the doors sat a pedestal with a dial on it that glowed blue with magical energy. Around the dial in a circle sat numbers like that which would be on a clock. At the moment, it was pointed at 1. As they approached, a message flickered to life on the surface of the door in matching blue energy.

I am the goal of technology, the fruit of one's labor, embodied by fresh eyes in a village.
I lay broken on a battlefield, you can see me dim in the eyes of a mother that has lost their child, a sleeping giant so fragile yet so strong.
What am I?

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
Trevor Weiland / Skeleton
LA Streets

Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving / Kyrenka Kyrenka / ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles

Trevor smiled back with easy humor as the dark haired woman laughed. He figured as much given how comfortable she seemed to have the alien wrapped around her. Plus, he figured the scene he had wandered into would have had a different outcome had she been a people eating monster. But she seemed to be what she appeared to be, a cute reptilian alien, which was super cool! Trevor smiled at his newly made acquaintance and looked at the older blond man as he approached him. Trevor wasn’t dumb and could tell the group was ready to be rid of him. He didn’t mind, he felt like he was intruding anyway. And he’d only come because Aia had needed some help finding her way back to Anne. He did feel a bit disappointed knowing that he would likely never see the alien again. She was interesting.

No, I’m fine. I walk. Thanks though.” Trevor addressed the man graciously, then turned to Aia and Anne, his smile brightening. “It was nice to meet you, Aia. Glad you got home safe.” Giving the alien a small friendly wave and dipping his head respectfully to Anne Trevor did the same to the young woman and the older man. He would normally have introduced himself and been friendly but it seemed he had walked into something he wasn’t necessarily supposed to stay in. So with that simple goodbye he turned and started towards the sidewalk, ready to walk to the Hero Agency and submit an application to find a mentor. He needed to do that before he went back home, so he pulled out his phone to check the directions, tugging the gym bag on his shoulders to double check that everything was there and still secure.

Rita kept the sphere of force up. Her body still inside, holding her head in pain as she screamed. When the heros sword collided with the sphere. A brief pause happened as the forces collide, then the hero could feel herself being lifted up. she had no wat to exert weight down on herself. and as such. she was launched sky ward. The sphere shattering releasing a noise like a hundred windows breaking. The glowing white from ritas eyes faded as blood was pouring from her eyes and nose. she had experienced multiple aneurisms by now. And with the bubble around her gone, her body collasped onto the ripped up road beneath her. Her clothes were in shreds as the fake breasts fell out. The rain plastering her face as the paint she used for her disguise began to wash off. With the Makeup and attachments gone. It was obvious to anyone, this was just a teenager. Barely old enough to be called one. the rain mixed with the blood as he body convulsed lightly every few seconds.

Aelia Aeldyne Aelia Aeldyne Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
1601405115528.pngThe Tunnels and Tabby
Tabby gave Thomas a small smile, trying as best she could to keep him out of the rain, "He's not dead, no. That was an OA member. From the looks of it though, some newbie. He looks like a kid. Didn't stand a chance against the beast. Still tough though, so like I said. Not dead. Beast was well-behaved today, actually. Axiom got in the way a few times and actually didn't get squished for it!"

She raised her hand to a little radio and tried to gain contact with Axiom, only getting static in response... a shame.

"Right... well, Axiom is now underground. He found the tunnel while the beast dealt with the threat. Unfortunately, I don't have contact with him now. I hope he didn't go too far...," she sighed, eyeing the entrance to the tunnel, or where she knew it was now, anyway, "You alright, Thomas? I've been working with Beast and it's going well. He responds super well to treats... it's kinda funny. As scary as he is, he's like... I dunno... a hippo? Violent and constantly a risk, but in the end just a wild animal. In other words, try not to be such a worry wort. I've got you."

In the tunnel, the dark paladin huffed out a chuckle at Axiom, blade dropping slightly, "êow mæstling wýscan woruldbearn un−l¯æd micles hlêoðorcwidelýthwôn and ongietenes. I would not to fight either, knave that thou are. Thou speak 'i half-tongues, speaking 'i ways that would hast thou marked as a man of heresy. Such armor is such a flagrant dishonor to thy issue and thy crest as a whole. Bare thy blade. I cannot move from mine and thus apologize for thy untimely demise."

