Suicide Squad


And all at once, the universe groaned.
Character sheet:

Character name:

Character age:

Character race(Can either pick from the list or choose a mythological being, I might accept it):





Faction (can be neutral):

Read more about this role play... 
Character name: John Crowley

Character age: 24

Character race(Can either pick from the list or choose a mythological being, I might accept it): Deadman.

Gender: male.


John was unnatural to begin with. He was never sure why, but he never quite fit in. He found himself being distant from others due to his high intelligence. This however was heightened whenever at a historical reenactment he made the very poor decision of thinking that one of the cannons being used was not loaded, or ready to fire. The result was a large gaping hole in his chest. Yet, John woke up an hour later, perfectly fine. He shrugged this off and it wasn't until years later that he eventually tried to commit suicide. As he shot himself in the head and lay there bleeding out, he saw before him none other than the reaper Samael.

Samael had remembered that John somehow had escaped death unscathed. He alerted John this reason was because of his will was very strong, strong enough to even resist death. He decided, rather than to kill the boy, to make a game out of it. He knew that his siblings were planning to make their moves on the world, and why not counter them before it caused too much trouble. As such, Samael made John his messenger, one of the first deadmen in recent years. It didn't take long before John made the mistake of sharing this information, unaware that every moment was being watched and tapped into. He was kidnapped by none other than the U.S. Government and put in charge of a new project, The Suicide Squad. This was to be a collaboration with several other countries, surprisingly even supposed enemies of the United States such as China.

With help from various sources and a vast library of material, John trained starting at the age of 12 and quickly learned to use his will and the powers that came from being a messenger of Samael for combative use. Combined with his vast intelligence, his inability to die, and his research, he quickly made a name for himself as an exorcist, going so far as to even go toe to toe with a demon of the 7th sphere and win.

With The Suicide Squad now finding new members and the legions of Hell growing restless, he looks to the future with unease. Who knows if even he will survive the coming storm. All he could do though at the end of the day is rely on himself and Samael.


DEADMAN- John being a deadman will eventually recover from almost any physical attack. However, how long this takes is completely variant.

Fist of the guilty: John's bread and butter. All the rage and anger of being an outcast and a reject all of his life in one punch. Can do some serious damage to demons, but doesn't affect the heavenly nearly as much. Can be used to hurt deadmen as well as its effects are less physical and more spiritual.

Seal and Glyph knowledge: There is no greater power for a Deadman and a demon hunter than knowing your seals. John has studied and perfected creating them with relatively little time.

Miasma of Death: Having Samael as his supporting reaper gives him the ability to call on the miasma of death. Extremely difficult to control and can hurt John, this miasma eats away at living organisms until nothing remains.

Appearence: John is 6' with hazel eyes and brown hair. He has some facial hair, but nothing too serious. He wears whatever is comfortable which usually means jeans and a t-shirt or occasionally shorts.

Faction (can be neutral): Suicide Squad.
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Character name

Emerald Raya Papillon - Goes by "Mera" (Pronounced "MEER-ah")

Character age

15 years, 10 month and 27 days

Character race

Spright, Sprite, Spriggan. However you want to say it. More specifically, a variant that has become known as a fairy.


She lived a simple life with an older brother (who was hunted and killed) and older sister as well as a younger brother and sister. Only her older sister still remembers how Emerald was adopted. Her birth parents were both fair and beautiful, drawing too much attention to the hunters, and were killed. Her adoptive parents were merchants of the Sprite world. Apart from that, her early childhood was sweet and dull - painting pictures of rainbows, learning new spells. She lived in a beautiful wooden home with beautiful, magically-enlarged flowers that she loved to hang around in. At around eight years of age, however, she met an angel being hunted. She concealed him in one of the large flowers for as long as she could, but eventually, they found him. He inspired the little girl that she wanted to change the world and strip the hunters' power to kill the monsters who weren't quite so bad.


