Strays In The Cage - RP


New Member
A cold night, rain drizzled, turning on and off. A moon covered by clouds, but surrounded with stars. The light slightly flickers in the building, from time to time. Workers constantly come back and forth into cages with dogs on a brown battered leash, throwing them in the cage. This horrid place is called "The Cages". Will you survive the cages of long threat.. or be shattered in the so called 'Death Case'?

(Merp, uh, hey guys tell me if I am doing this wrong. I didn't know how to make charactor sheets or something so just join charactor is a german shepherd, named Kota, female and unusual gray eyes, 11 years old)

Kota's unusual gray eyes flitted around, staring through the bars of her cramped cell. The female was sitting, back hunched. Her bony frame stuck out because of little food and her 11 year old age. She listened to the drizzle of the rain turn on and off, listening to the whines of the wind against the creaky wooden door as it opend and got blown to the side. A worker came in, slamming the old worn out door and sulked through the rows of cages, making sure every cage was latched tight. Kota lay down, in a darkend corner. 'My time must be coming soon..' She thought. Not trying to think of the Death Case, she closed her gray eyes and fell asleep.
(Heres a character sheet:






Reason for being there:


My character sheet:

Name: Timber

Age: 12 moons/ 1 year

species: canine

Breed: Wolf/ German shepherd

colour: Grey with bright blue eyes.

Reason for being there: Her owner could no longer handle her

Other: VERY dangerous, independant, has a sister she hasnt seen for ages)

Timber snarled at the man dragging her in. she let her wolf side take over and she lunged for the worker. something grabbed her by the collar and yanked her back, she turns and snapped at him. he jumped back in alarm and watched as she was dragged away. she turned back to the man dragging her. she snarled again. she was dragged into a small white room. she felt a muzzle go around her face. then she was lifted on a table. a man in a white lab coat came in and picked up one of her paws. he checked it and put it down then he wrote something on a peice of paper. he did this with all her paws. then he checked her fur. he did other test writing down the results each time.

after the check up she was taken outside. there was a large shed in which she could hear barking. the man holding her leash took her inside and threw her into a cage he slid off the muzzle then closed the door.
Kota awakend very soon, listening to the new dog Timber. She heaved a sigh, licking her muzzle of dry thirst. Her water bowl was empty, and she kept licking it hopefully some water would magically fall into her bowl. She uttered a high pitched whine at the flickering light, wishing for it to stop. She stood, her fur not covering such a sack of bones. She pressed her face against the bars of her jail, and started barking in a high pitched voice, much like a whine. It echoed around the solid stone room. Kota presses her tail in between her legs as a man walks by and yells foul words at her, slamming her cage with a bat. Kota continued her crys, then got tired of listening to the man yell the foul words at her over her barks. She slumps down in a laying position, worn out by just standing up.
Timber saw the dog in the cage next to her. noticing that her water bowl had no water in Timber offer's her her own. she nudged the bowl closer of the thirsty dog then sat on her hind legs. watching curiously.
Kota looked at Timber, gratefulness in her eyes. Kota lapped up many drops on her dry tongue until she was full of water. There was still plenty more for Timber left, so she left the bowl there. Kota had nothing to say, but her reply was in her eyes as "Thank you,".
(ok thanks timber!)


age:4 months


breed:american shothair

color:black fur with a white tipped tail and hazel eyes

reason for being there:she was on the streets her mother and siblings were ran over by a car

other:she's shy and doesnt trust humans.

nichole was tossed into a cage. she trembled and looked around. she saw a food bowl and walked over to it some cats hissed at her. she shrunk back scared.
(Hey I'm so sorry I was at school and was busy yesterday. Probably not gonna be talking on here for a while so, sorry! Yes, Yullen-chan, you may join)

"Oh, a few months... surprised they haven't thrown me in the Death Case already.." Replied Kota. She turned her attention to the new cat, pricking her ears at the feline. She snuffled the air, lost interest in the newcomer already, and looked down at the ground. Her light gray furs around her jaw and spinal area stood out from the black around there. She sighed heavily, pressing her muzzle against the bars again.
(its ok and thanks!) nichole looked at the cats and finally just took the bowl eating her fill. they hissed at her giving her a warning but she ignored them. they jumped her and she let out a yowl she tried to fight back but there were too many.
(can Timber and Kota share a cage.)

