• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Summer.


I am the one thing life I can control
[Quick Reminder: Up to 2 characters per account, and if you go so hardcore of bbcode that I can't read it, I won't accept it.]

Sorry if the CS seems too detailed for a Casual rp, but this is supposed to be what the people looked into when choosing the teens!

CS Requirements

Name: (If needed add preferred name + birth name)

Age: (13-18)

Birthday: (optional, but preferred; Zodiac)

Gender Identity: (And Pronouns!)

Brief Description: (Optional; Picture)

Clothing Style:

Any Tattoos/Piercings
Flaws: (3+, specify the largest flaw)

Good Traits: (3+, specify the best)



Goals: (1+)


Family Life:
Bio: (1+ paragraph)
(optional, for any notes you want to add)
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Spot Tracker! (This is tracked by who has claimed a room and is first come first serve)

Spots Left: 0!
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Major WIP

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.png.0c92a89c1c039560701b30c3adf11596.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141222" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.png.0c92a89c1c039560701b30c3adf11596.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.gif.80cf3c250fa7299db2e07934b27c0793.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141221" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.gif.80cf3c250fa7299db2e07934b27c0793.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Don't Look

Name: Mia Karev

Age: 16

Birthday: July 18

Zodiac: Cancer

Gender Identity: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Brief Description:

Clothing Style:

Any Tattoos/Piercings

You're Not

Flaws: (3+, specify the largest flaw)

Good Traits: (3+, specify the best)



Goals: (1+)


Family Life:

Going That

Bio: (1+ paragraph)





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Name: Julien Fletcher (Prefered name: Kurt)

Age: 17

Birthday: 16 june (Gemini)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

appearance:(I know it's kurt cobain but that's how my character looks like)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/kurt_cobain.jpg.b882153ddb4b79f1a7d560012f2744cb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141223" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/kurt_cobain.jpg.b882153ddb4b79f1a7d560012f2744cb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Clothing style: Skater style

flaws: Selfish, show off, liar

good traits: Friendly, good at music, open to other things

Fears: Not being able to sing and play his guitar

Hobbies: Listening to music, doing his own music, talking, play video games.

Goals: Become a famous artist

Grades: Pretty good at school, but not that much

Family life: He's an only child and his parents rejected him because he wants to be a musician

Bio: He's an only child. He grew up in a family of doctors and rich people. Everyone told him to studies hard enough to become someone important. Someone with a "good" job. At 15, he discovered how it was to play music and since that time he's always playing his guitar and singing along. His parents rejected him because of that.



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Antonio Veer Martin

Name: Antonio Veer Martin (Birthname: Maria Rose Martin)

Age: 16

Birthday: October 17, 1999. Libra.

Gender Identity: Genderfluid. (Between Agender and Transmale) [He/They]

Sexuality: Demi-Homoromantic/Asexual
Brief Description: Antonio is short and chubby- but he's super body confident most days. He has eyes he mother always said were beautiful- but he likes to call them "light poop brown". His hair is dark brown and straight, falling in a choppy hand-cut style that barely grazes the back of his neck. If asked his best and worst physical qualities, his answers would vary depending on the day but the biggest two for each are: Worst quality is either his constant break outs (Would this be better if he remember to take off his make up and washed his face twice a day? Yes. Is he going to do that? No.) or the fact that his nails are short and uneven from constantly picking at them. For best though, Antonio would either tell you his stomach (It's chub, he has stretch marks, he's nowhere near a 6-pack but man he loves it) or his eyes.

Clothing Style: Mainly the classic men's t-shirt and skinny jeans, usually with a pair of gray converse he's had for years. He's a sucker for men's tanks, although he only had one and will sometimes wear a skirt or flats.

Any Tattoos/Piercings: None

-His worst flaw is that he has no filter he says what comes to mind and then regrets most of it.

-He is loud, he laughs loud, he doesn't know how to whisper, he accidentally shouts more than he should. It's a real problem.

-Despite the previous two, he can be very antisocial, often shy and quiet when meeting new people before opening up and being loud and filterless.

Good Traits:

+His best trait is his honesty, he can't tell a lie to save a life and will admit things easily.

+He is caring, he cares and he really just wants to help people.

+He is probably one of the most optimistic prople, even if its fake sometimes- fake it 'til you make it, right?- he always tries to see the best in a situation and solve and situation peacefully.


-Being alone.

-The dark.




+Band. He sits listens to instrumentals all the time, he looks up band arrangements, he practices all the time, he plays in the marching band.

+Reading/Writing. He constantly reads and writes stories (mostly fanfic or rants though)


×Getting into college with a scholarship.

×Becoming a Foster Parent.


