Steam World ~Accepting~

Amber Nightshade

Junior Member
Enter a world infested by steam, where a King rules what was once earth but now a place called Krillian. Earth as we once knew it is gone when the first mecha was built. Scientists and inventors all over started creating hover boards and things called trapopods, weapons at can speak for themselves when their name says "trap". The King wants nothing to do with humans anymore, him and his wife are supposedly said to be the last of the human race, but there are others, and they will stop at nothing to get back the earth that was once known to them years ago.


@Sadlyimnotbatman as Talia Jemini

@Angelic Infinity as Wane Moonscar, Ahliana Blane, and Reimi Parcs

@Hexed as Hex Cailer

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Places where your character is living at this time (just repost a pic):

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.75db6110a803a12eee125665f3570776.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6363" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.75db6110a803a12eee125665f3570776.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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King as Queen:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.46dff9cf57f81b1b1845970e838fe3e1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6368" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.46dff9cf57f81b1b1845970e838fe3e1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Now Start!

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Talia is living in tunnels under this city
Okie dokie!

Jane is living in an abandoned plane:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.24057edb12783fe139e22993dc77ac6b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6371" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.24057edb12783fe139e22993dc77ac6b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

And Hunter is living at an old scientist's house:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.fd0e2adb58e8a936fc9bad879bd50c2c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6372" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.fd0e2adb58e8a936fc9bad879bd50c2c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Talia tightens the bolts in her calf quickly standing and pushing down her pants as she listens to the instructions buzzed through her ear from her boss. Tossing her gun over her shoulder she shook out the pins in needles she got from her knee up on her right side being the side she had the mechanical leg. She pushed a lever and the floor dropped down as she pulled down her goggles stepping of her platform she flipped a switch turning on the lights in her underground wonderland and taking off. She was suppose to recover some fuel from a leftover airplane their data searchers had located and it was her job to recover it then figure out how to make it useful in a world powered by steam.
Jane awoke and opened the luggage box in which she was sleeping in. She climbed down and walked slowly and carefully down towards the planes opening. She jumped out and looked around, the world was dead all around her. Nothing was alive anymore, nothing was ok....she walked over to a tree and picked off a branch as if it was a toothpick. She shed a tear, she never wanted earth to become this way, now she was alone. She jumped up on her hover board and flew all the way to the city of Mortar, where the King's kingdom is.
Ahliana and Wane live on the rooftop of the tallest building.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.6ab709f63502ad824e2fba290e7905fd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6378" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.6ab709f63502ad824e2fba290e7905fd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Riemi lives in the servant's quarters in the castle. (?) <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.11af61412479ff1fe13078c61e277511.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6379" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.11af61412479ff1fe13078c61e277511.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> 

Riemi Parcs -

The young girl made her way through the long hallways of the castle with a bounce in her step. The reasons were opaque to everyone who watched her skip down the hallway - robots and cyborgs alike - ; Riemi herself didn't know why she was so happy. A lullaby played softly at the back of her mind and her fluffy pink hair swished to the side as she stopped at her mistress's doorway to her room, the old wood cauisng a loud creaking noise to occur when she shoved the door open to reveal her mistress.

"Good morning, lovely Mistress. Is there anything you need, or want?" Riemi asked cheerfully, yet she understood perfectly that the Queen was in no mood for her childish joy. Riemi's pitiful outfit was indeed looking of the lowest level in society: a short, dirty skirt which was far too short to be slightly modest, a filthy white shirt to match the dark grey with boots that rose to her middle calf. Riemi didn't seem to mind on this particular morning, but on any other she would've been "down in the dumps".

Ahliana Blayne -

Ahliana awoke with a start, her small body shaking because of the morning's chilly air. She was huddled beside Wane - his soft breathing was fogged as they lay down beside of the building's highly walled perimeter. This was their home, the place they had lived for almost a year and a half now yet it still held many vague surprises. "Wane... It's time to get up," She whispered groggily and sat up, her arms stretching high up in the air. Wane burrowed his head in her side which tickled her faintly and lift up her light maroon shirt. Ahliana giggled, but pushed him away. "Wane, get up you lugg," she demanded with a smirk as he sat up against the wall.

Wane Moonscar -

Wane smirked back at her sleepily, in no mood to be playing games. "All I want to do is sleep," he muttered,"but noo~. You just had to wake me up."

