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Realistic or Modern Stranded

Quiet Is Violent

Eight Thousand Club
Nice and simple! Feel free to add BBcode, but it is not required.


Age: (over 13 please)


Appearance: (Realistic Pictures and/or Descriptions only)


Special Skills:

A like = Accepted
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Name:Ausen Boltens

Age: 58


Appearance: in description







Special skills: Knows chemistry like his 5 fingers but maths(he is a total noob.)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.9cf4f0b665a5d023b7bdc0ee7e1b8bdb.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133859" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.9cf4f0b665a5d023b7bdc0ee7e1b8bdb.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Olivia (Liv) Cole

Age: Nineteen

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.fc0f68ad013013d5f4c31cc50b292b65.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133866" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.fc0f68ad013013d5f4c31cc50b292b65.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Liv, although she isn't very smart, is usually fun to be around. She is usually laid back and outgoing but when she's angered she switches to a cold blunt personality within seconds. Her curiosity sometimes is too much and can get her into trouble, listening in on conversations and exploring dangerous places. She can be clumsy and forgetful but she is a loyal and trust worthy friend.

Special Skills: After going rock climbing since she was young Liv is very good at climbing almost anything, she is also a good swimmer.




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Name: Cleo Valentine

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Appearance<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.72fb008ca79c215454224476728c0f0f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133922" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.72fb008ca79c215454224476728c0f0f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Cleo has a tendency to be sarcastic in the worst of situations, she attempts to hide her true feelings about something with sarcasm. It's hard to get to her, of course, but once one gets to know her their rewarded with a extremely loyal friend. She's creative and artistic, loving to draw and paint something that helps her hide herself away for a little while. Insecurity has always been apart of Cleo's life, but she tries to keep those insecurities tucked away and hidden so that know one could ever find them. Again, once you get to know her Cleo is an extremely affectionate person and quite honestly loves hugging or cuddling people (just don't tell anyone or she'll slit your throat, she's got an image to maintain.) Cleo is extremely impulsive and reckless, her mind has no stop and think mechanism, it's simply "go."

Special Skills

• Running; Cleo has always been a fast runner and her endurance is also something one could brag about

• Hunting; Cleo's father took it upon himself to teach her how to hunt when she was younger. She's skilled with the bow and most types of rifles and shotguns.




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  • Meet Ángel Aiza.



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Name: Listelle Estelle

Age: 22

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/thCAC5EF8B.jpg.da99eb53251d031c73c1ca9efea67396.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133955" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/thCAC5EF8B.jpg.da99eb53251d031c73c1ca9efea67396.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: WIP

Special Skills: Herbal-ism, combat specialist, Special forces.


Name: Dyasis Estelle

Age: 22

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/tumblr_lrzen0zAAs1r3dm8go1_500.gif.3f83f83ca255f5bb7cef79d61991cb9d.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133958" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/tumblr_lrzen0zAAs1r3dm8go1_500.gif.3f83f83ca255f5bb7cef79d61991cb9d.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: WIP

Special Skills: Doing nothing,

Other: Unlike her sister, Dya hates the outdoors.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/1.jpg.208eadfceb9b8b8fb0158e1cb798b322.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133961" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/1.jpg.208eadfceb9b8b8fb0158e1cb798b322.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/2.jpg.bc8a123f9ee82ade1aabf66057d97bea.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133962" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/2.jpg.bc8a123f9ee82ade1aabf66057d97bea.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/3.jpg.a4d9bec7baf2101c860cce99310fdaf3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133963" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/3.jpg.a4d9bec7baf2101c860cce99310fdaf3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

NAME ••• Ada Kim

AGE ••• 25

GENDER ••• Female



She's a woman who's known as cunning and witty. Ada takes control of her situations, being seen as the leader as she plans her ways of survival. Her words can be cruel, harsh, sarcastic, anything crass. She doesn't hold back from what she wants to say and does not enjoy it when people think that it's okay to mock her for her skills. Though she is adventurous, she is also cautious of her surroundings and makes sure that it's possible for her plans to come through. She may seem as cold, rude, and awkawrd - which she is in the beginning, but once she knows that she can trust you, you see the warmer side of her: more sarcasm, banter, she may seem like more of an asshole, but she means well.