She has been very serious about practicing combat for the past seven years. She has become rather skillful at healing, fighting with knives, and concealment.



Mera has a small stature - even for a fairy - with silvery hair that reflects different colors, changing with the lighting. For example, it seems to be a dull gray in the moonlight, a pale blonde when in full sun, and a strange greenish color in heavily wooded areas. She does, in fact, have transparent wings that enable flight. However, she has learned to conceal them. She takes a bimonthly trip to nearby human settlements, checking for hunters whilst posing as a human child of about nine or ten.




Does not know of any

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Character sheet:​

Character name:

Jake Sullivan

Character age:

18, Birth Date 11th of March

Character race(Can either pick from the list or choose a mythological being, I might accept it):

Human + Demon


He used to be popular, outgoing, loud, had a great sense of humour and loved to have a good time. He used to be all those things, until his little brother was diagnosed with Cancer. He made a deal with one of the devils hellions that the devil would save his little brother. The catch...3 things. First, he would have to kill 5 people of the Devil's choice( he was only 16 at the time, 2nd, he would never be allowed to see anyone of his family members or friends for the rest of his life and if he did, the devil would kill them all, 3, he would be marked as a demon by glowing yellow eyes

and a large insignia tattoo on his back. Jake accepted, and sure enough his brother was saved. One he had killed the 5 people, he was released and the devil could no longer control him...but the three terms of the agreement remained for the rest of eternity. After he was released, he started searching for some sort of...purpose...which he still has not found.


Can control and manipulate shadows and the darkness (i.e can even make it solid) Has extreme skills with his tw0 specialty swords that the devil gifted to him, and is very good in unarmed hand-to-hand combat.


Piercing yellow eyes, black hair that hangs down to his eyebrows, about 6 foot 3 inches, wears mostly black. ((Picture attatched, please tell me if you cant see the pictures))



Faction (can be neutral):

None yet





Swords ((Both Identical)):

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Character name: Chrisobel O'Reilly "Chris"

Character age: 13 1/2

Character race: Deadman

Backstory: Chrisobel had lived in a life of bullying ever since she was little up. The reason for the discrimination, her sexuality. Yes, something simple like that. She lived in a house where heterosexuality was not tolerated. To make matters worse, Chris was to attend Catholic schools so that they could preach to her to 'change' her view and make her attracted to the male gender romantically. Of course it didn't work though. She was constantly subjected to ridicule and hate by her peers, even to a point where none of the girls (in which all her class was made of) would go even 10 feet of the Chris. This is why she had cut her hair short and why she goes by "Chris", because she thought people would be more accepting if she liked girls and at-least looked male.

One day, everyone had finally gotten what they had wanted. For the lesbian to leave their school. Well, that's not exactly what happened. She was confronted by two boys at an intersection while walking to school. They said to her, "Why don't you kill yourself?" in which she had replied, "Alright, maybe I will." as she ran into the raging traffic of the street by the crosswalk, not afraid of what was going to happen to her. She was thrown around by the cars until one big vehicle had come barreling and ran over her lower half, ultimately crushing her legs beyond repair. She had woken up in an almost fantasy world, where she could do anything. She remained in this come-like state, developing mind powers from the lack of legs in the almost-imaginary place. This was all in her head, however, as she did not die.

After so long under her coma, she had finally woken up, seemingly normal. Although, during mental and physical rehabilitation, her therapists knew there was something wrong, especially when they caught her moving objects half a room away with her mind. Since powers like this were not normal, she was immediately taken away and drafted for a government supported group called the Suicide Squad, where she would learn to hone her abilities ad use them for fighting demons and such. Her goal there, in which Chris wasnt informed about, was that her ultimate goal was to finally die like she had planned way back before this event, when her legs were still useable.

Powers: Chrisobel relies on the power of telepathy and psychokinesis (telekinesis) that she had developed, considering her legs don't exactly work, in which she is still learning how to fully control these powers. She also has clairvoyance, mediumship, and can read auras. Chris also possesses the ability of empathy (those are all links, by the way, so clickie-clickie :3 ).