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- (Loose translation from Old English: You are a man of many words but little meaning.)

Axiom takes a deep sigh. He should've figured he'd come to an impasse such as this. It wasn't the first time he'd have to face those simply doing their duties and it wouldn't be the last...Not by a long shot. "I not have a blade to fight you with but I fight with my hands and my soul. Call me a fool but they've done me good so far." With that, Axiom puts his dukes up, preparing to fight the knight before him. Axiom begins assessing his adversary and notes that his armor certainly looks ancient but he that doesn't necessarily mean it's as fragile as it may look. But perhaps he can test out the armor's strength for himself. In a confined space like this, his plasma-based powers can very well give him the advantage. But that's assuming the dark paladin doesn't have any other moves up his sleeve. But he'll never know if he doesn't try. "And since I'm the one who's trudging forward, it makes a sense that I make my move first!" Axiom pulls his arms back before thrusting them forward, shooting an electric-fireball at the dark paladin.
Deathkitten Deathkitten

The 'fight' to the front of the castle ruins, if one could call it that, went smoothly as it could. Nothing really put up much of a challenge, though that didn't really put Quasar's hopes that high. If what she remembered was correct from watching Jade, they were in what could easily be described as a 'level one training area'. Which meant this would ultimately become a lot harder, and a lot more aggravating. Coming to a pause outside the entrance and the dial, she stared at the riddle before them in silence. Was...this supposed to be fun? Let alone a challenge? "You are Hope." Her voice was filled with the certainty that she knew for a fact she was correct...and the ever-present annoyance at her situation.

Deathkitten Deathkitten Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
Thomas Black

After dressing himself and making himself decent he glanced once again between Tabby and the unconscious O.A kid. "Looks a bit young to be an almighty terrorist...but I'll take your word for it..." He didn't offer any input on Beast being 'good', nor on it being more akin to a hippo than anything. He could only hope she was right and that she could control it when it really mattered. Beast was more than a wild animal, if only barely. It was...sentient in its own right. "Am I ever really alright, Tabby? I'll survive, that's the important thing. What now? Want me to go after Axiom, or are there new orders?"

Deathkitten Deathkitten
ada.jpgAda and Sean
"I hardly think you're that dumb. I was mostly kidding. I don't know that I had ever really seen you with that much contempt in your eyes," Ada laughed, grinning at her dad, then at Sean once he entered the car. Sure, his ability was startling, but it was kinda cute that he did it without thinking. Her own ability was all about not thinking, after all. She nudged her dad as they started off, "Bah, come on. Be nice. It's not like he meant to do it, and it's not like he's hurting anything. It's not like either of our abilities ever turn off."

Sean picked up on that and leaned forward with a big curious look on his face, "Oooh! What're your abilities, Ada?"

"Super-reflexes! Which is... mostly convenient? Until you reflexively reach for something and smack your hand into a wall instead at super-speeds," Ada explained, laughing a little at her own misfortune, "I can't turn it off, so it definitely makes for some interesting situations. You'd be surprised how many actions you take are actually reflexive."

This turned into a whole discussion about reflexes, which Sean was almost as interested in as Ada, which was impressive, considering. It half-seemed like Sean was interested in anything Ada had to say, but the other half... well, he was keeping up with the talk, even when Ada went on a little rant about it. Meanwhile, behind them the guards were doing an impressive job of keeping up. At one point, they almost lost them, but the ground was quickly caught up as they hot-swapped drivers while actively on the freeway, and the new one in the driver's seat looked like he was ready for a race. He was all smiles, while the five other guards looked annoyed and one of them was even holding onto the "jesus bar" already.

