Story Streamwood


New Member
So I'm just kind of writing this whole thing in this thread. And I don't really know what it is yet. I'm doing it here because actually starting a word processor makes me think, like, "OH MAN THIS A THING I'M DOING" but if I post it here, it's more like "Oh, I'm just trying to tell a good story to the forum; it's just like as if I were roleplaying" BUT IT'S NOT. My brain doesn't know though, I guess. Brains aren't very smart.

Additionally, posting here allows people to give me criticism on it. I haven't actually written anything like this in almost a year -- I've just been roleplaying, really -- so my narrative skills may be lacking as of late.

I'll be coming back to this and editing it as I get more ideas for how it should progress.


"My name is Robert, I'm seventeen, and I'm here because I tried to kill myself."

I kept my eyes on the group leader. Even though I knew the other patients accepted me, I didn't want to look at them when I said it so bluntly. Maybe I thought I'd see them snicker or something. I would've rather been blissfully unaware if that was the case, so I kept my eyes where they were.

In order for people to accept you, they have to know you already. I say the other patients accepted me because they'd heard my story before; this wasn't the first time these words came out of my mouth. It wouldn't be the last.

With that thought's coming and going, I had already finished my introduction. It was mechanical at this point. Name, age, why you're here, and - usually - two goals for the day. Details that sound very interesting. At first, anyway. Believe it or not, hearing the same thing everyday gets old, fast. You'd think people would open up more the longer they were here -- which did happen, though with very few people -- but not everyone was so willing to share their most personal sentiments with total strangers. Which I thought was weird, honestly, because who better to talk to about your biggest problems than people you'll never see again?

I returned my attention to the group. The boy two seats to my left began talking. He was here for the same reasons I was, though he fit the part much better than I. Self-identifying as "emo," his hair was medium-length -- dyed black -- with a perfectly fair complexion and cobalt blue eyes. He typically dressed in all-black clothing.

He was the first friend I'd made here.

If you're wondering about my two goals, they were nothing special. I didn't have anything planned for the day, which means I would have to use my "default" goals. The first was always there, no matter what.

"Observe my moods."

The second was usually topical. If there had been a lot of fighting the previous day, it would be something like, "try to stop conflicts," or, "ignore negative behavior." And there was usually enough fighting so that I didn't have to think of anything else. It was kind of disheartening, really.

I realized I was frowning while thinking this. I mean, my typical resting face is the epitome of unfriendliness in the first place, so I had to wonder how scary I looked right now. I sighed, mentally shoving the thoughts aside, and looked over at the boy currently talking. Introductions were almost over.

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