Summer School for the Teenage Soul [Inactive]


Junior Member
Brave submitted a new role play:

Summer School for the Teenage Soul - Bye bye summer, hello prison. But what did you do to get lumped into this band of misfits?

The brain forgot to take an elective. The stoner forgot to show up to class. The princess decided she'd rather take trips across the ocean for some 'much needed' shopping. What's your excuse?
A group of teens stuck in one room for two months of their summer vacation, all from different walks of life and cliques. Fist fights and scandals galore.

What happens between the shelves stays between the shelves. We hope.

How this Summer School Works

Everyone in the library doing self...
Read more about this role play... 
The hum of an engine and a flash of lights started Gene awake from his makeshift den.

The best part of staying at a lumber yard is they close early giving him enough time to trek from where ever he had wondered off to that day and not have to worry about sneaking through the back to the few boards of lumber he has decided to call home. The worst part was the fact that they opened so fucking early.

Dawn was just beginning to break as he started off down the street towards the high school, jacket thrown across a bony shoulder and a cigarette already lit and hanging out of his mouth. It was all he could do to try and keep the gnawing hunger pains at bay.

"Good morin' Captain. How are you this fine day?" Gene drawled -his words slurring making the whole thing come out as 'good morin' captum, how ah yo dis fine day'- while his eyes lazily roved over the principal's face.

"Shelton! You're here early. Why weren't you so eager during the school year, huh? And my name isn't captain Mr. Shelton, it's Fitzpatrick, please try to remember that in the future." Mr. Fitzpatrick sighed as he unlocked the school's front doors.

"What do you mean Captain? I love school. Imma what you call it, ah, an eager beaver." Gene laughed, his smirk making his over bite even more prominent.

"Just get inside Mr. Shelton. You know your way to the library I presume. And take a shower once in awhile, it's only proper."

"Sho' thing Captain." The large eyed teen said, his smirk increasing ten-fold. He lifted his arms and placed his hands on behind his head to add to the stench, exposing his left armpit to the chilled air where a large hole sat, watching with glee as the teacher scrunched his nose in disgust.

Gene then turned on his heel and made his way towards the heart of the high school where the library lay, giving the principal a lazy mock salute as a dismissal.

When he arrived in the two story circular room he hustled to a group of shelves on the right side of the room where he proceeded to situate himself as comfortably as possible against the book cases, his back to the hard wood and dirtied jacket balled up behind his head as a makeshift pillow.

'At least now I might get few extra hours of sleep.' He thought as he closed his bruised and bloodshot eyes.
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"Damien, wake up."

The boy twitched under the covers, pulling himself out of the dream and back into reality. As he blinked open his bleary eyes, his father's face came into view, mouth pressed in a hard line from clear displeasure. Damien groaned, pushed himself up into a sitting position, and narrowed his eyes at his father. Today was the dreaded day, the day that school didn't end after all but instead had to continue on into his summer. The summer he had been promised he'd spend in France, the first time he'd get to visit since they moved to this... place two years ago.

"I'm getting up, okay?" Damien grumbled, sliding his feet onto the floor and standing up. "Now unless you would care to see me change, leave my room. Now."

Thirty minutes later and he'd showered, changed into dark jeans and a short sleeve button-up shirt, eaten an omlette with a nice morning salad, and gotten into his car. He had half a mind to ditch, but the wrath of his father wasn't worth it. He'd go until his father felt he'd suffered enough, and then maybe they could go back to France for Christmas. No use whining about Summer School. He might at least get to spend it with a few hot girls and maybe some kids who'd snuck in booze or something. That'd be best case scenario, of course.

His car pulled up to the school and he exited the vehicle, looking around to try and see who else might be here. The principals car was here, and a few others that were also parked in the staff section. That must be the janitors. Seems that he was the first kid here, unless of course someone walked. The corner of his mouth turned up in a smirk at the idea. He opened the doors and walked into the cool breeze of air conditioning that blasted throughout the school. Damien caught sight of the principal standing with an annoyed look not far from the entrance.

"Good morning, Monsieur Fitzpatrick." Damien shot the man a closed-lipped smile. He really didn't care for the guy, but this whole ordeal would be a lot less painful if he wasn't enemies with the guy running the joint.

"Mr. Bab-een-oh," the principal acknowledged slowly, furrowing his brow as he looked at the list of students and struggled to pronounce his name. Damien just smiled broadly, pretending like the guy got his name right. No use arguing over semantics.

