• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Students of Hollywood High


The one an' only
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Be as creative as you wish with BB coding. You may use your own CS but a template will be provided if you wish. Please note the template is only the mandatory stuff, you can add on to it, I will. A like means you're accepted








Talent(this can be generic like cinema or it can be specific like directing):




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Travis Anderson



Name:Travis Anderson

Nickname: Trav, Anderson

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Grade: Junior

Talent: Film and modeling​



Personality: Travis is the epitome of cool. He is always calm and ready to help in a situation. He is a good friends even though he seems snooty. Being the most popular guy in school most think that goes to his head, but in reality he doesn't see himself that way. He thinks he's just an average guy. Always willing to lend a hand and never quick to anger he is a great guy to have around.

Relationship status: Surprisingly single

Likes: Helping | Acting | Skating | People

Dislikes: Bullies | Narcissists | Pain and suffering



Backstory: Travis comes from a strange household. His mother is a movie producer and his father is a deadbeat. His mother left when he was ten but she still keeps in contact. Living with his father was difficult as he became an alcoholic. Travis still believes his father is a good person at heart and is just having trouble. Travis lives in a trailer behind his fathers house so he stays out of his way. His mother has helped to pay for everything his father and he need but she stays away as much as possible. Despite the strange upbringing Travis has remained a nice guy, and given his looks became popular very quickly. Some consider him the golden child of the school, but he doesn't see it that way.

Clique: Popular

Theme Song:

Extras: His cousin is Allison Shepard​

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?What is your full name?

Mariah Chanell Summers

?How old are you?




?When is your birthday?

June 30th

?Describe yourself (appearance)

Brown Skin, Wavy hair, THICK, Pretty Smile, seductive eyes, Big tatassss,Soft clear skin,

Hair Color:CHANGES (as of now its Brownish Blackish reddish)

Eye Color: Browwwwnnnn


?Describe your life (biography)

Mariah Chanell Summers, born in raised in Maryland. Lived a life filled with Sex,Drugs,Booze, and money. Her friends always thought she lived the good life, when in reality she was suffering. Her mom Adriana would drink her days away and prostitute her nights, leaving Mariah alone to raise herself, Her father Desmond was the drug lord in their neighborhood, he was never around but when he was he always made sure to comment how fat her ass was or how she wish she was his wife. Her escape was through her music, she loved singing and dancing and writing music. It was her life, throughout her teen years shes been trying to find herself especially in the crazy world shes forced to live in. So she moves in with her Aunt Michelle, Uncle Reeves and Cousin Dyamond.

?What are you like? (personality)

Mariah is goofy, loving, free spirited, romantic. She loves adventure and meeting new people. She's definitely a thrill-seeker. Open minded to various ideas..she has a general trust in others, often seen as sincere and generous. However she generally has good self discipline and is recognized as being able to plan and think ahead. Mariah is poised, confident, and clear-thinking when stressed, however often resist any cravings or urges that she has, but sometimes gives in. experiences a range of positive feelings, including happiness, enthusiasm, optimism, and joy. she is tender hearten and compassionate, feeling the pain of others vicariously and are easily moved to pity, however she feels superior to those around her and sometimes tend to be seen as arrogant by other people.a calm person who is considered almost fearless by some. rarely gets angry and it takes a lot to make her angry. she genuinely likes other people and openly demonstrate positive feelings toward others.makes friends quickly and it is easy for her to form close, intimate relationships. she finds the company of others pleasantly stimulating and rewarding, and you enjoy the excitement that crowds provide. she likes to speak out, take charge, and direct the activities of others. shes usually the leader in group activities. she leads a fast-paced and busy life. moves about quickly, energetically, and vigorously and are involved in many activities

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-22_0-27-23.jpeg.b5e74789618a0cc2d9d9062445d063d8.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136967" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-22_0-27-23.jpeg.b5e74789618a0cc2d9d9062445d063d8.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-22_0-27-30.jpeg.46467717fe04cd4ea9f9b8d35d381521.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136968" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-22_0-27-30.jpeg.46467717fe04cd4ea9f9b8d35d381521.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

?What are you all about? (Likes and hobbies)

Likes to party, Cook, she loves to have fun, singing and dancing is life.

