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Fandom ๐ฌ๐ฎ๐ง๐ง๐ข'๐ฌ ๐ซ๐ฉ ๐ฌ๐ž๐š๐ซ๐œ๐ก !! โ€” OPEN


Sunni โธป 27 โธป they/them enby
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
hello !! i'm sunni, 27, enby rper in the gmt timezone !! i am currently searching for some new rp partners to write with.

tumblr_750330ce79fd3155e4a038c7b957afe9_8cffeabc_2048.pnga little about me & my writing.
  • as i am 27, i usually only like to write with people over the age of 21 just for comfort sake.​
  • i like to write in 3rd person and always double up. i can write anything between 1-3 paragraphs per character/side.​
  • i prefer to rp on discord, but i am open to rping here in private messages!​
  • i am also very active as i cannot work so rping is what i spend my time doing. i do like my partners to be active as if they aren't i lose interest quickly.​
  • i do not write smut/nsfw. i will do heavy make-out and then fade to black/imply. i just can't seem to write it. nothing personal.​
  • gore, violence, swearing is all good with me. triggers will be discussed further once we have spoken​
  • i am not ghost friendly. please give me at least the courtesy of telling me you're no longer interested so i'm not hanging on thinking i've done something wrong.​
  • in the same vein as the above communication is key for me!! please for the love of god just talk to me if you need me to change something, if you get busy etc. let me know where you're at. i regularly check in and update you on what i'm doing/where i'm at so i would hope you'll return the favour.​
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fandoms i am looking to write for right now.
[ i will regularly update this list ]​
  • house of the dragon - pair my oc with daemon targaryen or aemond targaryen.​
  • wheel of time - pair my oc with lanfear.​
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thank you so much for reading all this, and if you might be interested then please reach out here, react, whatever and i'll totally get in touch !!
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