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Sub Rosa Sweethearts

laurel floral

I'm the mother flippin' Rhymenocerous.


This is a private roleplay between
DisneyGirl and laurel floral.

Please do not post unless you are either of these gorgeous gals!

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Andromeda Durand

It was October and the leaves were finally starting to make suicide attempts, jumping from great heights and plunging to the ground. Anna wasn't one for nature or anything, but it was something she seemed to really appreciate about the weather right now. The visuals were nice and bright; the air smelled like rotten, wet wood, dead leaves; and the dampness carried. Sorta bittersweet, really.

It was the autumn of her senior year in high school and she was the lead singer and guitarist for her punk rock band and she was excited for the existence of it all. Especially since her college adviser, Trevor--er, well, Mr. Samuels-- was the also the adviser for the club she started that year for kicks. Turns out the club was more popular than she thought it was going to be and Anna had tons of edgy kids, as well as the occasional quiet hipster-esque kid, coming in to partake in the events and meetings she put together on her own accord.

She arrived at school after her daily morning walk. An electric guitar in its case was strapped on her back, and a side bag that held her school supplies hit her hip as she trotted along. Her fiery red hair, dyed, of course, outshone all of the kids dressed in dark sweaters and coats to keep from the cold as they huddled in little masses, gossiping or something. Anna strut her stuff all the way to the main office, then headed into the counselling rooms. She tapped on the door informally to a tune, then stuck her head inside, checking for Trevor Samuels. Expecting him, she cheekily said, "I'd like to be advised on my impending future, yeah?"

Chance Marlow

Chance had begun his morning with his daily work-out routine: a run around the neighborhood. He returned home, took a shower, ate his breakfast, and by 8am, he was out of his door. There was a quick drive to his workplace, lasting barely five minutes. It was a in a nice neighborhood in a suburban area, with two-car garages and pretty two-storied houses. When he arrived, he brought a massage therapy kit in with him.

Believe or not, this jock-ish character was a male nurse for those unable to care for themselves. In particular, he served a young girl named Bella. She was his main priority, and practically his life. He was devoted, responsible, and always very serious about his duty to her and her parents, but it didn't stop him from cracking a joke or two to ease some physical pain with a good laugh.

Provided with their household key after a few weeks of working there, Chance used it to make his way inside. This was the same time he came in every morning, regardless of whether Bella was asleep or not. It gave him time to prepare the lotions he massaged into her muscles, to ease her joints and give her a little relief before she was too stiff and set out the medications she took to ease inflammation like her Methotrexate. Today, he would have to inject her with the dosage of steroids that they were prescribed each month. It was something he didn't enjoy doing, but was necessary for her health.

He would help her get dressed and Chance would ask her how she was feeling; if it was a good day, they'd be able to get some gentle exercise. If it was a bad one, he'd spend most of their time at her side, massaging aching joints and ligaments; they'd talk and play games that didn't require mobility. The physical aspect of Bella wasn't the only important thing to him; her mental and emotional state were also very vital to keeping her healthy, and happy, of course!
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Trevor wasn't one to stay cooped up in an office all day. In fact, he wasn't one to stay cooped up anywhere all day; he liked his freedom and a little adventure, and there was none of that here. Things had been so simple when he was a teenager. Trevor was often cooped up then, as well, but at least he could ditch school during the day and sneak out of his room at night! You couldn't exactly ditch or sneak out of your job.

Well, you could, but then you wouldn't have a job anymore.

The old Trevor would have laughed if he saw himself now, sitting in an office all day. No way could he ever lead a life like that, where he was stuck in a prison with bad air conditioning and watered down coffee. He wasn't going to conform and follow the same old boring path his parents did. No, he was going to go another path. He was going to be different.

He was going to be a rockstar, touring the world with guys like AC/DC, Aerosmith, KISS even!

But, that was nothing more than a daydream now. It was just something to keep him from seeing the reality of his situation: that he hated his job and, worse, hated his life.

So why lead such a sad life, you ask?

Well, when you come from a certain type of family, you have certain expectations and responsibilities to fulfill them.

Sure, he liked helping the kids out and all, but it didn't make him feel alive. Not like how 80s rock music and his electric guitar did.

Trevor had been thinking about these things, before there was a tap on his door.

"I'd like to be advised on my impending future, yeah?"

Or like her. The person who made him feel alive more than anything else on this planet.