+All A's, Honors, High GPA, BETA Club etc

Family Life:

×Mom, Little Brother (Juan, 5 years)

Born to teen parents, Antonio's never had the good life- and it got worse when he's mom left his dad for reasons he'd rather not say when he was only 4 years old. Living as a young single mom is hard, and Antonio is fiercely protective of his mother because she sacrificed so much for him. At age 7 was when Antonio- then known to the world as "Maria"- started to prefer the nickname "Toni" after having a classmate name Anthony. At age 10, he came out to his mom has trans- his mom was incredibly accepting and saved up just to buy him boy clothes! Around the same time, his mom started a new relationship, but it didn't last long when she found out she was pregnant and the guy split. But Antonio doesn't mind- he loves his little brother, Juan, with all his heart. The past years have been better since then though, although he doesn't have much money, they are content and even though he does experience some minor bullying he accepts himself (for the most part) and can ignore them.
Although he doesn't have the money to get a proper diagnosis he believes his anxiety levels are higher than they should be and as formed coping habits that may seem annoying to others to deal with them.
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Name: Nivi Krøger

Age: 17

Birthday: May 3, Taurus

Gender Identity: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual
Brief Description:

Clothing Style: Quirky summer outfits!

Any Tattoos/Piercings
Flaws: 1. Too persistent: Sometimes, she just doesn't know when to give up. (Biggest flaw)

2. Dependent: Nivi absolutely hates being alone, and she depends on the company of others to keep herself satisfied.

3. Secretely Picky: Although she might not show it much, she may sometimes be picky in what people do, or other things like what she eats or has to wear.

Good Traits: 1. Flirtacious: She is awfully kind hearted, and does not stop when it comes to complimenting people or being out there. She is however somewhat secluded around males.

2. Athletic: She is an energetic person, and enjoys being a positive vibe around others.

3. Talented: Nivi is capable of many things. She is a gifted athlete, she dances, and she can even draw decently! (Best trait)

Fears: Cockroaches, the deep ocean, nightmares, having her secrets exposed.

Hobbies: Volleyball, shuffling, sketching.

Goals: To get rid of how dependent she is.

Grades: Low B's to Low A's

Family Life: Mother: Daenalia- Does not get along with Nivi

Father: Bjort- She's a daddy's girl, so yes.

Sister: Soffi- Nivi's older sister, idol, and best friend

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Darkhan said:
Name: Julien Fletcher (Prefered name: Kurt)
Age: 17

Birthday: 16 june (Gemini)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

appearance:(I know it's kurt cobain but that's how my character looks like)View attachment 312558

Clothing style: Skater style

flaws: Selfish, show off, liar

good traits: Friendly, good at music, open to other things

Fears: Not being able to sing and play his guitar

Hobbies: Listening to music, doing his own music, talking, play video games.

Goals: Become a famous artist

Grades: Pretty good at school, but not that much

Family life: He's an only child and his parents rejected him because he wants to be a musician

Bio: He's an only child. He grew up in a family of doctors and rich people. Everyone told him to studies hard enough to become someone important. Someone with a "good" job. At 15, he discovered how it was to play music and since that time he's always playing his guitar and singing along. His parents rejected him because of that.
accepted. go ahead and claim a room (not the best rooms,but your character can personalize it later)
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  • Name: Dylan Dunlap (nick apollo. cus blonde hair and music)

    Age: 18

    Birthday: Scorpio

    Gender Identity: Male

    Sexuality: straight



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FrostRaven said:

  • Name: Dylan Dunlap

    Age: 18

    Birthday: Leo

    Gender Identity: Male

    Sexuality: straight

accepted. go ahead and claim a room (not the best rooms,but your character can personalize it later)
Nivi said:
Name: Nivi Krøger

Age: 17

Birthday: May 3, Taurus

Gender Identity: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual
Brief Description:

Clothing Style: Quirky summer outfits!

Any Tattoos/Piercings
Flaws: 1. Too persistent: Sometimes, she just doesn't know when to give up. (Biggest flaw)

2. Dependent: Nivi absolutely hates being alone, and she depends on the company of others to keep herself satisfied.

3. Secretely Picky: Although she might not show it much, she may sometimes be picky in what people do, or other things like what she eats or has to wear.

Good Traits: 1. Flirtacious: She is awfully kind hearted, and does not stop when it comes to complimenting people or being out there. She is however somewhat secluded around males.

2. Athletic: She is an energetic person, and enjoys being a positive vibe around others.

3. Talented: Nivi is capable of many things. She is a gifted athlete, she dances, and she can even draw decently! (Best trait)

Fears: Cockroaches, the deep ocean, nightmares, having her secrets exposed.

Hobbies: Volleyball, shuffling, sketching.

Goals: To get rid of how dependent she is.