Appearance: *see picture* Yes, she gets around by wheelchair, but can use her slight levitation ability that she also possesses to maneuver herself if absolutely necessary. The power takes a lot of effort, however, so she will only use it if dire.

Gender: Female

Faction (can be neutral): Suicide Squad

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Character name: Alexandria 'Swift' Beurezu

Character age: Looks 22, but she's about 53.

Character race(Can either pick from the list or choose a mythological being, I might accept it): Vampire

Backstory: Swift has a complicated life.

Through her birth up until her first town, she had not spoken a word about her past. Not because it was some horrible, teeth-chattering was just BORING. A normal human girl, living up with a strict Father and a Mother who was never there. Two adopted siblings, a brother and a sister, and one blood-related boy. there isn't much to say int he beginning, other then the fact that her siblings are in her old town, and her Father is dead by, indirectly, her own hand.

The town still remains to have no name, they only called it a Place of no Return. It was chock full of the things under your bed and the nightmares in your closet. It was where she had become a Vampire upon her first week of arrival, bitten to the point until her heart did not make a sound. It was where one member of her makeshift family died, and where his Ghost was wiped from the land. It was where she met her best dreams and her worst thoughts. The greatest people and the deadliest enemies. Alliances and Deaths were almost mandatory in this Hellhole.

While she lived, she learned things no being should ever unearthed. A man of Death's name. A Puppet's memory. And the very fabric of what she thought was life. The words hung heavy on her head, but they were what shaped her today. She had known love for a week possibly, but that was wiped away, with glimpses of Purgatory. So many things whirring around, memories creating a machine destined to shatter under pressure one day. If her not her, then somebody around her. She protected herself with powers learned from a fragment of countless faces. They all brung her in, and the inanity of it all drove her away to a town of unease. Fighting demons that she had tangled with, barely surviving to see them once more.

The thing is, she can only remember bits and parts. As if she doesn't wish to recall it. She had moved to this place to get away from the chaos, but there's going to be more then she bargained for...

Powers: Swift had been given the powers, in an illusion category. She can mess with the sensation of Sight to make others see what isn't really there, and on a possible moon, she can mess around with the feeling of touch, making it seem like it's there. However, that requires a bit of blood, and they cannot last very long.

Along with that, she has all sorts of fun tricks Vampire's get. Honed Speed, scent, and the ability to turn into a weird bat. However, again, if she's drained of blood, then that won't be happening.



Gender: Female

Faction (can be neutral): Not a clue.
Character name: Arthur Kirkland

Character age: 18

Character race(Can either pick from the list or choose a mythological being, I might accept it): Human and Angel Mix.

Backstory: Arthur was a young boy who worked for the church because his father was the priest of the church and was simply forced to work as a missionary with him to help spread the name of the lord. For more then half of Arthur's life, he was stuck doing this and going to school at a normal routine until he finally rebelled against his dad. Arthur was tired of this boring life, and so he told his father that he was done working for the church but would still pray and praise god like a best friend. The father understood the boys reasoning, and let him live his own interesting and somewhat fun life.

Arthur was now around 15 and woke up one day with the strangest feeling in his body. Then he had stood up to see what was the cause of this pain and saw that he had giant white feather wings! He thought he must have been dreaming or something. But no, this was the work of god helping this boy in times of need and despair. God knew that Arthur had been a good son of god to him and decided to make him a living angel.

Then one day Arthur had heard of the United Nations "Suicide Squad". He had always heard that they were very corageous people who went out to the front lines of the battle and loved the joy and excitement of doing it! This is exactly what Arthur was looking for in his life, and now was the chance to do it. Soon enough, Arthur went to join the Suicide Squad for the quest of helping the world and for his own personal entertainment....

