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Multiple Settings STILL LOOKING!


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Roleplay Type(s)
Hi guys, I'm still looking but I've come up with some stuff for roleplays I'm seriously still looking. Also sorry if this is to long.

-Five Nights At Freddy’s



-Until Dawn




-Baldi’s Basics

Simple Plots

- Angel x Human

- Angel x Angel

- Demon x Human

- Demon x Demon

- Demon x Angel

- Elf x Human

- Werewolf x Human

- Vampire x Human

- Vampire x Vampire

- Fairy x Human

- Goddess x Human

- God x Human

- Goddess x God


- Neighbor x Neighbor

- Student x Student

- Bad Boy x Good Girl

- Good Boy x Bad Girl

- Teacher x Student

- Babysitter x Child

- Sister x Sister's Boyfriend

- Brother x Brother's Girlfriend

- Brother x Sister's best friend

- Sister x Brothers best friend

Detailed Plots

The Babysitter

Muse A worked at a local daycare center every day after school (can be changed for out of school). Muse B brought their younger sister/brother there every day. Muse A was familiar with Muse B by now, since they came every day. Muse B started to develop a crush on Muse A. One day, Muse B finally got the confidence and decided to ask Muse A out on a date. What happens next is up to you...

Gamer Love|

Muse A and Muse B were both hardcore gamers. Going into national tournaments for one of their favorite games (Whatever you want). With the winner getting a ten thousand dollar prize. Muse A and Muse B knew each other fairly well, they were even kind of friends. Finally, after many months, it came down to them. In the finals, they competed and Muse B won. Muse A being completely devastated since she needed the money for her family. Muse B, being generous gave Muse A half the money. They exchanged numbers and went back home. They started talking more, and soon grew feelings for each other. Until one day, Muse A asked the question.. 'Can I see you again in person?'

Guardian Angel

Muse A was walking home one night late at night. Since it was so dark, they must of took a wrong turn and got lost. Trying to find their way back, they got jumped by some guys. Being afraid they would get raped or worse, they screamed and struggled for help. Then, with a bright flash of light a angelic creature (Muse B) came and defeated the men. Muse B, after seeing Muse A in shock revealed themselves to be their Guardian Angel. Muse B, have been watching them ever since Muse A was born. The only problem is.. Now that Muse B is down on Earth they can't go back to heaven. So, they stay and protect Muse A more. Over time, they start to develop feelings for each other.. But its forbidden for an angel to love a human. What will Muse A and B do? Will they go against the rules? Or try to move on?

Royalty and the peasant

Muse A was a honored Prince/Princess, Muse B, was a poor peasant living on the streets. Muse A had hardly been outside of their castle, so they didn't know the lives of their subjects. Muse A, one day went into town for their coming of age celebration to become King/Queen. Of course, they were also looking for a Wife/Husband. Walking by, Muse A spots Muse B out of the corner of their eye. Walking over secretly away from their guards they talk to Muse B. They learn more about them, and give them some food, for sympathy. Muse A returns home that night but they couldn't get Muse B off their mind. During the night, they sneak out and go to see Muse B. What happens next?
Forbidden Relations

Muse A, was a lesbian/gay, guy/girl. Though, they were not open about it at all. But, tonight, they finally got the courage to tell their parents. Their parents not approving at all and being very disappointed, and kicked them out. After walking sadly for a bit they meet Muse B. Telling Muse B their story they learn Muse B is also lesbian/gay. Muse B offers Muse A to stay with them, and they become close friends. Though, one night after partying hard and getting really really drunk one thing lead to another and things escalated. What will happen in the morning is a mystery..

Unfortunately that's all I've come up with I will do FxF, MxF and MxM (though I have very little experience with playing as a male) I hope your interested! Bye!
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Hello lovely!! I’d love to brainstorm ideas with you, just message me!!(:
HEY!! love your list! It's very similar to mine! I have a demon hybrid story that's revolves around the anime Demon Slayer if you want to hear it.

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