Grades: Low B's to Low A's

Family Life: Mother: Daenalia- Does not get along with Nivi

Father: Bjort- She's a daddy's girl, so yes.

Sister: Soffi- Nivi's older sister, idol, and best friend

I'm not sure if this is completed? bc you're missing a bio but otherwise your good.

Name:Maya Gardiner

Age: Fourteen

Birthday: 2nd April (Aries)

Gender Identity: Transfemale

: Homoromantic-Asexual
Clothing Style:

Dark, gothic, feminine.

Any Tattoos/Piercings:

Two sets of earrings

- Constantly seeks other's approval and affection

- Acts childishly/ignorantly

- Lacks awareness of personal space

Good Traits:

- Affectionate and friendly towards others

- Unafraid of most things

- Confident/decisive


- Strangers

- Being attacked


- Sewing

- Knitting


- To be a human's right activist

- Sew her own wedding dress someday


Failing most subjects.

Family Life:

- Only child to strict, displeased parents
Maya was born to parents that encouraged her to get good grades. However, she lacks the attention span to score well in most of her classes. She also doesn't like school very much and never has. However, she has a charming and friendly personality. She started identifying as female when she was nine years old and has done so ever since. Her parents are accepting of her gender but not of her failing grades.
[QUOTE="Fallen from Heaven]

Name:Maya Gardiner

Age: Fourteen

Birthday: 2nd April (Aries)

Gender Identity: Transfemale

: Homoromantic-Asexual
Clothing Style:

Dark, gothic, feminine.

Any Tattoos/Piercings:

Two sets of earrings

- Constantly seeks other's approval and affection

- Acts childishly/ignorantly

- Lacks awareness of personal space

Good Traits:

- Affectionate and friendly towards others

- Unafraid of most things

- Confident/decisive


- Strangers

- Being attacked


- Sewing

- Knitting


- To be a human's right activist

- Sew her own wedding dress someday


Failing most subjects.

Family Life:

- Only child to strict, displeased parents
Maya was born to parents that encouraged her to get good grades. However, she lacks the attention span to score well in most of her classes. She also doesn't like school very much and never has. However, she has a charming and friendly personality. She started identifying as female when she was nine years old and has done so ever since. Her parents are accepting of her gender but not of her failing grades.

Accepted! Go ahead and pick the room you want and then join the rp!
Name: Rosalie Reed

: 16

Birthday: 18.02, Aquarius

Gender Identity: Female

Sexuality: Bi
Brief Description: Long, red hair, big green eyes, always blushy cheeks, 5'1'' tall, pale skin, a little chubby

Clothing Style:Girly and pastel goth, long tshirts and sweaters, leggings, shorts, long boots

Any Tattoos/Piercings
: A little tattoo, black cross under right eye
Flaws: 1. Really Shy

She can't speak loudly and when she, miraculously, do she gets all scared and think she did something wrong.

She's closed in herself but want to have friends, Rosalie isn't the girl to do the first steps but she will be really thankful when you approach her. She's also kind of a geek, so she don't talk about her hobbies at first, afraid to be called a freak.

2. Too emotional

She think too much, even when about good things, and gets really emotional

3. Doesn't say when something is wrong

Rosalie is keeping her problems to herself, never complain about anything even if it is good for her.

Good Traits:1. Warmhearted

This girl have a big, warm heart for everyone, always ready to help, you just need to ask because she's too shy to do it herself, never judges and always see the good side of a person.

2. Loyal

When she finaly have a friends she stays loyal to them, guarding them and taking care of.

3. Calm

Always thinks twice about important things, stays calm in difficult situations

Fears: Heighs, Water, suspicius people *according to her*

Hobbies: Marvel and DC Comics, Movies, Books *especially horrors*, Video Games, Music,

Goals: Become more confident

Grades: She's a good student but struggles with mathematics and physics, other than that usually gets As and Bs.

Family Life: Rosalie doesn't have a good, united family. Her father is always away working in another country, her Mother even when home doesn't care about her at all, it seems she's mad at her for some reason. Rosalie is always taking care of house, cooking and cleaning without complaining
Rosalie is from a wealthy family, a good student and always ready to help. But she's also really shy and insecure, her good family is not so good in reality and she doesn't have friends, so she can't help them. Her mother is always angry and mad, doesn't interest about her school life, or anything about her. Although this, she's still happy and faithful, trying to be more confident with each new day, trying to make friends.
[QUOTE="Rosalie Woodland]
Name: Rosalie Reed

: 16

Birthday: 18.02, Aquarius

Gender Identity: Female

Sexuality: Bi
Brief Description: Long, red hair, big green eyes, always blushy cheeks, 5'1'' tall, pale skin, a little chubby

Clothing Style:Girly and pastel goth, long tshirts and sweaters, leggings, shorts, long boots

Any Tattoos/Piercings
: A little tattoo, black cross under right eye
Flaws: 1. Really Shy

She can't speak loudly and when she, miraculously, do she gets all scared and think she did something wrong.