"Anna, come on in." He replied, grinning from ear to ear. It was pathetic how giddy he was when he saw her---she was a college student, for crying out loud---but he couldn't help it. Something about that fiery red hair and those sparkling hazel eyes made him melt like ice cream during a summer afternoon.

"Good to see you again. Sit down."


She had been up for almost an hour when Chance arrived, not bothering to get up.

If it weren't for that cheery, good-natured boy, she would never get out of bed.

But something about his enthusiasm was infectious, so up she would get, ready to face another day.

Maybe Mom and Dad knew that she wouldn't get out of the house any other way, and that's why they had hired Chance. He was the only one that kept her fighting.

The pain was extremely unbearable today, merciless. To be honest, Bella wasn't sure if she could get up even if she had wanted to; she simply didn't have the strength. But damn it, she would. She would have to. She would be a normal eighteen year old girl, even if it took every last ounce of might she had in her.

Bella moaned, as she crawled out of her piles of blankets. They seemed to wrap themselves around her, begging her to stay.

The warmth and safety of her bed was enough for her to forget the world and all its demands, but the idea of another day with Chance Marlow kept her pushing those soft blankets away.

"Ow," Bella said, wincing at the joint pain. Chance would have to massage her. The stiffness was killing her; and it was cold today, so that didn't exactly help either.

Man, this was exhausting.

This morning was not a good one. Besides the fact that her body was extra sore, she would be getting her monthly injection of steriods today. Not fun. Bella hated injections, and would always cry during them, but Chance was always gentle and loving. He knew just what to say and do to calm her down.

Then, afterwards, he would make popcorn, and they would watch a movie together.

She wondered what movie he brought this time.

And even though it was normal for a nurse to care for the emotional needs of their patient, Bella and Chance didn't exactly have a normal nurse and patient relationship. Theirs went beyond that. It was more of a friendship that was blooming into…something else. Something more.

"Morning," Bella greeted Chance, yawning and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.
Andromeda Durand

She romped on in, her nose scrunching up as she grinned. The redhead always felt energized after seeing his infectious smile--made her feel powerful or as if she could be something more than what she pinned herself down to. Anna took her guitar from off her back and let herself fall into her seat, laying her instrument across her lap as she got comfortable, propping her Doc Martens up against the front of his desk. "Soooo, Trevor," she said, forgoing his proper title and taking things a notch down, "Divulge unto me this, my tie-wearing friend, how would it sound to bring the club to a club?" She said it with enthusiasm, then quirked her mouth to the side, "I guess we can't call it that, huh? The campus will find it questionable," she said thoughtfully.

Anna let out a large sigh, then brought her eyes up to his-- his very nice,
what the hell were their color? Her eyebrows twisted in confusion, "Yo, yo, yo, wait the hell up here," she said, almost affronted; she stood up and tromped around his desk and stood over him, closing in close of his face, "What your eyes even colored, like, what the hell," she was astounded, to say the least and, of course, she had to take things to the next level. She always did. That was Anna.

The redhead leaned in then broke the barrier that one normally claims as the "personal bubble space," placing her hands on his face and concentrating on them, mouth still quirked to the side. They were less than a foot apart and things were getting a little heated, unbeknownst to her; however, she let go of his face, sighing in relief now.

"Dude, I think I need some glasses because I couldn't even tell that your eyes were like that blue-ish green hue. Huh..." she stretched a little, her movement tugging her shirt up and revealing maybe a little more than what was a respectable amount of midriff. Anna threw herself back into the chair, back in the same position, "So how about it?"

Chance Marlow

Chance hurried inside, carrying in their supplies for today, "Bella, you awake, hon?" he called, loud enough for her to hear if the door was closed, but not enough to wake her if she was still asleep. He had a little basket with lotions and various medication. He took a stroll to the kitchen to fill up a glass of water before walking over to her room. He took note that the liquid sloshed into the short cup fairly quickly-- way better than his water dispenser at his house. Chance shrugged a little, then carried their things to Bella's room, but he was slightly startled to see her already having climbed out of bed.

