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Finished [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) A Helping Hand. Part 1: Homecoming.

This RP is part of the Isekai Hell setting. It is currently not open to be joined, but do let me know if you'd be down to join future RP's of mine.

What to expect out of character:
The RP is planned to be one part of three relatively short ones. The first one will be about Ryan arriving back home to explain what happened to his girlfriend. The second will be on finding a way to get cured and on preparing for it. The third will be about executing those plans and getting unmaimed.

What to expect in character:
Ryan returns to Stonewall after loosing a hand during a failed tribulation attempt. He'll have to start his journey to recovery by telling what happened to his girlfriend, Aileen.

Tag and character goal:
Rev IX Rev IX Ryan Kylieth – Explain what happened to Aileen.

Forge in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Forge.
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/0nnVRy



It was a nice and sunny day, as Aileen and her father were working in the forge with all doors open for some fresh air. “How do you thnk Ryan is doing on his adventure? It's been a while already, hasn't it? I'd have expected him home by now.” She asked, leaning back a bit as she wiped the sweat from her brow. Working the forge was hot on days like these.

“Hmm.” The older man answered, as he handed her another sword that needed some reshaping.

“You're right, perhaps it's a bit too early to get worried. Although I'm sure he should be back any day now.”


“Well, I know I said that yesterday as well, but that means it must be even more true now, right?” She didn't get a response, instead the older man pointed at the forge for her to focus on the craft again.
Ryan Kylieth

Regret. That is all that cruised through Ryan's head, as he made his ride of shame back to his home in Stonewall. He was overconfident when he made that travel. The world is too dangerous for careless adventurers, let alone blacksmiths pushing their luck for some sort of chance at getting their hands on something that could boost their luck.

It was too late for that thought to appear.

Ryan stopped staring blankly at his stump, where his arm was replaced with a cursed mark of sorts, when he picked up on the all too familiar walls. He slowly sat upright, groaning from the pain of the wounds all over his body that had not healed. The defeated Ryan told the traveling merchant, which was generous to bring him here, to drop him off near the entrance. With a quiet "thank you", Ryan dropped a few coins on the merchant's hand and slowly walked towards the forge, attempting to go unnoticed.

The forge grew painfully close, and Ryan noticed both his girlfriend and his (probably not anymore) proud father-in-law going hard at work. A pang of guilt hit him like a rampaging dragon, breaking his attempt at a blank expression. With a somber face, and his head hanging down, he stood at the entrance. "...Hello". That's all he could manage to say, too ashamed of himself to say much else. Ragged, dirty, and with a few bloodied bandages exposed amidst torn pieces of cloth. A look that was far from favouring.
Tag and character goal:
Rev IX Rev IX Ryan Kylieth – Explain what happened to Aileen.

Forge in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Forge.
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/0nnVRy



Normally, in a situation like this, you might hear the sound of a needle falling. Right now, you still heard the sound of a forge blasting. That said, the sound of Aileen's hammer falling on the ground was still audible enough. She'd turned around, excited, only to be devastated by the sudden sight. “Wha... what in the world happened?!?” She called out. Even her father, Gobán, stopped working the forge for a bit to look at Ryan with some concern.

After a second of utter shock, however, she'd run up to Ryan. “Are you okay? Do I need to bring a healer? Should we go find the baroness or someone from the church? What... is it cursed?” She was clearly rather concerned, as she tried to figure out what was wrong and, more importantly, how she could help.
Ryan Kylieth

Ryan grimaced when his eyes met with Aileen's horror. As Aileen rushed over, Ryan closed the door behind him. Ryan stepped to a side of it and leaned against the wall, staring at Aileen while glancing at Goban, expecting the disappointment to show in his face once Ryan explained himself. As much as he desired to avoid it, it was clear an explanation was in order.

"I... bit more than I could chew is the short of it." The crippled blacksmith started to slide down the wall in order to rest his weary legs. "I've seen better days." Ryan somberly chuckled "Most of my wounds have healed enough. Though I'm still sore and tired, however."

Ryan casted his head down to his bandaged stump and the curse mark surrounding it. "This? Yes, it is cursed. When I woke up after I was found they told me I couldn't get healed fully until I get around this... Thing."

