• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
This RP is part of the Isekai Hell setting. Check the links above to learn more about it.

This RP takes place a few weeks after the events of Nice To Meat You.

What to expect out of character:
Daily posting pace where possible, 2 rounds a week (Wednesdays and weekends) if not. Likely meeting somewhere in the middle. Focus will be on creative usage of the set-up narration and interaction with NPC's.

What to expect in character:
The pay-off for Todo Sawl's efforts in The Keg has reached an all-time high. So much so, in fact, that folk from around the continent have been starting to grow interested in learning what this odd Beastkin chef is up too. As a result, a few of them have to come request training from him. It'll be up to Todo to see whom he keeps around and teaches his craft, whom he dismisses early on, whom he allows to compete to the end and whom he might hire permanently. In fact, he might even take the last step in his journey and decide on settling down as the Keg's permanent master-chef.

Barony 1x1's
This RP is a third trial run for an idea I've had for a while, an easy set-up for 1x1 RP's in Caelia barony. More lore on it can be found in this lore thread where new lore will be added.

Barony NPC 1x1 RP's
There are a lot of people (NPC's) in the barony by now. That is not a coincidence. I've been trying to establish a lot of NPC's, not just to flesh out the area and add some flavour, but also to offer the following option: 1x1 RP's with the barony NPC's.

These are intended to be:
1 – Relative short. (Up to two months at most, more likely between 2 weeks and a month).
2 – Easy to jump into. Find an NPC you want to interact with or a goal to achieve that could fit into the Caelia Barony and you'll be hooked up.
3 – Light-hearted. They won't have too much deep lore/plot. Just a PC, an NPC and a common goal to achieve (examples; defeat wolf, craft sword, chat about the weather, learn how to poor tea).

What you stand to gain:
1 – An RP tailored to your liking with flexible pacing (daily at its fastest so long as both sides are able to keep it up, with potential moments of back-to-back posting, weekly at its slowest).
2 – A direct way to achieve a specific goal, such as: Forge a sword. Gain F-rank Adventurer's Guild connection. Learn Etiquette. Spent some time gossiping.
3 – A narrator willing to help you come up with ideas. I like brainstorming if you want to try out something, but don't have something specific yet.

What I stand to gain:
1 – More RP options outside of my own characters.
2 – Fleshing out the barony and its NPC's even more.
3 – Hopefully giving people some short, yet fun RP's.
4 – A few extra points from running a lot of RP's, which I'll likely reinvest in barony assets/companions through my character (baroness) Regula Caelia.

1 - There's only so much I can do alone. If too many people show interest, I'll have to create a waiting list or find others to join in on this idea (preferably with NPC's of their own, to ensure NPC's stay somewhat consistent in their behaviour).
2 – Grand goals, deep lore, posting paces longer than weekly or desires for very long-lasting RP's likely won't fit this format.
3 – I'm planning to offer some level quality, but this is also very much a quantity thing. If I somehow offer a life-changing RP that'd be great, but that'd not be the goal with these. The goal is some good and simple fun.

As a trial run, I'm hoping to provide a fun RP, but there may be some hiccups while I'm trying to sort things out both IC and OOC. I'll be checking how much time it takes me to keep posting to see if I can start doing these on a consistent basis first and for most, as well as checking how well and easily ideas come forth to see if I can run these en masse, and finally how well the NPC's integrate to see how much of a solid ground for new stuff they can be. Feedback is appreciated both during and after the RP.

The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
Time 12:00 – Weather: Sunny, gentle breeze
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg
Mentions: Todo Shawl Orikanyo Orikanyo

It was busy in the Keg, but not due to customers. In fact, the Keg was closed for the day. Right now, what the Keg was filled with wasn't customers, but fellow chefs. All folk interested in learning some tricks from Todo, having travelled here for that sole purpose. However, it was rather clear he couldn't teach them all, so he'd need to figure out whom to keep around and whom to politely ask to return to their homes.


“We've.. really gotten ourselves some unique guests.” She whispered to Todo, a little overwhelmed by the diversity of the group that'd shown up for this.


“I think that one isn't even alive... are we sure he's not a monster?” She whispered back, pointing at a mummified chef whom merely waved back at them with a smile.

Yes, these were some peculiar candidates indeed.


Most notable, due to size, was a large construct-like thing. He/she/it was just standing by, patiently awaiting... something.


Next of note was the mummy pointed out by Amika. A very peculiar being, but a friendly looking one at least. He/she just smelled a little... foul.


Two others that stood out seemed to be of Fae origin, they were looking around and checking things out with certain eagerness to them.


Sending some shivers down the spines of those less familiar to Crustatonian Beastkin, the shark-like arrival had his/her teeth on full display as he/she looked around trying to get their bearings here like a fish out of water.


A more fluffy beastkin lady was keeping to the sides, awaiting her 'turn' a bit away from the reset of the crowd.