Powers: Arthur has the simple ability to fly as a angel and see the true darkness and anger that holds within a human . And naturally tries to figure out the problem inside of them and solve it. Other than that, Arthur is a very skilled guns man and can use just about any gun, ammunition,or ranged weapon. Also, Arthur is substantially faster than anybody he knows so far, but is very weak in hand to hand combat.

In conclusion to his powers, Arthur can slightly use medical equipment, but none as superior as a medic's. Arthur was a straight A kid who had been considered a nerd of sorts, but that definitely benefited him in the long run for him. This helped him know key skills like knowing certain mythological creatures to day to day survival skills.


Gender: Male

Faction (can be neutral): Suicide Squad
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*runs in, trips over own feet*

I shall have a sheet up shortly. c:

Character Name: Tess. That's all she goes by.

Character Age: 22 years

Character Race: Human

Back story: Tess was never a healthy child, and spent a majority of her younger years going to and from emergency rooms whenever she became sick. "Simple" diseases like a cold or the flu would hit her harder than most, and it wasn't until she was diagnosed with chronic lymphatic leukemia that she understood why; her body was broken, attacking itself and making her sick while leaving her vulnerable for even more sicknesses. The girl was led to believe that she was cursed. As was inevitable, the disease has stuck with her ever since, though its effects seemed to have worsened the older she became. Now, at 22 years of age, Tess is a sickly, indifferent young woman who no longer cares for her own safety. Any day could, in theory, easily be her last. At times, the pains that come and go can become unbearable and, though she takes a neutral stance on all factions, it's more often then not that Tess will lean towards favoring the Suicide Squad.

Powers: Blessed by Raphael, the archangel of healing, Tess has the ability to mend broken bones and pacify symptoms of sicknesses. Her healing abilities only work on others, however, as she continues to get progressively worse with each passing day.

Appearance: It's easy to tell that something wrong with her just by taking a glance, though Tess seems to at least attempt to mask it. She stands at about 5'6" and is painfully slim, with pale, practically paper-thin skin. Tess always goes around in a pair of washed out denim jeans that pool over her worn sneakers, along with a grey cotton jacket that's way too big for her skinny frame and a blue, sleeveless t-shirt underneath. The hood of her jacket is always up to cover her head and the short mass of platinum blond hair on it. Tess has a round face with light brown eyes and small, thin lips. On her back she always carried a worn backpack, its top torn open with multiple blades, both rusted and clean, protruding from it; Tess firmly believes that all things can be used as weapons and tends to fashion her own on occasion with discarded blades and other scrap pieces she'll find during her travels.

Gender: Female

Faction: Neutral

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(This file has been... edited. Please ignore the comments written) - UN Official

Name: Rukatin (Shortened to Ruk and rhymes with Fluke! Don't mispronounce it)

Age: Unknown. Estimated early 30's to Mid 20's (Does it matter?)

Gender: Male (You can tell by my generous bust)

Race: Half-Angel-Half-Human. Ancestry Unknown (You sure I don't have any demon blood in there? Because it would explain a few things.)

Background: Little is known about Rukatin when he came under our employ several years ago. Information like where he came from, where he learned his skill set, what his motivations are, and who he exactly is, is unknown. Only the fact that he's been aware of us longer than we have him.

The speculations that we have on him after several interviews- (The rest has been scribbled out)

Seeing how these guys have it all wrong, I'm going to do it myself. My name is Rukatin as you already know, and who I was before I started killing supernatural things (at least professionally) doesn't matter. But I will give a censored/abridged version. Not telling you about my childhood, too personal. I don't like to talk about it. So let's start at when I could never be a child again. At some point in time, some Bastards thought it would be a good idea to train kids with in-human blood in their veins as their personal soldiers (but I didn't learn about that until way later). Turns out, I was stronger than the others, because It turns out I was a halfie instead of just having some special schmuck several generations up the family tree. I was stronger than them, so after they rained us fully, I killed a few of them and escaped with the others. Years later, I killed the rest of them. But between then, I decided to put my new skills to work and found there were a few mercenary groups that were willing to hire a child soldier. Especially one who's not naive, traumatized, doesn't act like a kid, actually knows what he's doing, and is stronger than a person that size should be.

