Super Hero Super Camp


A Sad Remnant of a Forgotten Time
Marvel, DC, and OCs are allowed






Child of:


Name: Timothy "Tim" Drake

Alias: Robin

Gender: male

Age: 17

Sexuality: bisexual

Personality: In many ways, Tim Drake's personality is similar to his predecessor, Dick Grayson. He is determined to succeed in missions and is willing to take whatever risks to do so. However, Tim takes his heroism far more seriously than Dick and does not have the natural confidence that the first Robin did, despite his natural affinity for leadership. Despite his lack of confidence he does not freeze under pressure. He thrives under pressure. Tim may take things more seriously than his adoptive older brother (Dick Grayson) but he still had been known to crack crude and snarky jokes.

Child of: Bruce Wayne/Batman (adopted)



-multiple forms of martial arts


-using gadgets

-computer hacking

His suits:

Regular and Classic:




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Name: Katie (Kat, Kay) Kent

Gender: Female


Personality: She is sarcastic, funny, has a bit of a temper if you make her mad, She can be very active.

Bio: Katie grew up as a normal child. She lived with her mother, louis kent, happily for a long time until life started to heat up. She was having a 'movie night' with her mother and they were just getting into the movie when Katie thought it would be a good time for a snacks. She went to make some, but dropped a knife on her foot. Katie hollered in pain. Her mood set of her powers and red lasers flew all around the room. Being daughter of Superman, the cut healed immediately after she pulled the knife out. Her mother was afraid she might accidentally hurt some one so she sent her to a camp that would help her.

Child of: Superman (Clark Kent)

Powers/Abilities:fly, super-speed, laser eyes
Name : Edward Takashi

Gender : Male

Age : 15

Personality : Lone wolf and serious sometimes sarcastic

Bio : Born in the high life of Tokyo Edward but never knew who his father was and experienced how dangerous the world was until when he was seven and walking home from school with his mother. A man in a dark cloak in an alley pulled out a gun and dragged him and his mother into the alley. Suddenly the police arrived and his mother was shot near one of her Vertebra and was sent to the hospital. A few years pasted and strange things started to happen he noticed a large boost in strength and when he broke his leg falling it almost healed instantly

Child of : Wolverine

Powers : healing incredible skill with swords/knives speaks multiple languages acrobatics and can fly any vehicle
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Name: Elizabeth Blackwell

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Personality: Elizabeth is rebellious and loves breaking rules when she thinks that rule is stupid. She likes taking risks and loves playing around with her powers but she is very responsable with them since she is afraid to hurt anyone with them. She is very brave and intelligent but can be cold and mean sometimes. She might not have a lot of hero potential but she likes helping others and is extremely loyal.

Bio: Born in New York Elizabeth never met her mother or father since her mother "dissapeared" and her father died in a car crash when she was a little girl. She lived with her older brother who knew about her powers so he never let her talk with other kids to make friends which made her very antisocial. One day, when she 16 some criminals entered their house to rob it, her brother got shot and ended up in a coma but Elizabeth was able to use her powers for the first time when she made a blast of dark energy that almost killed the criminals. She decided to enter the academy a year after

Child of: Darkstar

Powers/Abilities: Dark energy manipulation
Name: Luna Paine

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Sexuality: Heterosexual



Height: 5"5

Weight: 120 lbs

Personality: Luna is very cold shouldered and came to this place to work on her abilities and not to make friends. Though this may change and she will open up, she does not have any intent on finding true love. She came from the moon itself so she has higher priorities than becomes "bff's" with someone.

Bio: Will work on later~

Powers/Abilities: She is able to harness the astral powers of the moon into her blade to slice through almost anything. She also has short distance "teleporting" or an extremely fast short distance movement due to the moon's gravitational pull.
[QUOTE="Jason Carlile](The League references are real.)

I've always wanted to incorporate Diana in an rp so xD
Name: Sherapnel

Gender: male

Age: 14

Personality: Borderline insane. He has moments of kindness and other moments he loses his mind and becomes a danger to others and himself. He is cunning and vicious, however it can be used for good. He is easy to tempt into being bad, but he dosn't want to be evil, it just happens and before he can stop himself he has done something horrible. Sometimes when he is around good people, the urge to bite gets less pressing, but when he is alone the temptation gets to be unbearable and he will strike the closest living thing with a pulse.

