I am the Deathkitten! Fear me!
"Yeah well good luck with that!" the man shouted back, blocking his blow with a hand, only to get rocketed by the force alone into the wall of the cave. He gave a soft groan and pulled himself out of the divot his body made. He pushed off again to move into an attack but was stopped mid-movement by a blinding force. The two demons, despite all their strength and power, were removed with extreme force from the tunnels and deposited above ground, moving faster than the sound barrier, towards the floor.
The tunnels themselves imploded, collapsing with enough force to destroy the entire system near the crater.
Seiva cursed, the whole movement was unexpected, and she wasn't even part of the fight. There wasn't even enough time for her to avoid the approach to the ground, and though it would hardly be enough to kill or even maim her, it'd be... unpleasant.
The tunnels themselves imploded, collapsing with enough force to destroy the entire system near the crater.
Seiva cursed, the whole movement was unexpected, and she wasn't even part of the fight. There wasn't even enough time for her to avoid the approach to the ground, and though it would hardly be enough to kill or even maim her, it'd be... unpleasant.