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Realistic or Modern Stolen Memories

Suddenly Aloe's face turned bright red. 'How did he guess that? I tried to avoid thinking about the last room, Room Z!', Aloe thought. The truth was, Davis' fear was a reality. In Room Z, there was a weird patient. He made very zombie like noises and was most definitely a mutant. Hopefully, or atleast on his behalf, Aloe's ability would somehow help avoid Patient Z
Allen watched as the two boys whispering to each other. She gave them a questioning look, I mean what are they discussing anyway? Not to mention his saviour's friend words seemed to ring an alarm inside her head. She swore he said she'd finally woken up—before changing the topic.

Then again, it could be she misheard thing. Allen glanced at his saviour she guessed was named David. David seemed to trust him, at least. So she should too. . right? She shuddered when she thought to leave them and walked on this horrible place alone. No way. For now, she would tag along with them.

Allen called, "Hey! What are you talking about?" She tried to make a conversation "I'm Allen . . I think. . What's your name? What do you know about this place?"

She silently cringed at her attempt.
I raise an eyebrow and turn to him. "We're talking about people out. And I think my name is Davis. I don't know, but it seems suitable. And I know it has some illusions...and secrets...."
Aloe looked back too. "You can say that again", Aloe said, directing it towards the "illusions and secret" part. He held his hand out to Allen,"Hi! I'm Aloe....or at least I think". 'Well, that was a weird greeting', Aloe thought as he still kept his hand out, hoping the girl would grip it and shake it
Emily woke up, in a strange room, with lights around her and she immediately started to panic. She jumped out of the hospital bed and saw that her door was open. She walked out into the hallway with her breathing speeding up, getting heavier, and it felt harder to get oxygen in. "hello?" she said quietly, looking all around her.
(How about you're a floor under us. This would cause you to have to be creative, if this is okay with you.)
((Yeah, cool!))

After a while of just standing there, she decided to walk around, it was like this place was abandoned, and if so, who brought her here? Why was she here? Was she being held hostage in a horrible negotiation going wrong? She walked to the end of the hall, trying to open the door but it was locked she almost felt her panic attack coming on again, and saw a stairwell. She peeked inside and saw stairs going up. "I must be on the first floor of whatever this is" she said, and started trudging up there
I see a girl walking up the stairs just to my left. "Ello mate! I'm guessing you can't remember anything?"
Emily turned quickly to the boy standing there, with wide eyes. "Where am I?! You're not going to kill me are you?" she asked, frantically, backing away from him.
"No idea where we are. I think it is a hospital. And heck no." I say, turning my pockets inside out and showing her my bobby pin and scissors.
She nodded and cautiously walked a little closer to him. "So you have no idea why we're here? Don't we have families? And if we do, shouldn't they be looking for us?" she asked, as if he would remember.
"I can't remember!"I say. I try to remember, but I cannot. I cannot control my rage, and I hit the nearest window. I stare into the blackness, and then it starts to suck me in. (I'm just doing what the one on the other website did before it died. Speaking of which my fav died.) I jump towards the window in attempt to stay here, but I end up missing it, and I scream as I am sucked into blackness.
Emily tried running down the hall, as she grabbed a door handle, holding onto it for dear life, "what the hell?!" she screamed.
Allen stared at Aloe's hand for a long, long time like she was contemplating about something horrible but in the end she shook it.

"Nice to meet you, Aloe." She said with an overly bright smile, turned towards Davis, only to find him gone. She heard a scream and panicked, "Aloe! where's Davis?"
I open my eyes, the intensity of the fluorescent lighting burns my retina like the sun upon first opening them, quickly reacting by blocking the lights with my hand.

My arms feel weak, like some sort of rubber material and I push myself up, the surface below me firm and worn covered in some sort of... cotton-like material. My eyes wander, unable to see well past a strange blur, but my hearing shows no sign of impairment as my eyes do, as I hear talking coming from behind the wall behind me.

Slowly, I push my feet off of the bed, then slide down until my feet hit the cold slick floor, but to my own misfortune, my legs are just as weak as my arms. As I fall to the ground ungracefully, my hand lands on some kind of card; I flip it over and hold it closer to my face, squinting.

Demarcus Wade, it reads, Patient 49-39-2, Date of Arrival: 30th September.

"Demarcus," I say under my breath, "Why on Earth am I labeled?"
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I scream some more, but I know nobody can hear me. I close my eyes, and I feel myself hit some soft surface. I open my eyes on impact, and I see I'm on grass. I look around, and I see some flying cars. I notice a woman point at me, but I ignore her. I decide to go exploring. I walk up to the woman, and she swiftly walks away.

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