Ada is confident and persistent. Brave and sly. Daring and strong. Nothing will hold her back from what she wants and nothing will get in her way. The failures in her life are only temporary.



♦ Close combat (martial arts) - former SK Kkangpae member

♦ Handy - able to build shelter and anything useful

♦ Medical aid

♦ Tri-Lingual

**Her mother is Japanese, her father is South Korean. Ada moved to the U.S. and back to South Korea.




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Name: Anya Dyatov

Age: 17



Personality: She's very quiet but once you talk to her, and gain her interest she gets weirder and weirder. She runs away a lot because she doesn't like taking on problems but if she loves you and cares for you, she will protect you. She's into vengeance and can be malevolent. She's paranoid and keeps weapons on her. She even got one through airline security

Special Skills: She has really good hand eye co-ordination and is skilled at throwing knives and parkour.

Other: She and her brother are running from their rich, abusive father

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Name: Raja Kalfka

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.74eb2e749eed7399e88ac2996c979778.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134318" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.74eb2e749eed7399e88ac2996c979778.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Quiet, observative, Raja doesn't fight much. He's a loner in everyday life. A laconic young man, Raja hides his true emotions well.

Special Skills: Has won multiple awards for archery and is a wood worker.




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Age: 17

Gender: Female

Personality: Abi is a rather loud personality and an extrovert, she is rash and often makes decisions before thinking them through. No matter how many bad situations she manages to get herself into, she keeps up her always positive attitude and smile... at least for the most part.

Specific Skills: "Well, I start a mean fire. So, that's a skill..."

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Smoaki said:



Age: 17

Gender: Female

Personality: Abi is a rather loud personality and an extrovert, she is rash and often makes decisions before thinking them through. No matter how many bad situations she manages to get herself into, she keeps up her always positive attitude and smile... at least for the most part.

Specific Skills: "Well, I start a mean fire. So, that's a skill..."

Please read overview
Smoaki said:




Age: 17

Gender: Female

Personality: Abi is a rather loud personality and an extrovert, she is rash and often makes decisions before thinking them through. No matter how many bad situations she manages to get herself into, she keeps up her always positive attitude and smile... at least for the most part.

Specific Skills: "Well, I start a mean fire. So, that's a skill..."

-Name: Cyrus Weylain

-Age: 23

-Gender: Male


-Hair: Steely grey in color, much of it is pulled back into a tail that hangs until the middle of his back. Stray strands sometimes float about his facial features, but don't seem to bother him much at all.

-Eye Color: Unlike his hair, his eyes are a bright amber and look surreal in contrast with his hair.

-Body Frame: Height standing at a solid 6'0, and weight at 160lbs, he maintains a solid frame in comparison to the average male. Coated in lightly tanned skin that without it, would make him look albino, give him a natural color to contrast the almost mechanical colored eyes and hair. A leaner build, he had always been more of a runner than a brute force type of person. However it doesn't mean his upper body can be compared to a twig. His arms and chest are a bit fuller, yet not to the extent where they would stretch out a tight fighting shirt.

-Clothing: At the time of incident, he had sported a black v-neck shirt that had sleeves that ended and hugged at the midsection of his bicep. As for his bottoms, he wore a pair of vivid blue jeans held by a belt. At his wrist was a pink thread bracelet, a sentimental peace hand-crafted by his baby half-sister. Around his neck, a thin chain held up a small metal skull with the words "Only the dead lie in peace" etched into the front forehead. For his final accessory, another chain hung from his front right belt loop to the back right loop.

-Personality: Despite his dark attire, he is a kind-hearted person willing to step up for his beliefs. Preferring a peaceful resolution over any conflict, resorting to physical violence would only be as self defense or a last resort. With his kind demeanor, he unintentionally may come off as a flirty, although romance is generally the last thing on his mind. As much as he may also seem like some knight, he is inexplicably dumb when confronted about sentimental emotions aside from the caring nature of an older brother.

-Special Skills: Reasonably trained in hand-to-hand combat, fending for himself against mid-sized beasts like a boar would be an easy feat. However larger creatures that he simple cannot overpower, his only choice is to outwit; in that factor, he also shouldn't be underestimated.

SOS (Sorry it wasn't initially here, got caught up writing and it was the last thing I thought about.)
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AceOfSpades0210 said:
-Name: Cyrus Weylain
-Age: 23

-Gender: Male


-Hair: Steely grey in color, much of it is pulled back into a tail that hangs until the middle of his back. Stray strands sometimes float about his facial features, but don't seem to bother him much at all.

