Sudden Outbreak {Between Me & Void}


New Member


Brently Desmond - @ColaGirl4Life

Laryn Kendall - @Void

Nathan Levente - @Void

Ian Desmond - @ColaGirl4Life


Brently sat on the dusty dirty couch surrounded by strangers. His brother, Ian was sitting next to him on the floor with his legs pulled up to his chest and his head buried in his arms. It was about two days ago when him and the small group of people he was with stumbled upon this rundown dirty apartment. They where trying to escape those...creatures, Walkers to be exact. Flesh eating, diseased reanimated corpse that we all once loved. Brently and the small group had fled from the high school two weeks ago when they first saw a Walker attacking a teacher. The place went straight to hell in less that three hours but Brently didn't stick around long enough to see how the end played out. He had assumed most of the school fled like the small group of four had did but past that thought he didn't want to think about the number of kids who made it out alive.

Shifting slightly he looked over to the door which had been boarded shut with the spare nails and pieces of the wood that belonged to the bed frame in the next room. Low growls and shuffling foot steps could be heard from outside the door in the hall which made Brently avert his eyes and go silent like the rest of the group. Everyone there tried their best to stay as silent as they could only speaking in whispers. Lucky for them the electricity was still running but only because there was nobody left to turn it off. Brently stood up carefully making sure he didn't make any noise and made his way carefully to the kitchen.

He opened the fridge and took out a bottle of water that had his name written with marker on the side of it. Upon arriving at the apartment all that was left to scavenge was a pack of 16 water bottles, a rather big can of beans, and a half full jar of peanut butter. Brently had divided the share of water, everyone getting four bottles and having their names written on it. Even though it was night time the summer heat still reached inside the apartment, small sweat beads rolling down Brently's neck and forehead as he gulped down the ice cold water. He didn't finish the bottle only half way before he pulled it away from his lips and walked back into what was once called the living room which was now covered in dirt with books,clothes and all sorts of things littering the floor. Stopping, Brently looked over at his brother who had moved his position from the couch and was now staring out the dark window into complete darkness.

He slowly made his way over to him watching where he stepped making sure he didn't trip over something.
"The suns comin' up soon. What do you want to do? We can't stay here for long.." Brently whispered holding the cold water bottle onto his neck, his eyes locking on Ian's. He knew the boy liked to be included and it was good to get opinions, plus, Brently had no idea if they should just wait off the Walkers or go through some other exit but then again what other exit was their besides the front doors and windows. Brently lowered his hand which held out the water bottle, gesturing for his younger brother to take a drink. He definitely wasn't one to be stingy and either was Ian as he could tell from the small sip he took from Brently's water bottle.


Ian had kept a steady gaze on the darkness just beyond the apartments window, seeing out there, shapes looming in the streets below. He didn't want to think about what those shapes belonged to. Whose lives had been lost to them either. He was sweating profusely, and the quick hammering of his heart echoed around his skull. Every one of his nerves felt as if they were on fire. But on the outside he stayed calm and steady, not allowing the shakes to be seen by the others. No, he needed now more than ever to be strong. Especially if he ever wanted to see his her mother again - he was so sure that the woman had escaped. Any words otherwise would simply be blasphemy to his ears.

"The suns comin' up soon. What do you want to do? We can't stay here for long.." Ian doesn't lets himself flinch when Brently addresses him. He could have almost forgotten the others were there with how quiet each of them had been. He shifts his legs from the awkward position he was sitting in and turned away from the window. Before answering he took a small sip out of Brently's water bottle, barely enough to quench his thirst from the heat. One thing Ian agreed on is that he wanted to get out of here. Sure, he hated traveling on the road but staying in one place for too long was dangerous, now. "We could try the door, see how many are out there and hope to god they don't gang up on us." He is not a fan of that option, and doubts the others would be either. "But, I think option two would be better, so as crazy as its going to sound hear me out on this." He motions to the window, as if that were explanation enough. "There is a fire escape ladder two story's below us. For whatever reason the ladder doesn't reach up to this floor but if we just jump down, possibility's are we make it onto the ladder with only a slight pain from the fall. It's just a thought though each is equally dangerous with Walkers around every corner.."

Of course there were problems to this plan. There was no way to tell if there were any of those things walking around the corner of the building or if they could even make it down without attracting too much attention from Walkers. Ian felt the floor beneath him creak, its low growl reminding him of the Walkers laying in wait outside. He drew silent again as his brother retreated over to the couch without saying a word. If he knew his brother, and he did, then Brently would have been pondering the consequences of each plan in his head. After all, Ian's plans were never forethought as his brother had always told him but this time he was sure he had put careful thought in to it but Ian didn't want to be responsible if someone got hurt just because they went with his suggestions.


Laryn contemplated the boys’ ideas on their escape, listening in through sidelong glances behind her fingernails as she feigned disinterest in their conversation. Picking herself off the dusty carpet and brushing her legs clean, she wandered by the boarded door whilst she wrestled with her thoughts, face screwed in concentration. On one hand, she deemed it stupid to abandon her trust with a handful of strangers no older than herself (not that age was any sign of maturity, she knew from experience), but being on her own with everything that had gone down? Even less probable. Through the slits in the board, she could only pick up vague, murky shapes of what lingered outside. Laryn prided herself in being adaptive, even completely resilient to whatever life threw at her, but the inhuman emptiness of the student who tore a stringy mouthful from the biology teacher’s shoulder left a streak of fear on her consciousness. She’d still been shaking for almost an hour afterwards. The image of the animalistic intent paired with the throat raking screams kept her blinking to fight the images off. Chances were, her father was already dead in a ditch somewhere. They’d always joked about how he’d be the first one to go when the world went to hell. It wasn’t near as funny anymore, and Laryn’s stomach knotted in worry.

“Why not,” she stated into the pause of silence, turning and crossing her arms. “Ian is starting to get the right idea, but we’ll need a distraction, something to draw them away. I think we can handle a few of them, but in a group?” She shook her head, pressing her lips together firmly. “Either way, we can’t just stay here and wait to starve until we’re weak. We’re definitely f^cked in that case. Plus, we need to get our hands on some better weapons than this grade school stuff if we want to start holding our own. Not just for the walkers either, I’m sure people are rioting out there right now.” She absentmindedly wandered back to the door, unconsciously unable to keep her eyes off it.

“But isn’t that risky?” The last boy spoke up. “Don’t get me wrong, I’d be more than happy to get out of this dump, but just running out there? Shouldn't one of us scout better first?" He looked around the room, as if searching to be backed up. “Hell no,” Laryn scoffed. “Only way we’re surviving is to keep on our toes. What if the military start evacuating people? And then sanctions off the city? We could be trapped. We should all leave together.” She argued forcefully, glaring at Nathan. While she wasn't too eager to go jumping off a ladder, not with heights making her want to hurl, her survival instincts were the ones she depended on most. And they told her to get out of here.


Nahtan, being the indecisive person that he was, was already questioning his own judgment and let the grungy girl air her opinions. Besides, he was too busy battling to keep a level head. He figured luck was the most deciding factor at this point, it hardly mattered what their plans were once they were out there and face to face with those repulsive things. It was impossible to tell if they’d work together or scatter under the heat of action. “If you’re so worried about it, I’ll go, just see what I can make out from the roof,” he offered, the temptation of sticking his head out for a moment growing greater. He agreed with Laryn, getting out of the apartment would be amazing, but he didn’t want to have the whole group running into the streets either. “What do you guys think?” He asked the other two boys, curious to see who’d they’d agree with. If either of them. Nathan was pretty sure they were brothers, so he assumed they’d side together regardless.

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