☼Summer at Camp Walla Walla☼ [Inactive]


da bomb diggity
NessieAlways submitted a new role play:

Camp Walla Walla - What's a better way to spend the summer than being in a camp?

Welcome to Camp Walla Walla

You have been invited to spend a summer at Camp Walla Walla!

Please join us as we discover new friends, enemies, and, quite possibly, love interests.

Camp Walla Walla is open to boy and girls all over the country.

Come and enjoy the great outdoors as we make and share memories here at Camp Walla Walla.

So what are you waiting for?

Sign up for an RSVP

Read more about this role play...
@Icefox11 @じいん @Chris Wyman

Before we start!

Please hold off interactions until the majority of the people have posted an intro. I don't want to leave anyone behind.

I will give the okay as to when you can start socializing.

There are two Cabin leaders. Mallow and Jeremy you must listen to them even if they aren't your cabin leader.


Campers: You just arrived to camp and checked in at the Ranger Station.

The camp coordinator asked you to give your bags to the leaders and go to the event hall.

(Leave a picture of your bags so cabin leader can say, "I placed the blue bag in the top 2nd bunk" That way you know your bunk assignment.)

Cabin Leaders:

You have just finished unpacking your stuff and are heading to the Ranger Station to grab the bags and place them in the cabins.

Once you have finished with everyone's bags head over to the Event hall and prepare to be introduced.

Ready. Set. Go!

Jenna Ferris, the camp coordinator, waited patiently for the young campers to arrive. She was very excited for this summer. The batch of applications she had gotten contained very interesting campers. She was waiting outside the Ranger's Station when she saw the first campers begin to arrive. With a smile on her face, she happily greeted the campers, "Hello! Welcome to Camp Walla Walla. We hope you have a wonderful time here. Please leave your bags and suitcases inside with our cabin leaders who will take them to your assigned cabins and then head over to the Event Hall and wait for the Welcoming Presentation."

Mallow started at her cabin. She had already set up all her stuff in the bottom 1st bunk. She had laid out her white flower sheets and tied a curtain to the frame of the top bunk so it would drape down her bed creating a sort of canopy. She had placed little Christmas light around the frame of her and the other girls' bunk beds so they could all have twinkling lights at night if they were afraid of the dark. She grabbed her flower basket and placed a fresh cut daisy on all of the girls' bed. "There. It's ready."

Mallow left the cabin and made her way to the Ranger station where she patiently waited for her campers to arrive.

Yasen had arrived early thanks to Mallow. Since she was a cabin leader, she had to be here since a day before and since he was her brother that meant he had to be there too. He had already installed himself in the top 3rd bunk. And was sitting by the fishing docks. He was dangling his feet in the water waiting for the rest of the people to arrive. Personally he didn't want to be here. He had been forced to come by his father and sister. He had already met his cabin leader, but he didn't really connect with him. They were just of different worlds. The rumbling sounds of people making their way into camp made Yasen turn his head. He threw a pebble that he had been tossing around in his hand and stood up reluctantly making his was to the Event hall.

Out of the two rows of 6 chairs each he sat in the last chair of the second row and pretended to be invisible.
"Let the nightmare begin."
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.f61f84448921c89c9dadce0ab25c2205.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20397" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.f61f84448921c89c9dadce0ab25c2205.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Nonie bounced along the trail, carrying her banana-colored duffel bag on her shoulder. A yellow assault on the eyes, and it was all hers. Dropping off her bag with the cabin leader as she had been instructed, her bouncing steps took her to the event hall. Peeking in through the doorframe, she noticed someone else sitting. The chipper young lady plopped herself in the seat next to the humming girl, kicking her legs back and forth animatedly. She flashed a grin at the other girl, a spark of excitement in her eyes.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.3e37680272b2441a9be181464bcefee3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20398" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.3e37680272b2441a9be181464bcefee3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Warren massaged his shoulder, glad to give away his luggage. I definitely packed too much reading material, he bemoaned. But how could I resist? They entranced me like the cursed sirens, their dark songs luring me in… ah, and I was supposed to be here for socializing. He continued to mentally scold himself along his journey to the event hall, where he sat away from the other campers who had already arrived.