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles
Xasura Mi'Kael
Location: Church

Abject horror was the Gospel of the day, it seemed, and Xasura couldn't tear his eyes and ears away from it all. Small furry hands came up to his chest, a mindless reaction to the fear that made his frame seem all the smaller as they quaked against the fabric of his jacket, ears drooped low and tail dragging against the carpet. Before one of the other helping hands could intervene in his appearance to take him away from the arguably grisly sight, Father Anderson's own timbre ringing out within the echo-chamber of the Cathedral made the child jump and seethe. Xasura's mind had been lost in a desperate exercise of mental gymnastics to anchor itself fruitlessly to reason, and though no one could truly blame the Father for his loud voice to cut above the din of the church, ther resonating of sound would have been doubly cacophonous to the more sensitive inclination his senses had. Hence due to this, and his sudden rattling from within the deeper recesses of his young mind, it took a moment of desperate effort to comprehend the order that Anderson had given him.

"Y-yes," He weakly called out. "Feathers... F-Find the feathers. Okay."

It seemed, however, that the Father knew how to deal with children like him - furred or not, having first decided to give an objective before anything else. It forced Xasura's brain to cling to something simple: Collect the feathers and bring them to him. At first, it appeared as if his motions were more clumsy and flustered as he would bend, crawl, and climb to gather up what he could, but in time his motions became more fluid as his mind slowly became more occupied with the task. It was the first time that Xasura had had the existence of Angels themselves confirmed right before him, and already he was learning more about them to draw his own conclusions on the why of the situation. Feathers, being powerful - and therefore expensive - were likely one of the reasons that the Angels were in the sorry state they were. He couldn't even try to fathom what other reasons they had been harmed in such a way, but one of the reasons were stuffed into the jacket he had folded and tied to work as a makeshift bag of sorts.

And he thought he could be a hero.... Father Anderson was even giving him the speech about how he would be one day, but how could he even fathom it if he couldn't operate in this kind of situa-

"Ow!!" he nearly barked, forcing his voice to come forth as a hiss as he crawled back further to raise his hand from beneath a pew. "Dang it..."

After a moment to rub his head, Xasura decided to pick up the pace. A quick sniff of the bag to familiarize himself with the scents was all he needed before he found himself in odd places. He was even finding feathers of the same size and scent high up in the rafters and under rugs or near the confessionals, but soon enough, with his task decidedly complete, Xasura had paid no mind in his actions as he closed up his makeshift bag, anchored an end of his spider silk to the underside of one of the rafter support beams, then flipped over to slowly make his descent.

The bag would, obviously, be the first thing Anderson would see when not occupied before Xasura would lower himself the rest of the way so that his gaze would meet the Father evenly - it was about the only way he could have a face-to-face conversation with the man without inconveniencing either of them, since Xasura was neither affected by hanging upside down, nor did he not enjoy it. If anything, it made him feel more safe since he would have been far more awkward to threaten at this angle - and, yes, did exploit this at the Orphanage when one of the Nuns were on a rampage.

"If'z ah dumm," the furball attempted to declare with the parcel in his maw, then decided that he could most definitely bear his weight with one arm as he wiped it clean and held it out with his left hand. "All done... And... I'm sorry for coming by when you were so busy. I should've figured it was really important because of the scene outside, but... This is...."

Xasura's voice trailed off as he looked around the inverted room, his angle alone giving him a better view of the scene before him.

"Why would someone be so... So far gone that they would do something like this? Make people suffer this much?"

Deathkitten Deathkitten
Fay Fluorite
AKA: Celesteon
Location: Apartment

The rest of the flight back home was silent. At the moment, Fay had a few things to manage that required more concentration than his want to converse, check on his friend, and generally go over the situation that unfolded. He had, of course, their current mode of transportation to regulate at frequent intervals since propelling them in bursts was more efficient, his tracking spells, spells centered around heightened situational awareness, the barrier he was keeping up around the bubble to make the ride both safer and more comfortable, and of course actually paying attention to their trajectory to make minute adjustments since he didn't feel like crashing through a building, and ranting or chucking his phone would have been a waste of resources since everything he was keeping up was already draining as is. Still, he would be lying if he didn't admit to thinking about just dropping the cellular device through the barrier to let it shatter below if it wasn't for the likelihood that it would shatter off of someone's head instead of pavement.

So when he had reached the apartment and sensed that his wards were down, instead of a dramatic rush through stairwells or tense elevator rides, he decided to propel them through the window before flicking his hand to gesture the pieces back into place.

