Suicide Squad.


And all at once, the universe groaned.
The world isn't what it seems.

Every story, every legend you've heard. Chances are it's real. Congratulations. So the question is how on earth do people continue living a normal ass life? Well the answer is that there are some people stupid enough to actually go out and hunt these things. There are many organizations, the Catholic Church, various governments, several religious organizations including the Shaolin monks, they're all there for one purpose and one purpose only: ensure humanity doesn't fall into disaster like it has in the past. Congratulations on finally realizing that the world is completely messed up, now the only question is, are ya gonna do something about it, you gonna pretend like it's alright, or you gonna take the coward's way out?

My only advice to you: if you take the coward's way, better pray you don't happen to catch the eye of a reaper and I hope you don't die with a lot of grudges and hatred. If you meet a reaper, congratulations, you're now a Deadman. A person whose suicide was rejected and their body won't quit on them. Bad news is that despite your body being sturdy, demons and monsters, even humans can still kill you by attacking your soul if you're not careful. Though this ain't an entirely bad situation. You survive things that kill everyone else, it's the second part you should be worried about.

You decide to off yourself with a bunch of hatred, anger, and frustration, well there's some unfortunate news for you. You don't die. In fact, something much worse happens. Your anger poisons your soul, turns you into something inhuman that, unlike demons, doesn't care about anything other than one thing: Kill and eat. We call these voodoo dolls, living conduits of human suffering. They resemble humans, only skinless, always bleeding, and have a screech that will make your underwear turn brown.

If you find yourself suddenly a deadman, congratulations. You've been drafted by the United Nations to be a part of the Suicide Squad. A team whose goal is to go in and likely die. Fortunately, this is exactly what most Deadmen want. Unfortunately, this is much easier said than done on how to only kill your body but let your spirit live.

So, make a choice, is your life terrible enough to risk joining the Suicide Squad, or maybe you want to fight alongside your church, or maybe your government. It doesn't really matter in the end. All that really matters is your own strength and your pay check.






Deadman(women included in here lol)

Voodoo doll.


Catholic Church

US Government

Shaolin Monks

Suicide Squad.
There can be half angels, half demons, but I am not going to accept Nephilim. To be honest, I'm okay with most spirits and mythos.
Airagog said:
There can be half angels, half demons, but I am not going to accept Nephilim. To be honest, I'm okay with most spirits and mythos.
You sir, have just made my day.

So if I got this right, a Deadman is someone who's dead but not dead? Someone who tried to kill his or herself but death got rejected? So now they're in a sort of limbo?
Of course it will derive heavily from the Christian lore, however I am personally okay with most spirits from other religions and mythos. I find there to be no issues so long as you exclude gods.
Nephilim are half angels half demons, however the two fiercely hate each other.
Airagog said:
I can't think of any plausible explanation for that.
Like several generations of humans have angelic blood while another has demonic. Maybe they know about their bloodline or maybe they don't, but at onepoint the two bloodlines have a union. Someone with a little but of Angel, a little bit of Demon, mostly human. I think that would be an interesting character to play.
the thing is blood like that gets diluted very quickly. Even 1/4 wouldn't give that much of a boost.
I like the idea.

Nephilim's are Half Angel and Half human (DMC remake had it wrong)

Cambion's are Half Demon and Half Human (This is what Dante originally was)

now half angel and half demon, I don't know of or can find a name.

When a being like a half angel have a kids with a full blooded human they have a Elioud
Honestly, I'd make it simple and just say half-demon mix, half-angel mix, but no demon-angel stuff. Angels are pretty picky.
it'd make the roleplay less complicated, but still plenty of room for improvise. Demons and angels are HUGELY varied.
phantoms, poltergeists, ghosts, dead who can't really do much but haunt normal people. Though demons might find them particularly tasty.I'd also accept nymphs, pixies,a nd forest spirits.
So will thy be kept in spirit form or can be physical?

Why are these myths here also. What is the threat that earth faces.
it might if I can reach 4 pages of people that seem to like it ^^ and the danger is simple really, demons have one goal and one goal only: To take over the Earth to overthrow God and aren't the type to sit around and wait for revelations. As such it is very common occurances for demons to try to summon portals, possess mortals, start entire world wars even, (WWII anyone?)

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