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Fandom [STORY RICH] Voltron: Legendary Defender


Future Crazy Cat Lady
Turn Order:
  1. Cartoonicat
  2. Nitro
  3. batgirl
  4. Susanoo
  5. Vinzha
As we, the the fans of Voltron, wait eagerly for the upcoming Season 4, I thought a roleplay to bridge the gap between seasons could be fun. Here is the plot:

"Shiro has returned to the Castle of Lions and all is well, despite the change in leadership. It is time, with Lotor vanishing for nefarious purposes and the Galra temporarily silenced, to begin forming a coalition. Can Voltron rely on the aid of the aliens they helped in the past, like the Balmerans? Will they be able to create new bonds throughout the universe, with aliens they hadn't even known existed? Whatever happens next is up to you - the fate of Voltron and the universe itself, is in your hands."

  1. Site rules must be followed.
  2. No metagaming.
  3. If you make an OC, no Mary Sues/Gary Stus allowed.
  4. In-character drama is good. OOC drama is bad. Take it somewhere else, please.
  5. A minimum of one full paragraph (per active character) is required. Feel free to write more, though.
  6. To keep this RP from dying, please try to post every day. If you can't make that commitment please PM me.
  7. Have fun and save the universe :D :D :D :D
CS - IC - OOC - RP

(Due to the size of this RP, there will be a turn order once all characters are established.)
We'll start with the Paladins (:
Castle of Lions
Lance stood in front of his bedroom mirror, carefully peeling off the altean face mask Allura had given him a week ago. He hadn't had time to use it until now, for whenever he had planned to do it earlier something popped up. Lance wasn't about to wear a face mask out into battle - definitely not getting a date that way. The altean mask was stickier than the sleep masks he wore at night and, after wearing it around his room for the better part of the morning while he polished his paladin armor, the gunk had hardened. With a wince, Lance pulled the mask off along with any of the imperfections his face had accumulated in space.

"Wish someone woulda told me space goo causes pimples," he murmured into a damp towel, cooling his face. Lance was aware that pimples were the last of his problems, what with him being light-years away from home in the midst of an intergalactic war - don't think about it! - but it served as a nice distraction. A nice... reach towards home, back to when pimples literally were one of his biggest obstacles. Pimples and dating, though Lance has probably gotten more attention from alien hotties than any human ones back on Earth. Checking his face once more for any leftover bits of mask, Lance gave the mirror a satisfied grin.

Space wasn't so bad. Pimples or nah, the alien babes loved him.

Hungry, Lance waltzed into the kitchen where Hunk was busy dropping foodstuff onto plates for the rest of the team. To combat the fatigue from just recently waking up, he adopted his most boisterous attitude yet.

Slinging an arm around Hunk's shoulders, Lance grinned. "Morning everyone," he took a piece off of one of the plates and popped it in his mouth, not quite sure what it was supposed to be. "What's on the menu today?"​
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Shiro was doing a routine check up on his arm. He could feel with his cybernetic arm, but it wasn't the same as his own. Getting up, he walks into the kitchen to see Lance and Hunk.
"It's good to see you guys are back to your old selves," he said happily.
His crew was of the utmost importance. Having one of them hurt was the same a small hurting Shiro himself.
"Any space goo left?" He asks Hunk.
Hunk glances up from his newest platter of food and turns his head to look at Shiro, a grin forming on his face. "Why have space goo? I learned how to make pizza bites with the alien food." He pointed to the plate, proud of his creation. He leaned against the counter. "Ya know, I wonder if I could learn to make oatmeal..." He pondered to himself.

Pidge was looking at their computer in the dining hall. She let out a sigh. Looking for her brother seemed to get harder and harder, there were more questions than answers. She gently shut the computer and got up and walked towards the Green Lion hanger to chat with of course Green.
Keith looks at his sword. Is his mother truely galra? If so, where was she now, how had she met his father? These questions circulated through Keith's head. He gets up and heads towards the kitchen with a growling stomach. It had been awhile before he had a proper meal, and something smelled good. He walks into the kitchen seeing most of the team present except for the princess, Pidge, and Coran.
"Morning," he says walking over to the pizza bites.
He inhales the lovely smell of the bites. Grabbing one, he tosses it into his mouth. How lovely they were!
Lance leaned off of the yellow paladin and scooped up an empty plate, quickly filling it with alien pizza bites. "Awesome," he grinned, popping one in his mouth, "dese awe gweat." He spoke with his mouth full, chomping away at the flavorful pieces until they were no more. "Hunk, buddy, you gotta make more of these."