Bio: Sherapnel is an absolute freak that science created, while working With gene splicing they began mixing DNA of random creatures and injecting it into a human fetus, he came out with the horns of a gazelle, the claws of a lizard and the venomous jaws of a pit viper. As he grew older the torment grew and grew, the tests drove him out of his mind and today he just can't seem to set still without his skin crawling. He would make a wonderful hero; that is, if someone could teach him right from wrong. The lab sent him to hero camp with a threat: either learn to be a hero or they would kill him before he became a powerful villain.


-sharp claws can be used for climbing and making a hack and slash operation out of opponents

- a venomous bite that can leave someone temporarily paralyzed with one bite and dead with two.

- his horns are great for attacking in a violent rage

- he is strong enough to move cars.


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Name: Jaime Reyes (Blue Beetle)

Gender: male

Age: 16

Personality: mellow and relaxed on missions, however tendancies to talk to himself when in reality it is the scarab talking to him (wich makes him seem weird)

Bio: he used to be a normal kid from El Paso, Texas until he stumbled upon alien technology, wich implanted itself into the back of his neck and gave him the ability to use the beetle suit.

Child of:----


-His armor can produce many weapons such as an energy cannon, sythe blades, a battering ram and even a staple gun for pinning oponents to the ground.

-enhanced strength

- Enhanced speed

- The armor is very durable, it can take just as much as it can dish out

- flight with the use of artificial wings





Personality:outgoing,kind and a show off

Bio:he has a normal life hes dad never let him use his powers so he when to camp To prove to his dad he can use his power peoparly

Child of:the flash

Powers/Abilities:he has one power super speed
Name: Yazuya

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Personality: Yazuya is generaly quiet and brooding, being the son of the embodiment of death himself, it bothers him to see living beings only to know they will end up six feet under in the end. He is almost numb to calamity after seeing so much in his life and prided himself in never crying, although he really does. He hates what he will become and knows the responsability of the job, most of it dosnt bother him, exept for the children. If he didn't have to take children it wouldn't be so bad.


After the 21 century of the job, death has decided that he was in need of a succsessor in case anything where to happen to him. He took a human baby that was destined to die by phnumonia and gave the child the gift of necromancy and semi-immortality. Yazuya gained some of death's abilities, but not all of them, only the ones needed to fill the role of death and defend himself should he get into trouble.

Child of: Death the horseman



-his abilities in the dark magics have gotten so advanced that he even rivals his father in skills

-where as his father has one large sythe, he carries two smaller ones

- his ability to summon his horse Ragewar at any time. When Ragewar is not active he is contained in a glass horse figurine that Yazuya keeps in his pocket. When he needs to summon ragewar he simply shatters the figurine on the ground and the horse will come.


-He bleeds just like any human, his immortality is not 100% he can die by being killed but not by old age.


usualy wears this into combat



Deadkool said:
Marvel, DC, and OCs are allowed
Name: Laughing Stock


Age: HAHAHAHAHAHA (17 but ill never tell)

Personality: I'm always for a good laugh and will constantly work to make you laugh. I don't have a concept of uncomfortable and will push my self into any situation I see fit. Trust me I never miss a beat.

Bio: My tale is well not as funny as I would like it I am the child of a well know criminals the joker and harley Quinn they raise me in the quiet though thinking on it I wonder why they didn't kill me at least why papa didn't. Well one day after a good beating from the batman they came back to base nearly being caught they both needed a good laugh and they asked me to make a grand joke. I did just that I decided to be a hero well at least my definition of one still being a sociopath I normally leave criminals to rest in peace rather than rot in prison.

Child of: Joker and Harley Quinn

Powers/Abilities: my father taught me from a young age how to fight and do the basic sciences you know laughing gas. cannons that turn people in to playing cards, how to use sharpened playing cards as weapons the works. beyond that though I got my moms strength (or super strength) along with the strange ability to shapeshift though I'm fairly limited in the sanity department and well I am 14 so fool me once well I go for two.
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