"We meet in the library, no?" he asked, searching Fitzpatrick's eyes for an answer. The man nodded, and Damien set off.

When he got to the library, he was surprised to see someone else already there. Even worse, that someone appeared to be terribly grimy and foul. Honestly, didn't people here have the decency to wash? Sure, it was just summer school, but still. Opening the doors to the library, he quietly walked inside, grimacing. So much for hot girls and booze.

Damien walked over to the guy leaning against the bookcase, crinkling his nose slightly as he caught a whiff of the smell emanating off of him. Still, he might as well extend a bit of decency to the stranger even if he was obviously of much lower class.

"Hello. I'm Damien Babineaux. Who might you be?"
Gene opened one eye is displeasure only to be greeted to the sight of one Mr. Richly Rich, or in this case Damien Babineaux, a teen he had hoped would never cross his path. He finally deemed it time to relenquish the last dregs of sleep and opened the other eye, and gave Damien a slow crooked grin. "How you doin' boo? Ain't you got some plane to catch?" Shelton snickered with an accompanying roll of his eyes. He looked to the teens clothes and then to his own. The ratty white t-shirt and worn jeans were almost indecent in comparison which just made him grin wider. "I ain't surprised you don't know me boy, but I sho' know you." With another chuckle Gene took out a pack of cigarettes. Taking one from the pack he lazily brought it up to his mouth and gave it a quick light. He breathed deep as the sweet hit of nicotine invaded his system and with great pleasure blew the remaining smoke in the direction of Damien's face.
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Beep Beep Beep Beep!

Monique's alarm went off and she immediately woke up. She groaned since she's going to summer school which never happened before, she would usually play some sports during summer. But no. She just had to go to summer school because of the drama queens.

She quickly washed her face and brushed her teeth. She got dressed into her black leggings, a tank top with a light brown knit cardigan. After she was done getting dressed she quickly poofed her hair up and put on her glasses. She grabbed her bag which holds her phone, charger, earphones, notebooks, and other "stuff".

She went downstairs to the kitchen and saw her mom already up drinking coffee and reading the newpaper, "I can't believe you actually punched an innocent girl on the face! And skipped classes to go to the mall." She said, "Good morning to you too mom." Monique replied back.

She quickly grabbed a cookie, took her penny-board and rode off to school. She went inside greeted by the Principal, Mr Fitzpatrick.

"Good morning Mr Fitzpatrick." She said and smiled, "Good Morning Ms Dallas, I hope summer school will teach you a lesson that violence isn't the answer." She looked down embarrassed "Sorry.. Library?" She asked and Mr Fitzpatrick nodded.

She walked to the library and saw that two boys we're already there, so she quickly went to her favorite spot in the library. The corner where nobody would look since it's the "unpopular" area. She decided to try to stay away from people so she won't get teased and bullied, since the two boys looks like their trouble-makers.

She grabbed a book out of the shelf which was Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins and started reading.
Yawning and rising up to shut off her alarm clock she rubbed her face in agitation and swiped up her lighter and a joint she rolled the previous night. 'This is definitely gonna be a long a** day..' she thought, lighting it up. Finishing the joint off and putting the roach in her dresser compartment she raised up and stretched, heading for the shower.

Showering and fixing her hair in its usual fiery red husky style, she went and put on her favorite pair of torn skinnies and a MCR tee. Putting on her usual wrist bands and accessories as well as make up, she sucked downstairs to where her dad was drunk on the couch passed out.

"Yea... nice to see you sober on the first day of h*ll Daddy'o..." She went to the kitchen and filled up a glass of ice water and threw it on the miserable old guy.

"Get your a** up. I'm leaving and mom is coming back in a week from her 'buisness trip' so straighten up already and take a shower, you're rank." She grabbed her keys from her purse and locked the door behind her hearing her drunken dad yelling and swearing at the top of his lungs.

Getting into her mustang, she headed off to school blasting Green Day and lighting up another joint on the way. Finally there, she stepped out and shook out her clothes avoiding the principals glare.

"Oh calm your t**s Fitzpatrick. I'm coming." She grumbled at the old geezer, heading up to the front of the school.

"Ah. Miss Dawn.. I almost forgot you was supposed to be here. Head to the library with the others. Ill join you in a bit." He grimaced at her as she passed.