Her movement was more rigid and slow today. Looks like it wasn't going to be a good day, then? He gave her a wry smile, then said, "Y'know, I was going to come to you, you dork." He smiled at her, then motioned to the small bench situated outside of her bedroom door, "Take a seat for a moment and you can take the first few pebbles here, then we'll move into the living room and I'll set up the movie. Alright?" He referred to the pills as 'pebbles' like he normally did; a joke on account of one of the days he stumbled over words and accidentally called them that. He and Bella had laughed for hours it seemed before they finally stopped to give their guts a break. I guess it was the simple things in life that mattered, huh?

He handed her the glass, setting the basket down. "So, how're we feeling today, my fair lady?" he asked as he wrestled out a "pebble" from a bottle. Chance swore that they made getting these open harder for adults than they were children, even. After struggling for a moment, he placed two of the small, round, pink pills in her palm. "Bottom's up!" he said with a smile, "And after you've swallowed, you'll have to take a few guesses as to what movie I brought today."
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What was it about her? What is it the way she scrunched her nose when she grinned? Or was it the way she just romped on into his office like she owned it? Was it the way she propped her Doc Martins up against his desk with such confidence?

Trevor had always been attracted to confident women. There was just something about the way they commanded the room that got his attention. Okay, so it got everyone's attention, but especially his.

Anna, by far, had commanded his attention more than any other woman had.

"The club to a club?" He asked, not really all that there. He was too busy getting lost in her smile. Whoa, the way she quirked her mouth to the side. It was so…cute. She had a beautiful face on her, one that stood out from the crowd.

And then, without warning, that beautiful face was in his face, asking about the color of his eyes. Anna placed her smooth hands on his face, and stared into Trevor's eyes, as if she could see into his very soul.

It was intimidating, but he didn't move. Her mouth was still quirked to the side, as if she was amused by him. Trevor suddenly felt self conscious. He could smell her breath, which was minty, and her shampoo, a sweet mix of strawberry and…some other fruit. Kiwi? Whatever it was, it was intoxicating.

Oh man, the way she moved with such carelessness. Why couldn't he be that careless? He once was, centuries ago.

What happened to that guy? Oh, right.

He sold out.

"So how about it?" She asked, snapping him out of his thoughts. He hadn't even noticed she was back in her seat.

"Uh…" he said, before clearing his throat and trying to sound like a grown up. "I mean, if you think that's a good idea. What kind of club were you thinking, Anna?"

"Mr. Samuels," his assistant said, popping her head into his office. "You have a phone call."

"Tell them to leave a message, Linda." Trevor answered, like a typical grown up would.

"It's Tiffany."

Tiffany was a family attorney who worked in the next city over. She was a woman whom Trevor's parents thought would make a good match for their son, being able to straighten him up.

She and Trevor had been on a few dates now, and yeah, she was nice, but she was also boring. All she wanted to do was talk about work, politics, and the new diet she was on. They literally had spent their last date talking about how one of her clients was a family friend of the Kennedys and what diet Jackie O used to keep her figure. Well, she talked. He listened. Sort of.

Trevor didn't want to go on another date with her. He wasn't sure if he could handle another one, but his folks would kill him if he dumped her. Technically, he couldn't dump her, since they weren't official or anything. But, still.

Like a smart man, he took the phone call.

"Tiffany," he said, mustering all the fake enthusiasm he had in him.

"Hey, babe." Tiffany replied, with that Valley girl accent she never grew out of. It made him feel like he was talking to Cher from Clueless.

"So where are you taking me tonight?"

"Oh, it's a surprise…"

Lies. He never made a reservation anywhere, because he didn't remember to.

"Can't waiiit," she said.

"Me neither…"

When they hung up, Trevor almost screamed.

"I forgot about the date tonight!" He told Anna, about ready to rip his hair out.


Bella swallowed the "pebbles" before washing them down with a cup of fresh, cool water.

Ah, something about a drink of water this good made her feel renewed.

"I feel like shit." She answered his question, honestly. Since they first started their nurse and patient relationship, they had quickly moved past the socially acceptable and polite stage and down to the raw and real.

"But between you and the water, my morning just got a little better." Bella added, smiling at him. She could have gotten anyone as a nurse. Some bitter older woman who wanted to leave as soon as she arrived, or a guy who didn't care for jokes and movies. But she got Chance, and she wondered how she got so lucky.

What movie could he have brought today? Chance always had a habit of mixing it up for her. One week, it would be a fantasy movie like Harry Potter. The next, it would be a horror flick like Paranormal Activity. Last week he even brought a cartoon, Beauty and the Beast.