Finally, easily missed due to height constraints, a halfling woman had gathered, bringing her own soup spoon for the occasion.

It would be fully up to Todo how to handle all these arrivals. Have introductions, immediately test them on their competences, create some sort of competition, set-up trials for them, sent some of them away before even learning their names, asking them for their own input... It was all up to him on how to handle this. The only rule on his end, was that he was to filter out at least some of them to figure out whom to work with and whom to share some of his techniques and recipes with at the end of the day. After all, they were all here to learn from him for one reason or another.
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Todo Sawl

this... this was an interesting trouble to have.... hrrmm.. Uhh... What could he do...? he... he didn't remember sending out notices for a apprentice, or a sous-chef.. but... wait.. id he..? he remembers talking with the others when he had time for a drink or two and.... Wait... Did one of the guys do this..? no.. No they didn't... did he whilst drunk ask somebody to..?

Well, either way he had to be certain, a sous-chef was handy.. but.. he couldn't keep six on... two at max but that'd be pushing it...

"umm.. h-hello everyone! it's good to meet you all. I am Todo Sawl, the cooker here and... From what it seems to be the one your all here to learn from... I'm happy to have you here, I didn't expect so many of your however, it's abit of a suprise! A happy one." he admitted, before scratching his chin. "I cannot admit all of you... but.. perhaps best we start with introductions!

Please tell me...

What is your name?
Where are you from?
How did you come to learn to cook?
What is your experience in the culinary arts?
Why do you wish to be here?
And whats your favorite food."

Todo figured this would be the bets approach to start with, he had no issue with making choices but it'd be wrong if he just pointed and picked one based off first appearances.

Especially since the small one is so cute and tiny.
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
Time 12:10 – Weather: Sunny, gentle breeze
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg
Mentions: Todo Shawl Orikanyo Orikanyo

Thanks to being the reason everyone had arrived here to begin with, even Todo's hesitant call-out was enough to get all eyes on him.


“I'll go first then.” The furry beastkin woman spoke up, before anyone else had a chance. “I'm Inola, I'm from the Republic of Kuridan, I learned to cook due to cooking for a shogun n the capital, Okiro. I've served there for about five years, before that I was a simple village chef, taught by father. I'm mostly experienced in meat-based dishes, especially grilling and pan-frying. I'm here to expand my repertoire and I'm hoping to learn some of those revolutionary methods that you're famous for. My favourite food to eat myself is beef, although I generally like to prepare all sorts of meat.”

Boris & Courtney

As if it was a race, the smaller of the two Fae creatures spoke up quickly afterwards. “I'm Courtney and this is Boris, he doesn't speak. We're both from the See of Chearon. We learned to cook by simply doing it! Our village elders made horrible food so we started making our own grub! We've been feeding our tribe for a dozen years or so and now we're looking to start learning stuff more formally. Our favourite foods are stews! It's great to throw things in a kettle and watch them blend together well!”


Out from somewhere, the halfling suddenly popped up, pointing her laddle at Todo. “I'm Nina, I'm from the Shire in Widersia. We halflings proud ourselves on being among the best chefs in the world and I've been serving nobles, royalty and the Second Breakfast Club alike, so when I heard there was food innovation taking place that was far ahead of its time, I simply had to come check it out form myself! In Widersia, cooking lessons are obligatory in schools, although I also have a bachelor's degree in Second Breakfast Preparation, a master's degree in Afternoon Tea and I'm an associate proffers in Snackology! As for a favourite food, I can't possibly choose... but if I had to, I'd say soup. It takes real talent to make a fluid into a satisfying meal!”


As if challenged by her words, the construct started speaking next. “I am designated Tadashi. I am from the Grand Duchy of Roran. I was build to perfect the cooking process, but my creator decided I was unfit for purpose due to lacking 'soul' in my cooking. I did not learn to cook, I was build to do so. I have functioned as a chef since my existence, for 5 years now. I wish to be here to find the 'soul' my creator says I'm lacking. I have no favourite food, but weighing ingredients is my favourite process in food preparation.”


A little awkward, the Shark spoke up next. “Eh, hi, I'm Hai. I'm from Crustaton, in the Continental Lake. I learned to cook because my mother had me help prepare the fish my father would catch. I've been preparing seafood dishes all my life. I'm here because I want to try making other types of food. My favourite type of food to make is seafood, cause that's what I'm good at, but at this point, I really want to eat and make other types of food as well as I'm rather sick of eating seafood all the time. I'd especially like to try all types of meat.”

Just before the final one, the mummy, could start, a human boy ran in.




“Is this the right place? Is the famous chef here? Am I late? Wait, did we discuss a time? Oh, are we doing introductions?” He'd ask a lot of questions without awaiting answers. “I'm Ben, I'm from the capital! I used to do adventurer's work, but I wanted to start trying to learn how to cook! My hobbies are slaying rats and going on adventures!”