She's closed in herself but want to have friends, Rosalie isn't the girl to do the first steps but she will be really thankful when you approach her. She's also kind of a geek, so she don't talk about her hobbies at first, afraid to be called a freak.

2. Too emotional

She think too much, even when about good things, and gets really emotional

3. Doesn't say when something is wrong

Rosalie is keeping her problems to herself, never complain about anything even if it is good for her.

Good Traits:1. Warmhearted

This girl have a big, warm heart for everyone, always ready to help, you just need to ask because she's too shy to do it herself, never judges and always see the good side of a person.

2. Loyal

When she finaly have a friends she stays loyal to them, guarding them and taking care of.

3. Calm

Always thinks twice about important things, stays calm in difficult situations

Fears: Heighs, Water, suspicius people *according to her*

Hobbies: Marvel and DC Comics, Movies, Books *especially horrors*, Video Games, Music,

Goals: Become more confident

Grades: She's a good student but struggles with mathematics and physics, other than that usually gets As and Bs.

Family Life: Rosalie doesn't have a good, united family. Her father is always away working in another country, her Mother even when home doesn't care about her at all, it seems she's mad at her for some reason. Rosalie is always taking care of house, cooking and cleaning without complaining
Rosalie is from a wealthy family, a good student and always ready to help. But she's also really shy and insecure, her good family is not so good in reality and she doesn't have friends, so she can't help them. Her mother is always angry and mad, doesn't interest about her school life, or anything about her. Although this, she's still happy and faithful, trying to be more confident with each new day, trying to make friends.

accepted. go ahead and claim whichever bedroom you want and join the rp!
Basics ;

Name: Jordan Aire

Age : 14

Birthday: 20th August, Leo

Gender identity: male

Sexuality: gay

Appearance ;

Brief description: tall with a little muscle ( he likes to play sports) . Short dark brown hair styled into a quiff. Light brown eyes with long eyelashes

Clothing style : usually wearing a sports top and jeans. He always wears trainers , mostly high tops

Tattoos/ piercings: none


Flaws: 1. He's always insecure about what others think , he thinks he's too annoying

2. Can be very clumsy at times

3. He likes to hug everyone even if they don't want one ( can be bad or good )

Good traits: 1. He's very funny , always making jokes and making people laugh

2. He's good at comforting people when they're sad ( even if he doesn't like them )

3. Stands up for his friends and never betrays them

Fears : he may act tough but he's scared of anything ghost related ( he's never seen a horror movie )

Hobbies: playing sports ( mainly basketball) and playing/listening to music ( he can sing and play piano, likes rap/hip hop the most) . Watching comedy's

Goals: to whatch a horror movie or go into a haunted house

Grades: gets good grades at every subject ( As and Bs)

Family life: he's got a older brother and sister. No family problems

Bio ;

Jordan is a hard working school student. He never gives up and tries his best every day.He's quite popular and know mainly because of his role in the school basketball team. He cares about his friends and family and will do whatever it takes to make someone smile.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/cooltext193860957918091.png.2e2bb70d0b289cf644de40543905f697.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141841" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/cooltext193860957918091.png.2e2bb70d0b289cf644de40543905f697.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Not your typical boy next door


Full Name

Nathaniel Novak







Sexual Alignment


"I don't understand the question.."


22 of February - Pisces



Hair Color

Dark Brown

Eye Color

Baby Blue


5 Feet - 152 Cm


99 Pounds - 45 Kg


1 | He's too innocent for his own good

2 | He doesn't easily trust people

[ ^ Major Flaw ^ ]

3 | He is very emotional and sensitive


1 | He is confident in his own skin

2 | He is a very good singer

3 | He is very good at comforting others


Clowns | Tight Spaces | Insects | Sharp Objects


Singing | Dancing | Laughing | Sleeping | Listening To Music


Nathaniel's goal in life is to grow up to be just like his brother.


He's been home-schooled for as long as he remembers.


Mother - Lucy Novak, Deceased

Father - Emmet Novak, Unknown

Brother - Castiel Novak, Deceased

Adoptive Mother - Georgia Hale, 38

Adoptive Father - Martin Hale, 41


Coffee - he gets all giddy

Hugs - he finds them comforting

Animals - they're soft and fluffy


Violence - unnecessary

Cursing - unnecessary

Knives, stars - brings back memories


Growing up, Nathaniel could always count on his older brother Castiel. The two were inseparable, and even though there were 6 years apart the two, it did not matter to them. They loved each other dearly, like family should, and as their parents went through a rough and dark period, they stood by each other, sticking together. Nathaniel always idolized Castiel, looking up to him and having a blinding respect for the older boy.

