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Fantasy Strong Soul CS


Neuro Vampire

Senior Member





Class: (No One above Silver)





  • Base: Some variation of Combat Merging
  • Awakening, (Name, if unlocked):
  • Ascension, (Locked)





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Name: Sicarius Knightwalker

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Class: Bronze

Affiliation: The Crusaders

Personality: Sicarius is a chivalric person to the core. He charismatic and does his best to remain courageous at all times. He’s strong willed and helps him resist his darker impulses. Above all he is selfless person who values his friends. He also understands he didn’t grow up the way most do. He grew up in a prestigious Exorcist bloodline in a castle. He doesn’t try to flaunt that fact and understands the perceptions as well as the assumptions that come with his upbringing.

What really sharpened his persona was his experiences in the Eurasian Incursion zone. He wouldn’t say that he possesses PTSD or trauma from it. However, those 2 years changed him as a person. He understands that in battle all you really have are the people there with you and that blood or name doesn’t equate to the term family. He wouldn’t trade that time for anything because despite all the bad it made him a better person and a better Exorcist in the end.

Appearance: Sicarius is a slim muscle toned man as opposed to a bulky or slim and no muscled person. He is very muscular dense however weighing around 30 pounds more than how he actually looks. He has long blond hair which prefers to tie back into a pony tail most of the time. His hair is the only really feminine thing about his appearance. He doesn’t really wear any armor and prefers looser clothing.

History: Sicarius comes from an Exorcist bloodline and was born with a Strong Soul. His main social interactions were with children of nobility. These were his friends in the area of Carolina he grew up in. Unlike most his residence was a castle, the Knightwalker Castle.

Due to being born into an exorcist family he was also home trained. His family still thought it important to understand were other exorcists may come from and get outside experience in his training. He got to apprentice under different Exorcists for short time frames. He also visited and studied at several different knighthoods, also for brief time periods. The oddest thing about his training is that he received much instruction about unconfirmed theories pertaining to both Exorcists and Egnarions.

Sicarius tested into the Copper class at the age of 14. From there he left his home behind as he was able to take on assignments. He went all over the three remaining continents. Three years after he tested for Copper, he tested for Bronze. Sicarius then did a rotation at the Eurasian incursion zone which made him start to think about the unconfirmed theories he was schooled about. His time in the incursion zone was very trial by fire but the experience gained was unreal.

Energy: Lightning / Electricity
  • Base: Lightning Combat
  • Awakening, Fulminata: Electricity Manipulation, his eyes have sparks of electricity coursing through them. They change color as the electricity surging through them changes color. He can only maintain this form for a few minutes.
  • Ascension: Locked

Armament: Blaze Luminous
The sword’s current form is actually its second form. It originally was a lesser blade but has been developed to its current state. The sword still doesn’t have any particular abilities of its own. Sicarius keeps it manifested at his side in a manifested sheath but can summon it without a sheath.

Semblance: Raziel
(Inner World Appearance)


Raziel is a stern and steadfast mentor to Sicarius. He’s also a reliable ally that most of the time when summoned will descend from above either slowly or in a dive bomb attack. So far his manifestation only possesses flight through his wings and Enhanced Swordsmanship.

Equipment: He carries no additional armaments or equipment of importance

  • His energy is electricity so being overwhelmed by large amounts of water or having it redirected back at him via a conductive metal
  • Insulators and faraday cages would also nullify his energy
  • His only real way of fighting is swordsmanship he is not actually skilled in any other areas of combat.
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WIP - hopefully finish tomorrow (10/04/20) when I don't need to do it on my mobile and can therefore see what I'm doing

Name: Velaria Eldridge

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Class: Copper


Personality: Velaria is naturally a little bit timid, often doubts herself and believes there's been some huge mistake and can't possibly have what it takes to become an exorcist. Aswell as a lack of self confidence she is a ditsy and caring young lady who is humble, having led a sheltered lifestyle. Despite this there is a strong will underneath and has a strong sense of right and wrong. Velaria works better in teams, with others to support her she feels a need to protect them, this sense of obligation helps bring out the power in her as she draws confidence from those around her. If anything Velaria is loyal to her core.



Energy: Earth Elements (Nature based)
  • Base: Elemental Combat (as suggested above, Earth related)
  • Awakening, :
  • Ascension, (Locked)



Skills: Creating medicinal ointments etc. Using natural ingredients.



Name: Sicarius Knightwalker

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Class: Bronze

Affiliation: The Crusaders

Personality: Sicarius is a chivalric person to the core. He charismatic and does his best to remain courageous at all times. He’s strong willed and helps him resist his darker impulses. Above all he is selfless person who values his friends. He also understands he didn’t grow up the way most do. He grew up in a prestigious Exorcist bloodline in a castle. He doesn’t try to flaunt that fact and understands the perceptions as well as the assumptions that come with his upbringing.

What really sharpened his persona was his experiences in the Eurasian Incursion zone. He wouldn’t say that he possesses PTSD or trauma from it. However, those 2 years changed him as a person. He understands that in battle all you really have are the people there with you and that blood or name doesn’t equate to the term family. He wouldn’t trade that time for anything because despite all the bad it made him a better person and a better Exorcist in the end.

Appearance: Sicarius is a slim muscle toned man as opposed to a bulky or slim and no muscled person. He is very muscular dense however weighing around 30 pounds more than how he actually looks. He has long blond hair which prefers to tie back into a pony tail most of the time. His hair is the only really feminine thing about his appearance. He doesn’t really wear any armor and prefers looser clothing.

History: Sicarius comes from an Exorcist bloodline and was born with a Strong Soul. His main social interactions were with children of nobility. These were his friends in the area of Carolina he grew up in. Unlike most his residence was a castle, the Knightwalker Castle.

Due to being born into an exorcist family he was also home trained. His family still thought it important to understand were other exorcists may come from and get outside experience in his training. He got to apprentice under different Exorcists for short time frames. He also visited and studied at several different knighthoods, also for brief time periods. The oddest thing about his training is that he received much instruction about unconfirmed theories pertaining to both Exorcists and Egnarions.

Sicarius tested into the Copper class at the age of 14. From there he left his home behind as he was able to take on assignments. He went all over the three remaining continents. Three years after he tested for Copper, he tested for Bronze. Sicarius then did a rotation at the Eurasian incursion zone which made him start to think about the unconfirmed theories he was schooled about. His time in the incursion zone was very trial by fire but the experience gained was unreal.

Energy: Lightning / Electricity
  • Base: Lightning Combat
  • Awakening, Fulminata: Electricity Manipulation, his eyes have sparks of electricity coursing through them. They change color as the electricity surging through them changes color. He can only maintain this form for a few minutes.
  • Ascension: Locked

Armament: Blaze Luminous
The sword’s current form is actually its second form. It originally was a lesser blade but has been developed to its current state. The sword still doesn’t have any particular abilities of its own. Sicarius keeps it manifested at his side in a manifested sheath but can summon it without a sheath.

Semblance: Raziel
(Inner World Appearance)


Raziel is a stern and steadfast mentor to Sicarius. He’s also a reliable ally that most of the time when summoned will descend from above either slowly or in a dive bomb attack. So far his manifestation only possesses flight through his wings and Enhanced Swordsmanship.

Equipment: He carries no additional armaments or equipment of importance

  • His energy is electricity so being overwhelmed by large amounts of water or having it redirected back at him via a conductive metal
  • Insulators and faraday cages would also nullify his energy
  • His only real way of fighting is swordsmanship he is not actually skilled in any other areas of combat.

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