Timber growled at the cats who were jumping at the new cat. They backed off and left her alone. 'Hello kitty, why you in here?' She asks walking up to the bars of the cage.
Timber sighs. 'Oh i'm sorry.' she mutters. Timber walks closer and presses her nose into the bars. 'My owner couldnt keep me so she sent me here, she was told it was a paradise for unwanted pets. But i know they were lying.
Nichole nodded and looked at the lock on her cage. she walked to it and started trying to pick the lock. '' it!''jumping out. she walked over to timber's cage and did the same and kota's too.
Name: Diesel

Age: 2 years

species: Canine

Breed: Wolf Hybrid (Wolf+Husky)

Color: Black, white, & gray, with blue eyes.

Reason for being there: has been to many homes and no one could ever manage him or train him right.

Other: His Photo View attachment 10787 His colors dont like wolf like, but his huge size and aggressiveness does show is fathers side.

Name: Jessi

Age: 20

Species: Human


Color: White skin, blue eyes, and Blonde hair.

Reason for being there: to help the animals people hurt, she is a vet.

Other: her photo: View attachment 10788
(if im not accepted im sorry for posting)

Diesel lurched back kas the male pulled him into the large place filled with dogs and cats, he bared his massive white teeth and shook violently biting onto the hard metal stick and thrashing around, the man called another man to help, Diesel lurched back again shaking his head fanatically trying to slip off the rope, but it tightened and he let out a malicious growl to the other man who approached, when the man tried to grab at him and slip a large contraption over his muzzle he threw his head back biting onto the contraption and ripping it out of the mans grasp, he shook his head violently sending the contraption across the room, he bared his huge teeth at the man, but while Diesel was distracted by the new man, the other man who still had a hold of his neck with the catch pole quickly opened a large cage and threw him inside, Before Diesel could get to his paws , the man slipped off the catch pole and slammed his cage shut, then shouted foul words to him, but Diesel responded in a malicious way, he attacked the front of the cage biting his hard, frightening the man and making him jump back, he bared his teeth and the man kicked his cage and walked away, Diesel sat in his cage, his teeth hurt slightly from biting the metal cage, he then began to lick his left paw, blood slowly dripping off, it wasn't a horrible injury, but it hurt.
Nichole hissed at the men and jumped one scratching his face. the man said''OW GET THIS THING OFF ME!"tossing her against the cage. she hissed again but she was hurt. she looked at the cage seeing the new dog. she jumped at his lock wincing. she picked it and the cage opened.
The two men began to back away when Diesel took a step out of his cage, he bared his teeth standing in front of the other wolf hybrid, the other dog, and the cat, his tail was raised his ears pinned back with rage, and his pelt bristling, his growled loudly at the men, drool dripping from his jaws, then he lunged for the men and the jumped back quickly, he barked and growled loudly, when they turned and ran, he chased them, his wolf instinct kicking in, he chased the men the stopped quickly, his ears erect, tail going slightly lower, a female human stood before him, the males had ran off, she stood still she wore a white lab coat and she stared at Diesel with large pretty eyes, he sniffed the air, she was afraid and he wagged his tail slightly, she didn't have a large needle like most of them did, or a large gun carrying the cold toxins, he then looked back at the other dogs, his expression questioning, then she knelt down beside him as if she knew what to say "Its okay doggie." she cooed "Those bad men wont hurt you while i am here." he said gently.
Jessi petted the cat, then saw her injury, she then touched it gently "its okay kitty, I'm here to help okay, They wont be around her anymore, everyone will be taken care of right." she said then looked over at the Female wolf hybrid and the older dog, she patted the ground "ts alright, i wont hurt you." she said gently
Jessi scratched behind the cats ear and stroked Diesel's neck, then she stood up "I'll be right back, Stay." she said softly and turned to walk out the door

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