When the two were 10 and 16, it all went down. And it never went up. Lucy and Emmet, their parents, always argued. Every night was the same, their screams heard through the night, the sound of objects being thrown every now and then also present. Through all this, Castiel would still stay strong, for his brother. He would sneak into Nathaniel's room at night and tell him stories, or comfort him if the screaming got too loud and his little brother started crying.

One night, Emmet came home late, completely drunk. More so, he and Lucy once more argued, right in front of their children. Suddenly, their father disappeared into the kitchen, before coming back with a knife. He lunged for Lucy, and the two watched in horror as their mother was slaughtered, her screams making their heads pound. In a desperate attempt to save her, Castiel threw himself at his father, trying to get him off, trying to make him stop.

It was then, that Nathaniel truly felt his heart break. When Castiel, his beloved brother, too fell victim to his father's drunken state and anger. After hours of just sitting there beside his brother's dead corpse - his father long gone - the sun rose. If not for a neighbor having come over to check if the boys needed a ride to school, perhaps Nathaniel would have died there as well.

The boy was sent to an orphanage, now suffering from the system, before finally being adopted when he was around 11. He lived with his new parents, Georgia and Martin Hale, and slowly the memories began to fade. Of course, the sight of knives still made him feel a lump in his throat, however he had learned to control it - to an extent. He has become vary of any sharp objects, and at times has been hesitant on using a fork when eating.

no slide



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JaCrispy said:
Basics ;
Name: Jordan Aire

Age : 14

Birthday: 20th August, Leo

Gender identity: male

Sexuality: gay

Appearance ;

Brief description: tall with a little muscle ( he likes to play sports) . Short dark brown hair styled into a quiff. Light brown eyes with long eyelashes

Clothing style : usually wearing a sports top and jeans. He always wears trainers , mostly high tops

Tattoos/ piercings: none


Flaws: 1. He's always insecure about what others think , he thinks he's too annoying

2. Can be very clumsy at times

3. He likes to hug everyone even if they don't want one ( can be bad or good )

Good traits: 1. He's very funny , always making jokes and making people laugh

2. He's good at comforting people when they're sad ( even if he doesn't like them )

3. Stands up for his friends and never betrays them

Fears : he may act tough but he's scared of anything ghost related ( he's never seen a horror movie )

Hobbies: playing sports ( mainly basketball) and playing/listening to music ( he can sing and play piano, likes rap/hip hop the most) . Watching comedy's

Goals: to whatch a horror movie or go into a haunted house

Grades: gets good grades at every subject ( As and Bs)

Family life: he's got a older brother and sister. No family problems

Bio ;

Jordan is a hard working school student. He never gives up and tries his best every day.He's quite popular and know mainly because of his role in the school basketball team. He cares about his friends and family and will do whatever it takes to make someone smile.
[QUOTE="Cookie Dough]

View attachment 313749

Not your typical boy next door


Full Name

Nathaniel Novak







Sexual Alignment


"I don't understand the question.."


22 of February - Pisces



Hair Color

Dark Brown

Eye Color

Baby Blue


5 Feet - 152 Cm


99 Pounds - 45 Kg


1 | He's too innocent for his own good

2 | He doesn't easily trust people

[ ^ Major Flaw ^ ]

3 | He is very emotional and sensitive


1 | He is confident in his own skin

2 | He is a very good singer

3 | He is very good at comforting others


Clowns | Tight Spaces | Insects | Sharp Objects


Singing | Dancing | Laughing | Sleeping | Listening To Music


Nathaniel's goal in life is to grow up to be just like his brother.


He's been home-schooled for as long as he remembers.


Mother - Lucy Novak, Deceased

Father - Emmet Novak, Unknown

Brother - Castiel Novak, Deceased

Adoptive Mother - Georgia Hale, 38

Adoptive Father - Martin Hale, 41


Coffee - he gets all giddy

Hugs - he finds them comforting

Animals - they're soft and fluffy


Violence - unnecessary

Cursing - unnecessary

Knives, stars - brings back memories


Growing up, Nathaniel could always count on his older brother Castiel. The two were inseparable, and even though there were 6 years apart the two, it did not matter to them. They loved each other dearly, like family should, and as their parents went through a rough and dark period, they stood by each other, sticking together. Nathaniel always idolized Castiel, looking up to him and having a blinding respect for the older boy.

When the two were 10 and 16, it all went down. And it never went up. Lucy and Emmet, their parents, always argued. Every night was the same, their screams heard through the night, the sound of objects being thrown every now and then also present. Through all this, Castiel would still stay strong, for his brother. He would sneak into Nathaniel's room at night and tell him stories, or comfort him if the screaming got too loud and his little brother started crying.