"Oh, I'm the one in trouble when you decided that it would be a Great idea to disable my wards right after leaving the site an OA villain was at," Fay snapped before taking a swig from a flask in his pocket. The mana he had in reserves were almost depleted, but with having gone from swigging the contents to guzzling them, he felt just enough arcane power come back for him to snap them all back on. For now, since apparently Jewel had another person with her, he felt it best to perhaps not interact with them directly as to avoid causing an uneven bout. "Real smart move, Jewel. They'll have such a hard time just walking through a door considering it was OA that was back there! Let's just disable your apprentice's wards! Biggest pro-gamer move this season!"

Tossing his staff to Aiko - who happily swallowed it whole to leave nothing left of it, he was about to basically storm his Mentor's personal space before Jewel could have even finished her sentence, but as if on cue, The Merlin Aquilias literally popped in - as if frames of animation were cut directly out of reality itself just in time to get in his way.

"Fay, be a dear and fetch yer friend a swig o' somethin' appropriate fer 'im, yeah?" She asked with a smile as she looked back at him. "T'would be best ye two revisit yer dispute when yer both of level head and the adrenaline's wore off. I don't wanna see ye gettin' all wound up on somethin' ye both can discuss like civil people."

There was something about Aquilias that made it extremely difficult for Fay to disagree, and with a huff, was quick to walk off in order to help James get settled in. First place he was going to need to go was the Council. There, they had the ability to make sure that not only was he in fact James Giotto, but make sure that his friend wasn't tampered with in any way, but as he reached for a glass out of the cabinet, he couldn't stop himself from believing that James wasn't back out of the sheer goodness of someone's heart. There wasn't anyone in the world who would bring back the Big Three and then some random mage, and since it was Fay who showed up, James couldn't have just been any old random draw out of the hat. Things were needed for revivals - very specific things depending on the person that they were bringing back - and most of the time, doing so was forbidden. It meant that James couldn't be in L.A. or anywhere within a hundred miles of the Occard Alliance, but on the flipside, he couldn't well ensure his friend's safety unless he stayed with the Grand Archmages - which was extremely unlikely to begin with, and who knew what kinds of international allies the OA had??

Fay's visage was the epitome of stone as his thin digits all but choked the glass in his hand as he opened his refrigerator to fill it with water from his filtered pitcher, and just as it had nearly filled, the death grip that Fay had on the glass caused the - surprisingly thin - cup to break in his hand. Rivulets of blood were quick to form as the glass that was still in his hand once it had broken stabbed deep into the flesh of his fingers and palm, causing a surge of pain that contorted the flat expression into one of sheer rage that even he didn't think James had seen before.

"MOTHER-" He snarled out, quick to bite his tongue to silence what would have been an embarrassing use of foul utterances. He moved quickly to sit the pitcher down so he had a free hand to gesture with - swishing the shattered shards swiftly into the trash while he rushed to run his wounds under the sink. Jagged and deceptively sharp shards littered the flesh of his palm, and with having been distracted with the sharp pain and anger, he had to relent to simply plucking them out with his nails before he could really do much of anything else. "....Sorry, James. Would you mind getting the kit in the drawer next to the stove, please? Freaking cheap pieces of crap glasses..."

Deathkitten Deathkitten
Location: Streets
Interaction: Kyrenka Kyrenka ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles ichthys ichthys

Aia smiled as Anne got them both to there feet. Nuzzling into her mothers chest as her hands gripped Anne’s shirt. At the mention of food Aia turned her head up to Anne with a big smile. Letting out soft clicks and hisses of agreement are the thought of it. She was practically starving so the offer of food made Aia excited. Her tail still wrapped around Anne’s left leg as she looked to the man who helped her. Watching him start to go off she let out a little bark like sound after him. Waving her hand in goodbye like she had seen her mom do to people in the past before turning her attention back to Anne and burying her face back into Anne’s chest. Ignoring the other two people for now and focusing on cuddling.
Casey Kemp

Casey shot Ada a glance when she managed to bring up that they had abilities, though if he had any thoughts he didn't voice them. Focusing on the road ahead of them and the car trailing them, he instead elected to just work on running the guards through the paces and getting the kids to their date. Luckily enough, it seemed Sean was so enraptured about discussing Ada's ability that he forgot to even ask about his own, which was nice. Another glance in the rearview revealed that they had hot-swapped drivers and that Raul was driving now. Normally if he was trying to lose someone he'd have created a road hazard himself but that wasn't going to happen right now. This wasn't a race at any rate, it was more so using traffic itself to his advantage. If he could make distance and then have something block the route to follow him, he'd already win. And seeing as he was in a smaller car than they were, he had better chances of success.