The roughed young man sighed. "I'm sure you both must want to know how I ended up like this. Well, it's not that long of a story. I don't remember it fully, but here is what I do remember: I heard, from a merchant visiting Stonewall, of a place where I could get great knowledge and materials for the forge. I went to the place, and it was way more hostile than I imagined. So I was close to be ripped to shreds. Or that's how it felt after I woke up. Some people who lived relatively close found me and did their best in healing me. And as soon I was able to walk, I made my way back. And now, here I am."

Ryan then went from looking at Aileen's concerned face, to glance at Goban "I guess I might not be the one... Though if you can do your work with one hand, I might without an arm. Heh." His words sounded somewhat determined, but it was clear they also held fear in them.
Tag and character goal:
Rev IX Rev IX Ryan Kylieth – Explain what happened to Aileen.

Forge in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Forge.
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/0nnVRy



“... but... what...” She stammered, trying to process what happened. She held back when he seemed to actually get to the story. Clearly fighting the urge to worry more, ask more or perhaps the urge to start crying. Instead, she took a deep breath as she listened to him. As he finished she took another deep breath, then rushed into hug him. “Don't ever scare me like that again!” She called out, as she was now crying. From wondering to him running late to seeing him arrive in such a state, it'd been a bit too much for her.

When she calmed down a little she shook her head. “My father's... he's been like that for really long. He doesn't know any better. Yet you learned how to work with both hands.” She clicked her tongue, however, some determination seemed to be growing. “You're going to take a bath and then you're going to sleep. I'm going to ask around some questions. No buts.” She eventually stated.

Gobán hadn't said a word, but upon hearing his daughter speak up, he nodded. “Hm!” It seemed he was in firm agreement with her.
Ryan Kylieth

Ryan was taken aback by Aileen's reaction to it all. A slight smile painted on his face, quickly realizing that he couldn't have expected anything less. "Lesson learned. I really hope I won't." A dry chuckle followed "Not that I'll try to. Never." Responding to the hug as bed as he could while sitting and only one arm.

After Aileen put herself together and explained Goban's situation, he nodded a few times slowly. Figures, the one handed blacksmith had plenty of training as he was. Ryan was not likely to get back on his own level of forging like this. That was quite saddening. His girlfriend, however, didn't seem discouraged anymore. Ryan smiled with more enthusiasm at the two smiths before him, which seemed quite intent on him cleaning himself and resting. "I won't." Ryan incorporated himself slowly and with a few groans along the way. "I'll get to that. Thank you, both of you." Ryan got lost in his thoughts for a moment, and then shook his head and went upstairs.

The maimed smith managed to take a bath by himself. Ditching the torn clothes and washing his wounds slowly and carefully. Then, on his room, with proper clothes and clean wounds he slowly laid on his bed. Not even having the energy to dwell on his lost arm, Ryan fell asleep in record time, simply glad he got the chance to see her again.
Tag and character goal:
Rev IX Rev IX Ryan Kylieth – Explain what happened to Aileen.

Forge in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Forge.
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/0nnVRy


Ryan would wake up a lot later. Having slept through the afternoon, through the night and well into the morning. When he got down, Gobán would point at a bowl of oats. Breakfast, it seemed. Aside it was a note. [Eat this when you're up, then come meet me at the Keg.]

The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg


Should he arrive at the Keg, he'd spot that Aileen and a fair few others that'd gathered there. Aileen would be the one to speak up, however, somewhat excited. “Ah, there you are! I hope you're doing better? I've got good news though! We've been discussing ideas on how you might be cured and Saffron had an idea we think might work.” She stated, though Hestia interrupted her.


“Perhaps you should allow him to take a seat first, dear. He's probably still groggy from just waking up after such a terrible adventure. Can I get you something to drink whilst you gather your bearings?”







Ezekiel Hayward





Ryan Kylieth

After a deep and prolonged sleep, Ryan woke up when a sharp pain jolted his whole body. A sudden movement, and actually being rested enough were likely the cause. With haste, he started doing his morning routine. Cumbered by pain and a lacking arm, it took way more than usual. Nevertheless, he managed to get ready to see what Aileen had in mind.

He met up with Goban downstairs, who pointed Ryan to the breakfast and note. With a slow nod, Ryan sat down and wolfed down his breakfast. It may not have been much, but it took the bitterness he tasted after his monumental failure off his mouth.