It was at that time Allura and Coran chose to walk in, sharp noses having caught the scent of human cuisine. Coran raised an eyebrow at the pizza rolls, curious, but with an alien palate that wasn't very appreciative of anything that wasn't space goo. "Well, those look interesting," he commented, leaning over the master plate of pizza rolls, trying not to look too skeptical. It'd been long since the castle fed on one of his Paladin lunches, the yellow paladin having quickly become the cook for the team, and Coran was still a little butt-hurt about it.

"Try one, Coran," Lance advised. "They're really good. Much better than space goo."

"Hmm," Coran picked one up and took a bite worthy of the mice that hung around Allura all the time. Beside him, Allura watched with a quirked eyebrow. She, too, opted to try one.

Satisfied, the princess gave Hunk a thumbs up and swallowed. "The texture is... unusual and... very crunchy, but I quite like it." The small mice on her shoulder reached out like begging toddlers and she gave them one of the pizza bites to share amongst themselves. Like Allura, the mice seemed impressed with Hunk's cooking. Even Coran, who'd gone and grabbed a second pizza bite, was in agreeance.

"It's not space goo," Coran said, "but it's got a lot of flavor! Oh, good morning Keith!"
Hunk grinned as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Aww guys, c'mon, you're gonna make me blush!" He laughed lightly before turning back to the stove pulling out another batch. He was ahead of the game, knowing Lance and his hunger moments. "Let them cool off before you touch them, or you are going to burn yourself." He warned, eyeing Lance mostly.

Once Pidge got to the hanger, she sat down in front of Green. "Hey girl, anything interesting happening between you and the other lions?" She tilted her head to the side some with a small grin. "I know you probably can't share what you guys talk about, but I bet some of them brag, am I right?" She waggled her eye brow some.
"Morning, Coran," Keith said. Coran was a wild card at best. Keith never knew what was going to come out of him. He grabbed a plate and filled it with the small pizza rolls. He then proceeded to patiently eat them one by one, as he was taught by Shiro.

Shiro looked at the pizza bites. They only reminded him of a world so far away from here. "You've done great Hunk," He compliments. Following Keith, he grabs some bites and began to eat. They were heavenly. A peice of art. Hunk truely outdid himself this time.
Having finished eating but still wanting more, Lance pouted almost pathetically at the lack of spare pizza bites. They really were good, if the lack of remnants were anything to do by. Determined, Lance looked in the fridge for something else to eat, finding a disturbing lack of leftovers. "No leftovers? Really guys?"

Allura shrugged, smiling sheepishly. "Hunk's cooking is excellent," she told Lance, "you cannot blame the rest of us for indulging a bit." The mice on her shoulders flopped onto their backs, stomachs extended from eating so much food. Carefully, she scratched the chin of one of them with her manicured fingernails. "Even the mice like it."

With a sigh, Lance closed the fridge door and turned to lean against it. "Guess we're going grocery shopping then? Because there's, like, nothing in there. At all."

"I'm sure we can pick something up on our way back to the Balmera!" Coran said, voice chipper as he popped the last of his pizza bites into his mouth. Foreign texture aside, he could appreciate the skill of Hunk's cooking when it came to flavors. Space goo was delightful, but, it seemed, so were pizza bites. Clapping his hands together to rid them of any crumbs, Coran looked to Allura. "Right then. Princess?"

"Once we finish eating, I'd like us all to reconvene in the training room for a quick session," Allura informed the team. "Nothing too strenuous - we just ate, after all - but I do want to at least warm up before heading to Balmera. Just in case." She looked around, counting heads and coming up one short. A frown tugged the corners of her lips down. "Where is Pidge? Could someone go get her? Did she even eat?" Allura sighed, mumbling something about Pidge needing to look after herself better.
Over hearing what the princess said, Shiro turns to looks at her.
"I'll go get Pidge," He says confidently.
He walks out of the room and begins to make his way to the green lion's hanger.
Arriving down there, he looks around and sees Pidge.
"You missed Hunk's famous pizza bites," Shiro jokes.

Keith finishes eating and sees Shiro has left. Grabbing Shiro's plate, he puts it in the sink. He overheard the princess talk about training. He always has trained but he assumes this one would be special.
"Yes we all need to be on our toes," Keith says.
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At the mention of the Balmera, Hunk popped out from behind the kitchen counter almost immediately. The Balmera was pretty scary as far as planets went, because it was alive, but the rock people who lived there were pretty cool—in particular, Hunk couldn't help but to think of one very pretty one.