So I did that for awhile, and eventually I wasn't a little kid, and then a tracked the bastards down and killed them. That's when I learned I wasn't normal. Or that the world wasn't. It's like I woke up to a dream. A Nightmare. My eyes were open, and suddenly everywhere I looked, I saw the Supernatural. I saw how the world was, where things preyed upon good people in the night, where if the masses knew, the whole world would be quaking in it's boots. Because I sure was. Now before all this, if someone asked me if I would fight to save a stranger against a bloodthirsty monster, if they asked if I was a good person, I would've laughed and then probably hit them. But after, I can say I would...if I am so inclined to do so. And if I was a good person? I would answer that I'm not the best person, but I'm the guy who can stand between that monster and that stranger and win.

But that was long time before I could do the stuff I could now. Those were some of the worst years of my life, where I had to fight like a muggle. And how I learned to do what I could now? Let's just say I made a deal (not with the devil) to unlock what was already inside of me. There was a price for the knowledge I gained, and I'll have to pay it some day.

(In light of recent information, this file may be edited whenever Rukatin so inclines. Previous comments will not be erased at his request.) - UN Official

Abilities: (i.e. What makes me awesome)

Angelic Strength: Rukatin has unnatural strength for his stature. He has revealed that this is actually a magical ability of his; he amplifies his base strength using this ability, exactly how, he won't say. He does maintain physical fitness to 'increase the base power'.

Heightened Senses and Reflexes: Observation has revealed Rukatin has above average reflexes. He naturally has this, though he has said he can also 'stretch' his senses, sacrificing proficiency in one sense temporarily to gain enhanced ability in another. He has said it is similar to how he increases his strength. He can even gain a sixth one, and investigation has revealed this is very similar to aura reading.

(Original title crossed out)Soul Fire: (Trust me, this sound cooler.) Rukatin has a specialized form of pyrokinesis, that some would consider Holy due to the fact that he is Half-Angel, were the flames not black. It is capable of burning most materials, and can reach temperatures high enough to melt Steel in a matter of minutes, though it takes considerable effort to do so. A unique ability of his fire is that it's capable of 'burning' magic. Again, it takes considerable effort to do so. He is also unaffected by the flames he conjures (not burning me was easy, not burning my clothes off in the process was the hard part.) and can will it not to burn any object he desires. (Also a bitch to figure out.) Currently, it is unknown the extent of the abilities that his (Title crossed out again) Soul Fire can do. (I'm trying to make 'Holy' fire now)

Flight: Rukatin can manifest wings, or so he has claimed, along with the ability to fly. Yet he has refused to demonstrate. He also claimed they are black in color, which is worrying, but may just correlate to his hair color. (My wings don't work like that. They're not just something I can will into existence. Well, I could, but I almost killed myself the last time I tried it.)

Skills: (i.e. What makes me useful)

Soldier: Rukatin has shown both skill and experience in combat situations, having excellent instincts and a knack for tactics. But we have raised concerns about putting him into a team, as he tends to 'go it alone'. (I do not. Other people just can't keep pace.)

Marksman: Rukatin is trained in proper gun handling, etiquette, and usage. Prefers handguns to rifles, as he is often in close range. (Less chance to miss at that range.)

Melee: Though trained as a soldier to use primary firearms, Rukatin has adapted to become proficient at Primary Melee melee combat as well. (Turns out some things only view bullet as annoyances. Sometimes you just need a good decapitation. Or Incineration. Either works.)

Weapon smith: A rather unique trait of Rukatin is that he has a hobby making weapons. (Written between the lines) (What else was I supposed to do? All the swords I bought with my hard earned money turned out to model pieces of shit.) What he makes however, is of high quality. When asked how he acquired such a skill for someone relatively so young, he responded with 'Research, Time, and Trail and Error' (That was one and half years of my life wasted-yet-well spent.)

