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Fantasy  ━ ♡﹗sugarvine (w/ ideas)

Roleplay Availability



current craving.
Based off the current thematic of my search, I'm currently craving an arranged marriage roleplay in a big way. However, I'm not one for the typical "two countries are under political tension" bull as the reasoning for the marriage.

I'd like two countries (aristocratic families... whatever really) whose families are close, and Character A + B are best friends. And no, no romantic strings attached. Due to this relationship, their parents arrange a marriage between them but unlike most, our characters are agreeable to it due to some reason whether it's personal gain or protection or whatever else we can think of. I'd personally enjoy playing a girl who's in love with the idea of being in love with their best friend, but I'm flexible and can switch my idea to the prince.

Our roleplay would probably primarily occur at a school that grooms young aristocrats such as our characters, who are both in their final year. It would be set around a week after the public announcement (although within each's respective family circle it's old news) and six months before the wedding date. They'd have graduated by the time they got married.

So what exactly is the endgoal? To have them fall in love? Well... possibly. If our characters click then I'm all for it. But sometimes our characters just won't have that chemistry and I'd/you'd (we'd) find it difficult to ship them. Should that happen, our new goal is to have our characters figure out why the marriage is a bad idea and that they should jump ship. Or even worse; get married, have their wedding night and realize kissing each other is like kissing your sibling. Ick.

But this story would be boring with just them. I'm a very big fan of doubling up or even creating more characters who we can link to our story. I'm looking for partners who can accommodate my inner need to expand their world; I don't need you to match me one per one but if I'm playing 5 characters and you're still stuck on one I may choose to withdraw. This roleplay is perfect for creating messy love pentagons and confusing coming of age shit. It'd be a much more fun experience for us if we could make these tangled relationships come to life, and I can't do this alone.

As for the setting, I want fantasy. I'd like to incorporate magic, dragons and such. Think the more classic Fire Emblem games (not the 3DS and mobile games) for the general feel that I want. I'd like half-animal creatures ala Laguz/Taguel. Hell, we could even set it up so that our characters are from magician families instead of prince/princess, with the school being some sort of magic academy. I'd have a hella fun time collaborating with you on this!

other interests.
Despite the above being my biggest craving, I'm still quite open to other ideas, so just throw them my way regardless. Namely, I'd be particularly interested in a God Eater roleplay right now, placed in an alternate setting such as Fenrir's branches in the US or other Asian locations. I'd personally prefer for it to be set after the events of GE2: RB, mostly because I've just finished the game.

Hello there, I'm sugarvine! Feel free to call me mono, a bygone from when my username used to be monopoisoner. I dislike referring to myself with a label such as "literate", but I do expect me and my partner to be able to write in consistent and concise English. I'm not a big fan of needlessly verbose descriptions nor just the barebones of a character's actions. If you know the skirt rule and abide by it, we should do just fine!sugarvine/mono
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wow, the lists do move fast and you are already on third page... weird.

Anyway, I found that to be a very interesting read, although I would like to negotiate a few details. Maybe you can send me a PM so we can see if we match? :)
Uh, hey! I found this page through a very roundabout way but it seems like fun if you're still up for it. Mostly, it was the beautiful coding of your post that drew me in. *heavy breathing intensifies* Sorry, I'm such a sucker for nice coding... and nice fonts... T^T Oh, and the fact that you seem like you can write.
Thank you both! I'll poke around and see whose style seems to be more in line with mine and I'll get in contact with them!

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