"What? T-The Balmera? We're going there? Today?" He wasn't expecting that, and he wasn't ready, either! Forget making more pizza bites! Hunk was now distracted by something much more important than food. He hadn't seen Shay in so long... Was she happy? Would she remember him? Would she still think he was awesome, even though he'd been gone all this time?

"Yep!" Coran said, twirling his mustache as he stood poised elegantly, as if this were a mission he was about to take on alone. He must have been quite the adviser back in his day if he was still so eager now. "We have some unfinished business there. I'm sure the Princess will be happy to tell you more when we have our meeting!" This was for her to announce, he thought; after all, she would be the one personally going down there. Coran usually just stayed in the Castle in case of emergencies.

Hunk fumbled to remove his apron in the meantime, nearly tripping over a fallen pan as he did so. Oh boy... He probably shouldn't have eaten so much. His stomach was feeling kind of bubbly now.
(For some reason Susanoo's reply isn't showing up for anyone but me, so I am copy/pasting it here.)

Bright and awake she ever was, under all that messy morning hair was the young princess of altea, allura. Her little critters gave her a little nudge on her face, all three of them where doing the samething, waking up. "Ok ok, I'm up" she says feeling a little drowsy, yet let out a little chuckle and, a yawn right after. The little mices squeaked when allura fully out of bed. "They're already up before me? That must of been a marvelous sleep if I'm up this late" she says in response to the mouse's. Allura dragged herself to get ready for the day, as she would do her usual everyday routine and, never forget good hygiene. Can't be a princess without looking like one right?

After taking her time getting ready, allura felt good and, ready for the day to actually start for her. Exiting her room and, walking down the halls of the ship as voices of the other paladins became more apparent. Allura finally showing herself to coran and the others after her little beauty sleep, or should we say a long beauty sleep. "Good morning everyone" she says in a sweet and, welcoming tone.
Pidge was, to say the least, disappointed at the fact that she had once again missed a meal made by the yellow paladin, but her work ethic and sleep schedule (translation: her inability to stop when she found a new command to code or a new alien data type or array never seen before - ) kept her from the fulfillment of "basic human needs" more than once. Though, this time it was more due to her impulse to chat with Green.

"I don't even need to ask, you guys didn't even save a piece for me did you?" She asked Shiro wryly, standing up and stretching out from her previously hunched position.

"If it makes you feel any better, we didn't exactly wait for Lance either," Shiro gave a small smile before turning, leading the way back to the kitchen, Pidge following close behind. She shot one last look at her lion before she was out the door.

For anyone else, it might have been strange to bond so closely to a giant, green, robotic lion that was built as a part of the strongest humanoid war machine in the universe, could telepathically communicate with her, and has an intelligence of its own beyond that of any AI imaginable. But for Pidge, it was practically expected. Her favorite toy as a child was her dad's spatial-aperture synchronizer. It wasn't exactly a surprise when she hacked into her dad's computer to mess with the data sent from the Garrison because of boredom when she was ten, nor was it much of a shock when one of the closest things she had to family now was this band of space pilots, two aliens older than literal dirt, and a giant green robotic lion with features as previously stated.

The family other than her real family anyway. That is, if they were still alive. If they were still even the same people from before of this started, what with the Galra and the whole "surviving in a universe currently being conquered by a seemingly indestructible force of an empire" having possible mental altercations to humans.

But no. They were still alive. Her dad. Matt. They had to be, or else everything she'd done so far, everything she had to give up and work for: wasted.

Green helped, though. Talking with Green helped a lot, and she's glad that in the middle of a war, of worrying for her family, of feeling as if all the happy moments were a dream and all the sad, bitter, dark moments were too real to ignore, she had her giant, non-primarily colored, robotic lion with her.

When they into the kitchen, the door sliding smoothly behind them, Pidge heard the last few words of Coran and the clattering sound of Hunk's fumble. "Wait, what exactly did I miss here?" She quickly asked, confused.

"Something about the Balmera," Lance shrugged. "They say its unfinished business, which yeah, sounds sketchy. I just want food though, man," he groaned at this, leaning back in his chair theatrically. "'Morning Allura, looking as beautiful as ever." This was shot to the princess with a wink, and Pidge rolled her eyes before focusing back onto the topic at hand.