One night, Emmet came home late, completely drunk. More so, he and Lucy once more argued, right in front of their children. Suddenly, their father disappeared into the kitchen, before coming back with a knife. He lunged for Lucy, and the two watched in horror as their mother was slaughtered, her screams making their heads pound. In a desperate attempt to save her, Castiel threw himself at his father, trying to get him off, trying to make him stop.

It was then, that Nathaniel truly felt his heart break. When Castiel, his beloved brother, too fell victim to his father's drunken state and anger. After hours of just sitting there beside his brother's dead corpse - his father long gone - the sun rose. If not for a neighbor having come over to check if the boys needed a ride to school, perhaps Nathaniel would have died there as well.

The boy was sent to an orphanage, now suffering from the system, before finally being adopted when he was around 11. He lived with his new parents, Georgia and Martin Hale, and slowly the memories began to fade. Of course, the sight of knives still made him feel a lump in his throat, however he had learned to control it - to an extent. He has become vary of any sharp objects, and at times has been hesitant on using a fork when eating.

no slide

both accepted! go claim a room and start rping!

(also is Castiel Novak a spn reference or am I making that up)
Name: Mathew Severts


Birthday: March 7, Pisces

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bi

Appearence: Slender and tall build with a bit of muscle. Albino with blue eyes. His hair is short and just combed.

Clothing Style: Casual, mostly hood jackets and jeans.

Tattoos/ Piercings: None

Flaws: Distracted easily, childish, and self-conscious about his own personality.

Good traits: He is friendly to everyone and everything, he just goes with the flow, and doesn't get offended easily.

Fears: The dark,no human contact, and conflict.

Hobbies: Drawing, crafting, writing, video games, and napping.

Goals: To live a happy life and to become a writer.

Grades: Always As

Family life: He has two older brothers that's are on the other side of the country along with his dad. His mom is always working.

Personality summarized: Matthew is a ball of never ending energy, but he can be very shy and closed off to new people. Once he's comfortable, he is very friendly and fun to be around. He has a weird habit of pacing around and mumbling to himself. Even though he is childish he often thinks about life a lot.

Bio: He was born into an average family. He moved from his with his mother to this city for his mom's job ato the age of 5. She is always out working and left him by himself to do whatever he wanted. He got ADHD at 8, but he was determined, sort of, to keep his grades up. His mother is very religious and so he didn't tell her, he was bi. Since he was alone for most of his life he started talking to himself, later on his mother told him not to so he just mumbled.
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MitoIsMe said:
Name: Mathew Severts

Birthday: March 7, Pisces

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bi

Appearence: Slender and tall build with a bit of muscle. Albino with blue eyes. His hair is short and just combed.

Clothing Style: Casual, mostly hood jackets and jeans.

Tattoos/ Piercings: None

Flaws: Distracted easily, childish, and self-conscious about his own personality.

Good traits: He is friendly to everyone and everything, he just goes with the flow, and doesn't get offended easily.

Fears: The dark,no human contact, and conflict.

Hobbies: Drawing, crafting, writing, video games, and napping.

Goals: To live a happy life and to become a writer.

Grades: Always As

Family life: He has two older brothers that's are on the other side of the country along with his dad. His mom is always working.

Bio: Matthew is a ball of never ending energy, but he can be very shy and closed off to new people. Once he's comfortable, he is very friendly and fun to be around. He has a weird habit of pacing around and mumbling to himself. Even though he is childish he often thinks about life a lot.
accepted, although your bio is more like a personality? if you can fix that really quick (give a quick backstory, not tell me about him) you can go claim a room and start rping
Name: Skye Brooke

Age: 14

Gender: (trans) girl

Birthday: April 4th

Sexuality: lesbian

Appearance: Skye has dark blue shaggy, shoulder length hair, with her dark brown roots showing. Her eyes are dark green, and she wears baggy pants and t-shirts around family, but stole her sisters dresses and skirts for the house. Skye is around 5'8 and is slightly chubby. She still has a flat chest, but tries to not be bothered by it.

Personality: Skye takes to her poetry when she is feeling distressed. She also sings, but never in public. She is very funny, and never misses a chance to tell a joke. She can get shy around loud people but she can easily be friendly.

She is home schooled, and in eighth grade. Skye doesn't have many friends, because of her being both trans and home schooled.

Flaws: her biggest flaw is being flat chested/unpassing

She is also really bad at math

And she can never hold a conversation for very long.

Good traits: Skye loves her hair and her eyes

She is really good at poetry

And she can sing

Hobbies: she draws, and does ballet.