-Eye Color: Unlike his hair, his eyes are a bright amber and look surreal in contrast with his hair.

-Body Frame: Height standing at a solid 6'0, and weight at 160lbs, he maintains a solid frame in comparison to the average male. Coated in lightly tanned skin that without it, would make him look albino, give him a natural color to contrast the almost mechanical colored eyes and hair. A leaner build, he had always been more of a runner than a brute force type of person. However it doesn't mean his upper body can be compared to a twig. His arms and chest are a bit fuller, yet not to the extent where they would stretch out a tight fighting shirt.

-Clothing: At the time of incident, he had sported a black v-neck shirt that had sleeves that ended and hugged at the midsection of his bicep. As for his bottoms, he wore a pair of vivid blue jeans held by a belt. At his wrist was a pink thread bracelet, a sentimental peace hand-crafted by his baby half-sister. Around his neck, a thin chain held up a small metal skull with the words "Only the dead lie in peace" etched into the front forehead. For his final accessory, another chain hung from his front right belt loop to the back right loop.

-Personality: Despite his dark attire, he is a kind-hearted person willing to step up for his beliefs. Preferring a peaceful resolution over any conflict, resorting to physical violence would only be as self defense or a last resort. With his kind demeanor, he unintentionally may come off as a flirty, although romance is generally the last thing on his mind. As much as he may also seem like some knight, he is inexplicably dumb when confronted about sentimental emotions aside from the caring nature of an older brother.

-Special Skills: Reasonably trained in hand-to-hand combat, fending for himself against mid-sized beasts like a boar would be an easy feat. However larger creatures that he simple cannot overpower, his only choice is to outwit; in that factor, he also shouldn't be underestimated.
Please read overveiw
AceOfSpades0210 said:
-Name: Cyrus Weylain
-Age: 23

-Gender: Male


-Hair: Steely grey in color, much of it is pulled back into a tail that hangs until the middle of his back. Stray strands sometimes float about his facial features, but don't seem to bother him much at all.

-Eye Color: Unlike his hair, his eyes are a bright amber and look surreal in contrast with his hair.

-Body Frame: Height standing at a solid 6'0, and weight at 160lbs, he maintains a solid frame in comparison to the average male. Coated in lightly tanned skin that without it, would make him look albino, give him a natural color to contrast the almost mechanical colored eyes and hair. A leaner build, he had always been more of a runner than a brute force type of person. However it doesn't mean his upper body can be compared to a twig. His arms and chest are a bit fuller, yet not to the extent where they would stretch out a tight fighting shirt.

-Clothing: At the time of incident, he had sported a black v-neck shirt that had sleeves that ended and hugged at the midsection of his bicep. As for his bottoms, he wore a pair of vivid blue jeans held by a belt. At his wrist was a pink thread bracelet, a sentimental peace hand-crafted by his baby half-sister. Around his neck, a thin chain held up a small metal skull with the words "Only the dead lie in peace" etched into the front forehead. For his final accessory, another chain hung from his front right belt loop to the back right loop.

-Personality: Despite his dark attire, he is a kind-hearted person willing to step up for his beliefs. Preferring a peaceful resolution over any conflict, resorting to physical violence would only be as self defense or a last resort. With his kind demeanor, he unintentionally may come off as a flirty, although romance is generally the last thing on his mind. As much as he may also seem like some knight, he is inexplicably dumb when confronted about sentimental emotions aside from the caring nature of an older brother.

-Special Skills: Reasonably trained in hand-to-hand combat, fending for himself against mid-sized beasts like a boar would be an easy feat. However larger creatures that he simple cannot overpower, his only choice is to outwit; in that factor, he also shouldn't be underestimated.

SOS (Sorry it wasn't initially here, got caught up writing and it was the last thing I thought about.)
Name: Rodney Kilroy

Age: 25

Gender: Male


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cad09887a_RyanStratis.jpg.4b3dae74070a7f7fff93573a0181acda.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134386" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cad09887a_RyanStratis.jpg.4b3dae74070a7f7fff93573a0181acda.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Rodney is the type of person that puts his entire being into everything he does. He yells a lot, mostly just to pump himself up. While he hates losing at anything, he can appreciate the skill of someone better than him. He is actually quite sociable, and he tries to make friends with everybody. Rodney works out for at least an hour every day, usually more, and he would never let a little thing like a plane crash get in the way of his routine.