She glanced around 'I wonder how many people are here already...' as she walked into the library. 'huh, not as many as I thought.' She made her way to the far side of the room avoiding the others and sat down. Pulling her iPod out, she put in some incubus and was oblivious to whatever else went on.
Dear god, it appeared that low class was an understatement in regards to the imbecile who sat before him, all nicotine smoke and crooked smiles. Damien gently wafted the smoke from his face, his eyes narrowed into angry slits. If only he could be on a plane, if only. Instead he was here, in some sh*tty library with this jack*ss.

"Boo? Did you really just call me boo?" he hissed, drawing himself up to his full height and looking down his nose with blatant disgust. "What kind of... redneck pet name is that?" His mouth was pulled into a sneer, and so overcome with sudden anger was he that he barely noticed the two girls who entered the library.

"And you do not know me at all. You know of me. Let us get that straight, you low-level vermin. Vous avez le corps d'un chien et le QI d'une durée de cinq ans,"* he growled, his teeth clenched and his eyes dark. He had half a mind to punch that stupid little mongrel right in the mouth. Maybe it'd fix his overbite.

*You have the body of a dog and the IQ of a five year old
Glancing over and seeing the two feuding guys 'well, one feuding guy and one not giving a hoot' she shook her head and turned her music up more.
"Woof." He barked as he took another drag of his cigarette. He stood on the exhale, smoke flowing onto Damien's clothes. "Boy, I'm Cajun. I know yo' secret language, and hot damn yo' ass says the sweetest things."

"Are we having a problem boys?" Mr. Fitzpatrick asked as he stepped into the library.

"No Captain, we're just making friends." Shelton drawled nice and slow, goading eyes never leaving the taller teen's in front of him. Using Damien's body as a shield he discreetly dropped his cigarette and crushed it under his scuffed black boots.

"Watch it Shelton. Everyone take your seats, ladies come up to the front. Now, our school is taking part in a new type of summer school. They want to see if you will learn better when left to your own devices. I think that's a load of rubbish, but my say doesn't count against the school district. You have the entire library at your disposal so I suggest you use it and use it wisely. If you need something not in this room head to the front office and we will see about getting you the materials you need. Help each other. Communication is key. Lunch is at 12:30, I will release to the cafeteria then. You get 30 minutes. Bathroom breaks will be allowed within reason. The day ends at 3:00 . I assume you all know which subjects to work on? Get to it. And boys, I'll be watching you." As Mr. Fitzpatrick finished his speech, he met each of the teens eyes before promptly turning and heading out the way he came.

"Ha, that's da' biggest load of bull I have ever heard," Gene cackled as the library door swung shut, "Bigger than Monsieur Damien's ego here."

Gene then proceeded swagger back to his claimed spot on the floor tossing a "I like red heads," to Miss Dawn as he shrugged past her, giving a lazy wave and a lascivious wink in his wake before settling back down and closing his eyes.
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Completely oblivious to everything that went on, Ariana begins another game of don't touch the white tiles. She only glances up when one of the feuding guys walks by. She thought he said something, but thought it better to just ignore it
Seth walks across the school grounds, wary of any teachers here over break. He peered into the library window, and, seeing that the teacher was gone, opened the window and climbed in, shutting it behind him.
Ariella parks her car on the school grounds, drawing attention from passerby with the blaring music coming out of the rolled down windows. Slamming the door shut, she sighs as she begins the trek to the dreaded library.

Arriving at the library, she stands in the entryway for a few seconds with a bored look on her face. Her eyes scan the other students in hopes of seeing a familiar face with no such luck. Holding her bag firmly in her hand, she makes her way towards two boys who seem to be in some sort of minor feud and sits down. At least they might give her some sort of entertainment.
Seth pops some gum into his mouth as he examines the students around him, and then listens to an argument going on between a redneck and a frenchie.
Deciding that the noise was way too loud, she pauses her music and stretches her legs watching the newcomers come in.
Late, as per usual. Seth thought to himself. what are we even supposed to be doing here? 
Seth kicks his legs up onto his desk and starts tapping a rhythm on the metal chair leg with a pencil.
Noticing a free bean bag on the other side of the library, she heads to it, taking her stuff with her. "Motherf*ckers don't know how to stay quiet these days" she grumbles. "What I'd do for a joint.."
Gene let out a deep sigh as he slowly reopened his eyes to take in all the gawking faces. "Da' fuck you guys all lookin' at? The sho' is over and am in desperate need of some sleep. And so help me boy, you throw one more thing at me I'll have ta' bust yo' ass." With that he stood up and stretched his arms over his head, cracking his neck as he went. Giving everyone a sluggish look over, he yanked his jacket from the floor, swinging it across his left shoulder he went in search of different sleeping arrangements somewhere deeper into the library, pulling out a new cigarette as he went.
The baboon knew French. Damien pondered how such an uncultured swine could possibly be worthy of knowing a sophisticated language such as his own. Cajun? Not helping the guy's case. He was about to make a snide comment about how the cajun were the equivalent of a cheap knockoff when the principal walked in. Damien could feel the principal looking at the two of them, and he bristled but did not turn around. No, his eyes did not leave Gene's.

