Submit OCs/crossover characters and claim canons here


The girl who uses a lot of :3 emoticons





Royal or Rebel:

Original or crossover (if crossover, state from which fandom):

Story (it doesn't have to be a real fairytale, you can make it up):

Family (if their parents aren't famous characters, explain why):

Physical description:


Powers and abilities:

History (optional):


My characters:

Name: Elinor Cassandra "Ella" Blake

AKA: Blazefire (codename), Zeta 1 (operative identification code)

Species: Never fairy

Gender: Female

Age: Never fairies live forever, so they don't keep track of their age (except that one is older or younger than another)

Royal or Rebel: Rebel

Original or crossover (if crossover, state from which fandom): Mostly original, but contains elements from Tinkerbell and Sonic the Hedgehog

Story (it doesn't have to be a real fairytale, you can make it up): Blazefire (as main character), Aaron Stone(as side character) (both made up)

Family (if their parents aren't famous characters, explain why): Diana, Sonic, Shadow, Silver (siblings) (Never fairies are born from a child's first laugh, so they don't have parents)

Physical description: Blond hair, green eyes, wears a black high-tech armour suit, emitters that generate three energy hand claws (one emitter on each hand) and gauntlets emitting energy blades from underneath her forearms (one on each forearm).

Personality: Calm, stoic and motivated to the maximum duing missions and serious situations alike; otherwise a very warm and fun-loving person as well as your average gamer geek

Powers and abilities: Pyrokinesis, supernatural strength, speed and agility, military training, Chaos Energy manipulation, Savage Fury (a state triggered by negative energy; her powers are increased but she risks to lose control of herself; she has a fire aura in this state), Inferno Surge (extension of the Savage Fury usually exclusive to people with pyrokinetic powers, although there are exceptions; both the effects and the risks of the Savage Fury are increased even further; in this state, her hair becomes white and her eyes become red), flight (as long as she has Pixie Dust), singing, playing guitar

History (optional): Ella comes from Pixie Hollow, Neverland, where she is the High Commander of the Pixie Hollow Special Forces, the kingdom's military. She, her younger sister, Diana, and her apprentice, Bolt Logan, represent the highest ranked division. During a war known in her land as he Second Neverwar, she and Diana adopted three newly-arrived sparrowmen (male fairies, as they are called in Neverland) named Sonic, Shadow and Silver, whom they trained to become soldiers until one fateful battle in a kingdom known as Shimmervale, where they apparently had to give their lives in order to ensure victory. However, 8 years later, their brothers discovered that they were not dead, but that they had been turned into humans and transported to Earth with little to no memory of who they were. Eventually, they regained their memories and true forms. Now, she, along with her squad, came to Ever After High as undercover agents in order to investigate a series of strange events regarding the Royals and Rebels.

Other: Aside from her aformentioned equipment, her most famous weapon is the Blazefire Sabre, a gunblade (Pixie Hollow term for a weapon that alternates between blade and gun forms) built by Sonic, Shadow and Silver. In blade form, she can use it in reverse grip due to her strength and speed. In gun form, it can shoot blaster bolts, Chaos Spears and flames. She also speaks with an English accent.

Name: Diana Rosa Blake

AKA: Black Falcon, Zeta 2

Species: Never fairy

Gender: Female

Age: see Ella's age

Royal or Rebel: Rebel

Original or crossover (if crossover, state from which fandom): same as Ella

Story (it doesn't have to be a real fairytale, you can make it up): same as Ella

Family (if their parents aren't famous characters, explain why): see Ella's family

Physical description: A little shorter than Ella, blond hair, brown eyes, black high-tech armour suit with many pockets in which she keeps her stealth and distraction tools (like smoke bombs)

Personality: Diana rarely seems to take anything seriously. Even though she is calculated and focused in missions, she always seems to be immature. She enjoys being annoying, usually by calling kings, queens and authorities alike old. She also tends to use bad words (which she calls "interesting words") a lot, usually for comical purposes.

Powers and abilities: Psychokinesis, amplified senses and perception, military training, marksmanship (she doesn't carry many firearms, only a blaster pistol, but she rarely misses with one), piloting, stealth, flight

History (optional): see Ella's history

Other: Her famous weapon is the Falcon Staff, also built by Sonic, Shadow and Silver. Aside from being a melee weapon, she can also use it to channel her psychokinetic powers and split it into a pair of sticks, which are just as reliable weapons as the staff form. She speaks with an English accent.

