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Fantasy Student applications (Varris academy CS)



The lord of shipping





Appearance(Pic or description, no preference in style):


Basic abilities (Non magic abilities usually applies to those who can't use magic but cover anything that is not a power):

Magic(Rules about magic below):



Basic character creation rules

Chances are your character will not have a good grasp on magic yet. Yes you can be a fast learner but that will not mean you will have any good spells starting off. Remember most characters in this will be people who are in the age range to be in an academy. So no you can't be a master mage yet.

Now this is the base no OP characters rule but I will go into more explanation.
See in this RP you all will be students learning about adventuring and the like. Now if you were say born a farmer or your parents would take you hunting you'd have a small idea of being a hunter. But if your just some nobody who's parents didn't teach you much, well your going to not have many specialties. An OP character in this case would be a new student who has all these magic powers right off the bat. And for now a mage can only have a standard level 1 spell and a cantrip (Spell list in Lore and magic rules)

Please keep in mind that the characters are kids/ Late teens. I mean it, you can be street wise but you just can't know everything there is to know.
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Name: Diana

Age: 17

Race: Descendant of the Ancient Pheonix

Speaking of said Ancient Pheonix, at any time it can cause a telepathic communication with its offspring (Diana). It will mostly be there for comical purposes.

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Partial Pyropheliac (loves fire sexually) other then that, she may swing both ways.

Appearance(Pic or description, no preference in style):

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Basic abilities (Non magic abilities usually applies to those who can't use magic but cover anything that is not a power):

Gliding/Reduced Fall Speed: She has flaming wings that, interestingly merge into her back and disapear from view when she's inclined, making it so Diane is not burdened by them. However, she usually likes to keep her wings outstretched since she finds them pretty and hopes others feel the same. After all, fire isn't only destructive, it can be very beautiful when weilded correctly. As of now she's yet to fully learn how to fly, but hopes to master it soon.

Minor Passive Heat Resistance/Better Temperature Regulation: Due to her heratige of the Pheonix, Diana can withstand more heat than the average person. Her body itself is higher than human temperatures, almost as if her blood itself was made of individual embers. As such, she has better temperature regulation. However, if that regulation begins to dwindle, she HATES the cold. As for how this could ever come into play, she can stick her hand on a open flame without having to run it under cold water after (If anything, she'd prefer to avoid water). If the class ever goes to a snowy area, it will take longer for her to get cold, but once she does, she will not be happy until she gets warm again. Worst part is she wont tell you she's cold, she'll only complain about what's going on in general and how much nicer it is ANYWHERE else.

Inherant Attunement to Fire: Diana picks up on fire spells faster than any other spells and typically faster than other students. In adition, she can slightly bend fire to her whim. She can take a "part" of an open flame and manipulate it, even changing it's shape and as long as she concentrates on keeping the fire alight. If she loses concentration, typically the fire dies out, but in an enviornment that promotes flames spreading, said area may catch on fire so watch out.

Minor Regeneration: When I say Minor, I mean very Minor. It's almost unnoticeable at this point (May grow to be stronger in the future). For example, if she gets a cut, if a normal person would take 5 minutes for the bleeding to stop and 5 days for any trace to disapear, Diana would only need 3 minutes for the cut to close and 4 days for it to completely disapear. As an added benefit of this, she has a slightly higher than normal immune system, so she gets sick less often.

Cantrips: Firebolt
Spells: Burning Hands

Hobbies: "Let's see... I like practicing magic, I want to fly so I'm constantly at work on that. I'm a bit of a bird watcher and enjoy cooking on occasion. I play with smoke signals and make figures out of it using my control of fire, and burning things never gets old. Oops did I say that out loud? Don't worry, I'm careful not to hurt anyone most of the time."
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Name: Kuruki Zumotoki

Age: 17

Race: Neko (of ghoul descent)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight and seeking

Appearance(Pic or description, no preference in style): Same as profile picture, average height, slender, ruffled short hair with one brown eye, the other blue but covered by a dyed fringe for no one to see. Ears are tucked behind a black beanie, skin pale and delicate looking. Tail included!

Alignment: Working for the good, easily swayed and following the crowd

Basic abilities (Non magic abilities usually applies to those who can't use magic but cover anything that is not a power): Due to her ghoul descent, she has inherited such abilities: flash running and combat, still in training. Aspires to work on her non-magical abilities.