There was once even a whole week where he exclusively brought her Disney movies to watch.

Bella liked that week a lot.

"Hmm," she said, placing her finger on her chin in a mock thinking pose.

"Are we watching another Disney flick? Or no, let me guess, Lord of the Rings? Carrie? The Hangover?"

Bella endlessly listed more movies before finally giving up. The mystery was too much of a tease.

"Tell me!" She begged, giggling. "Please!"

She thought she saw something resembling a DVD in his hand, so she climbed over him, wanting, needing, to see it.

"Give it," Bella told Chance, laughing. But the playfulness didn't last long, because she had hurt a knee joint while climbing.

"Ah," she winced in pain, grabbing for her knee.
Andromeda Durand

She watched him stumble over his thoughts, like a predator watching their prey. Sure, Anna was innocent enough, but she wasn't so daft as to not realize that he was smitten with her. It was a thought that couldn't go disregarded, and it made her completely giddy to know that she had him wrapped around her finger. It wasn't as if she was doing it to gain anything. The attention he gave her was enough; his company was a joy. Anna found herself rather immersed with the idea of being able to be with him, too, but...

"It's Tiffany."

There was also that.

Anna gave a short quirk of her mouth, almost a wink of some sort, though it was done in a mock attempt to not be somewhat jealous. He was a man. He'd have women at his side, ready to commit and be his wife and bear his beautiful babies or some other damned socially forced role that females were thrust into. Regardless of their roles, she was still a student. She was still a
kid in all respect. And in that position, she had no power, no authority-- she had no control.

While Trevor was on the phone, she examined her cuticles nonchalantly. She tried not to care. Then he hung up and she looked up, almost hopefully. "I forgot about the date tonight!"

Anna's mouth quirked to the side again in that odd look of amusement and superiority. "Well," she drawled, "I can always help you prepare for it, Trevor-dear." The petite redhead stood up abruptly. "We'll have Tiffany-babe swooning by the end of the night," she said, making lewd gestures: throwing her head back and running a hand down her throat, her mouth forming a little 'O;' she looked in his direction, long lashes brushing her cheeks as she looked back down, "She'll be begging for another date in no time." She felt a little forlorn despite the stupid smirk stuck on her face.
Age always had to be a problem.

Chance Marlow

Chance wasn't the least bit alarmed when she said felt like "shit." They were familiar with each other enough so that they could use brazen language without feeling embarrassed or offended. He sent her a soft smile, however; "

He grinned at her attempts, shaking his head with each incorrect answer in his good-natured way. "Nope!" he said a few times, then laughed a little as she reached up for the movies. He soon became worried. He was given two-seconds of warning time before she doubled over when she stumbled a bit; he quickly steadied her. "Hey, hey, hey, easy there," Chance uttered in a soft tone, his eyebrows furrowed. Things like these happened from time to time. He hadn't been able to give her any other medication or stimulation just yet, so he guessed it was time to do that now before her joints and tendons were further damaged and she was in more pain.

The tall, young man cradled her in his arms and placed her softly on the couch. Chance took the two movies from his jacket pockets, showing her the covers and formally introducing them as he went to work, "We have Michael J. Fox in
Back to the Future, or Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway in Love and Other Drugs. I thought the second one was appropriate since we all seem to be a little drugged up this household." He gave his shoulders a little shrug and added to himself, 'But we'll probably end up watching the both of them. It's just a matter of choosing which one to watch first.'

"Just relax," he advised, setting up his equipment, "Once you pick out a movie I'll get my fingers working and we can just chill out for a bit." He also needed to get them drinks and some popcorn, as it was apart of their ritual.

"R-really?" Trevor asked her, before he realized what an inappropriate conversation this was. Sure, it was Anna, but c'mon, this was his personal life, and college advisors did not take dating advice from the college students. He was supposed to be advising her!

That's what a good, responsible college advisor did.

Too bad he wasn't a good, responsible college advisor.

"What do I do?" He asked, eager for answers. "I don't even know what girls like!"

Tiffany was the closest thing Trevor had to a serious relationship. In high school, he just made out with cute girls, and in college, well, he hardly even saw a girl. After college, he dated, but nothing beyond one date.

He just didn't find any of those women attractive. They were pretty, but they were also pretty boring. Like Tiffany.

But Mom and Dad wanted him to stop fooling around, pick a girl, marry her, and make well-behaved and Harvard-bound babies.