He nodded at Goban yet again when he was done, and made his way to The Keg. After going through the entrance, seeing the entourage Aileen had with her. Ryan smiled nervously. Great, now everyone knows of his fumble, he thought. Still, based on how Aileen spoke after feeling better when she saw him, there was no avoiding something like this. Ryan took a discreet deep breath while approaching the group. "Aside from the wounds that haven't fully healed and..." he glanced at his cursed halo "... I feel fully rested". Ryan didn't get a chance to ask about this idea of Saffron's, since Hestia stepped in. Ryan dimly smiled at the barkeep "I wouldn't mind something that gives me energy. If not, water is just fine". Ryan slowly sat down, grimacing at the stings of a few wounds, and then addressed Hestia once more. His gaze made his "Thank you" seem like it was directed at everyone. Which it was.
Tag and character goal:
Rev IX Rev IX Ryan Kylieth – Explain what happened to Aileen.

The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg


“Great, I'll get you one of Gwenith's brews.” She stated, returning with some herbal smelling tea a bit after.


“Alright, let's get started!” Aileen called, clearly somewhat excited to share the results of the get-together she'd pulled off.


“Well, the short version is that I know my mother knows someone in the See that should be able to cure just about any wound and cleanse just about any curse. We've debated a fair few other options, but they all...”


“I still believe he should seek out aid in the Grand Duchy instead. They are the magic experts and they're far less whimsical.” The mayor interrupted.

Ezekiel Hayward

“You admitted it yourself, we don't know a single name there that could help him further. You'd sent the kid in blind. At least in the See, Tisiphone should be able to guide them to where they'd need to be.”

Aldwin was quick to reply. “You're assuming the woman would help a random human boy she'd never even heard off.”


“She would, if Sherwood and I were to ask her.” Saffron interrupted. To which the mayor sighed.

“Well, kid, if you want to go somewhere less dangerous, let me know, if not, I wish you luck with this plan.” The mayor stated, heading out.

“Anyhow, the current plan would be for my brother to go look for her. She should be somewhere around the border with the East Empire. I'm sure he could convince her to meet us here, then we'd just need to convince her to join you and ensure you'd be prepared to head out immediately. How's that sound?” She asked.

Some of the folk that had remained silent thus far, like Rosalia and Gwenith, simple nodded. Only Ethel seemed to be restraining herself from speaking up about something.
Ryan Kylieth

Ryan nodded at Hestia when she brought back the brew, of which Ryan took a good swig, not bothering with letting it cool. Handling heat was second nature to him by now, and the brew reminded him of coffee to boot. His eyes darted around, following the conversation as he drank some more of the pleasantly bitter drink.

As a gap in the talk opened, Ryan took the chance to speak. "I have been in The Duchy, and by how things looked then, I gave a good impression to the librarian of The Wise Owl Library, in Aslan. That said, I've only been there once, and I didn't even get the chance to get the librarian's name", he offered. Likely not much, but he wanted to give back the effort put in for him, by doing his best to work along the group. He then voiced his thoughts on what they came up with. "It's better than whatever I could have gotten by myself".

A bit disappointed of his lack of connections, he gauged the group's reactions to his comments. That's when Ryan noticed Ethel. "What's the matter, Ethel? Do you have something to say?"
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Tag and character goal:
Rev IX Rev IX Ryan Kylieth – Explain what happened to Aileen.

The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg


He was already at the door, when he heard Ryan's words and turned around. Seemingly quick to hide a smug smile. “If you know the library, it should be easy to track down the librarian as well, no? I'd still suggest going to the Duchy in that case.” He stated, as he'd wait near the door opening to see Ryan's response.




“I believethed thou shouldst headst for thee Paize Mountains! There areth thee healer for thee wounds! He areth thee healer of the Syncretisth Faithed!” She'd proclaim, rather eager for Ryan to give her a chance to start talking.

Ezekiel Hayward

“We've been over this. We don't know anyone that knows the secrets routes there, so the mountain giants or any of the other dangers there would be likely to get to them before they could even make it there.” He sighed. “And no, you can't just slay them. Only the baroness herself and perhaps Tisiphone or Teuihua might stand a chance against one, but even that is a might. Folk like us would be doomed to face even just once, let alone entire tribes of them.”