?What are your dreams and aspirations?

Wants to become a famous singer/song writer

?Any Enemies?

Not that she knows of

?Desired clique to be in.

POPULAR of course

?Where do you hang out at?

Local Parks, In front of my house, but you can definitely catch me at the mall.

?Extra Curricular?




?What's your dirty little secret(s)?

I Like girls but always deny it.

?Anything else?

Clothing Style:Anything fashionable with my own twist, or something basic. I can go from jeans and a shirt to a sparklyyy purpleee dressss

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-22_0-27-7.jpeg.6875f00469ca8f0289aa8fa65ae9e794.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136966" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-22_0-27-7.jpeg.6875f00469ca8f0289aa8fa65ae9e794.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Daniella Boxer

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-21_23-41-58.jpeg.a22e75ddb0cab0b730a9eae7c68405b4.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136970" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-21_23-41-58.jpeg.a22e75ddb0cab0b730a9eae7c68405b4.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Daniella Boxer

Nickname: Danni

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Grade: Sophomore

Sexuality: Straight


Talent: Danni is a killer drummer and she has the video editing skills of a god.

Personality: Danni is a fun-loving type of girl. She enjoys having fun and letting her hair down and is the first to suggest a party. She tends to be the first to make a move in any given situation and is good for starting up conversations with total strangers and getting herself into relationships too quick. She also has a bit of a problem with helping people who don't want it. She swindles her way into other's peoples business and gives them advice on things they tend to not know that she knows about. Besides her pushy nature Danni is quite down to earth and wishes to take care of everyone and help everybody who needs it, but she is by no means a push-over. If someone were to mess with her then that would be their undoing as she has no problem with getting physical. She won't start a fight but she'll definitely finish it.



~Being in Control

~People who accept her help

~Helping people




~Writing songs

~Making skits



~Being alone





~People who think she's unrealistic

~Being called stupid

~Not being taken seriously

~Being judged

~Losing Friends

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-21_23-41-58.jpeg.a22e75ddb0cab0b730a9eae7c68405b4.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136970" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-21_23-41-58.jpeg.a22e75ddb0cab0b730a9eae7c68405b4.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-22_0-7-21.jpeg.6240e01f0b08284993995b217c826fcb.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136975" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-22_0-7-21.jpeg.6240e01f0b08284993995b217c826fcb.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Bio: WIP

: She hangs out with everybody so she doesn't have much of a clique.

Extra: Danni is vegetarian because she loves animals too much to eat them and she has a pet ferret named Pablo that she brought with her.

Theme Song
: Young Volcanoes by Fall Out Boy

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Sef and Rufus Nevarro


  • ?What is your full name?

    Sef Illia Nevarro

    ?How old are you?

    "18, why?"

    ?When is your birthday?

    "5th June"

    ?Describe yourself

    "Look to me and you know, but I am 6 feet and my weight, uhm, 200 Lbs, but yeah, muscles are heavy, and yeah, you see that, want to see my sixpack also?"

    ?Describe your life

    "Well, I was born at one day, then I went to school et cetera, you know, the usual things. I started at a young age with Gymnastics, I love it, it is so diverse! I trained each day several hours, mostly 2 a day. Did several competitions, in the first division. I love the vault, high bar, team gym and floor. Then I went to high school, it was a shame they don't have team gym here. Also I started modeling work, it's so cool, just having to walk in your underwear and yeah, pretty cool. Also I keep up a small fashion blog, I have a twin brother, who is sadly a few minutes older"

    ?What are you like?

    "Well, I am open, to everyone, I say what I think, I don't care if people gossip about me, cause actually? I DON'T CARE! I'm not very shy, but I actually do not make easily friends. Also, I am out to the school since a few years"

    ?What are you all about?

    "Gymnastics, boyfriends, Modeling, Blogging"

    ?What are your dreams and aspirations?

    Calvin Klein model

    ?Any Enemies?