Name: Bolt Logan

AKA: Thunderbolt, Zeta 3

Species: Never sparrowman

Gender: Male

Age: same as above

Royal or Rebel: Rebel

Original or crossover (if crossover, state from which fandom): same

Story (it doesn't have to be a real fairytale, you can make it up): same

Family (if their parents aren't famous characters, explain why): none

Physical description: Black hair and eyes, wears a black high-tech armour suit with two holsters for his blaster pistols (called Thunder Lockguns, also built by Sonic, Shadow and Silver)

Personality: Bolt is usually an easy-going, go with the flow kind of person unless the situation is serious. Despite this, he avoids the stereotypical action hero personality and prefers to think everything through rather than jump head first into something.

Powers and abilities: Thunder and lightning control, military training

History (optional): see Ella's history

Other: none

As for canons, I'll take Cupid and Blondie
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Name: Sonic the Sparrowhog

AKA: Aaron Stone (alter-ego), Omega 1 (operative identification code), the Blue Blur of Neverland

Species: Mobian Never sparrowman (Mobian=Sonic-style antropomorphic animal; sparrowman=Neverland term for male fairies)

Gender: Male

Age: see Ella's age

Royal or Rebel: Rebel

Original or crossover (if crossover, state from which fandom): crossover from Sonic the Hedgehog, with elements from Tinkerbell

Story (it doesn't have to be a real fairytale, you can make it up): Aaron Stone (main character), Blazefire (side character)

Family (if their parents aren't famous characters, explain why): see Ella's family

Physical description: Blue spikes, green eyes. As Sonic, he wears a green T-shirt, green shorts, red and white sneakers, white gloves and a high tech gauntlet that shoots blaster bolts, ice beams, a grappling hook and generates invisibility shields. As Aaron, aside from the gauntlet, he wears a black armour suit with light blue glowing streaks, black gloves and jet shoes which increase his speed and agility. He carries an energy disc weapon on his back and has two swords sheathed at his hip: a black one with a quarter circle guard (called Elucidator) and a short blaster gunblade.

Personality: Sonic is a friendly and easy-going type of person. He likes to make jokes and to challenge others to friendly competitions. As Aaron, however, he tends to act and speak more formally when the situation requires this

Powers and abilities: super speed, military training, werewolf form, Super Form, Unleashed Form, Savage Fury (he turns black and his eyer become blank), Inferno Surge (he turns purple and white, his eyes are still blank, he has a fire aura and he gains pyrokinesis), building and fixing things, flight, weaponsmithing, breakdancing, singing

History (optional): A few years after Ella and Diana's apparent death, Sonic, Shadow and Silver joined the Special Forces as their alter-egos, Aaron Stone, Stark Reality and Terminus Mag, respectively (which were inspired by their characters in an online RPG). upon saving the Pixie Dust tree from an attack. They get away with their sectret identities by claiming that their alter-egos are their twin brothers. Before coming to Ever After High as part of the undercover squad, they arranged it with the headmasters so that their alternative identities wouldn't have any class together.

Other: left handed, speaks with an English accent. Outside of class, he and his siblings run an inn and weapon shop (it's both an inn and a weapons shop in one building)

Name: Shadow the Sparrowhog

AKA: Stark Reality, Omega 2

Species: Mobian Never sparrowman

Gender: Male

Age: same as Sonic

Royal or Rebel: Rebel

Original or crossover (if crossover, state from which fandom): crossover from Sonic the Hedgehog, with elements from Tinkerbell

Story (it doesn't have to be a real fairytale, you can make it up): Aaron Stone (main character), Blazefire (side character)

Family (if their parents aren't famous characters, explain why): see Ella's family

Physical description: Black spikes with red streaks, red eyes. As Shadow, he wears a green T-shirt, green shorts, red and white jet shoes, white gloves with gold ring cuffs and and two gauntlets. As Stark, aside from the gauntlets, he wears a black armour suit with red glowing streaks, black gloves and jet shoes. He carries two energy disc weapons on his back and has two almost identical swords sheathed at his hip: a black one called Dark Bane and an aqua one called Dark Repulser.