“In other words, asking my mother and going to the See might still be our best option.” She'd conclude.




“I've asked about it to some of my former customers and they knew someone within Ryke's own church, but considering the barony's past, having someone from it being cursed like this, it might give off a wrong impression of what's going on. It's why I'd suggest looking in another nation altogether.” She explained, though she seemed somewhat apologetic.


She sighed. “Well, we've been going in circles like this for a while. What do you think?” She asked Ryan himself. It seemed like she'd been pushing herself to be a lot less shy and socially awkward than she was just to get this sorted.
Ryan Kylieth

Ryan once again ruminated on the ongoing conversation and the options laid before him. When Aileen finally pointed the conversation towards his decision, the injured smith looked around once again. With a brief silence, Ryan collected his thoughts as he chugged whatever was left from the brew. He took a deep breath, and went over the options proposed. One at a time. Preparing himself to talk, he voiced a "Hm..." reminiscent of Goban's insightful comments.

"If I was in charge of the task that led me to Aslan, I'd consider it. But I don't think me being liked by a librarian, that I don't even know the name of, is enough to ask for a favor without it being costly. Monetary or otherwise." Next in line were Ethel and Ezekiel "I trust Captain Hayward's opinion on this, Ethel. If he thinks it is too dangerous, that's that. Even worse, since I lost my shooting arm, I'd have to rely on others completely to defend myself. Which I don't like either." And finally "Miss Rosalia is right. I'd like to prevent... Lady Caelia getting into any kind of trouble because of me. So..." Ryan turned to the elven shopkeep "The option I feel more comfortable accepting is Saffron's".
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Tag and character goal:
Rev IX Rev IX Ryan Kylieth – Explain what happened to Aileen.

The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg


“Well, it's decided then! Sherwood, it's up to you now~” She'd state.


Her brother, the man in question, would just nod. He'd leave without saying much else, presumably going to find their mother to ask her about the going to the mentioned healer in the See.


“Not to be a spoilsport...” Gwenith interrupted. “... but the See isn't exactly a place where Human rights are valued. Either you'd have to convince Tisiphone to join you all the way there or find someone else who'd be willing.”

Ezekiel Hayward

“She's right, I fear. We're going to have to figure out how to convince her, or who should join you in case we can't. I can at least ask Sherwood if he's willing. He's an amazing scout, but whether he'd be great at doing the talking...” The latter was highly questionable. “Any ideas?” He'd ask the group.




“I might know someone... but... I'm not sure. They're rather eccentric.”




“Me and mine shouldst accopanieth them!”


“Right...” She stated, looking at Ryan, hoping to get his input again. Whom to ask, how to ask them... She was a tad lost. All she knew was that he wasn't going to leave without her. That much as sure. She loved just the same, but she'd not want him to return with there being even less of him left to love.
Ryan Kylieth

Ryan nodded silently as he set his gaze on Sherwood, in an attempt to thank him in the silent language of the quiet scout. Gwenith pointed at the crucial detail of picking The See as his route to get healed. He needed a guide. Ryan casted his eyes on the empty cup he was still holding. After yet another moment of meditation, he lifted his head. "I won't push anyone into joining me. If they want to, they are welcome. And if they can handle setting me with a healer over there, that's great. But I refuse to force a positive answer out of anyone, even if it means having a harder time reaching an agreement", the smith firmly stated.
Tag and character goal:
Rev IX Rev IX Ryan Kylieth – Explain what happened to Aileen.

The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg


Although she agreed with Ryan, she did feel like it was a bit too simple. “Well... I mean...” She tried, trying to formulate an argument... then realising what she'd been doing all this time. Trying to take the lead in something... with so many people of importance... what the hell was wrong with her!?! Even if it was for Ryan... “We should... could... ehm...” Her attempts finally started failing as the nerves finally kicked in with the original adrenaline rush fading.




Luckily enough, Rosalia was in the room. “I don't think you need to push anyone dear, but it might help to think of how to convince them. Offering favours or thinking of how to reward or convince someone isn't the same as pushing them, whilst you will need a guide of any calibre on this journey. If not for yourself, then for her.” She nodded toward Aileen's direction.