    "Not really actually, not that everyone is my friend"

    ?Desired clique to be in.

    "Not really difficult to decide, Athletes"

    ?Where do you hang out at?

    "Where place is"

    ?What classes are you taking?

    "Geometry, World History and German"

    ?Extra Curricular?

    "Gymnastics, Cheer leading, Sociology"

    ?What's your dirty little secret(s)?

    "Um, I dated a girl, and yeah, some things in the bedroom I am not going to share"

    ?Anything else?

    "Done? Cool!"

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Name: Kiara Vox

Nickname: Kiki

Age: 17

Birthday: November 28

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Grade: Junior

Talent: Dancing, Directing and Singing


General appereance: Kiara is short and curvy. Her breasts are in a scale between medium and large and she has a nice size butt. So you could say that she has an hourglass figure, that she loves to show. She has curly purple hair that goes down to her shoulders. She has dark brown eyes

Height: 5'4

Weight: 136

Hair Color: Black but dyed purple

Eye Color: Dark brown

Build: Short and curvy

Clothing style:She prefers to wear things that define her curves. But when she's dressed casual she's in shorts orjeans. But she's always wearing a crop top. Occasionally she wears skirts.


Personality: kiara is very independent. She does what she wants. She always gets what she wants and she doesn't like when people are in the way of her goals or plans. She is INSANELY flirty. She is very intelligent but she'll sometimes dumber down for guys.

When she's with her friends she is very funny and childish. She is very sarcastic too. But she is also hot headed. So many people try to stay on her good side. She loves to party with her friends, anywhere any time. But through all that she's still the life of the party.


+ Sleep

+ Dancing

+ Being with friends

+ Food

+ Parties


- People who act fake

- Know-it-alls

- Being told what to do

- Being pushed around

- Being called "short" or "shorty"


Bio: Kiara had a picture perfect family. Well that's what everyone thought. Her dad was a very busy man. He always came home late. He'd miss dinner,date nights, and family outings. It was as if she didn't have a father. The closest thing to a father was her brother. This went on for at least 2 years. That was until they saw her father at the store with his other girlfriend. Their family was heart broken. That made Kiara a party girl

clique: She hang out with everyone but she usually with the popular, but she isn't mean.​
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Darrel Sayaka Maruyana








Senior (12th)




Theater; Directing, Composing, Writing, Singing, Multi-instrumentalist

Composing and playing Music mainly, Writing and Directing on the side.




5'3, lighter than you'd expect.

She doesn't like eating much and is skinny to the point where it may be slightly unhealthy.

Pretty weak in general.


Darrel is quiet, calm, laid-back and quite a boring person to the general public. But if you happen to find common ground with her, you might find yourself stuck in a deep conversation discussing interests. She is a thoughtful person with a open mind, always looking for something new and interesting that people might like. People who know her are keen to hear her opinion and advice as it is almost always genuine and well though out.

But no person is without their faults and Darrel is no exception. She is a surprisingly convincing liar and uses it to her advantage too many times. She is also known to be snappy, judgmental and just plain mean if she feels like it.


If Darrel looks rich it's because she is. Her father is a banker while her mother is a successful businesswoman. She has lived in a large stately home for all her life and attended exclusive boarding schools since she can remember. Her parents wanted her to pursue a career with high salaries like a lawyer or a banker but she found it boring and uneventful. With months of convincing and compromises, her parents let her attend a school for Fine Arts, HAA.




Theater or Musician


She sings alto


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(Sorry, I don't have enough time for BBCode right now, xD )


Name: Elaine Marie Francois

Nickname: Lanie

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Grade: Senior

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Talent(this can be generic like cinema or it can be specific like directing): Acting, Singing

Personality: "I've been told I'm a bit of a clown or 'goof-ball', but I take that as a compliment. I like making people laugh and smile, it makes my inner 'goof-ball' happy. Although I care that others are happy around me, I'm not one to really stay stationary for too long, and I'm a bit scared of a fully commited relationship and am known apperantly as the school 'heartbreaker'. I can't help it, I just haven't found Mr. Right yet."