Personality: Shadow is very immature and annoying to say the least. Aside from that, he is also a bit arrogant, but whenever he is, it usually becomes a funny situation for him and for others.

Powers and abilities: super speed, military training, , Super Form, Unleashed Form, Chaos Energy manipulation, building and fixing things, flight, weaponsmithing, singing, playing guitar

History (optional): see Sonic's history

Other: same as Sonic

Name: Silver the Sparrowhog

AKA: Terminus Mag, Omega 3

Species: Mobian Never sparrowman

Gender: Male

Age: same as Sonic

Royal or Rebel: Rebel

Original or crossover (if crossover, state from which fandom): crossover from Sonic the Hedgehog, with elements from Tinkerbell

Story (it doesn't have to be a real fairytale, you can make it up): Aaron Stone (main character), Blazefire (side character)

Family (if their parents aren't famous characters, explain why): see Ella's family

Physical description: White spikes, gold eyes. As Silver, he wears a green T-shirt, green shorts, white, navy and aqua boots, white gloves with gold cuffs and ice beam emitters on the palms and at the fingertips. As Mag, aside from the gloves, he wears a white armour suit with aqua blue glowing streaks. He carries an energy disc weapon on his back and has a sword with a dish guard and an aqua-coloured hilt (called Lambent Light), which can adjust the width and length of the blade and the size of the guard, sheathed at his hip. His armour can transform into a hulking, gold-coloured heavy armour suit. At that time, he has a hand-held blaster cannon sheathed on his back.

Personality: Silver is infamous in Pixie Hollow and in his stories for being absent minded and not very smart. He usually doesn't get jokes very quickly and he has a hard time being subtle when he's supposed to.

Powers and abilities: psychokinesis, military training, Super Form, Unleashed Form, building and fixing things, flight, weaponsmithing, singing, playing the bass

History (optional): see Sonic's history

Other: same as Sonic. He tends to say "It's no use" quite a lot, in fact so much that it's somehow his catchphrase.

Can I have Alistair, Hunter and Daring? But for Daring, I think I'm going to turn him into the loser that a mirror addict like him should be. You know, a Johnny Bravo-style character.
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Accepted :3 You go, IsonicfanI! Give him the joke character treatment
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Royal or Rebel:


Original or crossover:



The little Mermaid


Ursula (Mother)


She is also kind, cheerful, energetic and honest and has it easy to make friends. She always talk politely, no matter who she talks to. She is diligent and brimming with curiosity. And once she set her mind to a goal, she'll give it her all to achieve it. At times, she can also be somewhat air-headed, childish and clumsy, but she is also mature and can stay calm under pressure. But that's only part of her personality. She seems to have two her normal personality then the one that is just like her mother: manipulative, ambitious, sinister, elegant, persuasive, highly intelligent, vengeful, wrathful, and sultry. She seems to switch back and forth but no one is sure how it is triggered.

Powers and abilities:

Spell casting/Potion making
Name: Taylor Klein

AKA: Taylor

Species: Human

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Royal or Rebel: Rebel

Original or crossover: Original

Story: The Valiant Little Tailor

Family: The valiant little tailor/king

Physical description: Taylor is a bit on the

short side, fair skinned with a light

smattering of freckles across her nose,

green eyes and soft facial features. She has

medium length, reddish brown hair that 

she wears down. In general she dresses in

a brown Letterman jacket with the number

7 in blue, a long green sleeveless shirt,

jeans, and knee high boots. She also wears

a measuring tape around her neck.

Personality: Taylor is an incurable braggart,

viewing herself very highly and being very

confident. She can be a bit blunt, and tends

to mislead people (sometimes intentionally,

and sometimes accidentally). She helps

people a lot and can be very generous, but

she will occasionally trick people if it's in

her own self interest to do so. Her biggest

positive aspect is that she's often one to

help underdogs or stand up against people

who do wrong, though she does often use

manipulation to do it. She's very clever, but

not always very morally driven.