Balmera? Unfinished business? Pidge raised an eyebrow. That sounded... interesting. At least she knew why Hunk was so flustered now.

(OOC note: permission given by cartoonicat and nitro for extra character dialogue.)
Lance watched Hunk stumble with a soft grin. "Careful there, man. Gastrointestinal problems don't make for the best ice breakers, especially for the ladies." He walked over and picked up the pan for him, setting it on the counter. "I'm sure Shay will be glad to see you, too," he added quietly, and exchange meant for Hunk and Hunk alone.

"Right, then! I best double-check the Castle systems before departure," Coran said, stepping towards the door. He paused, one foot through the doorframe. "Ah, Princess, I suggested we restock our supplies on the way to the Balmera." He dropped his foot, standing straight with hands clasped behind his back. "If I remember correctly, there should be a trading outpost between here and there. We could use for a little grocery shopping."

"I second that!" Lance whirled away from Hunk, eying the empty fridge as though it had purposely betrayed him. "Is there such a thing as space hot pockets? Hot pockets would be so great right now."

Coran responded with a quirked eyebrow, and then a thoughtful hum. "I'm not quite sure what a hot pocket is, but I can assure you there is no lack of fashion throughout the universe. Actually - assuming they haven't been colonized or destroyed - there used to be a planet of sewing extraordinaires. They would produce their own silk and thread, their fingers as thin as needles-"

"What? No, Coran, I meant food." At the older altean's quizical expression, Lance shool his head. "Nevermind," he looked to Shiro and Allura, "anyway, what's the game plan for today? Grocery shopping, Balmeram diplomacy stuff, then what?" Lance figured their activities on Balmera would take up a majority of the day, and they might even be spending multiple nights there, but he had to ask. A couple of weeks ago he'd needled Shiro about taking a load off, maybe having an Altean pool party, but he'd never been given a straight answer. Times were tough, war was hard - Lance got that. He also knew, though, that the quickest way to lose anything was to overwork yourself. That and parties were a great way to socialize with others. If not the Balmerans (who Lance wasn't entirely sure wouldn't sink to the floor of the pool) then perhaps his idea would come in handy with another race of possible allies. Hopefully, Lance thought wrily, one with an excess of cuties. Maybe they could revisit the mermaids one day. Surely they would appreciate a pool party.
Shiro looks around at the crew at the mention of plans.
"A quick training session seems to be what everyone needs right now. Suit up and meet in the training area in five minutes," Shiro says taking charge. He leaves the paladins to get his armor. Although he didn't control a lion anymore, he felt like he was apart of the team. He could still help out where he could.

Keith nods at Shiro's statement, he always knew what the team needed, and training sessions were always a great deal of fun. Hearing of another space mall trip Keith jokes,"Don't let Lance anywhere near the shops."
With that statement, he leaves the room. Catching up with Shiro, the two enter the armor room. Getting into their suits, the pair enter the training room.
"Training room! Right. I'll, uh... Meet you guys there!" Hunk called from the kitchen, but by the time the words were spoken, it appeared as though Shiro and Keith had already disappeared, as the automatic doors that led away from the Castle's kitchen were closing. He felt a little slow, as he was still fumbling to put his apron away neatly a moment later, but when he exited the kitchen, the yellow paladin could see that Lance was still nearby—that was a relief. It was possible that his best friend was just taking his time rather than waiting for him (which Hunk would have appreciated), but either way, he was glad to have somebody to walk with.

And, of course, talk to. Hunk knew more than anyone that Lance didn't give the best advice when it came to girls or relationships, but he still trusted the boy's opinion. After all, they'd had full trust in one another ever since meeting at the Garrison all those years ago. Gosh—now that Hunk thought about it, those days were so far behind them that he could hardly even remember what they were learning about in their classes when they abruptly left. Though, thinking about Earth often meant thinking about his family and that made him sad, so Hunk pushed the thoughts from his mind. He caught up with Lance on the way to get their armor on instead, frowning nervously.

"Did you really mean what you said, about thinking that Shay will be happy to see me?" he asked, hopeful. "I wish I would have saved some of the treats..." With himself and four other ravenous paladins, though, Hunk knew that wish was a long shot! The least he could do now was hope that he looked okay in his armor! It had become his favorite outfit as of late. But only when he wasn't being shot at while wearing it, or chased through space, or... Well, etc.

"What should I say to her?"

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