Extra: WIP
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Allison Shepard



Name:Allison Shepard

Nickname: Ally

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Grade: Sophomore

Talent: Singing and Writing​



Personality: Ally is a quiet kind of girl. She doesn't like to talk much unless she's friends with you. If you are friends then she'll laugh with you, love with you and live with you. She'll stick by your side to the end. She has the thought process that everyone is good. She is a bubbly optimist type. Her cheery attitude is rarely down and she often rubs off on others. She is super nice and very easy to get along with.

Relationship status: Single

Likes: Anything cute | Singing | Quiet | Humor

Dislikes: People being mean



Backstory: Ally's parents are fairly wealthy. Her father works side by side with Travis's mother in the production company and her mother is a successful lawyer. They recently moved to L.A. from a suburb in New York. Ally is the stereotypical 'new girl' or 'girl next door' because of her sweet yet sometimes naive personality. They moved for both parent's career's and Ally got into HAA because of her cousin Travis. He was the one who convinced her to try out. She was apprehensive but is ready to start her new school career as someone important, if she can make friends.

Clique: New Girl

Theme Song:

Extras: Her cousin is Travis Anderson​
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.37af1319f0332eabafcd474b52b2e0ca.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137111" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.37af1319f0332eabafcd474b52b2e0ca.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (I apologize, I am using my phone for the next few days (computer is broken) so I won't do code.)

Name: Lucas Samuel Hastings

Nickname: Luke, or the standard "Lukey" from an interested girl.

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Grade: Junior

Sexuality: Straight

Talent: A powerful vocalist and songwriter.


Height is 6'2".

Refer to top of profile.

Personality: Luke is an emotional guy, which comes out in his songs. They always say artists carry more sympathy in their hearts, and he definitely fits this description. Although he is quieter than most boys his age, he still likes to get turnt and flirt with girls.

Luke has above average grades, mostly A's and a few B's here and there. He tries hard in school, but his real passion lies in his music.

His most defining traits are:

His loyalty

Stable morals

Outgoing personality

Optimistic attitude.


Too trusting of multiple people.

Fear of the future.

Can be extremely quiet at times, causing people to think he's indifferent and apathetic.

Clique(optional): musically adept kids, but gets along with everyone.

Extra: His father helped him set up a mini recording studio in his basement, which is where he spends most of his time, and may be the cause of those few B's.

He has participated in sports, mostly soccer, throughout his younger years.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.827309131e6d56cb6495cf97a36a2a3e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137112" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.827309131e6d56cb6495cf97a36a2a3e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Ameila Grace White

Nickname: Ams, Amy

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Grade: Junior

Sexuality: Straight

Talent: I'm a musician. I sing, play guitar, and write music.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/large.jpg.a23719d097564764159fb2e042125514.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137255" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/large.jpg.a23719d097564764159fb2e042125514.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: I'm kinda shy, I say kinda because I don't like being shy so I try to be more "out there" but it just ends up being awkward.. I am intelligently stupid. I have a serious love for dogs. When I crush, I crush hard. I'm very much a dork at times. I care a bit too much about others and I have the biggest passion for music.

Clique(optional): I don't even know..



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Maria Clara Carriedo De La Cruz


Mar-Mar, Ria, Clare, and Lara are nicknames that are usually used, but the nickname she's called by her friends and family back at home is actually Luzvisminda.










Maria is a skilled traceur and artist, but enjoys singing and songwriting during her spare time, and is rather talented at it.




Though usually a laid-back, jovial, humble and eccentric young woman, Maria shows a deceptively cunning and serious side when the situation warrants it. Despite her care-free attitude, she always speaks politely, but is sometimes sarcastic. Her close friends have noted that she tends to go over the top with whatever she becomes passionate about, which includes singing and songwriting, along with art and free running.


Maria wouldn't consider herself to be in a clique, per se, since she would much rather not be labeled by such things.