"We have a job today, Scar." "Well, can't they wait?" Wane snapped as he slipped on a dirty shirt. He sighed and poked Ahliana's nose with one finger. "Sorry, Li, I'm just tired okay? Yesterday is still wearing me out," he apologized.

Just yesterday, the two had had an assassinating job to do, and they did it. One problem though: Wane's mask had pulled off by the troublesome civilian who - in Wane's favor - thankfully had no important friends. Wane shook his head and pulled Ahliana in a short, but warm, hug and smiled. "Am I forgiven?" "For now." He heard her giggle quietly against his chest and he chuckled himself.



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Hex is roaming he's not living anywhere xD

Hex had made it to Mortar,finally, he wasn't tired, just agitated and now he could find other people to help him on his way, other rebels. As Hex walked around the city he saw a lot of people turn their heads to look at him. This usually happened when you were new, "oh go away," Hex mumbled and carried on. He was sick of people looking at him as if he was some kind of weird new invention, then again he was. Being half robot had it advantages, he was just glad no one could tell. Being 14 and travelling that much made him look like some orphan, not that he wasn't, Hex smirked at this and held his head up confidently.
Once she knew she was out of the city walls she raised her arm and a small laser pointer came out of her hand and she drilled her way to the surface covering it over with a piece of metal fro her backpack so it didn't look suspicious saying their was random pieces of junk out here in the junkyard district. Turning on her signal broadcaster she received the coordinates ad then was off.

Once she reached the plane she took out a large metal container and started syphoning the gas realizing it would be awhile she climbed into the plane and decided to have a look around. There were signs of someone living here and she began to get nervous because she hadn't met any other rebels and they could definitely be misfits of a kings scout. Backing up she miscalculated and fell out the door and onto her back looking up at the sky. She was alone most of the time and what she desperately wanted was someone or two someones or three to talk to all she had was the cold unfeeling buzz in her ear and her machines. Forcing herself up she walked over to her metal can and sat down glumly.

The two remained in a hug for a few more seconds, then Ahliana pushed him away, still being in her playful mood. "If I didn't know any better, Wane, I'd think you have an actual heart," she said with a chuckle and stood up. She peered down to the city below and sighed. "This place used to be beautiful before Tyran came to rule," she whispered to herself before looking down at Wane. "Seriously though, Scar, get up. We have an assassination job today at eleven o'clock. If the client isn't happy with our job, they'll report us to Tyran himself."

"Okay, I'm up, I'm up," Wane said innocently with a sarcastic smile and stood up. He stretched his arms upward and looked to the already crowded streets below. The people of Mortar were like ants, busying themselves with the affairs of the sophisticated ways of life: shopping, arguing about their previous money, et cetera. Honestly. wane and Ahliana were both sick of all the hustle Tyran caused in his people - or should we say, robotic creatures - about hullabaloo.

The couple descended down a metal ladder that ran down the side of the building in which they lived on top of, the owners of the place grimaced slightly at them once they touched the ground. They heard snickers and scraps of cruel conversations about them,"Don't see any metal. Must be a misfit." Wane turned to the man who said this and shoved him against the wall without a word as he and Ahli continued down the body-filled road.

Hex noticed the older boy push a man against the side of a wall he smirked and turned to the side but stopped walking and said,loud enough for one of the three to hear, "hurting surveillans, naughty naughty." A grin crossed his face as he said this and waited to see if the boy had heard. These people didnt look too bad, but him being smaller than them and younger might think they had an advantage over him. How wrong they would be. Some kids kicked a ball and it landed at him feet, he kicked it back and again looked out of the corner of his eye at the kid with the man against the wall.
Jane was only in the city of Mortar for a while. She only had to grab some supplies for food and then leave, ok so yeah, she basically stole the ripest fruits and vegis from Mortar, it's not like anyone could miss them, they don't even grow they are made in factories. Jane turned and blasted her hover board back to the plane. She made sure the food was safely strapped into her back pack, but she when she wasn't watching she crashed into a tree outside of an old abandoned house. Her hover board was badly crushed, but she picked up, got the fallen out food, and walked into the house cautiously. A little puppy ran anxiously greeting her. She smiled, she hadn't smiled in a long time, but that smile left her face when she saw exactly what house this was. It was her old house, when she was 7 years old she lived in this house, with her parents, Diana and Richard Mavrix. The puppy stopped jumping on Jane and realized she wasn't going to play. Jane had a faint memory of watching her parents die by electrons. She wasn't going to live through it again, so she ran out of the house. She cried and cried for hours, she wasn't able to keep herself together. Then she sucked it up, walked in and went to her old bedroom. She saw her old princess bed, her canopy of stuffed animals, her closet filled with such girly clothes, her favorite heffalump (yes from winnie the pooh). She walked down the old rickety hall and walked into her parents bedroom, the walls were stained with mold and muck turning the baby blue into an old worn out green. She walked to their bed and slid her hand across it, she remembered how she always wanted to sleep in their bed with them because it had sheets made of satin and silk. She missed them, its been 10 years since then and she wasn't going to tear up now. She grabbed her hover board, and the puppy, and took off.