When he finished, the mummy could finally speak up.


“I'm Thaïs, I'm from the Red Desert in the West Empire. I learned to cook in a previous life, but I don't recall why. The mage that resurrected me only had me remember the process, not the personal memories of it. I'm here to learn more and to see if practising here can help me remember whom I was before I died. My experience exists of cooking on the road for a few months, but probably for years in my past life. My favourite food is mash, preferably with potato or sweet potato. I really like getting the texture of it just right.”
Todo Sawl

Oh gods theres another one.

Why was there yet another!!!

How many was he supposed to take in..? He just wanted one.

Wait... maybe... if he trained them.. he could... maybe send them off...?

"Its good to meet you all. I've been in search of somebody to act as sous-chef, but as you might imagine, seven people is quite abit... As such, i shall be hosting a small competition! I'll share abit of words about things as we go, no need to turn anyone away empty... headed...? Heh... Uhh.." the pig scratched his chin, observing them all.

"About myself first, I was more or less a wanderer before I was captured and forced into service, Eastern Empire, it wasn't pretty. but there is where I began my works in the industry.. of a sense. I served a woman who saved my life, giving me a home and safety... but alas it was when i earned enough to buy my own safety, I managed to travel. During these travels I met a good deal of people, met many different types of taste. I tried meals I never thought of and many times underestimated just how hot spices could be." he huffed lightly, thinking about it all.

"Simply put, its meeting these different peoples and their tastes, how I gained my knowledge, to travel and experience, it was the taproot of my growing knowledge of food. From a simple pie, to the magnificent curries of the exotics...

When it comes to serving food, it's not enough to cook as you wish. But one must know your customer like a warrior would know a foe. Know what type of person they are, what they desire. The order is a good way to know, but offering particulars to a customer can go a long way. variety, options, customization.

It may seem simple to say but when one lives to cook, one has to know their foe! And our foe is our customer's tastes.

People eat to live, but it's up to US to let them live to EAT!

The simplest of my creations is the burger, meat pounded and crushed to a fine tenderness and bun, the combinations are impossibly to count, why last week I test fried onion rings for one of our regular customers and she was overjoyed with the combination... if her own way." Ethel was such a good guinea pig, though she seemed to be getting abit bigger... not that he minded, she was cute as a button either way.

"That is my philosophy. I wont say my path was easy, but it was enlightening. And it's not the only path to walk. Yours will be different than mine. I work with meat a great deal, but others can master the pastry, the elves of the See has perfected vegetable dishes, the pavillion's spices sear but provide a delectable taste. I had the privilege of tasting the northern Kingdom's fare and their marinading arts are wondrous.

So, I think... We should have a competition! The larder is well stocked, and dipping into it shouldn't be too much an issue. Why don't we go down the line and see you cook up something. Amika, Hestia, would you help me be judges? I need palates other than mine, if you think you wouldn't mind have some small meals?"
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
Time 12:10 – Weather: Sunny, gentle breeze
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg
Mentions: Todo Shawl Orikanyo Orikanyo

“Oh, that sounds fun! I'm in!” She replied with certain eagerness.


“Oh my, I'm not sure if I'd qualify, but... I can sure try.” A little more hesitant than her daughter, she was still up to it.

As for Todo's story, they'd all listened to it with varying levels of (real of faked) interested, yet most of them got truly excited when they were told to cook something up. That said, it was doubtful that the kitchen was going to be able to house seven chefs at once.




“Excuse me, can we just, cook whatever en whenever we want? Do we have to take turns or fight for a spot? Can I ask for hints when cooking?” The human boy started.


“With all due respect, I'd also like to know a bit more. For example, can we use whichever ingredients we want and can we bring our own?” The fox woman added.


As if challenged by her words, the construct started speaking next. “I desire to know if there will be a time constraint within which we need to finish our dishes.” The construct added a question as well.


“If dishes need to be tailored to the customer, might I ask you all what your preferences are?” The mummy asked, though as he got closer, Amika and Hestia couldn't help look a bit uncomfortable from the unpleasant smell the mummy was spreading, regardless of how nice and kind he seemed to be.


“Hah! You're all just scared! How about I cook you all a dish that'll send you all home instantly!” The shortest one called out with the loudest claim.


“You'd wish.” The shark replied, before also turning to Todo with a question. “Is there a lake or river nearby? I'd like to work with the freshest possible fish.”

It was clear that all their thoughts and approaches were wildly different and that they'd need a bit more guidance and rules if this 'competition' were to run smoothly.
Todo sawl

"Ah, fair enough lets see... You will have today to procure any ingredients you desire. Local shops have many different cuts and produce, if you can procure the ingredients for the dishes you desire to produce all the better. Stonewall's shops are available to you to depend on to find what you need. Unfortunately, Stonewall doesn't have many rivers or lakes nearby, making do with what we have, is also a part of this contest and is considered in grading."

