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Multiple Settings Storylines~!!

Papa Waluigi

It's Quiet In Here
Hey, you! Yeah you, I'd love to roleplay! Here are a few of my storylines, some are based off of songs/movies/whatever, and some may be purely my idea! ^^ I will say if I'm basing the storyline on something.
I do prefer b// and g// roleplays, however I will rp BxG if asked! I'd rather play the girl if that's the case, however. And this will be one character on one character, I dislike double sided rp's most of the time~
[My R] | Based off the song, My R |
| Any gender pairing is fine | Role taken; neither (muse a preferred) | Tags; trigger warning, depression, suicide, etc. |
Every day, Muse A went to the roof of their school, ready to jump. Every time, they stop themselves, and choose to leave and come back the next day. See, Muse A dealt with a lot of things. They were constantly bullied as a child, though that did slow down it started up again when they reached high school. At home, their parents constantly yelled and fought, and Muse A believed it to be their fault. The person they fell in love with left them. They thought that it was them, that they were the reason for all of this trouble.
Muse A, every time, would stop their attempt. They would stop others who felt the same woes. Nobody would help stop Muse A.
One day, during their junior year, Muse A was ready. They climbed to the roof, took off their jacket, shoes and other. Then, just as they were about to jump, a hand grabbed them, and pulled them close.
"Hey, don't do it, please." Were the first words Muse B said to the sorrowful Muse A.

| Any gender pairing | Role taken; muse b | Tags; Yandere, kidnapping, slight stockholm syndrome, etc. |
Muse A was lonely. They lacked the love a person deserves; familial or otherwise. They craved affection, a relationship, to be loved and love someone. But living alone, as a recluse who didn't talk to many people, wasn't helping.
Then there was Muse B. The most beautiful person Muse A had ever laid eyes on. Muse B was lonely, constantly by themselves. Muse A knew, because they stalked the other on the daily. No contact with family, no friends. Just a simple person living on their own in a silent apartment. Muse A knew that they were meant to be, two lonely people deserving of love.
So, Muse A watched for a while, learning everything about Muse B. Their likes, dislikes, favorite foods, tv shows, and more. They made sure to stock up on supplies, buy everything Muse B liked. Then one night, just as Muse B left the convenience store for late night snacks, Muse A approached Muse B and asked for help loading groceries. Muse B, unknowing, obliged and followed the stranger. Just as they packed in the last bag, Muse B felt light headed, due to the fact that Muse A had drugged them without their knowing.
When Muse B woke up, they were in an unfamiliar room, in an unfamiliar log cabin in the middle of nowhere. From then on Muse A treats them as if they were in a relationship. Pampering them, cuddling with them, cooking dinner and bathing with them, everything a typical modern couple would do. Muse B was angry and struggled at first, but Muse A had a temper, and was scary when angry. In fear for their life, Muse B played along, to act out Muse A's fantasies. They weren't all that bad, just lonely, and a little crazy, right?

| Any gender pairing | Role taken; nether | Tags; futuristic, adventure, revolution, etc. |
What is love? Well, in the year 3034, love is something artificial.
Due to a world crisis that left most of the Earth piled with snow and ice, certain areas were covered by a dome. The walls were designed to look like bricks, while as it got taller it looked as if it was a bright blue sky, with clouds and a sun. It was fake. The grass was fake, the houses and stores were fake, the food was artificial due to the lack of animal meat and able gardening areas. It was all fake. And so was love.
Humans were assigned lovers by the ripe age of twenty. They are sent to the domes center, a government run base where, on their birthdays, humans are strapped down, analyzed, and assigned to marry another person from their dome. Muse A hated the system. They believed in true love, organic love, caused by the two people at hand. Not assigned love by the government. From the storybooks they found in the old forbidden library ruins, they had their own opinion on love. But they couldn't refuse, or else they'd be arrested.
On their twentieth birthday, Muse A is sent to the center, and strapped down. Just as they were about to be assigned a spouse, a bomb was set off by a group of rebels, who resided underground. After realizing that a citizen was still inside, Muse B- a rebel for four years- goes in themselves and rescues Muse A. That day, Muse A in introduced to a world of rebellion, hiding, and dangerous, organic love.

| Gender pairing; G// | Role taken; muse b | Tags; robots, shut in, sci-fi, etc. |
People were so overrated. Muse A much preferred their avatars on online websites. From games to simply for fun, they created these characters- who were much better than people. See, Muse A was a shut-in. A recluse. They never left their home, never talked to family or friends, lived in a pigsty! They ordered everything they needed off online. They got money from their own business, fixing the electronics of desperate people by hacking into their devices and fixing it from the inside. There were a lot of desperate people out there. So, Muse A was comfortable.
Then, one day while browsing the internet, Muse A receives a message. It was from a website they used on the daily to create avatars and their own characters. It says that Muse A has the opportunity to become one of the first people to own a free full-bodied avatar of their own. While they do think it's a joke, Muse A clicks yes, and begins designing a new, original avatar. A few days later, Muse A hears a knock on the door. All that was there was a large- but light- box. Hesitantly, they bring it inside, and after a few minutes of waiting they open the box themselves. Out came Muse B. their avatar.
Muse B is designed to follow Muse A's every order, whether it's cleaning, cooking, shopping, whatever. Muse A, though shocked, feels okay with this. A robot, the best stress reliever Muse A could have, and the only friend they needed. All Muse B needed was a name.

[Hanahaki Disease]
| Gender pairing; B// | Role taken; muse b | Tags; sickness, unrequited love, au, etc. |
"Hanahaki" is disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings (romantic love only; strong friendship is not enough), or when the victim dies. It can be cured through surgical removal, but when the infection is removed, the victim's romantic feelings for their love also disappear.
Muse A was best friends with Muse B. Muse B was in love with Muse A. It was as simple as that. They were childhood friends, so different yet so close. Muse A was a player- attractive, flirtatious, affectionate. Muse B was a loner- quiet, nerdy, mature. The two went from simple neighbors to the closest of friends. And no one could split them apart, no matter how different they may be.
Muse B has been in love with Muse A for a long time. They don't know how long they can wait to get surgery, especially after seeing Muse A in new relationships.
//NOTE; this could either be used as a separate storyline, one we could talk about ourselves, or added to another storyline/au here or you bring!\\

[Zombie Song] |Based of the song the Zombie Song |
| Any gender pairing | Role taken; neither | Tags; apocalyptic, horror, undead, zombies, etc. |
In a post apocalyptic world, very few groups of survivors remain. Muse A is part of a small group who are trying to survive an outbreak of zombies. They've had to put down many friends, even family, because of this curse spreading around. They do anything to survive and keep their group safe.
One day, while out roaming for medicine, they find themselves cornered on the second floor of a beaten-down building.
They lock themselves in a room, and look out the window to find an escape. There was one, but that wasn't what caught their eye. In the midst of a small hoard of the undead, they spot Muse B, a zombie staring up at the window. The only one to notice Muse A's presence. They think nothing of it, and continue to try and escape, and just as they think they're safe they find themselves backed up against the wall, without a weapon, with no other way to escape. And the same zombie from before is there.
After accepting their fate, Muse A closes their eyes and waits for death with open arms. The zombie is close, but instead of biting, it stares. Then...cuddles? Muse B is, indeed, not like any other zombie. It's like it's in love with Muse A. Like a lost puppy. And Muse A cannot seem to get rid of it. But do they really want to, after seeing how similar this zombie is to Muse A's past lover?


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