Maria was born and raised in the country of the Philippines and moved around a lot in the country, hence her nickname, which is a combination of the Philippines' three major islands, Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao​


Arianna Ramírez


Full Name: Arianna Ramírez

Nickname: Ari

Gender: Female


Grade: Junior

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Talent: Mostly known for playing many different instruments, but she sings a little bit. Ari plays the piano, drums, guitar (classical and electric), bass, etc.


Personality: Arianna is the type of girl who can sit in the back of a class and stay quiet, observing everything that goes on. But she is also the type of girl that will throw herself into a conversation, depending on her mood of the day. People are quick to learn that she is very personable and outgoing. She’s comfortable to be around and aims to make others happy as best as she can. Ari has a very laid back and casual lifestyle. At first, her style gives off a nonchalant attitude to others but they eventually figure out that she actually does care about many things. She’s easily amused and laughs at almost everything. She appreciates talking to people and loves to show off her talents. She’s very confident in what she does, but also acknowledges that there are people better than her and that she still has a lot to learn. Ari is a nice person but everyone does have a dark side. Arianna can be very rude to people if ticked off and depending on how upset she is, she wouldn’t mind hurting anyone’s feelings.


+speaking/cursing at people in Spanish to people who don’t understand her

+listening to music

+dressing casually every day

+making friends

+composing for others and herself


-rude people

-people asking her to speak French

-the cold weather

-dressing up fancy



○ writing lyrics

○ singing

○ playing video games

○ cooking


Appearance: Arianna is pretty short, but she doesn’t mind it much. She’s actually comfortable with her height and weight and feels confident in her body. She has tan skin, very curly brown hair, and brown eyes. Sometimes she straightens her hair but she enjoys leaving it in its natural curly texture.

Scars/Piercings/Tattoos: Double ring helix piercing on her left ear

Height: 5 ft. 4 in.

Weight: 126 lbs.


Birth Date: 26 September

City of Birth: Washington D.C.

Known Language(s): Arianna is fluent in Spanish since her father is Cuban. She learned it as a primary language first then learned English afterwards. She also knows French, though she isn’t fluent in it yet. She's in French 3 at school for her Junior year.

Clique: She doesn't label herself into a clique, but is well known around the school. Most people label her as part of the Musician clique.

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Leah LeBlanche

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Name: Leah Lynn LeBlanche

Nickname: Leah or Lynn. Prefers Lynn when with friends

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Grade: Junior

Talent: Leah's talents vary a lot on physical activities such as sports however her talents mostly lay in her ability to dance excelling from her gymnastics.


Personality: Leah is quite a laid back character when it comes to new interactions, she is outgoing, cheery and quite adapt to any conversation she might enter. If she has no knowledge of the subject she will ask questions to familiarize herself with the subject as to find some common ground, all in all she never passes up the opportunity to learn something new. The girl has no problem in trusting a person however when she does and the other person takes advantage of that and worse breaks her trust he gets his/her payback harshly even though she ain't a vulgar person, LIARS are her top most despised type of person anyone could be in her vision. She also has a faint heart in the sense she loves easily, not only in a romantic kind of way but also friendship wise. Despite all of her fears she is brave enough to try and face them herself one day but it was quite the challenge for her. If you could describe Leah in a few words to sum her up its ambitious and determined to accomplish a task, being it athletic or manual or even mind challenging it is a must for her to carry it out, especially if it revolved around her world of dancing. It is was builds and makes Leah.

Hobbies: Swimming, Dancing and an Evening walk/run/jog.

Likes: Dancing, Swimming, Sweet treats, Scented Candles, Having company

Dislikes: Being isolated, Spiders, Tight spaces, Know-it-alls, Idiocy.



Birth Date: 1st January

Place of Birth: Lyon, France.

Clique/Status: Gym-Rat. However she wouldn't consider herself popular just well-acquainted.

