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Fandom Absolute Duo


Despair :3




Blaze-(type, symbol, blazes form)

(examples of irregular blazes are blazes that have unique traits- ex gun instead of a sword, shield instead of a weapon etc etc.regular blazes look much like standard weapons but no two blazes are the same. Blazes are the embodiment of someones soul and is unique to them only.)



Partner- (put n/a until you are assigned one)
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Name- Fel Alaster

Age- 17

Gender- Male



Blaze-(type, symbol, blazes form)

+ Irregular

+ Symbol


+ Blaze Form - Matarune (Lightning Feather)

A weapon that is lightweight to its user, releases electrifying blade beams and can increase its power and cutting edge if it is hit by energy. Most notable for its ghostly blue aura that emits a constant arc of energy.


+ Irregular Form - Syl - Thunder Bird Manifestation- Occasionally Fel's sword will completely transform into this sadistic woman and will hurt whoever is against her master as well as shocking her master as well. She also finds its equally pleasing to launch either a barrage of electric feathers, or generate a barrier. She only shows up when Fel is in severe condition or he is in danger of dying. (she does it to hope he stops being so timid)


Personality-Loner, shy, doesn't really talk much and worries he wont be liked

History- He has been a regular student in school prior to this but has been doing kendo training since he was 8 years old with his grandpa. His sister is a shrine maiden in his hometown but he avoids talking to her because they don't always see eye to eye.

Partner- n/a
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Name- Ashton Lions

Age- 16

Gender- male



Blaze-(type, symbol, blazes form)

+ Irregular

+ Symbol


+ Blaze Form {Theristis or Reaper} - A weapon that balanced weapon to the wielder. As you attack with the weapon in sword form the sucks in the shadows and makes a non dulling edge on the sword. When not attacking it wont cut unless the wielder wants it to. In gun form it takes shadows and makes them compacted to where he fires them out of the barrel.


+ Irregular Form


Mia Ashtons's blaze irregulars form is a teen girl that looks a little younger than Ashton that has a little sister complex. She always comes out in Ashton's hoodies and sweatpants. When there are no shadows around she creates shadows for him to use. Her personality is very very loving, She will transform whenever a girl comes up to Ashton or when he tries to talk to the opposite sex. When she does come out she hangs all over him, and is possessive over him.

Personality- Insecure, afraid of failing people, hides his emotions, is only open with friends and loved ones.

History- This is Ashton's firt year as a student, He is coming in with the attitude of he is going to be the best and only the best.

Partner- (put n/a until you are assigned one)
Name- Ryu Ignatius Haynes

Age- 17

Gender- Male



Description :

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 65.75Kg

Hair: Blond with pink streak

Eyes: Deep Blue

General Appearance: He has a somewhat slender build that masks his muscle mass. He has blond hair which is about shoulder length, with a pink streak in it. Most of the time, he has a small ponytail off to one side.

He is often seen in either a t-shirt and vest, or a casual button-down shirt (most of the time with jeans, although he wears slacks on more 'formal' occasions). He has deep blue eyes, which are hidden behind his wraparound shades almost all of the time. The outside of his right forearm has a tattoo of gears on it.

He almost always has a lollipop in his mouth, except for when he fights, when he switches it out for a cigarette, he then goes back to a lollipop when he's finished fighting.

Blaze- Infernal Blade GodsBane




Regular Form:




Ryu's blaze takes the form of a large red broadsword. It is able to cover the surface of it's blade with flames. The weapon also gives Ryu his Pyrokinesis (Ability to create and manipulate flames). The sword is sentient, although it can only speak to Ryu when it isn't summoned. It speaks with a deep male voice (although it's gender is indeterminate) and it's words towards Ryu are similar to that of a teacher or mentor. Ryu's nickname for it is "Bane".

Personality: Most of the time, Ryu's mannerism and style of speech is very laid back and relaxed. He often jokes around, and enjoys messing with people. He is very intelligent though, which is evidenced by his complex vernacular. However, when he is in combat, his whole demeanor changes. He becomes focused and precise, with very little tolerance for error in his teammates. If he continues to sink into this version of himself, he can become sadistic, enjoying fighting and the damage he inflicts on his opponent. Usually, he can be easily snapped out of this state, but if he stays in it too long, it requires more and more effort to bring him back to his normal self.

He has a strong belief in justice, and will always attempt to do what is just, regardless of what the rules might be.

History: The son of an American CEO and a Japanese Teacher, Ryu Ignatius Haynes was born in the Kyoto region of Japan. His early childhood was spent in Japan, where he studied Kendo and Judo. When he was 13, his family moved to the US, so his father could better manage his company. While in the US he continued to study Judo and Kendo, eventually mastering both

Partner- n/a

Not sure if that would make it irregular or not. If it isn't just let me know and I'll change it to regular
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Everyone is an irregular? Is this a new trend? Irregulars are rare lol as is but irregular doesnt mean your wpn becomes a person. Again ex wpn is a gub, wpn is massive for no reason, wpn launches magic attacks, etc. My wpn is unique no irregulars are the same
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I explain that In the overview I think. Irregulars are people with unique wpns that are very unusual. They are usually wpns but the main char in the anime has a shield. But he can channel energy into his fist delivering damaging blows. Another had a rifle, those are just examples. As the rp goes on I will explain in story about everything.
Okay. Updated my sheet. Would it still be irregular or would it count as regular? Also would it be okay if I made a second character, since there's not that many right now?
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Absolute Duo: 2nd Character

Name- Yoshiya "Joshua" Kiry?in

Age- 16

Gender- Male



Blaze- Seinaru Hikari "Divine Light"




Two Handed Axe:




Yoshiya's weapon has three forms, with all three being pole arms. The first is a Naginata, a type of Japanese spear, originally used by the Samurai. The second is a Poleaxe, a type of Battleaxe. The final form of his blaze is a Halberd, which is a combination of the other two forms, Naginata (spear) and Poleaxe (Battleaxe). Similar to Ryu's blaze, Seinaru Hikari (nicknamed "Hikari" by Yoshiya) is sentient. However, unlike GodsBane, Hikari speaks with a softer, more feminine voice.

Personality- Yoshiya is the epitome of cool disposition. Even more so than his cousin Ryu, Yoshiya is very laid back, often letting others do most of the work (when he can get away with it). As a result of this though, he's never really serious. He will never really treat serious situations with the level of importance that would be expected. This irritates Ryu to no end, as he can get very serious and focused about what is important to him. Despite this, the two get along quite well and Yoshiya is Ryu's best friend.

History- When Ryu first moved to the US he felt completely alone. He had been quite popular when he had lived in Japan, and as such had left many friends behind when he had to move. His cousin Yoshiya noticed this, feeling bad for Ryu because he had had to deal with a similar ordeal when he moved to the US, so he decided to try and help ease Ryu's transistion to the states. The two soon became close friends, spending most of their time together. The bond between the two was strengthened even further when they both found out they were weapons. Even after Ryu left to join the Koryo Academy, and Yoshiya stayed behind to care for his sister, their friendship still holds strong. He is Ryu's closest friend and the only one to know all of Ryu's secrets.

He is about a year younger than Ryu. A lot of his time is spent caring for his twin sister Misaka, but he does attend the academy part time. He plans to attend the Koryo Academy full time alongside Ryu in one to two years, since his sister's condition is improving, and she doesn't want to be the shackles holding him from his dream.

Partner- N/A


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