Making friends? Hardly. He'd say it was more like they were making enemies but he'd not grant Gene that high of a ranking in the people that mattered to him. No, the self-proclaimed Cajun was a mere annoyance, something he'd have to deal with while he went through this hell. After this, though, he'd not give a second thought to the dirty boy who stood before him. But still, as long as that phrase got the principal to disappear, he supposed there was no harm in it.

Honestly, though, if the school district thought that children left to their own devices inside of a room were going to accomplish something other than unsavory activities, they were stupid. Flat out moronic. Perhaps if they were all good kids, but realistically the majority of kids that had to go to summer school were anything but. Particularly this mix here.

"You might like the red haired girls but I am sure they rather men who have money to pay for things. Or at least ones who do not stink," Damien sneered at Gene, tucking his hands into his pockets. And suddenly a pencil flew right at the guy's head.

"What the f*ck?" he mumbled before Gene just casually stared at everyone and moved off, gone to do who-knows-what. Hopefully to take a shower. God knows he needed one.
Hearing the comment about red heads she smiles and suppresses a laugh. She starts observing him a bit more pulling out some gum and sliding in a piece.
Seth saw the redhead put a piece of gum in her mouth. He wondered what flavor. He was currently chewing a seasonal summer variety of lemonade-flavored. If he found that hers was any good, he'd have to be nice long enough for him to snag a piece. He scolded himself for being so curious about chewing gum.
"Oh boo, money don't buy you talent in the sack, dat' has to come au natural'" Gene called to Damien over his shoulder before tossing a mock salute.

Shelton soon found a quiet group of book cases to settle into that gave way to a natural nook. He alway felt safer when his back was protected. Living too long on the streets tended to make one paranoid. With another cigarette lit, he began to stem the aching hunger that pained his stomach, as he hunched over into himself, trying to focus on the nicotine and the ritual of the dirty habit.

'Might as well enjoy the clean air and the cool air conditioning while it lasts.' Gene thought to himself.
Noticing Gene sitting nearby, she remembered what she knew already about him. 'Hes homeless... I think I have some chips in my bag' Ariana thought. She observed him more closely. He could definitely do with a shower, that's for certain. And a clean outfit as well... She also seen how every now and then, intense pain would flash on his face, but only for a second.. hunger pains... She deduced.

She pulled out a bag of chips and tossed them at Genes head. "Gene, here take these. I grabbed the wrong kind earlier." Hopefully that will pass for now.
Gene's eyes narrowed, "as much as I like yo' red hair boo, I don't take no handouts. So put those back in yo' bag. I work fo' my shit."

His eyes then softened into their usual careless dead end stare with a glint of mischief, "Don't worry 'bout it boo, I can earn them from you some how, but how 'bout I finish my cig and we we will see what I can do." He chuckled, exhaling smoke into Ariana's direction. "To be honest, a nice pretty thing like yo' self best be not gettin' involved with da' likes of me." With a sigh he took another drag of his cigarette.
Damien sat down at a table, watching the rest of the population with sparse interest. He had to admit, the Cajun came up with some good quips every now and then. At the very least, arguing with him had been relatively entertaining. Now that it was over, however, it was quiet enough to hear a pin drop. That is, if it hadn't been overcome with the atrocious tapping noise of the same little brat that had thrown the pencil at Gene. Not that the guy hadn't deserved it. Perhaps the more troubling thing was that someone had gotten to do it before Damien. Still, even with the tapping he could hear what the red haired girl said, albeit faintly. Silly girl, proud men don't take well to receiving charity. Though perhaps since the Cajun had showed his interest in her earlier he wouldn't be too flustered. As if on cue, there was the drawl.

"And this is what happens when you lock up boys and girls together. What else is to be expected?" he snorted to himself, shaking his head and resting it on his arms.

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