Magic(Rules about magic below): She has basic telekinesis abilities, which allow her at most to disappear for now, but in time she hopes to develop her skills to use in the outside world.
Curing Wound ability: In training, but aspires to pass Level 1 exam in order to proceed in her writing. Kuruki can perform on small scale applications, such as grazes and bruises. In order to strengthen her abilities in combat, she must succeed Level 1 training.

Hobbies: Well.....im in the middle of my book.."studying human life". I'm rather a bookworm and a people watcher! I run every night, into the early hours of the morning, completing my ritual of yoga, kickboxing and.... and putting my telekinesis powers to the test. I endeavour to get it right...
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Name: Victor Stalingrad

Age: 18

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: Zeke_Echoes.png

Alignment: Neutral Good

Basic abilities: Minor Weapons Training, Above average reflexes, Minor electric abilities, sharp intellect, Noble experience


•Shocking Grasp: A touch based lightning spell, capable of electrocuting the target.

•Witch Bolt: A bolt of electricity that can be shot continuously.

Hobbies: "Well let's see... If you were to ask me what kind of hobbies that DON'T involve me accidently shocking everybody that comes close to me, I'd give you an entire scripture as to how most of my free time has been devoted to keeping this damned condition under wraps. I've worn gloves, coats, scarfs and the latter of which only conduct more electricity rather than suppressing it. It keeps me up at night, I swear... Dear God, I've gone off of such a tangent. My apologies. *Clears throat* My hobbies include horse riding, physical training, weapon training, mental meditation to control my electricity, and a bit of studying as well. I mean hell, you've got to learn what's going on around you or else you'll just be left behind."
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Name: Ally

Age: 17

Race: Human, Asian

Gender: female

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance : Sporting pale alabaster skin and long black hair, Ally usually just goes around in a pair of simple tees and jeans. Average in all expects, with a much more round face contour and wider eyes, she gives off a rather constant day dreaming look to whomever that approaches her.

Alignment: Neutral

Basic abilities : Minor weapon proficiency (daggers) , Charismatic, slightly nimble and dextrous.

Magic : Presdigitation , Ray of Frost

Hobbies: Conversations, and books.
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Name: Cobalt

Age: 17

Race: Half Dragon

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(Pic or description, no preference in style):

Alignment: Chaotic good

Basic abilities (Non magic abilities usually applies to those who can't use magic but cover anything that is not a power):
Cobalt has inate resistance to lighting due to his draconic ancestry. But to say he's actually capable of using lightning magic is another story.

Due to Cobalts scales he has a natural armor of sorts making him tough to hit and it actually hurt

Draconic knowledge: Basic knowledge of draconic society.
Magic(Rules about magic below):
Acid splash

Hobbies: "I for one like to ask what the concept of a short life is like. When you learn you get to be 700 years old you start wondering what you can do with all that time. But for those like humans what is it like? Along with this I enjoy a good walk and have a slight... hobby regarding jewels. Touch the jewels and we start having problems."
Name: Noah

Age: 17

Race: Half Elf-human

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Hetero

Appearance: attractive, tall leanly built teen. Noah stands at 6'3", and has curly white hair. His eyes are an icey blue color, and his skin is a caramel tone. His ears are pointy but not as pointy as a pure elf

Alignment: Good

Basic abilities (Non magic abilities usually applies to those who can't use magic but cover anything that is not a power): Really nimble, and agile. Stronger and faster then the average human. Is really good with animals.

Magic(Rules about magic below): rudimentary elemental magic. Can heal small cuts and bruises.

Hobbies: drawing, climbing trees, gardening
Name: Sage Kademan

Age: 16

Race: Human (With a Air Elemental following her)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: 0658388db8cf32dadd446f5bc3055509.jpg

Alignment: Neutral Good

Basic abilities: Basic defense skills, Intelligent, determination, fits in smaller places, and hiding.

Magic: (Elemental) Thunderclap - Cantrip

Thunderwave - Spell

Hobbies: "O-oh, well...Hello. Hobbies? I enjoy being on my own, reading and writing. Trouble seems to follow me, so it's better that i remain on my own...Um, anyways! I also play piano and I practice my fighting whenever I can. I'm not very good at it though; I at least know basic defense. I hope we can get along.."

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