Storyline Help, Plz.


Primordial of Abstract Logic
I'm running a basic end-times oWoD into Exalted storyline and saw something in the Sexist Magic Thread that I wanted to mesh with my game:

Heh' date=' it's not like the [b']51d3r34l5[/b] are all that different from the Technocracy anyhow...just in a different setting and period. Bastards.
L337 51d3r34l5.  Though I was wanting to completely drop the alphabet part of the word and go for either a mix of numbers and symbols or just numbers.  Can a 17 combo be pulled off as a 'D'?  The 'l' could be swapped out for a 1 and I'm not sure what to do with the 'r'
So, it would be more like this: 51173-?r?-3415

Or how about 511717135

I'm wanting to make it a hidden Technocratic organization under a vague designation, but since they place themselves above the Mages, they are the Technocratic leet, group 511717135.  Though maybe I should just use the 51d3r34l5 moniker and not get too complicated, I just don't want my group to catch on.

And I also need help trying to come up with a different name for the Solars, Lunars, Abyssals and Dragon-Bloods for modern times.

Something overly grand for the Solars, like the Children of The Undefeated Guardian of Law

And something equally bestial for the Lunars.  Blooded Warriors of the Many-Faced Moon sounds kind of cool.

The Abyssals could sound like a Yakuza or Mafia organization, due to the Underworld connotations.  The Hundred Dragon Brotherhood of Death or something.

And I was thinking something like a mystical army name for the Dragon-Bloods.  Maybe The Five-Fold Army of the True and Righteous Elements of Creation

Though I think these names leave a lot to be desired, so I'm looking for help in that direction as well as your thoughts on the aforementioned leet Sidereals.
That'll work great.  Thanks.

Though I'll not take the exclamation point.  Oh, and it only has one 'd'.

So, 51|)393475
If you're looking for some uber-tech language you could use the Isaac CARAT alien font Alienware uses for their new computers.

Using the sidebar on the right hit "continue" until you get to "Step 3: Accessories."  Then scroll down to the bottom where you see half of an alien head on a metal looking plate, there will be a place to enter something for the customization plates off to the right of the metal plate.  From here you can just A-B-C~ it until you get all 26 letters and 0 to 9 on numbers, though it will take reentering the info and hitting "Preview Now" a couple times to get them all since you can enter only up to 23 characters at a time.

This is the only way I know how to find all the letters and numbers for the Isaac CARAT font, and believe me I've looked around for it.

Hope this might help. ^_^
Now that is a really cool font. Thanks for pointing that out to us. Would anyone be able to get a hold of the complete font?


I like it!

And these keys: (, ), [, and ] all have symbol alterations too.

I think Alienware may have created this font themselves for brand purposes, so I doubt you can download it anywhere.
Moonsilver said:
I think Alienware may have created this font themselves for brand purposes, so I doubt you can download it anywhere.
I'm not sure this is entirely Alienware's doing.  This all that I understand: back last summer time this came out.  Take a look at the five parts on the right labeled "primer" (you may have to use the 'full-size' links for a better view), and also the four "Report Photos" (4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4).
From the end of October to November Alienware did a promotion for the m15x and m17x (the latter of which isn't out yet) where you took a similar looking hunk of text in (what I call) Isaac CARAT font and you had to break the code.  Wasn't hard, took me about 4 hours to break the code and get the entire alphabet; which confirmed it on the fourth and final part of the decoding in November.

What makes believe this isn't entirely Alienware's handy work is some of the "fonts" don't match each other.  After I broke the code I looked around for the font so I could have it on my computer, which led me to places that were talking about the above link, or if the whole Isaac CARAT thing is real.  When I saw the primer and the little "alien gizmo" I wanted to decipher it as well, this is where I found that there are "letters" on the primer and the gizmo that are not in the Alienware version of Isaac CARAT's font.

I'm not saying this is real, but I am saying that I do not think this "font" was originated by Alienware, I think they heavily piggybacked off of this if you ask me.