“She's right and on the topic of that!” Saffron called out~ “Why don't you start by convincing me to give you a discount on all the stuff you'll need for this journey? I'm sure you can come up with some things~” It seemed her business instinct wasn't entirely gone, despite not being on shift right now.
Ryan Kylieth

Seeing Aileen finally crumble under the pressure made Ryan smile reassuringly at her. She was trying so hard. All for him. He couldn't help but feel even more thankful. Rosalia took over, voicing her thoughts on the matter. "I'm good at working metals, from bronze to mithril. I've also worked on doing jewelry a time or three... But that's it. I doubt my shooting is of use. And even if it was, I need my lacking arm for both". His frustration bled from his words. Upon reflecting on the final words of Rosalia, however, a more convinced "I know" came out, almost as a reflex.

While Saffron's intentions were good, Ryan was quick to shake his head. "You are already doing a lot to help me. I'll repay you in full. It's the least I can do."
Tag and character goal:
Rev IX Rev IX Ryan Kylieth – Explain what happened to Aileen.

The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg


She sighed at Ryan's suggestion. “You could learn to be a bit more selfish at times like this, you're too honest, you know~ That said, how about a more fun deal, in that case? I'll give you all the supplies for free, but once you got your hands and craft back, you'll craft me one of your best sets of earrings. The type that one would normally spent a month's salary on receiving and I'll only pay for the raw material at market-value. How's that sound~” She offered with a smile. Business and pleasantry mingling for once, perhaps due to her being in 'non-work' mode during 'work hours' or something alike.

“As for my mother, I know how you can get to her. She's always looking to become stronger... I think she's gotten fascinated with finding a type of weapon that opponents can't dodge. Something uncommon that they won't know how to deal with. Promise her something like that and I'm sure she'd be willing to stop wandering the border for a bit to come help you.” She added. “Though, well, I'll be off to my shop now. Folk might come in. You know where to find me to accept my deal~”

Ezekiel Hayward

“Right, I should also resume my duties.” He stood up. Then looked to one of this apprentice knights. “As for Ethel, I'll have you decide. We can miss a single guard well enough, so she's free to join you, but I won't vouch for her capabilities or promise you she might not be trouble.”




“I shan'tsth dissapointeth thee! I shalth conquereth the See for thee health!” She called out, not seeming to be discouraged by her boss claiming she might be more trouble than she was worth.


Gwenith stood up as well. “Let me know if that hurts. If so, I'll get you some herbs to numb the pain. As well as some mere energizing brews for along the way. You can pay me back later.” She stated.


“Right, you two should also bring this!” Hestia stated. “It's Fairy Wine. If you want to make friends with any Fae, this should do the trick.” She'd hand them three bottles of it. “You two can get me some new kitchen knives and pans if you want to repay me later~”


Aileen had sighed and sat back down, glad to see Ryan taking over and hearing the others offer aid without question. “We can do this...” She whispered to herself.
Ryan Kylieth

Ryan fell silent yet again, awkwardly smiling when Saffron amicably remarked his lack of market sense. Since she left as soon as she made a different proposal, informing her he agreed would have to wait at least until he was done here. Ezekiel made his final comment, which prompted Ryan to address Ethel. "Hold on, Ethel. You can come, but only if you promise to listen to Aileen and me before making a choice.". Ryan thanked both Gwenith and Hestia for their aid, agreeing to pay them back.

He then glanced over to Aileen, who looked a bit less agitated now. Ryan held her nearest hand. "Yes, we can. Thank you for your efforts". Ryan smiled brightly at her, trying to reassure her that there was no need to be nervous. And if it was, he'd take care of it.
Tag and character goal:
Rev IX Rev IX Ryan Kylieth – Explain what happened to Aileen. | Figure out what to bring, who to bring and how to prepare.

The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg




“I hath neight behooveth me to take thine commandeth, but I shalth seeketh thee adviceth before making me and mineth decisions!” She'd declare, after a bit of thinking.


With that last bit settled, Aileen sighed in relief. A slight blush as Ryan held her hand. As everyone left, she took out a list. “Thanks, and of course. It's only natural to waant to help my boy... boyfriend, right?” She'd gotten more embarrassed, but she'd said it.