Goals: to become a girl, to become a ballet dancer and to have her first kiss.

Family: Skye lives with her in non accepting father, and accepting older sister. Her mother passed when she was 11.

Extra note: Skye has easy panic attacks
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SunsetValley said:
Name: Skye Brooke
Age: 14

Gender: (trans) girl

Birthday: April 4th

Sexuality: lesbian

Appearance: Skye has dark blue shaggy, shoulder length hair, with her dark brown roots showing. Her eyes are dark green, and she wears baggy pants and t-shirts around family, but stole her sisters dresses and skirts for the house. Skye is around 5'8 and is slightly chubby. She still has a flat chest, but tries to not be bothered by it.

Personality: Skye takes to her poetry when she is feeling distressed. She also sings, but never in public. She is very funny, and never misses a chance to tell a joke. She can get shy around loud people but she can easily be friendly.

She is home schooled, and in eighth grade. Skye doesn't have many friends, because of her being both trans and home schooled.

Flaws: her biggest flaw is being flat chested/unpassing

She is also really bad at math

And she can never hold a conversation for very long.

Good traits: Skye loves her hair and her eyes

She is really good at poetry

And she can sing

Hobbies: she draws, and does ballet.

Goals: to become a girl, to become a ballet dancer and to have her first kiss.

Family: Skye lives with her in non accepting father, and accepting older sister. Her mother passed when she was 11.

Extra note: Skye has easy panic attacks
accepted! add a quick bio (last thing you're missing) and go claim a room and then you can start rping!

Name: Claira Willows

Age: 16

Birthday: 2/1/1998

Gender identity: Female

Sexuality: Asexual


Brief description: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.40b5b9f342a9b6b46bc23639a25858c7.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142031" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.40b5b9f342a9b6b46bc23639a25858c7.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Wears glasses for reading or seeing things close- up)

Clothing style: Very baggy and, sometimes, dirty apparel

Any tattoos/ piercings?: None, Claira is quite against the idea of having either


Flaws: . Can not get up in the mornings. At all. No matter who tells her to get up, or what's at stake, she is a nightmare in the mornings. Her parents had to dump iced water on her every morning to get her up. 11am is the common time for Claira to get up, if she's left undisturbed.

. Her hayfever. She sneezes a bit, when outside, and her allergy symptoms can get worse depending on the pollen count. If her hayfever flares up in the mornings, when she hasn't gotten up, she'll look a little worse for the wear.

. Her choice of attire. No matter what, she always wears baggy or slightly dirty clothing. This is probably her biggest flaw, since her other flaws can be combatted. But her apparel is something that she downright refuses to change.

Good traits: . Bubbly and cheery, when she's up and about. Just watch out when you're sitting on a sofa, she'll crash and bounce on it hard.

. Animal lover. Claira's favourite animals are cats and dogs, she will do her absolute best and devote all of her time to looking after any animal.

. Care taker. Claira, while seeming lazy, will be there for anyone who's ill and needs looking after. Heck, she'll hug someone for hours if they need that long of a hug.

Fears: . Coulrophobia- Fear of clowns. Claira will freeze and be reduced to tears if she sees one, if she can't run away first.

Hobbies: . Claira does a little bit of cooking from time to time

. Occasional jogs and sit ups.

. Video games

Goals: . Claira is thinking of being either an athlete, chef, or trainee vet.

Grades: Mainly Cs and Ds

Family life: Claira lives with her parents and adopted younger sister. While she loves her adopted sister, Claira can't help but think that her parents adopted her to have a better child.


Claira was born in England and raised by her strict parents. Around her early teen years, she earned the nickname 'Tomboy', since she never used makeup or brushed her hair or dressed all ladylike. Her mother didn't like Claira looking scruffy but Claira was, and is, well behaved in all other areas of her life. When Claira hit fourteen, her parents adopted her younger sister: Emily. Claira loves Emily, sister wise, and they spent almost all of their time together. While Claira is a nice girl, she doesn't have many friends. Her father asked her, occasionally, if she was shy or a lesbian, since she was still single. Her family want her to be in a committed relationship. Claira simply shrugs and says that she doesn't fancy either gender. She supported Emily when she got a boyfriend but that's as far as she goes in terms of love relationships.

(Finally done)



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[QUOTE="Rock And Roll Boy]
Name: Claira Willows

Age: 16

Birthday: 2/1/1998

Gender identity: Female

Sexuality: Asexual


Brief description: View attachment 314117

(Wears glasses for reading or seeing things close- up)

Clothing style: Very baggy and, sometimes, dirty apparel

Any tattoos/ piercings?: None, Claira is quite against the idea of having either


Flaws: . Can not get up in the mornings. At all. No matter who tells her to get up, or what's at stake, she is a nightmare in the mornings. Her parents had to dump iced water on her every morning to get her up. 11am is the common time for Claira to get up, if she's left undisturbed.