@Ker'ion: I have at least a couple font creation programs that I'm not using if you can us it to create the Isaac CARAT font.
I'll get back to you on that.  RL is screaming at me with a megaphone to my ear.

Any other names for the types of Exalted?

I'm thinking that they may not remember what they were called in the first and second ages, so they'll have to create a new moniker for themselves.
The reason why I am convinced Alienware are at the bottom of this is a copyright one. If you are a legit company, see something on the web you like and nick it, incorporating it into your brand logos you are asking for trouble, big time.
Well no one is claiming it's theirs, if it's public domain then copyright doesn't apply - everything is public domain until a copyright (if it can be) applied - i.e. the original Happy Birthday song can never be copyrighted, but someones variant with music and whatnot can, and the spoken languages around the world can never be copyrighted but how someone came up with their own way of teaching how to read, write and say the language can.  Finally if it's actual alien technology (which I'm not sure it is) or if it's the/a government trying to test out new technology under the guise of being alien in nature, I doubt we'll ever see aliens or the MIB ever file a lawsuit over it.

BTW if it wasn't public domain, and Alienware did own the copyright(s) to it, they would have filed suit against the people who were making T-shirts from the whole "Isaac CARAT" ordeal, and if it was Alienware's idea to do this whole thing as a marketing stunt, someone would have leaked that it was their doing.

@Ker'ion - If you're going for a name for each caste then I'd just say use a thesaurus (yes my lazy-fu is quite masterful) or you could have the regular people think of them as a myth, and have names close to anathema used for these mythological being.  Kind of like some people who were close to the area where a Solar ruled for a while know it to be true (that they exist) while some podunk village that never had (or knew they had) an Exalt in their mist would just think of them as fairy tales and give them such names.  I think Japanese mythological history might help you there.
Japanese mythology is actually where I got some of the names for the Exalts.

And as to the CARAT font, I bugged Alienware and got this:

Thank you for contacting Alienware's Electronic Support Department.

I am very sorry that the calligraphy in the nameplate is not available as a font.

If you have additional concerns, do not hesitate to email us again. We will always be glad to help.

Have a nice weekend.

Best regards,

Jose Urena

Technical Support, ESD

Alienware Corporation

Phone: 305.287.6727

Fax: 786.388.5700
Japanese mythology is actually where I got some of the names for the Exalts.
And as to the CARAT font, I bugged Alienware and got this:

Thank you for contacting Alienware's Electronic Support Department.

I am very sorry that the calligraphy in the nameplate is not available as a font.

If you have additional concerns, do not hesitate to email us again. We will always be glad to help.

Have a nice weekend.

Best regards,

Jose Urena

Technical Support, ESD

Alienware Corporation

Phone: 305.287.6727

Fax: 786.388.5700
Try using

If you know what those characters on the plates actually are, you can use that site to learn the name of the font, and from there on, you might be able to look for it on the INTERWEBS
Thanks.  Now back to the topic at hand.

Does anyone out there have any alternate names for the Exalt types?

Just testing the creativity waters again.
You people have no imaginations at all.

(I exempt C_W, Jakk Bey, and anyone living in Ireland from this statement, as I'm biased towards the Irish and know better of the other two)
You people have no imaginations at all.
... says the man who can't come up with his own concepts and so has to go begging here.
Flagg has a point.

And I am not interested in trying to provide names in l337 speak. Mostly because I write in pidgin l337.
The Siddies were supposed to be the only ones in Leet and I was seeing if anyone had a better idea than mine.

Besides, there are multiple threads on this board asking for help in the imagination department, so I'm not exactly alone in this area.
I would call the solars: Children of Helios

Ya know, if I were an abyssal in these times, I would definately start my own sunscreen and facial cream company.. or a company that makes sunglasses...

And if I were a solar, I'd find a job as a weatherman...
Sunny-boys and girls? ^_^

Yes, you can be called a boy or a girl even if you're a wrinkly old solar ^_~
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Though 'The Sunny Boys And Girls Club' sounds scary.

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