((come on she wouldn't just leave the poor little guy! I mean look at his face!:
lol the pic is a little big :P ))

She flew to the plane when she saw a girl sitting on a can she stopped her hover board behind a tree, this time not crashing into it, and took out her trapopod, was referred to in the beginning of the role play ;) , and was ready to blast it. "Who are you and why are you here?!" Jane yelled.
Talia looked up suddenly as someone a girl shouted at her. She raised her arms slowly and stared. it had been a while since she had seen a real person ever since her brother was killed by the king she had been alone working for the rebels to destroy him. She eyed the person carefully hoping to god she wasn't with the king. "Are you with the king?" she questioned standing and dropping her giant weapon on the ground. Her hair blew with the wind and her can beeped showing it was full.
Jane looked at the girl, she obviously wasn't used to others. "No, the king has done nothing good to me, I would rather see him dead than be with him." She replied. Jane heard the weird can beep. "What is that?" she asked, she wasn't going to kill the girl, she just wanted to know what was going on. And if anything she would just use the trapopod to trap her for a while, and if the girl was going to report back to the king, then yeah she would kill her. But if she asked Jane if she was with the king, this girl was obviously not with him herself. The puppy ran over to the girl and barked, he was basically going into an insane play mode. The wind was dusty and harsh, the dirt was picking up and it was obvious a sand storm would be coming soon. And the funny part was is that originally the plane crashed in what was once Florida, and in the city, so really a sand storm would have never happened, kind of gives you an idea of how this world turned into a horror film. "If I trust you enough I will let you into the plane, but right now I'm not so sure." Jane's hair was going wild with the wind, hopefully Mortar wasn't getting the same weather, oh who was she kidding, if a tornado came she hoped to god that it would pick up the castle and rip out the king and queen and through them onto a spike.

Wane was in a terribly foul mood and it worsened as he heard the kid's sarcastic remark. He shoved the man upward once more, then turned his attention to the little, black-headed brat. He got up right in Hex's face with his fist clenched near to the kid's ear. "Listen here, kid, don't give me no damn lip or I'll -" he was cut off by Ahliana who was obviously flustered by Wane's cruelty to the man and boy. "Wane Moonscar, you don't talk to little kids like that!" Ahli yelled at him and she shoved him away from Hex with a frown. "Sorry, boy, now go play with your friends. Scar won't mess with ya," she said charmingly and didn't really have to bend down to him to say that. She was pretty short for a girl her age. "Ahli, he doesn't know who he's messin' with here," Wane said in a warning tone of voice, though he knew the arrogant kid probably didn't care what he said.

"And you don't know who you're messing with by beating up this kid," she said and crossed her arms at her boss. He could be a real pain in the ass sometimes.