Deathkitten Deathkitten
Natalie Brenton

"One hundred percent a chihuahua." She watched as the young wolf boy ran around to collect feathers, attention going back to Darren. "Mmm, true. You can't really go very far from me at any rate as it stands. Even then, I'd still suggest you stick close, at least until everything is said and done. I wouldn't run it past your father and uncle to drag you off in an unmarked van." She gave him a pat on the shoulder, flashing a grin. "Then let me be the guidance for you, yea? I've got your back, cause I know you've got mine. Your gift is what you make of it, don't let it define you. You'll be the one to define it."

Turning back to look at the angels she couldn't help but notice the young wolf was...well, hanging upside down in clear sight of them both to talk to Anderson. "Guess the fluffball has some powers then...Honestly, it's super weird to me that you don't want to disappoint agas. Then again, what you wanna do is your choice. You want to try to make her 'proud', you go for it." She went silent for a bit, as if lost in her own head before she spoke again. "Nah, you don't gotta come along for that fight, wouldn't be fair to you. If you're willing, I'd like to head that way tomorrow. Daylight is burning as is, and I don't know when we'll be out of here."

Deathkitten Deathkitten
Morgan Adler

She shook her head a bit, echoing Dietrich's sentiment. "I assure you, brunch is on us. After such a stressful morning, don't worry about footing a bill. Allow us to treat you to some reprieve from this horrid morning." The young man had called Aia an alien...perhaps he knew something? Not likely, if all he had interaction with was Aia, he was probably just using a term for something he didn't understand. Even then, the noises the girl was making were very animalistic and less human. Honestly, the only human thing about her was the fact she had called Anne 'mama'. At this point, Morgan had all but chalked Aia up as anything but human. And with that said, given how the doctor had jumped to her defense by just her approach, the chances she'd get the chance to look at the girl and get a better idea of her was nonexistent. Glancing towards Dietrich as he seemed to disperse Trevor, her attention moved back to the Anne and Aia. "With all of this said and done, shall we head off? Feel free to name where you'd like to eat, and we'll make it happen."

Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving Kyrenka Kyrenka
shield.jpgDarren and Father Anderson
Darren rolled his eyes and flicked Natalie's shoulder, probably a little harder than he needed to, "You're such an ass. Agas is just like... She's a stickler for what's right, right? I mean she's really violent about it, but still... she fights for the good in the world... so... that makes her kind of representative of it. I don't care so much what she thinks personally, but if she approves of me then that means that I'm doing the best I can possibly be. Does that make more sense?"

"Anyway," he sighed and stood, looking around at the angels and priests alike, "How about we go now? The angels would probably like retribution as soon as possible, and he can lead us to other buyers and whatnot. As it stands, we're basically useless here now anyway. Neither of us does healing magic, they do. Plus that Anderson fellow seems capable, and even the kid has powers, so they're probably safe here. This is a headquarters for religion sector heroes, right? I've heard about it before. They have it handled."

As if on cue, Father Anderson gave them a smile before he responded to Xasura, "You guys are free to go, yeah. Go ahead and try to figure the circumstances out and do what needs to be done. Call in your hero friend if need be. Right... anyway, Xasura... these circumstances are unfortunate, yes, but you have to remember that these things happen in the world. It is unforgivable and horrendous, but it is not something most people see day to day. You've seen people come to the church that we have tended to before, it just wasn't obvious before to you that they were injured or in need of help. Human trafficking is still a major issue in this area, and so is interspecies trafficking. Some people are so far gone, the devil is so thoroughly wrapped around their soul, there's no coming back for them. Everyone has their reasons, but you have to remember that whatever their reasons, it doesn't excuse their actions. When a soul like this is so abused... I think it makes God weep. The weather is fitting in that way, is it not?"