Trevor didn't care about that right now. Heck, he didn't even feel ready to be a husband, let alone a father! That was so…old.

At the same time, he wanted to please mom and pop; and they did have a point, too. He couldn't deny that one. He was the only one left of his friends who hadn't gotten hitched yet, and all of them had kids.

So perhaps it was time he settled down.

But as much as he wanted to fit in, he also longed for his youth and punk rock clubs.

What was Anna up to now?


If anything good came out of hurting your knee, it was getting to be cradled like a baby by Chance Marlow.

Bella was pretty amazed by how strong he was, being able to lift her like she weighed no more than a feather. As she cuddled close to him, she took in his scent, which was sweet and comforting, like vanilla or ice cream.

Hmm… did he bring ice cream?

"Thanks, Chance." Bella said, trying not to bend her knee too much.

She rested on the couch, holding a pillow against her chest, and he showed her the movies he had brought today: a classic adventure and a sweet romantic comedy.

Huh. Bella didn't remember ever watching a romantic movie with Chase before. Okay, so they did watch Beauty and the Beast, as well as a bunch of other great Disney love stories, but this was a straight-up romance flick.

Bella loved romance movies as much as the next girl, but she usually watched them alone…with tissues closeby. Bella had cried many times in front of Chance, but it was due to pain, not because she wanted a love story like the characters in her favorite movies.

To start the day off a little less awkwardly, she picked Back to the Future as the first movie to watch.

To be honest, though, the massages were always just a little bit awkward. I mean, she had a hot guy taking care of her, for crying out loud. But he always remained professional and respectful, and he made the pain easier to handle. Chance made everything easier to handle.

"I smell ice cream," she half joked. Seriously, though, did he bring ice cream?
Andromeda Durand

Anna had him wrapped around her finger with his eager little quip, his hopeful eyes glorifying her existence. He was so easy to just talk to-- and manipulate, though she didn't quite like to think of her advancements towards winning his love was simply manipulation; part of it had to be on his own accord, right? Wasn't love without any free will, after all.

The redhead languidly relaxed in the hair, her feet still propped against her senior's desk. "Well, first of all," she drawled, her voice as smooth and sweet as honey, "You've got to remember that women like surprises. Surprises, but
tasteful surprises. We like a man that can show his appreciation of multiple arts. You can cook, right? Yeah? No?" Anna continued without waiting for an answer, "Women like a man that can cook her a pleasant meal. It takes someone refined, but also daring to whip up a meal for their lady," she said. "Most of us also like chocolates and flowers and stuff, but you can save that for Valentine's Day, kiddo."

She looked at her nails in a bit of disinterest, "I think women just want to know that you're interested and that they can put trust in you, to be honest. If they can trust you with secrets, you've either become a candidate for their newest Gay Best Friend or its a signal that she's willing to do more than just give away secrets."

Andromeda really wished that Tiffany would just shove off and find some other man meat, but she also understood the position that sweetie Trev-baby was in, too. If she was in his place, her parents would probably be demanding children and maybe questioning if she was lesbian for not shooting them out as if they were t-shirts in a t-shirt gun at a sports even. Trevor didn't even have to tell her about his parents, it was just a given, and all parents want the same thing.

Right now, all she wanted was to go to concerts and find boys to make-out with, maybe have a smoke or something if things got a little too high-strung for her taste (she was lucky she wasn't a chain-smoker). Speaking of concerts... Gigs, and rock clubs... It reminded her of her earlier proposition. Her pale eyes lit up, and a smile spread across her lips, "What about that thing I was talking about, Mr. Samuels? Eh?" She waggled her eyebrows. "Bring the Punk Club to a legitimate punk club to enjoy the sights and sounds and the occasional meth-addict? If I'm lucky, I can have my own gig, host the event, hecks to the yeahs, man..."

Chance Marlow

It was nice having her so close as she cuddled into his grip. She smelled a little spice-y, like cinnamon or ginger bread, or even vanilla brown sugar. Her form was light in his arms, her skin smooth and pale against his own rather tanned and toned flesh. They contrasted as a pair quite a bit, at least physically with him being rather muscular and fit.

