Two Thousand Club
So if you've gotten this far, I had an idea for an RP that would take place in 1983, and have a plot very similar to Stranger Things.
Only this time I'm adding a Xenomorph and Power Rangers twist to the narrative.
In 1983, there lies a team of power rangers entrusted to guard the secrets of their power and preserve the stability of their planet. These rangers or ranger are limited in number, but a new threat has presented itself.
The Hawkins National Laboratory has opened a portal...only this portal isn't to another dimension...but rather into another world. This other world is none other than a planet that will one day come to be known as LV-426.
And on this planet, scientists have unleashed a xenomoprh outbreak that threatens too engulf the entire town.
Only this time I'm adding a Xenomorph and Power Rangers twist to the narrative.
In 1983, there lies a team of power rangers entrusted to guard the secrets of their power and preserve the stability of their planet. These rangers or ranger are limited in number, but a new threat has presented itself.
The Hawkins National Laboratory has opened a portal...only this portal isn't to another dimension...but rather into another world. This other world is none other than a planet that will one day come to be known as LV-426.
And on this planet, scientists have unleashed a xenomoprh outbreak that threatens too engulf the entire town.