Powers and abilities: She can convince

anyone of almost anything given enough

time. Most notably, she brags of her skill

with such confidence, that people don't

notice that she's tricking them

Other: Taylor is royalty, but she is a very

firm believer that people should make their

own destinies. Also, she is known for

playing tricks on people for fun (though

never anything malicious).
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Name: Gabriella Thermopolis

AKA: Gabby

Species: Human

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Royal or Rebel: Royal

Original or crossover (if crossover, state from which fandom): Crossover from the Princess Diaries (Disney movie with Anne Hathaway and Julie Andrews)

Story (it doesn't have to be a real fairytale, you can make it up): If you don't know, the Princess Diaries is basically about this regular unpopular teenage girl that finds out her late dad was the heir to the throne of a country called Genovia. You totally should go watch it if you've never seen it :)  (Okay, Greekgeek, back to the rp stuff, lol)

Family (if their parents aren't famous characters, explain why): Her mom is Mia Thermopolis (now queen of Genovia)

Physical description: Straightened long dark brown hair, pale blue eyes behind large thick-rimmed black glasses, fair skin, and wears little to no make up (unlike in the pic)

Personality: Down to earth and just wants to be like a regular girl. She's smart and loves school and being with the fellow geeks whom are actually pretty chill and cool people, in her book. She's surprisingly very innocent and doesn't understand many dirty/bad stuff. Is a total gamer, anime, and book-worm girl and doesn't hide that what-so-ever.

Clothing: She prefers sweaters, leggings, and sneakers over anything fancy-shmacy. But, she doesn't mind wearing the occasional dress. Loves to wear bows in her hair and pins/buttons on her shirt and back-pack.

Powers and abilities: None, unless you count doodling and being able to beat everyone in Pokemon and Mario Kart.

History (optional): Grew up with both her fun-loving and down to earth mom and the strictness of the people that worked at the castle. She also learned lots from her grandmother, the former queen, so she has the best of both worlds. When she was sent to a public school in America, just like her mother had done before she realized she was the princess of Genovia those many years ago, she found comfort in the "unpopular" kids that played video games and read during breaks and she became their friends and loved doing geeky stuff with them. Though, as she got older, when she had to change schools for high school, she was sent to Ever After High, where she misses her friends dearly, but isn't afraid to make new ones at her new school.


*Doesn't want to date anyone. Just friends and sibling-like friends for her :D  

*Pet: Has a turtle named Squirt from Finding Nemo (her favorite Disney movie)

*Dream Occupation: American and Genovian Sign Language interpreter (loves to help people and really wants to help the deaf communities in both America and Genovia)

*Big supporter of Special Needs kids 

*Loves to listen to music (she even plays the kazoo, since she wanted to learn a kooky instrument), read, write (mostly poetry and short stories), play video games, and cosplay (yes, princesses can get their cosplay on sometimes, especially when anime conventions come into town)
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Name: Gabriella Thermopolis

AKA: Gabby

Species: Human

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Royal or Rebel: Royal

Original or crossover (if crossover, state from which fandom): Crossover from the Princess Diaries (Disney movie with Anne Hathaway and Julie Andrews)

Story (it doesn't have to be a real fairytale, you can make it up): If you don't know, the Princess Diaries is basically about this regular unpopular teenage girl that finds out her late dad was the heir to the throne of a country called Genovia. You totally should go watch it if you've never seen it :)  (Okay, Greekgeek, back to the rp stuff, lol)

Family (if their parents aren't famous characters, explain why): Her mom is Mia Thermopolis (now queen of Genovia)

Physical description: Straightened long dark brown hair, pale blue eyes behind large thick-rimmed black glasses, fair skin, and wears little to no make up (unlike in the pic)

Personality: Down to earth and just wants to be like a regular girl. She's smart and loves school and being with the fellow geeks whom are actually pretty chill and cool people, in her book. She's surprisingly very innocent and doesn't understand many dirty/bad stuff. Is a total gamer, anime, and book-worm girl and doesn't hide that what-so-ever.

Clothing: She prefers sweaters, leggings, and sneakers over anything fancy-shmacy. But, she doesn't mind wearing the occasional dress. Loves to wear bows in her hair and pins/buttons on her shirt and back-pack.

Powers and abilities: None, unless you count doodling and being able to beat everyone in Pokemon and Mario Kart.