Backstory: Leah is the youngest out of four siblings which happened to be all brothers so growing up she was more comfortable being around males than females, as much to say she grew up tom boyish. She'd rather pick converse over heels, sweats over a dress, blue over pink and so on. She hadn't quite an easy childhood due to her parents, if it wasn't for her brothers she would be out on the streets, her mother had left them for prostitution and their father always ended up home drunk which never fairly resulted well. Until of age she and her brothers' remained till she turned 17 this year and all of them decided to separate for their new lives, hers was in the USA. Overall Leah is quite the athletic person, she is quite self conscious about herself as to what led her to exercising and so interested in physical activities, alas it became more of a hobby to her liking than a necessity. She can handle herself in any type of sport anyone can throw at her mainly gymnastics and swimming. With that being said she had the need to move a lot due to being in various sports competitions nationally for the separate sports but mainly triathlon events. That being said Leah ain't perfect or decent in every sport hence why she lacks the skill in basket ball. base ball as matter of fact. Her ambition is to compete in sporting competitions and become a professional athlete. However life led her to Hollywood High where she focused more on her passion for dancing and nonetheless use the expertise in gymnastic to pull off some routines.

As for phobias, Leah is arachnophobic hence spiders and any other arachnid, she fears. Apart from that she is also claustrophobic as she fears tight spaces due to being stuck in an elevator for a whole 24 hours. Her most prominent fear however is being isolated, being ignored... she likes being in someones company but when she ends up being alone in a situation she freaks out.


Aiden Gray



Name: Aiden James Gray

Nickname: Den, Jamie but mainly Aiden

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Grade: Sophmore

Talent: Ever since he was little Aiden experimented in the art of photography and filming. Interest also peaks when it comes to directing.


Personality: Aiden was never the type of guy to go out in the world and start conversing like never before, quite the contrary he tends to keep to himself most of the time and is also highly unlikely to find him attempting to make friends. You'll most likely find him with a camera in hand, walking around trying to snap some phenomenal shots or what so ever. His social awkwardness aside, if given the chance to show his true self Aiden can be quite outgoing the more he gets accustomed to the person. His humor is not a strong spot in him as he generally tends to fail at every attempt and do nothing but embarrass himself. One word that has to describe him would be intellectual, his knowledge varies from various aspects being it exceeded in sciences. He is never afraid to ask a question if it means to acquire knowledge. When it comes to romantic situations, those are the worse situations you can ever put him in. He doesn't know how to converse with a proper individual especially being a female. He has zero flirting skills however if he attempts it would simply be adorable or should I say adorkable. With that being said he is pretty much an innocent and pure soul but totally aware of the situations concerning those topics, after all he does know his sciences.

Hobbies: Going around for walks, Photography and Filming, Binge watching series.

Likes: Photography, Film-taking, Peanut butter treats, Stripes.

Dislikes: Being interrupted, childish behavior, Sports, Naps, close minded beings.



Birth Date: 12th November

Place of Birth: San Francisco, California

Clique: Doesn't quite do well with socializing but having that one friend wouldn't hurt, certainly if they share common interests.

Backstory: Aiden is the youngest sibling of four, being and older brother and sister and his twin sister. He grew up in a fairly wealthy state being the son of a successive business man. However Aiden never quite like the wealthy life, he liked living low-key which resulted into him isolating himself in his room with nothing but his books, computer and world of imagination. He never got the skill to actually communicate with individuals hence why he is so socially awkward. The only person Aiden was close and comfortable was his twin sister, who despite being his polar opposite she still managed to understand what was going on with his life.

Growing up, Aiden was as expected bullied due to his knowledge which never quite affected him negatively and took it from the perspective that they were simply jealous at how a person that age could harbor so much knowledge. That being said he managed to open up to his councilor and actions where taken. From that point forward he never feared to express how he felt to a person who was so willing to aid him. Despite all the bullying problem he face, his grades never hit below a B. He also discovered the passion he has for the art of photography being it a simple picture to a short clip to a whole cinematic.

Now Aiden is attending university in hopes he could find someone he could fit in and making new friends, always secluding himself gets tiring and in hopes to find a good person that he can be compatible with and share mutual interest.


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"We accept the love we think we deserve."

