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Sterek RP


New Member

I am looking for a partner to do some Sterek roleplay with. Well, duh. Finding a partner is showing to be quite the task though, so fingers crossed.

I am most comfortable doing the roleplay over Skype or a similar platform, for the simple that I am a bit impatient, hah.

When it comes to preferences, I am up for doing most universes and prompts, as long as it isn't fem!Stiles or - God forbid - fem!Derek, or Mpreg. Apart from that, I think it isn't the prompt or idea, but the execution of it that matters.

I am up for being both Derek and Stiles. If you are a Derek person, please come in this direction, as it seems to be a rare thing, but I will heartly welcome the Stiles' out there. I am quite confident in my Derek, though truthfully being a bit spastic is closer to my own personality, haha.

If 24 hours hasn't passed since this post was posted, I don't think my PM function will work, so just leave a reply here if you are interested!
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xcatlordx said:
I'm definitely a Derek person if you're still interested!
Truth be told, I just made this account and posted the thread the second I realised where it was supposed to go, so I am not so sure how this whole PM thing works for us noobies. Does it work if you are the first one PMing me? Because I am definitely interested.
I would absolutely love to do this! ♥

Might be a little late to the draw. Or.. Actually a lot late to the draw, but I am interested. I've never role played as Derek before but I am more than willing to give it a shot. I also have a handful of prompts I kind of wanted to try out.

Lemme know if you are still interested.
I've got this prompt and I wasn't sure if anyone would be interested in it. If so you can email me at CrystalSky907@gmail.com (I roleplay better over Email because I can reply faster) if you're interested. Here is the prompt:

[Mob/Mafia/Gang AU] Stiles lifted the shot glass and let the dark brown liquid slide down his throat before letting it clatter to the bar. The dark haired boy turned and looked around the club, watching bodies grind and people sitting at tables chattering away. The Howling Wolf was a very busy Club, and the owner was also a very busy man. Derek Hale owned more than just this club, he practically owned half the city and the triskele tattoo on the younger boys thigh was proof that he owned Stiles as well. That was why Stiles was taking shots of Coca Cola instead of actual whiskey. Derek didn't like Stiles to have alcohol.

Stiles waved at the bartender for another Coke as he kept his eyes peeled for his target. Derek had given him a very simple task: Put a bullet between the eyes of the man who had been causing trouble in the club. Stiles had watched him from his place on the floor between Derek's legs in the VIP booth. Stiles had watched him cause fights and raise chaos every night and manage to slip away before the other members could catch him. It pissed Derek off to the point the older man planned to shoot him himself, but Stiles begged to prove himself to Derek, and this was his chance. His first job.

Stiles loved the club. He loved walking through it knowing that he was untouchable. The thought made a shiver run through him but he had to focus. There was business to take care of, and the younger boy's lover (and boss) more than likely had his eyes on him from the VIP room above the dance floor behind him. At least, he thought so. Strong hands wrapped themselves around his waist and Stiles let out a surprised breath but leaned back against the broad chest. "What happened to letting me prove myself?" He asked, turning around to look at the man and letting out a gasp when he realized it wasn't Derek, but one of the other members of the gang. "Shit! Benny! What the hell are you doing? Are you drunk?" He looked around for someone he recognized to hand Benny off to, but the man was groping him and Stiles was struggling to get out of his chair and away.

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