He clears his throat.

"Alright, so.

WE three judges shall answer one question from eqch of you

You will have the rest of today to prepare, and we shall await you at sunset. You shall cook in order of appearance back at the tavern. Keep in mind this will not effect grading, just time placement.

I would prefer local ingredients were used, but it is allowed to use things brought in. Two ingredients are allowed to supplement your gathered supply. Keep in mind exotics, while interesting, may not always win out, nor are an immedate success. And my trained nose can tell if your sneaky ohoho!"

He tried his best to answer the questions, before continueing. "...Keep in mind this is no official thing my friends, please, just have fun. Theres no reason to be all stiff and troubled over this."
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
Time 18:30 – Weather: Sunset, gentle breeze
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg
Mentions: Todo Shawl Orikanyo Orikanyo

After Todo's instruction, the group scarred rather quickly, but not before all of them, other than the construct and halfling, would ask him a question.

From the mummy;
“Do you prefer potato or sweet potato?”

From the two Fae;
“Can we work as a team?”

From the shark;
“What creatures can I legally butcher here?”

From the fox;
“How well can you three handle spices?”

From the human boy;
“Where do I start?”

As they were asked to return in their order of appearance, the first to present a dish was the construct.


As he walked in, he presented them with a steaming hot dish that he'd been working on for a long time. In the kitchen, he'd been measuring everything exactly by the milligram, being the only chef to have used up all the time they'd been given. In fact, it looked like he might've wanted even more time and that he'd have counted the individual grains of salt if he would've been able to do so.

From: https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/classic-french-dishes-wellness/index.html

“I present to you three, Boeuf Bourguignon. Beef marinated in red wine, with vegetables. It shames me to say I was not able to marinated it for the ideal 25 hours, 7 minutes and 23 seconds, but I was able to compensate by reducing the salt amount by 23.5 milligrams and adding an extra 3/4th of an onion.”

In his own way, he'd clearly taken this dish extremely seriously, yet, perhaps due to being a construct, it was clear he lacked 'soul' and approached this like it was chemistry, with formulas and extremely strict and exact measurements and times.
"Ah, I love a roasted sweet potato myself." Said todo to the mummy, who's scent was indeed distracting... But they seemed earnest.

"Of course, wouldn't dream of sepperating ones so bonded. That goes for each of you as well if you wish to team up, I wont deny you." He liked those two, working well with others is a great trait for a chef!

"That... Is a concerning question, but there is a brilliant butchery in town I use for my supply, go ahead and tell him Todo sent you and he will get any of you squared away." He announced this happily, he worked hard for that endorsement from that butcher.

"Spices, I can handle a great deal myself, but i'm only one of our judges. I can only speak for myself." He looked to Hestia and Amika to say their pieces, but decided to keep an eye on this one... He had hopes to try something burning hot again.

"W-well, you can start from what you know, I would tecromend deciding on a dish you think you can perform best and head to the general store in town, their also a grocer. Don't mind miss Saffron shes just like that at work." She was rather nice when not working, he had recruited that one for salad tests.

That reminds him... He needed to get more fresh lettuce...


Waiting for the first contestant was a strange feeling... He wasn't used to be cooked for, but now... Hmm...

The first one however arrived, and theirs was no push over.

"Oh my, how lovely this aroma is." He gave it a good sniff, taking a healthy portion, befote giving it his first bite...


He took another...


He would polish off his plate afterwards, letting the taste fill his mind...

"You have performed specifically to your goals. Its exactly as you would find as an alchemist in a labratory. Yhe portions were perfect, the ingredients correct, amounts to be expected and utilized correctly.

But as you said, you are searching for soul. This is every way is your desired dish. But it is nothing beyond or below it. It is good, to a point of perfect on paper. But this soul of the food you speak of comes from experimentation, imperfection, you have what it takes to make good food.

But by the letter of it, if you branch beyond the trappings of convention, allow variance, allow it to sway even for a second in the unpredictability and show skill in such.

You will find the soul of the food you seek." Todo finished his explanation, before giving a nod.

"You have passed and are very good, take my words or not, but always find room to grow."
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
Time 18:45 – Weather: Sunset, gentle breeze
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg
Mentions: Todo Shawl Orikanyo Orikanyo


Truthfully, the construct didn't seem surprised or even happy upon the compliments. After all, this was all according to his expectations. That said, Todo's criticism turned his face into a visible question mark. “I am... unable to process. If soul means imperfection, would it not be best to cook without soul?” It was clear that the constructs manner of thinking, or perhaps even his physical brain, was not easily able to adjust to this type of reasoning. It was clear it might be a tough learning process, if he were to be hired.

“I liked it!” That was all she could really say about it.