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Parking her truck, she looked onto the trail leading to the main camp. She sighed, turning off the ignition and crossing her arms on top of the steering wheel. This was her first time EVER going to this Camp, and she wasn't so sure how she would like it exactly. Gazing out at the water in the distance, and how it was perfect swimming conditions, she took a deep breath in and locked her truck, grabbing her leather duffle from the truck bed along with her guitar case. Walking along the trail, she couldn't help but notice how breath taking everything was. Being from Ky, she was used to all of this nature, but this was exceptionally beautiful.

Arriving at the ranger's station, she smiled at Mallow (she has some lovely curls, I wonder how she makes it that way?) She then sat her stuff down, introduced herself, and said where she hated the bottom bunk (Fear that the top one would fall down on her) and started making her way to the main hall, the gravel and mulch crunching beneath her hiking boots.

Making it there, she admired the whole place. It had a "Parent Trap" feeling to it, you know? The one with Lindsay Lohan in it where she had a twin? Moving on, she entered the main hall, spotting two other girls that were probably from her cabin. The door shutting behind her with a slight creaking noise and a slam, she jumped slightly, looking back at the door and shaking her head. Then she noticed the two guys sitting alone. They weren't just sitting alone together, they was literally sitting at opposite ends of the entire mess hall, by themselves? She had a feeling that their summers here were going to be way different. She then made her way over to the two girls and smiled softly. "Hey, my name's Erica, and what about you guys?" It was oddly quiet here. Almost eerie without the constant chatter that was usually associated with camps like these.

(I tried to find ones similar to the ones I personally have, but of course, the stickers weren't the same. Mine has a TON of stickers on it :P )


Jeremy was awake from the crack of dawn, beating on a punching bag hanging from the communal area next to his bunk. He was always an early riser a requirement for his morning job he had to make a mad dash to each day. This was his first morning in camp after arriving last night and not having that push to be somewhere or to do something was strange. He was restless with the camp reception of new campers not happening for a couple of hours, all he could do was to vent on the poor bag.

The camp coordinator's announcement echoed from nearby making Jeremy stop to catch his breath. Finally something to do, he thought taking of his gloves and throwing them on his unmade bed. He unlatched the bag and rolled it underneath his bed. He took off the tanktop he wore as sleep clothing, putting a quick spray of deodorant and changing to an old tishirt and khaki shorts. He left the cabin rushing to the rangers station before standing next to Mellow assuming it was the cabin leader area.
A black sedan pulled up to the main entrance of Camp Walla Walla, the wheels crunching on the gravel under its tires. The brake lights turned bright red, and the car came to a stop, a just audible screech as the brakes grabbed. From the rear of the car came Lawson Hunt. For a moment he eyed the camp, and then with a smile turned nodding to his parents, who were still in the car. "This doesn't look too bad." Lawson's mother, who was sitting in the passenger seat, looked at the camp. While Lawson went to the trunk to get his bags his bags, she turned to her husband with an uneasy look.

"Maybe this wasn't the best idea." she said.

"It's too late Marry, we brought him this far, he would never forgive us if we made him go back now." Lawson's father replied. Marry thought about it, and though she wished it wasn't so, knew that what he had said was true, at least to an extent. Lawson would have forgiven them, his nature was far to kind for him to be angry for long, but he would have been sad loosing his one shot at freedom, especially so close to it, as he was now.

"Well dad, mom." Lawson said peering in from the driver side window. "Time to go." He laughed, and so did his parents.

"Go on, get out here, go have some fun." his father said, rubbing Lawson's head, messing up his hair. Lawson stepped back from the car, and they began to drive away. Lawson waved, his mother waving back with a smile as they drove off down the road. Once out of sight Lawson turned to the camp entrance and took in a deep breath of fresh air.

"Sweet freedom." He said, and off he headed, for the ranger station, and his summer of adventure.

