[Still looking] Looking for roleplay freinds


Well, I am Maddy or Madeleine or Madaglib or anything you want to call me within reason. I am 16 and will soon be going into college for the next two to three year. So after September I will not be able to get on as much. Please feel free to talk to me especially if we roleplay as I love to get to know the people I roleplay with. ^-^ you can add a pairing to a basic plot if you like when we are plotting.

    1. I am a female if you didn't guess already. I love to play male or female and do. I like to play my hermaphrodite demon too but that is just an extra not needed bit of info but it is there for you.I do all and any gender pairings romantic or not. A lot of my characters are not straight and if they are mostly they will be bi curious. This is because I am Pansexaul and my characters reflect different parts of me.

    2. I love to do roleplays with more than two characters. A real catnip for me is three and in a relationship together. Of course I will do three and platonic or what ever just thought I would throw it into the water

    3. Mature content. Like I said I am sixteen so use your brain. Swearing a little and in the correct places violence and romance are okay to an extent. After it is to much fade to black and I will worn before fading to black.

    4. I will not in do insta-love or romance. Love at first sight I do not believe exists in RL and it shouldn't in roleplays. Lust at first sight is okay and you may refer to it as love at first sight but it will have to be built upon still

    5. I will write between 1-4 lines to 2-3 paragraphs depending on what my partner gives me and my mood.

    6. I try to post at least once a day more if I am able. Sometimes I mess up and forget so bump me if I do and I apologies in advance

    7. Finally and my most important one NO Twilight or vegetarian vampires!!

Obviously I will happily do others. This is all I can think of currently. I will keep this list up-to-date with the appropriate information.

Had a massive makeover for the thread design on 15/7/14

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I feel the need to roleplay. You're looking for roleplay partners. I need roleplay partners. I'm up for any RP material.
ModelZXGiro Yay! From what I saw you like more action and fantasy mixed, I think. Would you like to try Titans (From mythology) or Elementals?

FancyArt Yay ^-^I haven't done Dwarf X Elf before and wanted to give it a try. If you are happy to do that one. Which race would you like to play?
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If you're interested, I could do the shifter idea. I have a lion shifter character I've been wanting to play around with more for awhile.
That sounds very interesting. I would love to try that with you. I haven't played with a lion shifter before ^-^
Action fantasy..Well I do enjoy those, but I'm not entirely focused on them and I did say I could do any RP material.

As long as I get to RP truthfully I could RP anything.
I can try anything as well, currently I'm pretty new to this site too. I've got roleplaying experience, but in a different site. So I'm not sure if I'm suitable for your taste >w<.
I guess I'm more suitable for action/fantasy, due to my character choice. And for pairing, I have nooooo idea whatsoever xD .

Thanks for considering, as well.
SpamBot I am sorry I seemed to have turned messaging off by mistake when I was trying to remove emails from coming to me from the site. I think I have set it right now. As for Demond, I love the character. He is very detailed. I still need to work on getting so much detail in. As for settings there is nothing really I can think of though I like the idea of a setting that may involve something 'shady'. I only say that becuase I think casions in my mind seem to be good places for money related crime of course that is just a thought. I have nothing I am really craving at the moment though, no.
Id choose to be the Elf. But I can play either race. Ive had a bit practice for both races from a school project. Which ever race you pick, I'll take the one left.

Did you know, google maps on the new IPhones know exactly where you are; even where you are in your house... Creepy O-o
FancyArt I have more experience with dwarfs than elves. So you may play the elf ^-^ Do you have a preference for gender?

o-O That is creepy. I was going to get one maybe I wont now. I don't need people knowing where I am doing my secret things xD
Oh, well that makes sense lol

And thanks! Glad you like him.

I'm perfectly fine with crime stuff; a good, shady crime story is always fun.

Like a detective story? Or the casino owner works for the mob, a mob story? I'm fine with anything.
~I was thinking detective. I never thought of a mob story. I haven't tried one of them before. If you are okay with a mob idea could we try that then, please.
Any gender is fine with me. ^_^

Did you know, google maps on the new IPhones know exactly where you are; even where you are in your house... Creepy O-o
Okay, I am not great with speedy replies at this point in time however. Do you have a prefered gender and species?
I would do (my preferred role highlighted):

Angel x Daemon

Supernatural x Supernatural Hunter

Daemon x Human

Shifter x Shifter

Shifter x Vampire

Theif x Noble {This one's my favourite}

Elf x Faerie

I'd ask you to PM me if you're interested. I look foreward to speaking with you!

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