Personality: Several interviews after the indecent have revealed-(This entire section has been angrily scribbled out.)

Okay, now that I've calmed down, I suppose I can see why your shrinks might think I have-no-had, PTSD in the past. So let me tell you assholes something. FUCK YOU! I don't care about the fact I was a child soldier. It doesn't matter anymore. Yes, I had nightmares, the shakes, the whole shebang. You didn't think I noticed? I got Stronger, I FIXED MY ON DAMN PROBLEM!

...Shit. This was supposed to be my personality right? I crossed the whole thing out. I'll have to fix that.

Well here goes it goes. I guess I might come off as a bastard to some people, but only because they deserve it! Other than that I'm nice enough, I know enough courtesy. I have a great sense of humor if a I do say so myself. Yes I might be impulsive, but most times this has lead to good things in the past. Vices? Wrath, obviously. Maybe a little pride. I might seem a little amoral, but believe me, I'm trying to fix that. I think that's it.

(Any comments on Rukatin's mental stability should be made cautiously. Doctor (name struck out) Asshole is still in the hospital.)


Physical Description:

  • Height: 5 Feet 10 Inches
  • Hair color: Black with white highlights
  • Eye color: Teal (It's Blue-Green. Teal is too girly.)
  • Skin color: Pale (I can't tan no matter how hard I've tried.)
  • Weight: 186 Ibs (It's muscle, not fat.)
  • Noticeable characteristics: Diagonal scar across left cheek. (Revealed that he has many more across his body but keeps them covered)

Faction: Formerly Neutral. Employed by the UN (Recently transferred into the Suicide Squad.) (Shouldn't be too hard. I mean, who would willingly be a part of a real suicide team if it were real?)

Weapons: Rukatin carries multiple weapons on him, several hidden as found in during indecent #24601 when placed into custody. (See file).

For firearms he carries a .45 Taurus Judge Revolver and a .45 M1911 Colt Pisto (Gotta love Revolvers and the classics)

For Melee weapons, Rukatin typically carries a straight, singled edged Backsword over his back, and a Wakizashi at his waist. He secrets various knives on his person, and even though it's technically not a weapon, he always carries a crowbar on him. (Never doubt the crowbar!)
Majestic. I'm pretty open to anything so long as it sounds like it'd make a good story.

You know, to get a better feel of her, her speech is in Pink.

"No matter how much I STITCH, and STITCH, and TURN, and KILL, All I ever get is a shell that never FITS."

Character name: Angela L. Bathedux

Character age:It's not polite to ask a lady of her age... I don't even know, She 'died' when she was 17...

Character race: Voodoo Doll (Oh boy.)

Backstory: Oh dear, this is a bit of a fairy tale...

Angela, back as a normal human (unbeknown that she was a deadman), was one of those perfect, cover-side girls that everyone wanted to be. She had the silver tongue, the cute innocent eyes, the popularity.... it's every little trinket that anyone wanted. She was graced with the lovliest of homes, the best of clothes, and the nicest of parents. "Be back before Curfew and keep up with your studies!" Was all she had to do to win her key to Luxury. And, to please her selfish wants and their whims, she did just that.

Now, her Auntie was a designer, and that sort of thing intrigued Angelia. The grace of creating clothes and buttons, plushies.... a hunger for this knowledge overtook her days. She asked and received the wisdom of how to knit, sew, create with fabric. And, as everything else, her talent was extraordinary. She no longer wished for the clothes of stores, she wanted to make her own designs. The dresses fascinated her classmates and attracted all the more attention to her. It gave her a sense of pride that she would never get rid of. And all around town, people noticed.

...But that was about the time when she got caught up in a little bombing accident. You see, one of her Classmates went off the deep end... , and had been planning a little act to set a grenade in school. Unfortunately for all poor-plotted terrorists everywhere, it worked. One of the classrooms went up in some sort of fire-ball. And there were no survivors... except, what do you know? Angela.