Inside the ranger station Lawson found Jeremy, his cabin leader, and left his backpack with him. He introduced himself briefly to Jeremy, and headed for the door, turning to Mallow with a smile and giving a friendly wave, just before leaving. From there Lawson walked on, heading to the Event Hall. He enjoyed the walk, he wasn't used to being out in nature, but he could already tell he liked it. Inside the event hall he could see a handful of campers sitting. He sat himself down next to a group of girls, trying his best to mix things up, and not wanting to make one boy feel left out, if he sat with one rather than the other, being that they were separated from one another. "So wait, this isn't fat camp? He said to the three girls, jokingly, but loud enough for the two boys to hear as well.

Lawson's backpack: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/zBrooklyn-Industries-Marauder-Backpack.jpg.0987cf1195718a39d47eb04767cc2631.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20426" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/zBrooklyn-Industries-Marauder-Backpack.jpg.0987cf1195718a39d47eb04767cc2631.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Alright seeing at the majority has posted go ahead and begin socializing inside the Event Hall. The Coodinator will come in in a few and give her welcoming speech.

Mallow looked over at Jeremy, "Hey there Jer! Ready to start? I'm so pumped I can't wait to see the campers and start all of the activities!" Mallow was trying really hard not to jump up and down like a little girl. She was about to beginning explaining all of the activities when the door of the Ranger Station opened and the campers swarmed in.

Mallow's face began to glow in joy as the moment she had been waiting for all school year was finally here. She had long awaited to be a cabin leader and now that she got the position on her last year here at Camp Walla Walla, she was going to make it a memorable summer. The campers made their way in as she set all of the bags in a giant blue cart. Once the cart was full she headed back to the cabins, "I'm going to go leave these bags Jer if any other girl comes just tell them to leave the bags with you." Mallow smiled and rolled away with the cart.

"Alright lets see we have two guitarist so lets bunk them together." Mallow took the brown leather bag and black guitar case and placed it on the top 2nd bunk remembering the girl had said she didn't want the bottom one. She then took the blue bag and blue guitar case and placed in right underneath in the bottom 2nd bunk. Looking at the left over yellow bag she decided to place it on top of hers, top 1st bunk. Finishing placing the bags she returned to the Ranger's station to so Jeremy can drop off his cabin's luggage.
Nonie glanced at the young man that had spoken. She wasn't entirely sure just what he'd said - she'd been trying to remember what she had for breakfast last Tuesday. I know I had waffles Monday, leftover pie on Wednesday, pancakes on Thursday, and cereal on Friday. C'mon… Tuesday, Tuesday… oh, wasn't that the day CJ came over and we stayed up all night? Heh, yeah, that's what it was! We slept right through breakfast time and had to start with lunch. She giggled out loud a bit. I'm such a silly goose.

Her mental turmoil out of the way, she turned her attention back to the guy that had taken a seat next to her and the other two ladies. "D'ya like juggling? I can do it really well. Well, I can only juggle four at a time, but, well, that's still kinda impressive, right?"

Warren tapped his fingers against his knees, looking around the room. It was still a little while before the coordinator would give her speech, so he passed the time observing the other adolescents occupying the space. Only twelve chairs? I figured there'd be many more than this… he mentally remarked.

Looking around, he noticed another boy sitting at the opposite end of the room. It seemed clear that he wanted to go unnoticed. Instead, he focused on the group of four in the room - though it'd be a stretch to call them a group. At most, they seemed civil with one another; there was no chatter going on between them besides the new-arrival's ((slightly) awkward) joke and the bubbly girl's odd utterance.

Kenji had just arrived at the main entrance of Camp Walla Walla. He took a deep inhale and let his thoughts compile ; "This is it". Then, looking at his Mom --who had walked with him all the way from their house to the camp-- he said, "So . . Mom, this it. Hope I'll have fun here. I'll also be calling you from time to time, and tell you what's been going on here at camp". He wore a satisfied, yet excited expression and waited for a moment before his Mother replied


My Child, you'll be alright?