He sighed and tapped Xasura, making him swing back and forth like a pendulum on his string, "Xasura, come help me, son. We need to get everyone's names and chat with them. I think a cute bubbly child like you would brighten their day. Who knows, some of the younger ones may even be around your age. Maybe you can make some new friends in light of this tragedy? When there is nothing but darkness, we must make our own light. You are very good at making your own light."

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Osuka Osuka
1601491733822.pngThe Tunnels and Tabby
With the horrible sound of metal grinding on metal, the dark paladin raised his blade and slashed down through the electric blast Axiom had shot his way. There was no movement save for his arm, no interest in his cut. It was simply something that needed to be done. As it was done, and the ball of electricity failed and crackled away into nothingness in the air, he brought his blade back up and leveled it once again toward Axiom, like a beckoning finger calling him forward. A call to arms. Something from a time long past.

Axiom had been doing this long enough, taught well enough, that it was pretty clear this man... knight... paladin... whatever he was, he needed help if such a thing was even possible. He acted like a textbook case of someone under some sort of a charm spell. He didn't move from his spot, did not move forward to attack, he simply stood as a steel wall, abating all movement further into the tunnel.

"I appreciate the heart that thou hast, knave. I canst not let thou pass, however. I shall grant thou one simple warning. Leave now. I'ld like to see thou live another day. Too young to be wrested from the mortal coil, if thou canst avoid it."

Tabby chuckled a little, nodding at Thomas, "Yeah... yeah that's fair. You're a pretty depressed guy... well... anyway... I don't think having you in a tunnel would go very well. Do you know what would happen if the beast popped up in a confined space like that? At any rate, I think we should just wait for some sort of a report from Axiom. It's not like he's supposed to explore the whole thing by himself, just... if he can secure the entrance, we can get others in and clean it out. If he takes more than a half-hour, then... I guess we'll need to handle things then. For now, we just wait."

She smiled at him, trying to make some small talk, "So... what happened yesterday? You came back home looking like you had seen a ghost, but I wasn't called out, so it must have been something really weird."

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
Natalie Brenton

"Yea, but I'm the coolest ass you'll ever know." She stuck her tongue out at him, giving a small shrug. "In broad terms, yea. Agas is a bit uh...misanthropic though in general. She doesn't hate humans, she hates what they do. But that tends to go hand in hand y'know? But when you word it like that, yea makes sense." Standing upright and stretching a bit she gave a small shrug, hands going back in her head in a relaxed and lazy fashion. "Now works too, doubt it'll take a while. I am pretty much a dead weight right now, I can only do so much. Look at you, knowing stuff like that! Yea, this is where I have to come to check-in, Anderson is my acting liaison with the Church as a whole."

Looking at Anderson she gave a small shrug, as if playing dumb. "Yea, I'll do what I can. Let me know if there's anything else I can do when I'm around, alright? Xasura, right? You're a good kid, we appreciate the help." Flashing her confident grin one more time and giving a nod of 'come on' she started towards the exit of the church, fully expecting Darren to stay in tow.

Deathkitten Deathkitten Osuka Osuka
Last edited:
Thomas Black

Thomas glanced at her, offering a small shrug. "Hit the nail on the head, Tabby. As for Beast being shoved into a tunnel...seeing as beast clocks in at twenty-five-feet bare minimum, he'd be larger than most tunnels. Which means he'd be pissed off because he's confined. Which means he'd thrash and rage, and bring the entire tunnel system down. Unfortunately, that would just make him more pissed as he crawled his way out ready to crush everything nearby." Shoving his hands into his pockets, he found his eyes drifting back to the K.O O.A kid, mind wandering. What drove someone to become part of such an extremist group? How where they going to get this kid to say anything either, he was probably either brainwashed or willing to kill himself to not say anything.

Tabby's question startled him, causing him to jump a bit. What had he seen? Think, think, make a lie! "The woman who headed the operation was...intimidating. I get the feeling she'd have willingly tried to cut my head off if I said something out of turn. And...y'know how that'd have gone. Even if I did die I just...come back. I can't catch a break."