“Perhaps it's not up to me to say, but you should try to figure out if cooking even makes you happy. You said you were created as a chef, but is that what you want to do yourself?” She'd ask the construct, giving him something more to ponder about.


As before, when the next contestant walked up, he was preceded by an awful stench. Polite as they might be, it was clear it was ruining Amika's and Hestia's appetites. The man didn't seem discouraged, however, as he placed his dish in front of them.

From: Savory Mashed Sweet Potatoes

It was very simple, yet the scent of it was a stark contrast with his own. Somehow, it was incredibly herby, sweet yet savoury. “It's not exactly a main course, but I like to take something simple, like the sweet potato, after which I try to elevate it to its ultimate potential. Please, enjoy~” He said with a smile, putting it in front of them. Even so, it took Hestia and Amika a bit to focus on the scent of the food over that of the chef.
Todo Sawl

"its something that can be found overtime, try experimenting, you will find your way." he gave his final words to the machine before letting him take off to the side. it would be an uphill battle for the machine, but... thats what it will take.. Capturing the soul of something is not quantifiable, not measurable, but it requires heart... perhaps the robot may learn someday... As long as it keeps going and running, maybe it will one day.


Todo would be the first to take up a serving, before giving it it's proper go... he liked the flavor, the scent was acceptable from it but... he had to say it.

"Thais you did rather well making the texture right, the taste is quite good as well and I think you did wonderfully with your work. Lightly buttery, just the right amount of salt and the savory nature of the meal is perfect.

but I must speak of something about the dining experience, the plateing is good, but have you taken time to consider some form of descentizer for yourself? I have a strong nose, and I am remiss to cause insult to you as a person, you have been very polite. But, even I must take care to consider my scent as a chef, serving and cooking, as it can cause a meal to sour from proximity, which didn't happen here.

Consider a light perfume, and a fresh bandages. Those can aid you, you shall find people less troubled. And your skills can shine to greet them.

You did very well, thank you for your work."
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
Time 19:00 – Weather: Sunset, gentle breeze
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg
Mentions: Todo Shawl Orikanyo Orikanyo


He happily nodded along with the compliments he was receiving. However, upon the topic of scent, his face soured instantly. “I am sorry chef, I am afraid that, upon my resurrection, I was cursed to be as such. I have tried all those methods and failed to make them work. I tried to get my undead nature reversed, but it seems to be an affair to costly for me at the moment.” He spoke, clearly saddened by this impossibly to overcome hurdle. It was clear he hadn't figured out a work-around either.

Hestia and Amika were remaining silent, unable to give a fair judgement on the meal and the scent of the chef (and fear of how that might've affected the dish) had permanently biased them against it.

Boris & Courtney

From: Escargot Recipe (With & Without Shells)

“Here ya go chef, judges!” The smaller one said, as the bigger one placed some tennis-ball sized snails in front of them, to the horror of both Amika and Hestia. Were they meant to eat... snails??? They were both doubting their choice in joining this. That said, these snails were smelling divine. Some sort of herbs and spices that must only grow in The See might've been used in them. Their nostrils were cleared off the previous chef's smell before long.

"Hmmm...." he would consider this new entry, he needed to think of the reactions of his fellows... He knew he'd be the only one with a yrue high thought process on the food, but the reactions of Amika and Hestia were crucial to the process.

Not because they knew a great deal of food, but, because they had reactions of the common lay person.

Its clear the fae duo tried to be as fancy as possible... But they worked within the contrains of the trial... If not considering the tastes of the ones they were serving.

He grasped a snail and would begin to use a smaller fork to start eatting. "Very savory, Ryken has snails of this size but its more inline of the See cuisine, particular care is taken for the snails to grow of large size and to particular taste, if I remember certain ranchers use only certain specific trees grown from their sapling form to full adult specifically for such snail farms." He finished off the thought as he finished the snail, placing the shell upon the plate, befote giving a nod.

"You two did very well for your choice of entry, I quite liked it. However, you must remember while my tastes are varied, you are also cooking for my friends. Escargot is a rare thing to see, and a hard thing to breech as a meal for those uninitiated.

Keep your customers in mind when designing your meal plan, consider their tastes and desires. I may be a chef, but, its people like them we are serving." Todo gives a quick thanks again for the dish and allows the situation to move along, though giving a look to see if Hestia and Amika would try the snails...

Admtably, he tried escargot once, he didn't like it, but as a pig his tastes have changed...
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
Time 19:30 – Weather: Sunset, gentle breeze
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg
Mentions: Todo Shawl Orikanyo Orikanyo

Boris & Courtney

They both looked rather perplexed when they saw how Todo ate the snails. It looked like they'd be silent for a bit, but then the smaller one spoke up. “You're... not eating them with the shell? You're leaving the nicest and crunchiest bit?” It was clear their eating habits and tastes were rather different than that of Todo. Or of Hestia and Amika, for that matter. It's why they were even more stunned by his next words. “They're not common here? Really?” It was clear they weren't all that familiar with this region's cuisine. When Amika and Hestia eventually tried a snail (which neither seemed to like all that much), they left looking defeated.