Kenji smiled, took a moment's pause before replying, "
灰、大丈夫です。心配しないでください、おカーさん". [ Yes, I will. Please don't worry about me Mom ]

When his Mother had taken in Kenji's reassurance, she wore a I'm-happy-for-you expression, sighed, and finally said, "じゃあ、たのしむ件ジーちゃん。さよなら。愛してる。"

Alright, then, have fun Kenji. Goodbye. I Love You ]

I Love You too, Mom", Kenji said while bowing to his mother, before he took off across the Camp Entrance and entering the Ranger Station. As he was making his way up to the Ranger Station, he looked around and took everything in. The fallen leaves, the fresh patches of grass, the wild ominous trees set behind camp grounds, and the nice, warm rays of sunshine setting on his face. Inhaling, then smiling, he felt absolutely elated to be here. It's perfect, he thought happily. Then he continued walking towards the Ranger Station. Now, being closer to the station, he saw a girl with bright purple hair looking energetic and talking to a guy, older and taller than him, then walking out of the station.

Cabin Leaders, he thought.

He then set his luggage on the front desk of the station, then greeting the guy with a smile on his face, a Good Morning.

(Here's his luggage)


For a moment, Kenji panicked.
Where would I go next after the Ranger Station again? The question quickly pressing on his mind, and suddenly remembering what he had heard from the announcement before his last and personal conversation with his Mother started. The Entrance Hall, stupid, replying to his question.

Looking for any sign of the Entrance Hall, he walked towards a door that led to an enormous room filled with teenagers. He looked around and saw an empty chair somewhere in the middle row. He began walking towards it, catching some side glances from people and finally finding the chair he wanted to sit in, made his way to the middle row and sat.

Yasen noticed the Event hall begin to fill, Well this was unexpected. People actually came. He noticed a lot of them were talking among each other and he started to feel a tinge bit of jealousy for not being able to make friends as quickly as others. Yasen cursed inside his head. Well it was his fault for staying off to the corner and not saying anything. He was still pissed at the fact that he was here, but that didn't mean he wanted to be alone. Still his pride and ego were too big for him to go talk to anyone. He was better than these camping freaks. Although, he wanted someone to talk to.
"I love juggling!" Lawson answered, with more enthusiasm then the young girl was probably expecting, but that's just Lawson, always excited and energetic, not just with sports, but with everything. "You sound like a pro juggler to me." He said smiling. Lawson was athletic, strong, and very energetic and excited, all the time, but above that, he was genuinely a nice guy, and more times than not, would compliment anyone when given the chance. He was just a nice guy, plain and simple. "Hey do any of you like swimming?" Lawson addressed the three of them. Hoping to find a swimming partner, or two, or even three. He was going to have to spend some time swimming each day, and thought it'd be more fun if he had some people to do it with, though it is unlikely any could at the camp could keep up with him in the water.
"Wow, ya really think so?" Nonie asked, eyes widening. She leaned forward in her chair. This guy seems way cool.

"Does doggie paddle count as swimming?" she asked, scratching nervously the back. She hadn't exactly had much access to swimming where she lived - the kid was lucky she knew even

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a grumpy looking boy sitting over in the corner of the room for the first time.
Huh. How did I miss 'im? Regardless, Nonie smiled and waved. It's gotta be lonely sitting all the way over there.
Lawson laughed at the young girls comment about doggy paddle. "It works well enough. I'm Lawson by the way." he said. He noticed the young girl waving at the boy across the room, and following her good nature, waved as well. After waving he then turned to the two other girls that were sitting by him, both looking much closer to his own age. "You guys have been pretty quite. How do you feel about swimming? or juggling? he laughed a little adding the part about juggling. He wasn't sure why other than it just seemed like a funny thing to ask someone.
There was good feeling coming from the new campers, jeremy thought not able to resist participate in the infectious smile as he greeted both the guys and girls coming in. Why shouldn't he, the place was pretty as a picture today especially in the perfect weather they were having? The girls too were nothing to sneeze at either, from the new girls to the cabin leader herself he wouldnt be lacking of subject to day and maybe more. Back home there was no opportunity for socializing let alone going out with somebody as he only went to school rarely and had to work for a living, so this was as good as opportunity as any.