Trying to skip ahead, she showed him the list. “Well, ehm, I think we should make a checklist to see what we'd need to bring!” She'd quickly scribbled down one item. “Let's see, that wine that Hestia gave us... torches, as I heard some parts of the See can be dark and we might travel at night... Rations and water for... I think they said fourteen days at least... Wait, no, also the return trip. Fourteen days. Should we bring extra or see if we can buy or scavenge things along the way as well?”

  • Fairy Wine
  • Torches
  • Rations + water – 7 days – 14 days.

She was scribbling away, trying to imagine what they'd need. “I'm pretty sure we'd need to spent the night outside at least once, so we'd something like a tent or maybe a covered carriage... or both? In case we need to go into the wild later?”

Looking at Ryan, she handed him an ink pen as well. “If you know anything more, you should add it. I wonder if we should also get rations for Ethel and miss Tisiphone if they end up joining?”

OOC: Alright, here's the first part of the challenge. Help Aileen come up with what they're gonna bring along on the journey. It's gonna be added to a list of inventory that you'll start off with in the next RP. Depending on what you remember to bring (or forget), it might be smooth sailing or not. Anything that isn't overly expensive or that they can make themselves is fair game to bring along.
Ryan Kylieth

Ryan's thoughts got clouded by his attempts to understand Ethel's accent. He observed her, flummoxed. When he snapped out of it, Ryan went over his condition yet again. "I'm telling you again. Consult with us. If you... uh" Ryan went over Ethel's words in his mind one more time. "If you don't feel like consulting us, you better stay". Ryan didn't want to be so severe, or even mean to Ethel, but he wasn't a fan of the idea of everyone being killed because of her behavior.

Once Ryan and Aileen were alone, his attention was fully set on the pretty smith. "You didn't have to exert yourself so much, you know? But I really appreciate it".

Both then changed gears, tending to make their need list for the trip. Ryan stared at the paper for a moment, then took a deep breath. "I haven't gone on many travels, but I do have a bit of a clue of what might be good to bring. As long as the rations don't spoil, I'd say having some wiggle room for our food and drinking needs would be nice. Especially since I'm not even sure if they'll be less willing to accept Rykes the further south we go, and who knows how much can we eat from what there is on the way. Then, hm. Let's see... A backpack or three might be a good idea. Bedrolls. Mess kits for the rations. A couple of tinder boxes. Maybe some rope... I think that should cover the basics, along with what you noted down". Ryan then fell silent, going deep in thought. "Saffron suggested to make something for her mom. But that'll have to wait until I have my arm back. I'll still bring my tools though, just in case. I should also ask Hestia about more details of the wine, should we be asked to provide those details about our gift".

As for Aileen's later suggestions, Ryan nodded and voiced his thoughts. "Tents might be a better idea. I've never been to the See, so I have no clue how many roads there are. Carriages might mean long detours, or even us ditching it entirely". Once he had the pen in hand, Ryan noted all of his suggestions with his notes on the items. His writing was sloppy, but still readable. The wonders of lacking his dominant arm. "I should, it's the least I can do for lending us their aid for the trip". Ryan noted down that last suggestion and looked over to Aileen "What do you think?"
Tag and character goal:
Rev IX Rev IX Ryan Kylieth – Explain what happened to Aileen. | Figure out what to bring, who to bring and how to prepare.

The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg




Unfazed by his confusion (as she was used to it), she'd nod. “I shalt consulthed thee!” She'd nod. “Thou hath my oath!” She added, to confirm. Going on an adventure was worth not being in charge.


When Ethel was gone, Aileen could only wonder. “I think she normally keeps her worth, though I hope she knows what you meant by consulting us.” She was a tad bit worried in that regard.

The other bit, however, made her puff up her cheeks. “Of course I had to! You're down an arm! How could I not try to get this sorted?!?” She did feel a bit proud when he told her really appreciate it, making her smile and blush a bit alike.

“Rations that don't spoil... so mostly dried fruits and nuts and ehh... that hard bread stuff, right?” She asked, as she'd never travelled far before. “How much wiggle room do you think is enough? Should we try to get for 18 days for four people then?” She had no clue how to estimate it.