That meant the shark was up next... which was a disturbing sight. After all, she was covered in blood.


“Sorry 'bout the looks, chef, I didn't have time to wash up.” The shark was quick to put some meat on the table for the three of them.

From: 50 Best Rated Meat Dishes in the World

“Freshest lamb chops you'd be able to get. It was darting around in the fields just this morning. Considering I couldn't get my fish fresh and had some other requests denied by the butcher, I figured I'd try this instead.” It seemed the shark's words made Amika a little less eager to try the nicely smelling meat...

As for the dish itself, it was pretty good, but not cooked to perfection. This was clearly a dish from someone experienced as a chef, but not with this particular ingredient.

"Ah, I have a thought that you will one day change my opinions of fish, lets see your foray into lamb." todo will dig into this dish knife and fork cutting into the soft meat and took a big bite. The meat was what he'd call medium rare, and had a lovely bit of taste to the meat that comes with still having that little bit of blood within. He knew the lamb's source, the butcher was very particular about his meat and it showed within the meat it'self. High grade.

"You did very well for your first attempt, I myself keep my meat medium rare. For next time, when you have time, create a marinade with herbs, olive oil and specifically mint. The combination will have the lamb's natural flavors soar and bring your creation to a new level. Keeping meat on depends on the thickness of the cut, you can ask for an idea of how long to cook them from the butcher as well when you buy it.

You utilized the local products well, thank you for your time." He gave the shark...ess... she-shark? Lady the thumbs up and regarded the other two judges for their thoughts.
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
Time 19:30 – Weather: Sunset, gentle breeze
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg
Mentions: Todo Shawl Orikanyo Orikanyo

The shark lady was clearly pleased with herself (and with the compliments).


“I really like it.”

“Me too, it's great!”

It seemed they liked the simpler things. However, there was one thing Amika was curious about. “By the way, what type of request were denied...?”

“Oh, just some things I wanted to try that's somewhat popular in some places in the West Empire. You know, Halfling, Human, those types. I should've known it's only that only the West Empire does such things and that other places would look at me like I'm crazy.”

The revelation sent a shiver down Amika's spine. She shouldn't have asked. She looked at Todo with a questioning look. Was he going to consider hiring someone hoping to become a man eater? Hestia's look was very much akin to that of her daughter's.

Todo looked to take a sudden turn for the *Oh god i hope they actually chosen lamb for this.* "I... did not know the west Empire had such tastes... But.. here in Ryken those are... very much forbidden, any form of sentient life, such as people who think and speak, are very very much forbidden. And to speak of such things are highly... Egregious.

I understand you did not know, but.. Perhaps it might be best we part ways here. I wish you all the best on your culinary journey, but this is unfortunately not the place for that type of cookery...

Thank you for your time and effort." he gave the shark woman a light bow before letting out a small sigh.

"...I did not think such things were acceptable in the Western Empire..."
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
Time 19:30 – Weather: Sunset, gentle breeze
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg
Mentions: Todo Shawl Orikanyo Orikanyo


She shrugged. “I guess it's not up to every chef to truly try all there is to cook, so I guess I'll go try find my fortune in the West Empire itself.” She said, leaving without looking back. Still, Hestia and Amika were clearly relieved that this was off the table now.


From: Marinated Roast Beef

“There you go~ Perfect meat, without the worry of risking to hire a man-eater. Also, for you, chef, it's got the extra kick~” She put a bit of extra sauce up for Todo, likely containing the extra spice the two ladies wouldn't be able to handle.

Trustfully, with a side of roast potatoes and peas, this was almost perfect, although there was one thing off. There was something 'extra' in that meal... Small, orange and white strands of... hair. A few of them, in fact.

"Ah, a roast beef, how lovely." he was about to dig in when he... spotted it... he held up a finger to the others and observed the dishes abit, getting up to look them all over... he plucked a few hairs from Amika's meal, careful to get around the meal to not soil it with fingers. A long one from Hestia's... then plucked a good few nearly invisible from his own. planting the collected tuft upon the table he looked over, then towards the canid woman, giving a small nod.

"A hair in a dish can soil a meal for a customer, but is harder to spot at times than a scent if not looking for it. You have great display, brilliant scent for the meal, a side of peas, roast potatos, lovely, but not being mindful of one's own hairs can cause catastrophe.

You would be suprised, but I myself need to watch out for my own, we boarmen have smaller hairs but their bristly, can ruin the taste and can very well cause troubles for the diner. that is why..." he shows a hand in the light. "Shaven clean, you cannot do such that is easy to see, wouldn't ask you to cut off such luxurious fur, but ample time brushing and utilizing gloves can do wonders to help with such precautions.