However a nagging guilt came to the back of his mind as the thought of his family struggling back home, buying for him to come was bad enough to loose another income...The thought disappeared as he realized the girls cabin leader talking to him but she was such a ball of energy that she left before he could reply. He silently cursed himself for not paying attention and also the boys that haven't arrived yet leaving him stuck here not being able to socialize.

"Oh, you came back."He said noticing Mellow come back, jokingly acting as if he was suprised by it i. "Thought you might have taken the chance to sneak off with the girls."
Yasen was staring at the ceiling waiting for the speech to start when he noticed that one of the girls sitting in front of him had just smiled and waved his way along with a guy who had joined them a while back. Curious, Yasen turned his head around to see who they where waving at, but noticed that there was no one. Confused, Yasen looked back at them and pointed to himself wanting to know if they were waving at him. Why would they be waving at me? I don't know them.

As soon as she was back in the door, Mallow heard Jeremy's comment and began to laugh, "Oh yeah I totally sneaked away and left you here with all the mess." Mallow teased back at him sticking her tongue at the end of her comment. She rolled the cart over to him and helped Jeremy place the guys' bags inside the cart, "Come on hurry up and take the bags. Mrs. Jenna is about to start."
"Yes...my benevolent mistress."He said jokingly in gravelly voice, hutching over and walking in a manner that resemble the classic Igor. He groaned as, still hunched over, he picked up the two suitcases and backpack as if it took effort and put them in the trolley."I return quickly, mistress."

He began pushing the trolley to the cabin, leaving the bag in the center of the cabin before returning to the ranger station.

"Ok, off we go our slav..eh campers await."
Nonie nodded, a dumb grin still plastered to her face. 'Yes, you, dummy,' she mouthed. Who else would I have been waving at? She tried to contain her amusement at just how confused he looked. Only after she had turned around again did she let out her laughter, muffled by her hands.

Warren checked his watch for what was probably the fiftieth time since he got there. We've been sitting here for quite a while, haven't we? Shouldn't the Welcoming Presentation be starting soon. He glanced around the room again. Only one other person had arrived since he last checked. Hn. There must be a few others running late.
The boy softly set his things down on the floor, eyeing the people there nervously. He hurried away after he placed everything down there.



He tucked his teddy closer


and shifted back again, sniffling softly and moving towards the door. He watched all the other children walking away down towards the Event Hall. He frowned sadly and fiddled with his little teddy's arm sweetly. A few tears fill his eyes, but he rubs them away on his sleeve and hurried towards the group. He didn't want to be here, he was a bit afraid. He didnt like people to touch him, and nearing the crowd, he decided to stay a good length away, just in case.

Once he reached the hall, Robby hurried to the corner and huddled into himself, fiddling with his teddy's arms and sniffling. "...Don worry, William...They won hur us..." he mumbled to the tattered teddy. He leaned against the wall and watched the other children fight and play. He stared at the floor and sniffled. This was lonely...
Biting her lip, Erica noted how the others still hadn't answered her. She looked around the muggy room, wishing she still had her guitar. They had been sitting here forever, when on Earth was the speech going to start?! Shifting in her seat, she glanced around uncomfortably, analyzing all of the other campers that would be here this summer.

Then, sent straight from heaven, was someone there to talk to the poor girl. She smiled at his joke and held out her hand. "No.. I'm afraid not." she laughed "Erica. Nice to meet you!" she said politely.
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"Lawson" He replied with a smile, shaking her hand she had held out. "So what brings you to camp?" He asked Erica. While waiting for a reply Lawson noticed another boy enter the hall, he had a teddy bear in his arms and ran to a corner away from the rest of them. He wasn't totally sure what to make of him, looked perhaps a moment longer than he should have before returning his attention to the girl next to him. "Sorry." He said, feeling a little bad for turning away right after asking her something, and also a little bad for starring at the boy.

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