Now, she was confused. Why was she the only one to not perish in some sort of freak accident? How was that even possible? ...One question she had never asked herself: Why HER?

The days went by, she was dispatched from the hospital, and now.... she didn't want to feel all that popular. Everyone in the small area knew of her freak survival.They pried too far, asked questions she didn't want to reveal. Why her, why her, why me, WHY ME? Pressure built up so much in her head, it couldn't bring solace to Mrs. Perfect model. She was susceptible: To Judgment. It reared it's ugly head, bringing along Anger. (Why ask ME?) Depression. (I should die, just like all the others...) Fear. (Am I a freak of nature?)

It got to her head. To the point where she tried to re-create the blast that killed her admirers. She would black out from smoke inhalation. Her skin would slowly burn off. Countless knife wounds by the eye sockets. 'Oh, look. She's in the hospital again. She's not dead, though, is she?' The bitterness of the families of the deceased poisoned her soul. And it took one face-to-face comment for the first casualty.

There was no more pretty girl. Just a mass of bleeding, humanoid flesh that would burn you as much as speak to you.

And that knitting skill came in handy. While the victims of this diva piled up, their skin would become missing as well. Angela would attempt to re-create her lovely feature again using another human's skin, trying to re-attach it with countless needles. it couldn't KILL her to try once again, right? She found that the only thing that couldn't burn her throat, was... well, of course, you could take a few guesses to what that is. And years went by... by... by... There's no one in that quiet, quaint little town anymore. No one breathing. Just a corpse of hatred and grinning, twinkling eyes.


Immortality: The limiting factor of never having your conscious die. Angela is always aware. Always able to move at another point of time, even if she's just a talking head.

Cryptosis: Don't bother looking the name up, because I made it up. But, basically... Due to her fascination with stitching, she gets this ability to send her conscious mind, in a way, to other objects. It's not mind control, because she leaves her body, which will proceed to lie ina dormant state. And her absolute favorite tool of the trade?

Cloth. Long strings of stitches and needles that she will send to sew your mouth shut, if she gets the chance. Just stand at a distance and maybe the spool will run out...

Screech: Like a Banshee, she can send her voice to such a wavelength, that you're scared s***less, and your ears will quite possibly bleed from the noise.


Hair color: Cotton-candy pink, with a faint baby-blue streak down the front

Hair style: Has straight bangs at the front, and on the sides of her head are two gigantic swirls.

Eye color: ... What eyes?

Height: 5'5

Appx. Weight: 101.5 pnds. Skin is heavy don't you know.

Skin tone: ... there's like, 5 different milky-white tones she bears.

Gender: Female

Faction (can be neutral): "Now, what do I care about SIDES.... None is BEFITTING of me..."

She's too obsessed with Eating and Murder and trying to find her old self back to think about sides.
Character name: Miyauchi Yoshihiko

Character age: 19

Character race: Human

Back story: Walking the path of heaven, he is the man destined to rule over all. Yoshihiko, or simply Yoshi, as many of his closer friends refer to him, was born into a very well off family Japan. He was raised in Fuuto City and enjoyed visits to the museum there. His favorite fossil was that of the anomalocaris. After his parents died, Yoshi was raised by his grandmother who always told him to "Walk the Path of Heaven". Her ideals became Yoshihiko's moral backbone. When his grandmother died, Yoshihiko broke down mentally. He dropped out of college and left all behind.

Luckily, after his grandmother died, he inherited not only her fortune, but the fortune that his parents left him. He moved to America and became part of the organization known as the Illuminati. With their support, he started his own company, the Miyauchi Conglomerate, which did research in space age technologies. It was not long after, however, when he realized the Suicide Squad in his way. He set a new goal: to defeat them. His reasoning: the end justifies the means.