But with that out of the way... it'd be a shame if I let good roast sit any longer~"

He was quick with the offered sauce, braver than any common folk would be, before he cut off a bite and quickly ate it...

He paused a moment.. then...

His face turned red... his ears wiggled and twitched... he looked fit to burst into flame.

But then, he let out a long breath, one could see steam vent with it..

"Wonderous, a taste of fire, my tongue has fallen in love with it."
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
Time 19:45 – Weather: Sunset, gentle breeze
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg
Mentions: Todo Shawl Orikanyo Orikanyo


“Sorry chef, but trust me, I try, it's just that it's shedding season and it becomes a huge hassle. Hair going everywhere~ Normally I go on vacation or something, but I couldn't miss this opportunity.”

She laughed when he turned red. “Seems like you've got heated well enough, glad to provide.”

As for Hestia and Amika, they too seemed to enjoy their meals, not minding the removed hairs all that much.


The smallest of the contestants had been going through quite the challenge, having asked for folk to grab stuff from her from the higher shelves at least a dozen times. However, what she had to show for it smelled great.

From: Cream of Chervil Soup

“Here you go, chef, ladies! Chervil soup with cream! I would've given a more Shire-like twist to it, but I figured I'd keep it a little more regional. ”

Truthfully, so far, the only thing flawed with it seemed to be the thing she had trouble putting it down on their table without spilling as she could barely reach that high.

"You came here knowing you may be in disadvantage? You are quite brave and sure of your skill. Perhaps a set of long gloves may be helpful if needed. I can only imagine the troubles you face." he gave the woman her time and thank yous, before they moved on to the second last amongst them.


"mmm.... it smells lovely... You did very fine work on it's plating and display." he considered the trouble she was having getting the dish up to the table, he would help bring it closer of course but he also considered where the ingredients were held... Several herbs were hanging rather high... if he were to choose her, he'd get commissioned a bunch of small ladders or steps to help the woman.

Though perhaps used to getting aid, she was skilled.

it was hard to say no to a cute face, so.

Best he start eating now.

"Mmmm..." he went through a few spoonfuls, giving a nod. "This is quite good, I've no words but complements, you produced a fine dish ms.Nina. I'm certain in less of a trial you would wow me even more with the shire's fare. I've heard great things about it." he also considered a moment customers from the shire... "Hmm, we'll have to be certain of accommodations, perhaps higher chairs for smaller folk, stepladders... Servers can serve easily enough but it will take abit of doing to have everything reachable, but it's less of an issue and more of a thing to be done."

Todo nods, pleased with the dish.
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
Time 20:00 – Weather: Sunset, gentle breeze
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg
Mentions: Todo Shawl Orikanyo Orikanyo


“I guess a smaller kitchen is out of the question? I feel like I've got more of a work-out than a work-day if I'd be climbing stairs and steps all day.” She replied, sounding a bit doubtful about Todo's plans. Besides, climbing steps and stairs all day whilst carrying cooking ingredients, or worse, knives or hot pans, was likely a fair bit of a workplace incident waiting to happen. If not just the risk of other folk stumbling over said steps and stairs...

That said, it was an issue for later, as the last person was ready to present his dish...




From: Vegan Chinese Longevity Noodles – Yi Mein 伊面 -

“Here you go sir! It's a dish from Kuridan! You told me to make what I think would do best and I know this one well! Do you like dishes from Kuridan? If you try it, could you tell me if I used enough salt? I think the soy in it is already salty, but I wasn't sure if it'd be salty enough? Do you think the spring onions in it work well or should I have more mushrooms instead? Do you know if this is arm enough like this?” Truth to formulate, he had (with effort) not asked any more questions while preparing this dish, but now he was right back at it. He also seemed to have gone the full length with being allowed to bring in non-local things.

Todo rose an eyebrow... "You have many questions, trust your work, you skill will carry you if you have love for your food." he began to take his portion and eat of it, thinking on the taste and the aroma... It was quite good, though he began to wonder. "This is all local yes? its quite good." he asked between a bite, getting the rest of a noodle in. "Do not worry too much about my opinions, for my tastes are as wide as my own belly. And you'd have to stretch yourself to cover it.

You did very well." he paused to consider... he did say it right back then? Maybe he should have allowed more questions.

This was mostly just to test them.

"If thats all, i do believe it's time to settle up?"
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
Time 20:15 – Weather: Sunset, gentle breeze
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg
Mentions: Todo Shawl Orikanyo Orikanyo




“I think so? It could be for sure!” He replied in somewhat uncertain terms to Todo's question on whether it was all local.

When Todo mentioned it was time to settle up, the other two judges perked up.


“Do you want to decide already? I honestly wouldn't know which one was best, there were a fair few that I liked a lot.”

