Story [Story] The Realm of Mugal


One Thousand Club
The Realm of Mugal


"To each beginning there is an end... and this war, is only the beginning." - The Scribe of Mugal

To the North lay the infamous bloody mountains, populated by Goblins and Dwarves. Most don't mind climbing the mountains, what scares them away is the constant battling between the Goblins and Dwarves.

To the East lay the Plains, home to only a few trees but not many. In the Sky live the Angels and on the ground reside the Humans, simple folk that would pray to the Angels when they would be attacked. There were a few though that would not pray to the Angels, they believed that they were better than the Angels and would eventually convince everyone else that the Angels were not their allies and wouldn't always be there for them.

To the West lay the Forests, once a beautiful place, now it is slowly dying away as the Elves frequently abandon most of the forest to save themselves and their homes in certain trees. The Ents were trees that were more alive than others, they allowed the Elves to live in the forest as long as the elves took care of all of the trees. This however was long ago and the Elves have since forgotten about their duty. Now the Ents, or what is left, are rising up to take action against the Elves. The Elves used the powers of their magic to create these things they call Ooze. The Ents however have called upon the wild and they have managed to summon Wolves to help in the fight.

To the South lay the Swamps, a deadly waste land leading to what is called 'Death's Gate'. There live Demons, Vampires, Zombies and Souls. The Demons run the whole show controlling everyone that lives in 'Death's Gate'. Underneath them are the Vampires, they showed up one day but were never a match to go against the Demons. The Lowest of the command chain were the Zombies and Souls, neither exceeded one or the other as they never bothered each other.

Around the whole continent lay the Islands and the Sea. On the Islands live the Burrdaks, in the Sea live the Water Drakes also known as the Water Dragons. A lot of people have tried controlling the Water Drakes but records only show that a Burrdak once controlled a Water Drake according to Burrdak records.


The War has finally begun... In the North, the Goblins are finally making one last push against the dwarves to hopefully claim all of the mountains for themselves. In the East, those who hated the Angels have gained enough of the people's loyalty to wage war against the Angels and show them once and for all that they don't need the Angels' help or die trying. In the West, Ents are waging war against the Elves to hopefully drive them out. They won't stop until one of them is driven out or dead. In the South, the Vampires has finally gained enough strength and numbers, they hope to overthrow the rule of the Demons and be the new rightful rulers of 'Death's Gate'. Around the whole continent, the Burrdaks are finally trying to control the Water Drakes fully so they can be the masters of the water. The Water Drakes however have no intention to let themselves be forced into captivity and enslavement.


End of Prologue.

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