History (optional): Grew up with both her fun-loving and down to earth mom and the strictness of the people that worked at the castle. She also learned lots from her grandmother, the former queen, so she has the best of both worlds. When she was sent to a public school in America, just like her mother had done before she realized she was the princess of Genovia those many years ago, she found comfort in the "unpopular" kids that played video games and read during breaks and she became their friends and loved doing geeky stuff with them. Though, as she got older, when she had to change schools for high school, she was sent to Ever After High, where she misses her friends dearly, but isn't afraid to make new ones at her new school.


*Romantic Orientation: Aromantic (no romance for this girl. Only friends and sibling-like friends :D  )

*Pet: Has a turtle named Squirt from Finding Nemo (her favorite Disney movie)

*Dream Occupation: American and Genovian Sign Language interpreter (loves to help people and really wants to help the deaf communities in both America and Genovia)

*Big supporter of the LGBTQA+ community and Special Needs kids 

*Loves to listen to music (she even plays the kazoo, since she wanted to learn a kooky instrument), read, write (mostly poetry and short stories), play video games, and cosplay (yes, princesses can get their cosplay on sometimes, especially when anime conventions come into town)

One small problem. I think you should remove the LGBTQA+ thing. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against it or anything like that. The problem is that it's a quite controversial subject nowadays and I once got in trouble on another roleplay community because of this subjet. It was basically the good old "How dare you talk about controversial subjects?" and the moderators almost banned me for allowing it in my roleplay. So, just to be on the safe side, I'd prefer not to risk getting in the same kind of trouble here as well. I hope you understand.
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Name:Elizabeth Arcane

AKA:Liz, Eliza, Eli.




Royal or Rebel:Roybel

Original or Crossover:Crossover. Harry Potter (Yes the one with British wizards/witches and magical football with brooms)

Story:Harry Potter is about this British teen boy going to a magical school called Hogwarts. He makes friends and magical stuff happens.

Family:Muggles. Lucinda Arcane and Erik Arcane. (Muggles are non-magical folk)

Physical Description:Shoulder Length Dark Blue Hair, Light Green Eyes, Pale skin, freckles and she has adorable dimples that show when she smiles.

Personality:She's a bit carefree and curious about almost anything, she's a quick thinker but doesn't really act quick. Being a witch, the whole magic thing mystifies her and she's eager to learn more. She's very protective and will face anything to stand up for a friend/family member, even though she's caring and loving, she has trust issues with most people and can't really get along with strangers. She loves to read, and by that, I mean Loves to read. Music is a must for her, she can't live without it. 

Clothing:She particularly likes plain or plaid button up/down shirts, ripped jeans and/or jeans in general. Though on some days you can catch her wearing her standard uniform. (White Button up shirt, black skirt and gray stockings with black flats to match)

Powers and Abilities:She has a wand that she can cast spells with, other than that she just sings, dances, teases, messes around and be's overall sassy as heck.

History:She's a Muggleborn witch, and lives in Manchester. Well lived. She was supposed to go to Hogwarts, but her parents felt like it didn't (mainly wouldn't) suit her. [Bull-crud in my opinion.] So they took her to EAH, she was a bit depressed for a couple months, but she grew out of it and grew close to EAH and the small town she now lives in.


She's a complete and utter Fangirl for most things.

She can't live without her books, music and Internet.

Being Sassy is her specialty.

She's a bit nervous and shy at first. 

She rarely trusts people she's just met.

She loves to write stories.

She secretly plays the violin and sings.

When she's annoyed or angry, she'll hex you. No questions asked and with no hesitation.

She also has a pet black cat named midnight that shows up later into the plot
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Name:Elizabeth Arcane

AKA:Lizzy, Eliza, Eli.




Royal or Rebel:Roybel

Original or Crossover:Crossover. Harry Potter (Yes the one with British wizards/witches and magical football with brooms)

Story:Harry Potter is about this British teen boy going to a magical school called Hogwarts. He makes friends and magical stuff happens.

Family:Muggles. Lucinda Arcane and Erik Arcane. (Muggles are non-magical folk)

Physical Description:Shoulder Length Dark Blue Hair, Light Green Eyes, Pale skin, freckles and she has adorable dimples that show when she smiles.