“Rope?” She asked, as that one stood out a bit. “Hmm... I guess we do go to the See, of all places.” Perhaps it might make sense to bring rope. As for his tools. “If we bring one set of tools, we can always work on something together, right?” Between the both of them, they should still be able to do a lot.

“Right, tents it is. How many?” She wasn't sure what made sense or how easy or difficult it even was to carry a tent. “Should we ask Hestia if we can borrow a horse? That would make carrying things a whole lot easier.” She suddenly brought up, as she was starting to imagine the amount of stuff they'd otherwise be dragging around.

“I'm honestly not sure... I wish we had someone experienced we could ask. Although this does seem like it'd cover the basics... I wonder if we could bring stuff to wash ourselves at some point...”

  • Fairy Wine + Descriptions
  • Torches
  • Rations + water – 7 days14 days – 18 days.
    • Dried fruits. Nuts. Hard bread stuff.
  • Backpacks.
  • Bedrolls.
  • Mess kits.
  • Tinder boxes.
  • Rope.
  • Blacksmith tools.
  • Tents.

As for the Fairy Wine, assume that Hestia would give a written description of its flavour profile and origins in Sylvan. Saying that should do the trick better than word of mouth could.

OOC: Alright, this will be the last round for this RP. Any last items you can come up with, add them now. Next RP will start with meeting Tisiphone and (hopefully) deparing.
Ryan Kylieth

Hoping Ethel actually understood his condition, Ryan sighed somewhat anxiously as he saw her take her leave. "I hope so as well" the smith replied. With Ethel dealt with, Ryan focused back on Aileen and their task. Ryan couldn't help to laugh briefly when Aileen seemed to get flustered yet again.

Now, actually going back to the task at hand, Ryan nodded. "Yeah, that sounds about right. I'll try and ask Saffron if she has something that gives a bit more nutrition for those rations. I'll also go see Gwenith for a bit more of that energizing brew for the trip". Then Aileen asked about the rope: "Yes, rope. It could help with camping, traversing some rough terrain, things like that". Tools were next. "Yes. Should we really need to make something. We could also take materials for an improvised forge, but that's a bit too much extra luggage". Aileen continued with camping gear. "Two or maybe three tents. Depending on whether Lady Tisiphone minds sleeping with Ethel", a smug grin appeared briefly on Ryan, "And you don't mind sharing a tent with me". That might have appeared as smooth, but Ryan's face grew redder the more he spoke. "A-Anyway! Yes. I think a horse might be good"

Ryan took a moment to compose himself before continuing. "I think that should do. Just to be sure, I'll craft a few things to cover our bases. More basic fire starters, medical ointments, light emitters, irritating solutions for safety, cleaning supplies. Things like that". Ryan glanced at his stump very briefly. "Mind helping me with that? It'll take me quite a while to do it by myself. And don't worry, I'll be guiding you if I can't do something on my own!"
Tag and character goal:
Rev IX Rev IX Ryan Kylieth – Explain what happened to Aileen. | Figure out what to bring, who to bring and how to prepare.

The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg


“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.” She'd nod as he suggested to go ask Saffron and Gwenith for meals and brews. She also nodded at the mention of why rope was useful. She slowly turned more red as he suggested for them so share a tent. “That'd... be better. Of course. It'd mean less things for the horse to have to carry.” She'd nod yet again, having given a totally scientifically valid reason to want to share a tent with him. “Of course I don't mind helping!” She promised him as well, as they finalised their list.

  • Fairy Wine + Descriptions
  • Torches
  • Rations + water – 7 days14 days – 18 days.
    • Dried fruits. Nuts. Hard bread stuff.
  • Backpacks.
  • Bedrolls.
  • Mess kits.
  • Tinder boxes. / Fire starters.
  • Rope.
  • Blacksmith tools.
  • Tents.
  • Extra nutritions. (Saffron)
  • Energizing brew. (Gwenith)
  • Horse, Laverne (Hestia)
  • Ointments.
  • Light emitters.
  • Irritating solutions.
  • Cleaning supplies.

OOC: Next RP will be up in a bit, after an IC time-skip.

The End

Narrator suggestion: (Don't add unless approved by a grader.)
Title: [Revitalised] – Character's been able to recover from a low point and has been given new energy to continue their quests and mission in the world.

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