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Roleplays, as they are, have a tab for the Overview, Rules, Maps if you have them, the roleplay itself, an OOC and the character sign-ups. These are very useful, and they serve their purpose just fine. However, after a conversation with a friend of mine, I've come to realize that some roleplays (such as the one we are brainstorming over) could very well benefit from a secondary RolePlay tab. This could allow two universes, or sides to be played out within the same roleplay(meaning without having to run two at once), without either cluttering the other's progress. I am aware that such a feature might not be very widely used, however, but I do believe it could gain popularity over time.
So, Ace, my suggestion is thus: a feature that allows a roleplay's author role to tack extra tabs on if need be, for whatever purpose they may have.
So, Ace, my suggestion is thus: a feature that allows a roleplay's author role to tack extra tabs on if need be, for whatever purpose they may have.