Street Knights OOC


One Time Luck
Street Knights RP Storyline

It’s a race through the cities of Japan in this futuristic thriller. 20 of the greatest motorcyclists in the world have gathered together in Tokyo, the heart of Japan, 10 of which have received email with videos of their loved ones tied up and strapped to explosives. They instructed each rider to come to Tokyo with their best racing motorcycle and win, or else that loved one will be killed. The 10 races stretch across the biggest cities in Japan, and the racer in last place is “eliminated”. Each racer gets a special bladed weapon to fight of other racers in high speed combat. Will the racers be able to beat the clock and save their loved ones, or will the discovery of a darker plot lead them to a race for each other as well as the lives of everyone in Japan?

Character Sheets


1 – Sentaiyo (Kizuato Nakarakuen)

2 – bettsyboy (Grey)

3 – Riddle78 (Nathan Dillon)

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