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Realistic or Modern superhero rp


New Member
Hello! Thanks for clicking - the following is the story line I'm currently interested in role playing ( and if you happen to realize what show this is based on do my ego a favor and don't point it out :P):


Muse A never meant to become a superhero's sidekick, they just wanted an after school job

Muse B, on the other hand, was a famous superhero. To the public, Muse B had it made; Everyone assumed they led a perfectly happy life. Muse B'semployees {friends} knew they weren't okay though, and ever since their old side kick had left them and became evil, Muse B had been becoming increasingly lonely and working all their missions alone was beginning to take a toll on them, though that wasn't as much of an issue with their side kick leaving as it was the increasing crime rate. Cue Muse B's friends convincing them to find a side kick, which is where Muse A comes in.

Muse A had thought they were applying for a normal, run-of-the-mill cashier job at Muse B's store, which was what had been advertised in the newspaper, but it was really just a front for an interview for becoming Muse B's sidekick.

Obviously, Muse A gets the job, thus beginning the most famous super-duo the world would ever know, Muse A and B's relationship drumming up quite the fan base.

However, Muse A and Muse B were keeping dark secrets from each other; There was a reason Muse A had the skittish, awkward nature Muse B had initially been charmed by and Muse B was determined not to let Muse A and their ex-side kick ever meet or even know about each other. What will happen when their secrets come out? Can Muse A find the balance between work, school and their home life, or will they become too stressed? And what will happen when Muse A and Muse B's ex-side kick inevitably meet?


Here are the character's I'd like involved in the RP (i would be playing carter, you'd be playing ethan and we'd both play wes and sam, as well as any other extra characters, respectively):


carter elizabeth ross ♥ - muse a

general info

- nicknames include ;
- ' kid '
x. used by Ethan Mannon only when they're on missions
x. used by various villains as an insult
x. often used by Wesalyn Evans due to their age gap
- ' carter elizabeth '
x. used solely by Ethan Mannon whenever he's frustrated with her
x. used similarly to how a parent would reprimend their child
- ' kid danger ' { hero alias }
- ' car '
x. her father uses this whenever he wants something from her or is about to hurt her
x. she absolutely hates this nickname
- ' bub'
x. used by Ethan Mannon whenever he is comforting her
- Carter is seventeen years old


- she has a less than ideal family life
x. in short, her parents are emotionally abusive { they neglect/ignore her existence }
x. her father will occasionally force her to give him money and/or physically hurt her
x. no one knows about her home life and Carter's not planning on telling anyone, ever
- she wants to leave her parents and hometown as soon as she turns eighteen
x. she got a job specifically to save up money so she could buy a car
x. no one knows this and Carter is conflicted due to the job she acquired as to whether she should follow through or not

- Carter is a quiet and skittish person
x. she is very hesitant to trust people
x. becoming Carter's friend requires persistence and a bit of pressure
x. Carter is not shy, she's scared
x. Around Ethan Mannon, Carter is more confident than she is around anyone else
- She is very kind and always tries to find a way around violence
x. due to what Carter goes through at home, she could technically be considered a pacifist
x. Carter always tries to help her friends
x. whenever you least expect Carter to have an answer, she'll have one - she thinks in an odd way
- when Carter is Kid Danger, she acts more confident compared to when she's not
x. it has to do with the fact that no one knows who she is when she's in-costume

- Carter's hair is always up, if it's not she's trying to hide a bruise on her neck
- eventually, Ethan does find out about her home life and forces her to move in with him
- she's a very talented artist, though it's not something she brags about

ethan cooper mannon ☆ - muse b

general info
- nicknames include ;
- ' eth '
x. used by Wesalyn Evans and Samantha Parker
x. used when one is feeling too lazy to say his full name
- ' mannon '
x. used by Wesalyn Evans and Samantha Parker when they're joking around with him
x. occasionally Carter Ross will use it too, usually when she's mocking him
- ' captain man ' { hero alias }
- Ethan is twenty-nine years old
x. he acts like a five-year-old one minute and an emotionally hardened adult the next due to how he grew up
- he has the power of indestructibility
x. he can still feel pain, but he can't be physically injured
x. he is an extremely good fighter

- he's had a rough life
x. growing up, his father controlled his life and treated him more like an invention that needed to be constantly improved rather than a son
x. he never had a childhood and was forced to grow up at a young age
x. his mother died in childbirth
- his father eventually died and Ethan was on his own for the first time in his life
x. he chose to open a store called Junk N'Stuff purely so he could hide a superhero hideout underneath it
x. he calls his hideout the ' Man Cave '
x. the Man Cave doubles as his home

- Ethan is a very confident, odd person
x. he has a lot of quirks
x. it is very hard to predict what he'll do anytime he's not doing something hero-related
- Ethan will flirt with every girl he comes into contact with, save for Samantha Parker and Carter Ross
x. Ethan never has a stable love life and he doesn't want one
- he doesn't let a lot of people close to him
x. how he grew up caused him to become hesitant to let people close to him
- When Ethan is Captain Man, he's much more serious compared to when he's not

~ both Wesalyn ' Wes ' Samuel Evans and Samantha ' Sam ' Regan Parker are Ethan's friends/employees ~

- Wes is an inventor and scientist
x. every piece of technology that's in the Man Cave is of Wes' invention
x. to put it bluntly, Wes is a genius
x. he's saved Sam's, Ethan's and Carter's lives multiple times
- Wes is twenty-nine years old
- Wes appears to mess around more than he works
x. he loves pranks and constantly says stupid jokes
x. he knows when to take a chill pill and be mature
- Wes lives with Ethan in the Man Cave
x. they had a falling out over a girl and didn't speak for a few years, but eventually made up


- Sam monitors local activity and investigates various things for Ethan and Carter's missions
x. she also works the check-out at Junk N'Stuff
- Sam is twenty-eight years old
x. she looks extremely young for age, knows it, and will frequently lie about her age
- Sam is very sassy and will say whatever she thinks, no matter what the consequences
- If Sam wasn't around, Ethan and Wes would probably kill each other over something idiotic


~ First, this isn't meant to be a romantic story between Carter and Ethan, in case the age gap was bothering you (but if you want to be that's also cool. like i don't care just let me know, k?). Second, even though the main focus of the RP will be on Carter and Ethan, Sam and Wes will be present quite often.

~ Please be prepared to talk out some awesome, kick-ass plot points with me if you wanna RP this. I want this to last and that can't happen unless we know where our writing is leading us.

~ I'm a very descriptive role player; I write paragraphs upon paragraphs of information and details and it would be great if you did that too.


Alright, I know that was a bunch of info so if you stuck with me this long, thanks :) Hit me up if you're interested.


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