Personality:She's a bit carefree and curious about almost anything, she's a quick thinker but doesn't really act quick. Being a witch, the whole magic thing mystifies her and she's eager to learn more. She's very protective and will face anything to stand up for a friend/family member, even though she's caring and loving, she has trust issues with most people and can't really get along with strangers. She loves to read, and by that, I mean Loves to read. Music is a must for her, she can't live without it. 

Clothing:She particularly likes plain or plaid button up/down shirts, ripped jeans and/or jeans in general. Though on some days you can catch her wearing her standard uniform. (White Button up shirt, black skirt and gray stockings with black flats to match)

Powers and Abilities:She has a wand that she can cast spells with, other than that she just sings, dances, teases, messes around and be's overall sassy as heck.

History:She's a Muggleborn witch, and lives in Manchester. Well lived. She was supposed to go to Hogwarts, but her parents felt like it didn't (mainly wouldn't) suit her. [Bull-crud in my opinion.] So they took her to EAH, she was a bit depressed for a couple months, but she grew out of it and grew close to EAH and the small town she now lives in.

Other:She's Bisexual.

She's a complete and utter Fangirl for most things.

She can't live without her books, music and Internet.

Being Sassy is her specialty.

She's a bit nervous and shy at first. 

She rarely trusts people she's just met.

She loves to write stories.

She secretly plays the violin and sings.

When she's annoyed or angry, she'll hex you. No questions asked and with no hesitation.

Same problem as with Greekgeek1213's character. I have to ask you to remove the bisexual thing. I'm not against it, but it's a fairy controversial topic and I once got in trouble on another rp community because of it.
One small problem. I think you should remove the LGBTQA+ thing. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against it or anything like that. The problem is that it's a quite controversial subject nowadays and I once got in trouble on another roleplay community because of this subjet. It was basically the good old "How dare you talk about controversial subjects?" and the moderators almost banned me for allowing it in my roleplay. So, just to be on the safe side, I'd prefer not to risk getting in the same kind of trouble here as well. I hope you understand.

Okie dokie :)  Should I just say that she doesn't want to date anyone, then?
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Name:Elizabeth Arcane

AKA:Lizzy, Eliza, Eli.




Royal or Rebel:Roybel

Original or Crossover:Crossover. Harry Potter (Yes the one with British wizards/witches and magical football with brooms)

Story:Harry Potter is about this British teen boy going to a magical school called Hogwarts. He makes friends and magical stuff happens.

Family:Muggles. Lucinda Arcane and Erik Arcane. (Muggles are non-magical folk)

Physical Description:Shoulder Length Dark Blue Hair, Light Green Eyes, Pale skin, freckles and she has adorable dimples that show when she smiles.

Personality:She's a bit carefree and curious about almost anything, she's a quick thinker but doesn't really act quick. Being a witch, the whole magic thing mystifies her and she's eager to learn more. She's very protective and will face anything to stand up for a friend/family member, even though she's caring and loving, she has trust issues with most people and can't really get along with strangers. She loves to read, and by that, I mean Loves to read. Music is a must for her, she can't live without it. 

Clothing:She particularly likes plain or plaid button up/down shirts, ripped jeans and/or jeans in general. Though on some days you can catch her wearing her standard uniform. (White Button up shirt, black skirt and gray stockings with black flats to match)

Powers and Abilities:She has a wand that she can cast spells with, other than that she just sings, dances, teases, messes around and be's overall sassy as heck.

History:She's a Muggleborn witch, and lives in Manchester. Well lived. She was supposed to go to Hogwarts, but her parents felt like it didn't (mainly wouldn't) suit her. [Bull-crud in my opinion.] So they took her to EAH, she was a bit depressed for a couple months, but she grew out of it and grew close to EAH and the small town she now lives in.


She's a complete and utter Fangirl for most things.

She can't live without her books, music and Internet.

Being Sassy is her specialty.

She's a bit nervous and shy at first. 

She rarely trusts people she's just met.

She loves to write stories.

She secretly plays the violin and sings.

When she's annoyed or angry, she'll hex you. No questions asked and with no hesitation.

She also has a pet black cat named midnight that shows up later into the plot

There's another problem I didn't notice at first. You might want to remove "Lizzy" from the AKA section, because there's already a canon character named Lizzie.

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