Deathkitten Deathkitten
sean2.jpgAda and Sean
Ada returned the look her father gave her. Yes. She was aware that she mentioned it, but he was gonna know anyway. It's not like she could hide it when she tripped or went to grab a falling cup, or or or. Her dad having powers was just an extension of that. It wasn't some grand secret! She puffed her cheeks up just a little before her focus quickly disintegrated back into the conversation with her new maybe-boyfriend.

She didn't exactly know what a normal conversation with another kid around her age entailed, though, and that became clearer the longer the two of them were chatting. Ada could bullshit her way around a conversation, sure, but this was a bit different. He was in the car and kinda a captive audience. It wasn't going to be a short conversation.

So, the conversation dipped into some darker topics.

"So you mentioned you actually had to kill somebody before? What'd you do with the body?" Ada asked, as innocent as can be.

Sean was understandably surprised by this new line of questioning, "I... um... what? I... well, I got out and called the cops as soon as possible. I didn't handle the body myself or something like that." He looked so perturbed, and more than a bit confused, but still smiled awkwardly at Ada, "I mean... are you trying to ask what I would do with the body? Like if I had to get rid of one? I... I've heard that lye does a good job of dissolving one, even down to the bones... and... um... either desert or ocean... I guess."

Ada pursed her lips at his answer. Oh. Was that weird to ask? Fudgebuckets... "Heh... yeah, I guess that'd work. Um... Maybe the ocean would be better? As long as it's not a whole body, then the fish should eat it up pretty quick... but uh, you would have to have your own dock to take off from, or it would raise suspicion at a public dock. With the desert that'd be easy enough, but you have to look out for border patrol," she continued to talk, looking at her dad like she was begging for help. She couldn't stop chatting about it and now she felt like she already weirded him out! Body disposal was interesting, damn it!

Sean rubbed his neck, "I haven't put a whole lot of thought into it, to be honest..."

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles
Casey Kemp

He was glad Ada had held her own in conversation thus far, but it seemed she was starting to flounder. That look she was shooting him may as well have been her begging him on her hands and knees to do something. He was going to have to find a way so she could socialize a bit more, if she was floundering this bad he had to help her get more practice in. Without missing a beat he piped in, voice calm as ever. "Not big on murder mystery or crime drama, Sean? I don't really blame you, it's not for everyone I suppose. Ada and I enjoy watching them every so often, some of the storylines they come up with are a bit absurd though. What sort of shows do you like?" He had tossed Ada her get out of jail free card, he could only hope she used it wisely. Let it never be said he didn't try to help her make this date work. He honestly wanted it to work for her, if she had a chance to be happy she should try to gun for it. But maybe not go about it by discussing how to get rid of a body.

Deathkitten Deathkitten

Axiom was surprised when the dark paladin simply cut and dissipated his eletric-fireball with a casual swipe of the sword. Before he could make any other moves, he found himself immobile. How did he do that? All he did was swing his word! The only explanation he had was magic. Something he's never been good against. The dark paladin tells him once more to leave. Axiom knows that there's something going on in the tunnels but as it stands, he's at a bigger disadvantage than he thought, so he can't by-pass the paladin. Not by himself anyways. "Okay... I'll go." Axiom remarks simply. There wasn't any shame in a tactical retreat. He gets out the tunnel, relays what all he's witnessed back to his superiors, and think of a different approach. Knowing they won't be done here by a long-shot
Deathkitten Deathkitten

Pydir was shocked to hear that james was in fact real. Watching as the covered up many of the spikes on her chains. she smiled, "Sophias relative? how adorable, does she have tentacles inside her sleeves as well?" she asked smiling with a small laugh. the little girl next to james seemed harmless enough as she corked spikes. She had almost forgot she was in her full dragon form. "hello Im Pydir the elder dragon, My favorite food is dragon flesh and my hobbies are hugging people, eating, and Rhythm games, next time i hope we meet when im not im my dragon form. I promise you im much cuter! " she said smiling. "so.... Is everyone else al right? Hignar probably punched ya james..... Ooh! ooh! if you see anyone like superman get their autograph! pleaaase." she was trying to be positive and focus and james and vice. doing a so far good job of it.

Deathkitten Deathkitten ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles

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