Story Story that I may never actually finish :3

Should I continue my story?

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The Idiotic Prince Of Nekos
I nervously nommed on Saturday's braid, as we hid in some brush. "Stop it!" She scolded, hitting the back of my head. I released her hair, and she sighed. "You're going to get us caught."

How was I not going to get us caught? Even if I tried to be quiet? I had bells on my neck, wrists, and tail, making it difficult to be quiet.

My ears were flat, as I peered out from behind the bush. The bells jingled, and Saturday sighed again.

I sat back down, and crossed my arms. "Well, I'm sorry, miss bossy." I said. It was the first thing that came to my mind, but it just made Saturday roll her eyes.

"You're lucky we haven't been caught yet." She whispered, upset.

It was an odd, but lucky thing that we hadn't been heard or spotted. But, I was upset that she was just blaming it on me. She was to blame too. I wasn't the only one talking.

She rubbed her forehead, I could tell she was getting frustrated. I knew she was angry at me, but I didn't care. I was angry at her too.

We just sat there for a moment, not talking to each other. My tail made annoyed swishing movements, which caused loud jingling.


Then, suddenly Saturday spoke, "Look, I'm sorry." She sighed. "It's only a game after all."

I turned back to her, "But, we do have to go when it's over..."

She looked away from me, and sighed.

I knew we were going to be found soon, but I was going to be as quiet as I could. I wasn't mad anymore, after hearing Saturday's apoligy.

We were only sitting there for a few minutes, before I felt a hand on my shoulder. I glanced over at Saturday, to see if she was the one touching me. She wasn't.
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"Found you guys!" Claire chimed in a happy voice. I knew it was my fault we were found, but now that we were it didn't matter we'd been caught and that was that. I heard my parents calling and Saturday's chimed in as well as a few others. We all knew what that meant time to head in.

"Did you have fun?" My mom asked smiling at us, we nodded. "That's good now go wash up for supper."

Saturday and I trotted to the sink to do as we were told, our parents in the other room talking among themselves. We'd been this way for as long as I could remember. One big happy family. Running back to the kitchen when we were done we took our seats. And where served our dinner. Sea food today, my favorite. Digging in happily while Saturday was a little less enthused. She didn't care much for sea food back didn't hate it.

After dinner and bed time routine, we were dressed in PJs and laying in our beds with the light off. "Are you asleep yet Saturday?" I asked giggling a little bit because it was a silly question, because we had just laid down. Not to mention we always talked for a littlle bit before we actually went to sleep.

She rolled over in her bed to look at me whispering back. "Yeah, of course I am. So what do you wanna talk about tonight?"

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