. Her hayfever. She sneezes a bit, when outside, and her allergy symptoms can get worse depending on the pollen count. If her hayfever flares up in the mornings, when she hasn't gotten up, she'll look a little worse for the wear.

. Her choice of attire. No matter what, she always wears baggy or slightly dirty clothing. This is probably her biggest flaw, since her other flaws can be combatted. But her apparel is something that she downright refuses to change.

Good traits: . Bubbly and cheery, when she's up and about. Just watch out when you're sitting on a sofa, she'll crash and bounce on it hard.

. Animal lover. Claira's favourite animals are cats and dogs, she will do her absolute best and devote all of her time to looking after any animal.

. Care taker. Claira, while seeming lazy, will be there for anyone who's ill and needs looking after. Heck, she'll hug someone for hours if they need that long of a hug.

Fears: . Coulrophobia- Fear of clowns. Claira will freeze and be reduced to tears if she sees one, if she can't run away first.

Hobbies: . Claira does a little bit of cooking from time to time

. Occasional jogs and sit ups.

. Video games

Goals: . Claira is thinking of being either an athlete, chef, or trainee vet.

Grades: Mainly Cs and Ds

Family life: Claira lives with her parents and adopted younger sister. While she loves her adopted sister, Claira can't help but think that her parents adopted her to have a better child.


Claira was born in England and raised by her strict parents. Around her early teen years, she earned the nickname 'Tomboy', since she never used makeup or brushed her hair or dressed all ladylike. Her mother didn't like Claira looking scruffy but Claira was, and is, well behaved in all other areas of her life. When Claira hit fourteen, her parents adopted her younger sister: Emily. Claira loves Emily, sister wise, and they spent almost all of their time together. While Claira is a nice girl, she doesn't have many friends. Her father asked her, occasionally, if she was shy or a lesbian, since she was still single. Her family want her to be in a committed relationship. Claira simply shrugs and says that she doesn't fancy either gender. She supported Emily when she got a boyfriend but that's as far as she goes in terms of love relationships.

(Finally done)

accepted, you can claim a room and start rping

Jordan Spring

all the basic info
Age: 19

Gender: Male

Height: 6'0

no slide
no slide
no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide

Name: Charlotte (Charlie) Duxinrowe

Age: 18

Birthday: October 31st (Scorpio)

Gender Identity: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian


Brief Description: She has dark, short, hair which is usually styled forward. Her eyes are brown and she is 5ft 3" tall, weighing in at just over 10st (64kgish)

Clothing Style: Casual; she tends to wear loose fitting slim jeans and baggy tee-shirts, Charlie has a vast selection of hoodies and one pair of worn-out once-white trainers which she always wears.

Any Tattoos/Piercings: Charlie has an eyebrow piercing and a tattoo sleeve up her right arm which consists of various video-game and comic book characters. Behind her right ear is tattoo'd a space-invader.


Flaws: She has difficulty concentraiting on conversations and tends to answer regardless of whether or not she has heard everything correctly. This often leads to innappropriate comments. Charlie has a very addictive personality and has been known to dabble with a number of different substances in her past. She also tends to get very attatched to people very quickly. She is very quick to rise to anger, and very often will hold a grudge for an extended period of time.

Good Traits: Shehas a big heart and is willing to help when somebody needs it, she is thoughtful and loyal but can often overlook what they think and will act without asking what someone wants or needs. She eats well and exsercises regularly. Charlie is open and honest.

Fears: Spiders. Bugs. The Dark.

Hobbies: Charlie is a gamer. She runs regularly but if not doing this she is gaming.

Goals: To live well and be happy.

Grades: Average. She is not the smartest tool in the shed, but that is probably because she spends little time studying.

Family Life: Charlie tends to avoid her family if she can. She spends a lot of time out of the house and when she is there she is often in her room avoiding people. They are not and have never been bad to her, but she has always felt an outsider and has very little in common with her parents or siblings. Being the eldest she has found that much of the time her distancing herself goes unnoticed. Just how she likes it.


Bio: Charlie is the eldest of four. The only one who enjoys video games as her step-father deems them ultimately pointless and has forbidden her younger siblings from being 'exposed' to them. Charlie does not herself own any consoles but she spends a lot of time with friends playing these - the same friends who introduced her to various drugs and alcohol. She is on the cross country team at school and runs competatively. She has experienced various boyfriends and girlfriends but ultimately is not sexually attracted to men and much prefers women. Not that she has ever found one who has held her interest for long.

(Apologies for typos; have been tapping this out on my lunch break!)

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