Such creativity and such little connections.

Sarah Kanade

Things and stuff.
Hello! I'm post this because I'm kinda at a loss to be honest...

My problem is that, I have ideas for RP, but I haven't been seriously RPing for about a year. So I don't quite feel like I'm up to the task to make a RP on my own, plus the fact is I barely know this site. So in a sense, I'm looking for someone to help me along in the refinement and fulfillment of my ideas. A sort of partner that can help.

You see, I'm used to RPing on social media(Which I've been doing for about three years), but I've also done RP through email, and sits such as this one. So, it's simply a problem of not having any idea what to do or how to go about doing it. Put simply, I have no connection or friends here.

So, my question is, how do I get myself started? All my ideas are incomplete and I want people to help me add and subtract things from them, so how do I do that?


My best suggestion to you is to not start by creating your own roleplays, but start by joining other people's roleplays. By joining roleplays, you're taking away the added stresses of having to run your own game and you will meet awesome people along the way. Honestly, it's the best way to make connections and friends. As people get to know you or see you around in games, they'll be more inclined to want to roleplay with you in the future, join any future games you make, and help you plot your games. The community here is simply awesome from my experience, but you got to poke your nose around to find your niche. (:


Also, best way to get yourself started is just looking through the interest checks of people starting roleplays or recruiting members. You are less likely to jump ship if you are on the ship to begin with so helping another person by showing interest and supporting them as they start a roleplay is a great start. Just go to interest checks. I spend my life there
Interest forums are definitely your best bet. Check to see if anybody has the same interests as you and then strike up a conversation.
Look at some fantasy pictures that might relate to your idea, slap them together with a setting, then ask why your ideas are the way they are. Write a history, with plenty of people, and reasons the setting is the way it is. Make NPCs built on their flaws, then put it together in a thread with a profile sheet.

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