Frederica Bernkastel


Weird Bunny Lurker

Stereotype: The Immortal
Name: Frederica "Freddie" Bernkastel 
Gender: Female
Age: 170 years (appears to be 16)
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Originally black, was dyed purple in 1991. 
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'2"
Weight and/or Build: She has a very tiny build. Not very curvy or tall. 
Other Features: She has incredibly pale skin, no scars, tattoos, or piercings. 

  Frederica was born in 1849, the youngest daughter of a fairly wealthy family. She had two brothers and one sister, all of which were very successful in life. 

  But not Freddie. In 1864, when she was 15, and at the end of the American Civil War, she was captured for a government experiment—an experiment that would turn her life upside-down. She had several needles stuck into her, had to run on a track, was given several strength tests and check-ups, etc. Two years later, she was able to escape, and was on the run for quite a long time, constantly getting captured by the government again and again. Every time, their equipment was newer and more high-tech. It was only in 1922 when she realized that she wasn't aging. Her brothers had been killed in the Civil War. Her sister had become a famous doctor. Women had the right to vote and the age of slavery was over. America wasn't so tiny anymore. And all that time, she had been running. 

  Of course, that time, she also escaped. But she was grief-stricken. Everyone she knew would soon die one day, but she never would. She was destined to live past them, perhaps to the end of the world. After that realization came several suicide attempts, all failed due to the immortality. Freddie became depressed, feeling hopeless and desperately wanting to die. 

  Then she met Adam O'Hara, an aspiring young reporter, in 1956. They fell in love in California. Adam taught her optimism and persistence through his own words of wisdom. In 1959 he proposed to her. She said yes. The wedding was very low-key (Freddie had told Adam her secret); only a few of Adam's trusted friends and family were invited. Adam and Frederica never had any children, for in 1960, Frederica was found once again. Adam attempted to protect her; he was shot and killed. 

  The experimentation in the '60s was probably the worst. Freddie was forced to drunk blood, starved and locked in a small room. She wound up losing an eye. Luckily she was able to escape, just narrowly, though. She was shot a dozen times, two of the bullets penetrating her lungs. When she woke up, she was in a morgue and was all healed up, albeit starving and unable to walk. It was 1969. It took her quite a while to recover. 

  Since then, Freddie found a way to lay low. The invention of hair dye managed to help a lot, too. She must have gone by at least six different names, jumping from town to town and keeping up-to-date on government locations. She had a couple of romances, but none of them lasted very long due to complications. In the eighties, she discovered the punk scene and became hooked on it. She dyed her hair purple in 1991 and returned to her maiden name, Frederica. Occasionally she changed it up to Erika or Rika, and sometimes even just Fred. She taught herself through homeschooling programs and kept up-to-date on the latest trends. Hell, she was even able to get a job at McDonald's from 2001 to 2005, and a crappy apartment in Seattle. Believe it or not, it was a luxury to her. 

  She still had to move around a lot, but Frederica managed to keep it fun. If she was going to live forever, might as well have as many experiences as possible. She even was able to go overseas to Britain for six months by tagging along on an airline and faking her name. Again. 

  In 2016, after much moving around and experiences, Frederica decided to stay in Montana for a year and try out high school. It took a while to find a place to stay, but an old friend of hers, a mortician with an interest in history, offered to allow her to stay with him, in exchange for information about various events in history. Freddie agreed to it. She has decided to go by her original name for the year and is hoping for the best. 


  If there's one thing Frederica isn't, it is fragile. This girl has learned to toughen up over the years, constantly staying on the alert and guarding herself from anything that may be a threat. She is somewhat sarcastic and snarky at times, and can be a little hard to approach, but, if she trusts you enough, Freddie is actually someone worth making friends with. Her age has given her a lot of wisdom (but don't tell her that, or she'll knock the living daylights out of you), and she's very cunning and clever. She doesn't trust the government very much and tends to shield her friends from them, perhaps a bit too much. Freddie is very overprotective of the ones she loves, and to her, losing them is a nightmare. She has a surprising amount of kindness in her heart, being sympathetic towards those who are bullied and used by others. 

Mobility and Gear:

- She owns a .45, which she only uses in emergencies. 

- A 2012 Subaru Outback. Freddie is surprisingly good at driving it. 
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Good.  One oversight.  How is she going to school?  That IS part of the setting.  It revolves around the school.  IE does she have a legal guardian?  The location is WAY off the beaten path.  One suggestion - before I head back to work - might be having her stay with an old friend now grown up ... either under the identity of your own daughter .... or them knowingly protecting you.  If you want weird, maybe a mortician as an accomplice.
Good.  One oversight.  How is she going to school?  That IS part of the setting.  It revolves around the school.  IE does she have a legal guardian?  The location is WAY off the beaten path.  One suggestion - before I head back to work - might be having her stay with an old friend now grown up ... either under the identity of your own daughter .... or them knowingly protecting you.  If you want weird, maybe a mortician as an accomplice.

Thank you. I think that it would be interesting for her to have a mortician accomplice who drives her to school tbh. 
Just one more tiny fix.  Sophomore of Class of 2019 ... in the start of the year would mean it is Aug 2016.  (I'll review some of the other characters.  I may remove the Sophomore restriction.  I just wanted to avoid a half dozen seniors.  I get that every time if I don't do something. 
Just one more tiny fix.  Sophomore of Class of 2019 ... in the start of the year would mean it is Aug 2016.  (I'll review some of the other characters.  I may remove the Sophomore restriction.  I just wanted to avoid a half dozen seniors.  I get that every time if I don't do something. 

Ohh okay xD  Whoops. I'll take care of that then I guess I'm set...?
Yep .. I saw the others went for age 16.  Not sure if they meant to be sophomores or juniors.  Personally in RL I graduated at 17 .
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