Henshin Hero - One of the Space Age technologies the Miyauchi Conglomerate did research in was a special suit which allowed man to live in less hospitable environments. His suit was modified to last in battle, capable of surviving anything short of a small nuclear blast. The suit activates by the insertion of USB drives known as Gaia Memories which also activate certain other functions within the suit.

Gaia Memory - Special devices in the form of USB drives. By inserting them into Yoshi's Driver, he is capable of transforming into an incredibly powerful suited warrior. His primary memory is known as the Heart Memory, which upon activation creates the base form of Yoshi's suit.

Heart Memory - Activates the Heart Driver Yoshi uses. It has a psychedelic effect which induces a sort of martial trance in the user. In addition, the user's strength is increased ten fold. In the case of Yoshi, it would allow him to left over 2250 pounds above his head. He is also capable of a "clock up" in this form, which allows him to move at incredibly fast speeds for 5 seconds.

Machine Memory - When inserted into Yoshi's driver, the Machine driver changes the appearance of the suit slightly as well as creates a gun in Yoshi's hands. Its appearance is that of nine shotguns strapped together into something resembling a revolver, with three shotguns in a firing group. It has two triggers. The first shot the firing group at the top, the second fired all nine shotguns at once, unleashing a blast of anger, fury, and vengeance all in one go. While his machine form gives him ranged capabilities, his strength is decreased to only eight times his original strength as a human.

Shield Memory - Changes the appearance of Yoshi's suit while inserted into his driver. The Shield Memory allows Yoshi to create remote barriers. Stronger than the suit, the barriers are capable of surviving nuclear blasts which would be able to level cities. The barriers last until Yoshi deactivates his suit, and do not disappear unless Yoshi takes off his suit.

Appearance:Yoshi stands at 5'10", with fair skin and black hair. He has an oval shaped face with sharp, slightly masculine facial features that are distinguishably Japanese. His hair is worn short and cut clean. His style is very clean and business-like.



Character name:

Plae (Pronounced Pla)

Character age:

24 (700+)

Character race:

New Egypto-Greek God

(Father: Zeus)

(Mother: Isis)


She is the compromise of a war between the Greek Pantheon and Egyptian Pantheon. The great god war was going no where, Gods were getting hurt and even some met there end. This battle was started by Seth and Poseidon working together to gain control of each others pantheon. Seth attack Olympus along with his soldiers. With this attack Zeus told Horus, The current pantheon leader of Egyptians. On the other side, Poseidon attacked the Nile God, Hapi. He flooded the Nile when it wasn't applause too along with killing Hapi.

Zeus did try to talk this problem out but Horus couldn't do that since he was so angry. Hapi was one off his 4 sons. The Olympians and The Egyptians deities had a great war. In the end, Seth and Poseidon where punish by there fellow gods and then given to there opposite sides to be locked away for a amount of time deemed fit by the Pantheons head god. Also along with this,The truce was sealed with the birth of a child, Zeus and Isis breed a child named Plae.

Plae grew up under standing both was of life. She was the daughter of Isis and Zues, 2 powerful gods. Along with this, Her Beauty rivaled her Aunt Aphrodite. Her skills for battle tactics were as advance as Ares, Her Half Brother. Her Magical skills were as skilled as Isis. Her Intelligence was rivaled Horus her half brother and her half sister Athena. She learned much from both pantheon gods. She knew that she was a creation of a truce but that never bother her. Set and Poseidon gain there freedoms 300 years later after her birth.

Plae was quite powerful 600+ years after her birth. Zeus feared her, He felt that she might take over his pantheon. Zeus told Horus this and he agreed so they decided to depower Plae with the help of Hera and thoth. The 4 gods work together to turn Plae human and trap her on earth. Before Isis found out she was already banished.

Plea believes she is just a magical human who has insane dreams of a past life. Her memory have return but she is still trying to understand. She wants to find the truth, If she really is a god. She now is a member of the illuminati, She felt a connection with the the owl of Athena and the Eye of Horus.


Enhance strength

Enhance speed



Plasma control








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