Styx - A Second Life

Flight is indeed a valid Pyre! I do however want to note to everyone that Manifestation is a rare and difficult trade. I will go into more detail when replying to profiles.
What would you say the level of technology is in Styx? Would it remain somewhat medieval? Or did it catch up with modern times?
Styx is overall quite a technological (and cultural!) "stew". That is, while it is primarily "renaissance" in technology, it also has access to some strange magitech of sorts that Spirits bring from wherever in Gehenna they reside. Some crafty Revenants have probably figured out ways to produce electricity, however. It's a question of where you look and who you ask.
Wisps are small balls of cool flames. The typical blue "ghost flame" kind of deals. They are usually stored in bottles, only to be let out for Manifestation.
What about currency? I don't think I'd want to pay with wisps in exchange for a bowl of Styx porridge :D

Is gold acceptable?
Styx works on a bartering system. It doesn't have any governmental body and as such, no global currency. Spirits usually conduct very weird trades for their goods, asking for items that you got no idea why they would ever need. A hammer and five bent nails. Or a lock of your hair. Or a promise to help out at a later time (and you will fulfill that favor).

Dealing between Revenants is another deal entirely. Some closed societies and neighborhoods (in the loosest definition of the word, as a new building might just grow up next to yours any day) stick to currency they know, silver and gold coins being common, but today's change and bills being just as commonplace. Due to this, the most common currency is... Well, goods and services for goods and services. It's not more complicated than putting up what you're good at and what impressive possessions you have, offer a trade against what you want and starting to haggle.
Pardon me, I just realized...

Is there a day/night cycle in styx? (I'm assuming yes but I don't know if there's a sun given the constant state of chaos).

How do characters keep track of the time?

Edit: Do we use the human calendar or something in that fashion? Thanks again
Clocks of all time periods are commonplace. There does not seem to be an actual sun in the sky but, indeed, it does get lighter and darker at a daily routine, similar to the usual 24-hour cycle. How exactly this works nobody, not even Spirits, can tell you. Abyss is a weird, weird place, even for its native inhabitants.
Whew. What a way to start/end the day. I might wait for the others who haven't posted before posting again.

@Plight - Does Tristan's pyre work both ways? He can absorb damage and redirect it?
Xan said:
Whew. What a way to start/end the day. I might wait for the others who haven't posted before posting again.
@Plight - Does Tristan's pyre work both ways? He can absorb damage and redirect it?
Ah man, i had a post all readied up and my internet crashed ;-; thank you based tapatalk god

When I designed Tristan's Pyre I saw it as a purely defensive capability. It would be way too strong if you could just link to someone else and start stabbing yourself haha

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Hahaha. That would make an interesting encounter. Stab, stab, stab!

By the way, I'm quite new so I'm not sure how alerts here work. Does everyone get notified when someone posts regardless of what tab they post in? I see 6 watching our IC tab and only 4 on our OOC.
Xan said:
Hahaha. That would make an interesting encounter. Stab, stab, stab!

By the way, I'm quite new so I'm not sure how alerts here work. Does everyone get notified when someone posts regardless of what tab they post in? I see 6 watching our IC tab and only 4 on our OOC.
I think you only get notified of replies for threads you have posted in

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Should Tristan be able to jump from the ground to the rooftops and from roof to roof?

I had thought that apart from their Pyres, Revenants were like humans - only stronger, and harder to kill.
That's a fair point. I guess it depends on the height of the rooftop? Given that they are stronger, their knees should produce more force for jumps. I imagined him jumping on top of a simple house and going up on levels as he went-I doubt he could jump three stories for example.

If he jumped to high, I'm sorry and will avoid it in the future-should've asked
I think that's a question for the GM. @Deucalion -

I'm not getting most of the alerts, other than the alert that you replied @Plight . I have all of the options checked on preferences. :(

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