“Same for me! I also would feel bad to send someone back disappointed...” She added after her mother's statement.

It was clear that neither of them knew anything conclusive yet. Perhaps they'd be down to have a second round with a few of the best contestants? Or perhaps they'd just go along with whatever Todo would say and select? It'd be up to him to decide how to proceed from here. Selecting someone already, having more rounds, another challenge, a contest between some of them... Well, one thing was clear, it'd probably have to happen the next day, with how late it was getting. Even so, it was all in his hands right now.

"...An evasive answer...? When I mean local, I mean gotten from the local ingredients available, from the stores nearby for example.

Following instruction and recipes is key for a chef, experimentation finds it roots there, and we can evolve our work.

Perhaps abit more travel will broaden your mind to such. Adventure and travel, it is how I first learned my craft, there you shall find yours.

Return again when you feel you are ready, I feel that adventurous spirit in you, your mind is apt for learning, but it'll find a better teacher in the ways of the world."

He would dismiss the young man not out of dislike of him, but more or less sending him an a... Culinary adventure. His thoughts were like somebody not understanding the simplicity within, meaning he sort of lacked common sense...

Common sense was only gained through experience, so... why not travel...?

Either way he was kinda annoying so Todo thought it best to go this way.


"Hmm perhaps a night to think then.

I thank you all for your effort today. If you will tell me where you stay this night, I will send you a letter of acceptance for a second round or a letter to lead you to possible better pastures.

Though I do not mean to insult you with a denial, you all did wonderfully well today and I see bright futures ahead for all of you." He regarded them all and silently gave a long bow to them all. Really, he wished to take them all and work on them... But... He cannot take control of their lives, some must find the path to victory themselves, work on themselves and build up their own ways...

The night, he took to writing.

To the robot, he would write.

"You are a remarkable creation, and if I met your creator I would shake their hand. But i fear that this may not be the best place for you to find the soul you seek.

The Republic to the north, the food of the people of the Tepublic is complecated, intrecate, and full of soul. Perhaps, this will aid you.

I wish you all the best."

To the mummy, he wrote.

"It was a true pleasure to meet you, and I feel I am better for our meeting. But unfortunately, the place you seek is not in this kitchen. But I know of a place perhaps more suited to you, nearby the Duch there is a place of lovely aromas and beautiful finery, the Pavillion, in the middle of a hot sandy desert.

It is perhaps there you will find what you seek. It is a lovely place, and for one not hasseled by the heat, it could be a lovely stroll!"

To the fae duo, he would write

"You both are a very charming duo, and quite wonderful chefs. It has been many years since i've tasted the See's fare and its always a wonderous time. But I am sorry to say but this place may not be too suited for you.

Exploring the cultures around, coming to know who they are, what they eat, its all a part of our jounries as artists of cuisine. I do not fault you for not knowing, I merely state that your journey has just begun!!

Be brave and continue your journey, and do feel free to call on us again!"

To Inola and Nina, he sent them a letter that was similar to each.

"Return again for a final round." There was a small little drawing of a cute little pig underneath the line.
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
Time 16:00 (the next day) – Weather: Sunset, gentle breeze
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg
Mentions: Todo Shawl Orikanyo Orikanyo

The human boy had just looked at Todo with a puzzling look, clearly still not fully getting it, but eventually shrugging it off. He might as well go back to adventuring and slaying rats in the capital. Perhaps this whole chef's business wasn't meant for him to begin with.

The construct would leave disappointed. For one, he couldn't find this 'soul' here and for two, he'd likely need to find some folk to aid him if he wanted to travel to a nation where the vast majority of citizens had a deep hatred for his species. To that extend, he'd already been lucky that Todo wasn't like his kin. He'd be just as likely to loose his life as he'd be to find his 'soul' over there.

The mummy had gotten off slightly better. The Grand Duchy of Roran wouldn't outright hate him, hopefully, even though he might have issues being seen as more than a mere magical creation. Perhaps the pavilion Todo wrote about would be among the more forward-thinking places? Either way, he'd likely give it a shot.

The two Fae left without too much hassle. They'd already set their sights on what they heard their fellow contestant talk about. The Shire in Widersia. That sounded like a good place to start cooking up trouble new dishes.


That left Todo with two contestants. The halfling was first to show up. “Wait, am I the only one left? Did I win?” She'd ask, only for Inola to walk in shortly after.


“Oh my, it seems like a lot of competition has already been culled.” She'd remark as well. Notably, she was wearing long-sleeved gloves this time around.

The hafling spoke up again. “Well then, chef, how do I prove I'm better than the fox?” She'd ask, with a smug look towards Inola.

“I'd be careful, you might end up falling a little short.” She replied in turn.

It seemed like both of them were ready to get this final round going, whatever Todo would decide for it to be.

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