- Stephen Chbosky, The Perks Of Being A Wallflower


Shafer --- The Nympho


Shafer Kai

Nickname: Any pet name at all

Age: 17

Grade: Junior

Gender: Male

Race/Nationality: Native American

Sexuality: Pansexual

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Talent:Dancer, pianist, and actor

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Dark enough brown to just be considered black

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 107 pounds

Personality: Shafer is a brat. He's incredibly bratty, childish, pouty, manipulative, and gets just about anything he wants. No one has ever told him this is weird behaviour or wrong so it has all just come together to form the clusterfuck of arrogance and self-hatred that is Shafer.

Likes: Antiheroes, bannock, chaos, impressing people, scaring people, eliciting any sort of reaction from people at all, any sort of attention, water, loud noises, dancing and music.

Dislikes: Untalented/lazy/pessimistic people, bigotry, bad grammar, slut shaming, silence, talking about his self-esteem or insecurities or mental health in general, small dogs, and carpenters.

Clique: He floats around and fits in anywhere.

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Acey said:

"We accept the love we think we deserve."

- Stephen Chbosky, The Perks Of Being A Wallflower


Shafer --- The Nympho


Shafer Kai

Nickname: Any pet name at all

Age: 17

Grade: Junior

Gender: Male

Race/Nationality: Native American

Sexuality: Pansexual

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Talent:Dancer, pianist, and actor

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Dark enough brown to just be considered black

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 107 pounds

Personality: Shafer is a brat. He's incredibly bratty, childish, pouty, manipulative, and gets just about anything he wants. No one has ever told him this is weird behaviour or wrong so it has all just come together to form the clusterfuck of arrogance and self-hatred that is Shafer.

Likes: Antiheroes, bannock, chaos, impressing people, scaring people, eliciting any sort of reaction from people at all, any sort of attention, water, loud noises, dancing and music.

Dislikes: Untalented/lazy/pessimistic people, bigotry, bad grammar, slut shaming, silence, talking about his self-esteem or insecurities or mental health in general, small dogs, and carpenters.

Clique: He floats around and fits in anywhere.

love the quote. Actually just watched the movie today. One of my favorites.
Awh I know, right.

It's amazing, I read the book about three weeks ago and I think about it at least two times a day :/

It's one of those lingering ones <3
Name: Cleopatra Jones

Nickname: Cleo, Patricia

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Grade: Junior

Sexuality: Straight

Talent(this can be generic like cinema or it can be specific like directing): Photography



Cleopatra Jones, 5"4' in height and average weight for an American school girl. Dark raven hair and dominant facial features blended with heavy contour and expensive MAC cosmetics equipped with trendy 21st century clothing.

Personality: The definition of 'out there' if slang were in a dictionary. Cleopatra is an extrovert with a devious attitude to go with it. She's more focused on the work rather than the drama but finds time for both, she loves both. Cleopatra loves to be the center of attention if she isn't already showing off her glamorous looks by what casual yet expensive items she wears. She's never had stiff competition while attending any of her previous schools and she knows that no one can be competition compared to Cleopatra's defined looks.

Clique(optional): Stereotypical 'queen bee' // popular // usually acquainted with everyone // Cleopatra likes people who share her interests/talents.

Extra: N/A

Name: Eirian Williams

Nickname: Rian

Gender: male

Age: 16

Grade: Sophomore

Sexuality: demisexual

Talent : writing, art and acting

Appearance: Stands at 5'6 with a slender yet lean build. He has brown and blonde-gold-ish hair with pale navy blue eyes. His face makes him look fairly young and he does not have many prominent features that make him stand out in the crowd. When he frowns, a crease forms between his eyebrows and when he smiles, dimples appear on his cheeks. He's your average sweet boy.

Personality: Eirian is fairly quiet and an introvert to all those who meet him. He doesnt like all the attention but a little love now and then is nice. Though he seems confident in his talents and skills, such confidence does not carry from the stage and the studios to normal everyday life. He likes sitting by himself with a sketch book or journal, writing things down and documenting, maybe creating a few little snippets of stories, scripts and sketches here and there. Once one gets to know him, he's a lot sweeter and nicer, maybe sometimes a bit hesitant, but worth the wait.