After he had set her down and made her comfy, with her legs elevated up on pillows to avoid them bending so much, Chance pulled out his supplies. He heard her utter a murmur of appreciation and he smiled, "You know it's no trouble. I'm compensated in both time with you and money so I can feed myself and my dozen cats," he half-joked. At this point they were choosing the movie, and she easily picked the Michael J. Fox film-- an utter classic. So many memories were hooked to that shiny DeLorean. He grinned, "Back to the Future, it is."

He popped in the DVD and set up shop, his plastic tub of lotions and medicines at the ready of his command. He let the previews play in the background as he readied the syringe. Even he almost forgot about, but it was always a subconscious thing with Bella. He couldn't forget it. Doing that would put Bella in more pain. He pulled out a surgical rubber band to tie around Bella's arm so he could more easily find a viable vein and administer the medicine through syringe.

Chance gave her a little raise of the eyebrows, smiled apologetically, and gave her a second to relax (or try to), then had her count with him to three, although he injected her at the count of two while she was still anticipating the third beat of his counting sequence. It was quick, though not necessarily painless, as he knew the shots were not one of her favorite things. Knowing that she would be sore, he excused himself and went off to heat up a warm pad to put over the more aching joints that could be relieved through heat therapy.

He brought her the heating pad and let her rest it on the areas she thought were most painful then was about to break out the lotions and other skin-absorbed medicines or pain relievers when he heard her say:

"I smell ice cream."

He smiled.

"Well, I did bring a box of Oreo ice cream bars. Want to eat those as we watch the movie?" he inquired. She really was an amazing woman.

If Trevor was being honest with himself, he didn't give a shit about cooking any gourmet meals for Tiffany.

Part of the reason was a) he couldn't cook, b) he would probably end up stuffing her face with potatoes and chicken so she would stop talking so damn much anyway and c) he was too busy daydreaming about what dinner with Anna would be like.

Anna wasn't the girly type from what he could tell, but he knew he would love to see what she looked like in a dress with heels.

He'd pick her up from her place in his brand new Lexus, his car smelling like leather and fresh summer air. She would come out wearing a little black dress, her wild red hair in a bun. He would tell her she looked gorgeous, and she would probably respond with something witty but adorable. Then, she would slide into the passenger seat, him holding the car door open for her of course, and they would drive to some fancy restaurant, where they would talk about their favorite bands, all while exchanging flirty jokes.

After they had dinner, he would take her out to a concert, and they'd scream and sing and laugh until their ears were ringing. And at the end of the night, while he was driving her home, she'd say, "I want to check out your place," and they'd go to his place and---

Trevor shook his head.

She is way out of your league, and besides, you're dating Tiffany. Remember? a voice told him.

Thankfully, Anna brought up the Punk Club again, and Trevor could play responsible student counsellor, instead of being a man child with a crush on a college girl.

And as much as he wanted to say "HELL YES!" to her idea, Trevor also knew that it wasn't what a responsible adult would agree to.

Even though Anna was a genius who knew how to make things 100% more fun than anyone ever thought they could be, the school would kill him if he let the kids do something like that.

Torn, he rubbed his neck and said, "I dunno, Anna. Might be a little dangerous…"

But dangerous was fun.


The shot was a bitch to deal with, but as soon as Bella heard Chance had Oreo ice cream bars, she nodded with glee, forgetting about her pain for a few sweet moments.

Biting into the ice cream cookie, Bella couldn't help but shiver; and it wasn't because of the cold treat. Being this close to Chance was intimidating and exciting, all at once. She may have been sheltered all her life, never having a boyfriend or even being kissed before, but she was still a teenage girl who was very aware of when a cute boy was in her proximity. The only other members of the opposite gender she was in contact with were the guys in her pain group, and most of them were super geeky and never showered.

As hard as Bella tried to concentrate on the movie, all she cared about was Chance. As hard as she tried not to be attracted to the boy who took care of her, she was.

What deodorant did he use? He smelled like peppermint. What was he like around his friends? Probably the same person he was with her. Did he have a girlfriend? Bella never had the courage to ask him, but if he did, she must have been one lucky girl.

Suddenly, Bella wasn't paying attention to the movie at all. Instead, she was in Chance's apartment, passionately making out with him like couples do in those romantic comedies.

They were kissing so fervently, that they ended up knocking over silverware and furniture. He took off his leather jacket, and picked her up from the ground, spinning her around like a princess and then---

Well then, in reality, Bella was giggling like crazy, unaware that Chance was next to her.

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