Special Skills:

-Physical strength - Rodney was a professional weightlifter. He earned a silver medal for the US in the most recent Summer Olympics.

-Semi-fluent French speaker.

-Builder. Rodney’s father was a construction foreman, and Rodney worked for him until he was twenty.

-Hand to hand combat. Rodney has tried his hand at boxing. Amateur Boxing, the form used in the Olympics, is based on finesse and speed more than brute strength, so he has never actually made it to the Olympic games in boxing.




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Kencen said:
Name: Rodney Kilroy
Age: 25

Gender: Male


View attachment 298479


Rodney is the type of person that puts his entire being into everything he does. He yells a lot, mostly just to pump himself up. While he hates losing at anything, he can appreciate the skill of someone better than him. He is actually quite sociable, and he tries to make friends with everybody. Rodney works out for at least an hour every day, usually more, and he would never let a little thing like a plane crash get in the way of his routine.

Special Skills:

-Physical strength - Rodney was a professional weightlifter. He earned a silver medal for the US in the most recent Summer Olympics.

-Semi-fluent French speaker.

-Builder. Rodney’s father was a construction foreman, and Rodney worked for him until he was twenty.

-Hand to hand combat. Rodney has tried his hand at boxing. Amateur Boxing, the form used in the Olympics, is based on finesse and speed more than brute strength, so he has never actually made it to the Olympic games in boxing.


Name: Anna Vogel

Age: 22

Gender: female

Appearance: Slightly above-average height but not built. She has modest features and dresses plainly. She is pale-skinned and she wears a pair of glasses and a beret.


She is always calm and collected, maintaining a formal posture most of the time. She is very literate and cultured. She doesn't seem to take part in small talk and appears generally emotionless towards a stranger, always using formal words when she speaks. Despite her seemingly feelingless appearance, she is very friendly and will do her best to assist those in need. She is very focused on important tasks and will do her best at all times. She was an army medic and has a limited amount of military training.

Her father is German and her mother is Belgian. She lives in Belgium, but generally travels all over the world.

Special Skills:

+Intelligence-she is certainly above-average in terms of wits, due to her dedicating a lot of time to studying various subjects.

+Army Medic-she is a trained and professional medic, and owns proper tools along with the skills to use them.

-unfit-She is not very physically fit, and often suffers from low strength, endurance, and stamina. She often overworks herself.

-personality-She sometimes can give a negative first impression.

Extras: She has a light accent and plays accordion

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Name: Barney Dellern

Gender: Male

Appearance: 6'9 and very slim and pale. Wears a long brown ragged and torn trench coat with a old suit. His face is dirty with some scruff with his face covered in scars.

Personality: Insane and Zany, a little homicidal, Woke up on a separate part of the island and went insane, already having mentally stressing things before.

Special Abilities: Expert with Knifes and such, Knows weak points and vital areas of the human body, due to being a medical student.

Other: Tamed a Small Salamander named Wally which he keeps on his shoulder.

(Edit: SOS)
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Themoosemaster said:
Name: Barney Dellern
Gender: Male

Appearance: 6'9 and very slim and pale. Wears a long brown ragged and torn trench coat with a old suit. His face is dirty with some scruff with his face covered in scars.

Personality: Insane and Zany, a little homicidal, Woke up on a separate part of the island and went insane, already having mentally stressing things before.

Special Abilities: Expert with Knifes and such, Knows weak points and vital areas of the human body, due to being a medical student.

Other: Tamed a Small Salamander named Wally which he keeps on his shoulder.
read overview please
Themoosemaster said:
Name: Barney Dellern
Gender: Male

Appearance: 6'9 and very slim and pale. Wears a long brown ragged and torn trench coat with a old suit. His face is dirty with some scruff with his face covered in scars.

Personality: Insane and Zany, a little homicidal, Woke up on a separate part of the island and went insane, already having mentally stressing things before.

Special Abilities: Expert with Knifes and such, Knows weak points and vital areas of the human body, due to being a medical student.

Other: Tamed a Small Salamander named Wally which he keeps on his shoulder.

(Edit: SOS)

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