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Multiple Settings Stuff and Things


curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal
Status: Temporarily Closed

About Me
I'm 21 years old with around 10 years of off and on forum-based role play experience. I've been out of the game for a while but now I'm jumping back in with hopes of finding one or two solid 1x1s and maybe a group RP. My job keeps me pretty busy at times while leaving me with excessive free time at others so I'm not the most consistent of partners. I like to get to know people I RP with; as such, please only respond to this post if you are over 18. World building is my biggest creative passion. In RL I go to work, watch TV, play video games, drink too much, sleep too little, and am extremely pet deprived.

Rules and Expectations
> Friendship is the first thing on this list for a reason. Looking for people who want to get to know me as well as my characters.
> Not every RP has to be a massive project, but if you're interested in world building please let me know. If not, please still be willing to put in a little effort to build our sandbox and not leave everything to me.
> Quality over quantity. Sometimes I'll roll out several paragraphs, sometimes it's just one. However much you write, please just write it well.
> My work schedule is erratic so I don't expect perfect consistency from others, but please let me know your intended post frequency and stick to it when possible or communicate if otherwise.
> Romance is pretty much a given, but I firmly believe in being true to the characters and story over making the love happen.
> M/F only. I can play either.
> Be willing to double up and play side characters. I'm a minimalist at heart but most worlds aren't limited to two people.
> No NSFW, but violence and language is no problem.


Pairings - These are just pairings that I currently crave. I'm open to just about anything.
Mentor x Mentee
Enemy x Enemy

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