He takes interest in music as it is something he is also planning on learning, or trying to anyway. He adores toffess and chewing gums of all kinds. His favorite colour is blue and his favorite animal is the squirrel.

Clique(optional): He's a lone wolf. Having only been in the academy for a short while in comparison to everyone else, he hasn't quite got his footing just yet.

Extra: Acting was what got him into the Academy, but writing and drawings was his real love and passion. He finds it awkward when acting sometimes because it is viewed as a gay-ish profession. He finds it difficult to converse with other students because of his difference in talents and tastes.
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Name: Matthew James Thompson

Age: 16

Nickname: Matt, James, or Guppy.

Grade: 11th / Junior

Sexuality: Straight

Talent: Graphic Design, writing, and Guitar (acoustic and ukulele)

Appearance: Light Tan, Five feet and Nine Inches, Usually wears a beanie, he has a light-medium build. He has green eyes and light brown hair.

Personality: Matthew is quiet, but can a loud and funny when you become his friend. He enjoys playing sports, writing songs for his friends, reading about history, and videogames. More can be learned through Roleplay.

Clique: He can usually be classified as a Jock and is notably popular in his old school.

Extra: Can be learned from Roleplaying.​



Jung Hyeyong


HyeHye , Yoongi ,Ice Princess










Rapping , Dancing , Modelling




Sarcastic , Bitchy , Stubborn , Protective , Intelligent, Kind, Fiery Temper , Flirty






Jung Bora


Ice Princess, Jeje










Singing , Modelling , Instrumental




Kind , Highly Intelligent, Passionate, Sarcastic , Long but Dangerous Temper , Extremely good at reading others and their emotions ,Flirty



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Esme (Esmeralda) Fiona Princeton


Sweetheart, Fireball, Esmie


Seventeen yr. old






Acting, modeling


Bright blue eyes, long brunette hair


Esme's an outgoing person, she likes to hang out and she's pretty nice.

She puts a lot of effort into her grades due to her parents' reputation,

she has her ups and downs, but she tries to outcome herself.

Sometimes, she may be selfish and mean, but that's not gonna happen often.


Doing what's she's best at

Hanging out




Disgraceful and disrespectful people


Insulting older people

Know-it-all smartasses


Like I said before, Esme comes from a very rich family.

Of course, the last-name
Princeton speaks for itself,

her mum is a reality TV actress and she has 5 brothers named:

Clyde, Rupert, Evan, Lindsay and Emilia.

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" He -- and if there is a God, I am convinced he is a he, because no woman could or would ever fuck things up this badly."

- George Carlin


Thai --- The Feminist



Name: Thai Kanada

Nickname: Thalia

Age: 17

Grade: Junior

Gender: Male

Race/Nationality: Korean

Sexuality: "Heterosexual"

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

Talent: Singing, Musical Theatre

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Blue (Contacts)

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 157 pounds

Personality: Thai is... Unpredictable, to say the least. He is very cheeky, arrogant, and often makes light of any situation, which is rarely a good thing. He adapts and learns quickly, often picking up personality traits from people he hangs out with too often. He gets severe night terrors that make sleep a distant and unrealistic goal. And as a result of his usual sleep-deprived state; he becomes a bit more "out there" than he needs to be, often overwhelming those around him. He is seemingly incapable of becoming anything close to serious when it comes to relationships. He treats others like playthings. Also, also, also. He's a huge feminist.

Likes: Women, but not for the reasons one might think, fire, social settings, feeling superior, Nicki Minaj, snapbacks, strongly-opinionated comedians, but only if he agrees with them, astrology, music, gothic clothing, eyeliner, and being the center of attention.

Dislikes: Aggressively masculine men, pretentiousness, bland people, slut shaming, country music, jealousy, birds being kept as pets, and boys in general most of the time.

Clique: Switches between misfits and popular. Depending on his mood that week.​

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Kalyn Ang

  • Name:Kalyn Ang





    Talent:Photography(mostly nature),Song writing,and singing(but only does it if convinced.Very shy with singing)

    Appearance:4'11 and takes her camera with her almost everywhere

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