Hex laughed at the boys remark and then at the girls about beating him up, "I'd like to see him try and beat me up." He smirked, "your all talk no action." He said not giving anything a second thought. He didnt I even get intimidated when the older boy came up in his face. He stood his ground and looked just as confident and aggressive as a 17 year old. Though he had more attitude than any other kid did.
Talia looked down at the strange creature then back at the girl frowning as she dropped her hands and looked around packing up her things into her giant backpack. "My name is Talia I work for the rebels im here to collect gasoline from this plane." the word gasoline sounded strange on her lips she had only heard it once before from her brother when he had told her stories about the world. "that machine is a simple syphoning tool I built it collects liquids and beeps when it is full." she finished and put away all of her things strapping her giant gun to her back she picked up the giant can easily despite its heaviness and looked around.
Jane looked at Talia. "The names Jane. Why would gasoline be any use on this earth? Or well, I should say junk pile." Jane looked at the gasoline can. She shook her head and put away the trapopod. Jane saw the way Talia looked at the dog. "You do know what a dog is right?" she asked. Jane started to walk around Talia inspecting her thoroughly. She didn't gain her trust but she gained at least a centimeter of it. "Come, we should get inside." Jane ran towards her hover board and backpack, picked them up, ran to the dog, picked it up, and ran in the plane. ((yes it consisted of a lot of running :P )) Jane took heavy breaths, she walked up into the plane and put the food in another luggage box. She then sat down in an old seat with cobwebs and lie there for a while. She looked at the sandstorm approaching and hoped the girl wasn't stupid enough to stay out there forever...
Talia watched the girl run around silently following her inside placing her things down in a seat she also sat down staring at her. Jumping up suddenly she grabbed Jane and held her face between her fingers before going to sit down in her seat again. "Your really real aren't you." She whispered before laughing a little bit hysterically. "When this storm is over you need to leave this place after I have gathered the gasoline and left the boss is planning to blow this place up I can help you find a new place if you need one." Talia said before tapping her ear piece and talking. "Mechanic 101 reporting in gasoline acquired awaiting further instructions hold off on termination stuck in area for unknown amount of time." she said pulling up her pant leg and fidgeting with the settings for her mechanical leg for a minute.

(Shall we bring in the Queen so Riemi can be in this roleplay, Amber?)

Wane sighed deeply in annoyance at this repulsive and ignorant brat, then grabbed the kid by the back of his neck. "Mhm," he mumbled and held Ahliana's wrist while they entered a small alley stuck snugly in between two large buildings. "Here we go again..," Ahliana muttered and stood at the back of the alley. The raven-haired kid was rediculously courageous against Wane, and of course Wane had been indeed right. He was an arrogant and annoying kid with no manners to his authority. On the other hand though, Wane didn't have any reverance toward the monarchy of the world.

Hex smirked, "where we going?" He asked smugly, "somewhere quiet so you can kill me?" Hex grabbed the older boys hand with his and flipped himself up grabbing the guy by the neck with his legs and pulling him forwards so he fell over and then rolling away behind him. He looked at the girl before getting into a defensive position ready to take on the boy again. "See, you think you can beat up me!" He said again.
Wane was a little bit flustered but he nonetheless grabbed the kid's throat tightly so he couldn't wiggle out of his grasp. "Listen to me, kid, I was not going to kill you even if you are a stupid brat," he said through clenched teeth. "Wane, seriously? He's like... Wait how old are you?" Ahliana asked quietly, her gaze kept directly on Wane. He could get violent when provoked and even though an Immature kid was doing the challenging, it changed nothing. With a sigh, she pried Wane's hands away from the kid's neck and stood between them with her arms crossed. "You think you're some 'badd-ass' because you're aboout to strangle a little kid? Shame on you, Wane," Ahliana scolded in a slightly playful tone, but she was serious. Wane shrugged and pushed both the kid and his apprentice out of the alleway without a word. She had proved her point perfectly; he was a hipocrite.

Hex sighed smirking and looked at the girl, "im 14 ." He said before walking out of the ally way and looking and the other boy. "Don't think I'll forget this Mr.Tough Guy! It's gonna come back and bite you some day soon! I know what you are!" He stood there, this was his turf now and he wouldn't back down because some older kid threatened him, Hex was scared of no one. No one whatsoever and this changed nothing. He would just follow the guy in secret and see what he could dig up about him.
(Most definetly!)

The queen sat in her bedroom quietly looking out her window bordered room. She saw everyone calmly appealing to Mortar, the city her and her husband created together to make this world a much better place. The queen looked at Riemi, "Girl, fetch me the king." she demanded with another look of anger. She had been angry for the last 3 days. Her husband had been dwelling in his office with the door slammed shut, he kept deploying out electrons to kill the girl Jane. But why he hasn't succeeded? She has no clue. Jane made more than one attempt on the queen's life, and yet the king still takes his sweet time on making sure she's dead. What if she starts making more rebels out of Mortar? What if the entire city becomes a rebel city and the only well-minded ones are the people in the castle?! All this ran through the queen's mind and she started to get a headache, "On the other hand Riemi dear, fetch the nurse..."

Jane Time:

Jane's eyes widened when the girl went wacko. From one thing to the next Jane watched Talia basically go nuts. Jane turned and watched the storm as it approached closer and closer, and then it started to come to the back of the airplane. "NO NO NO!" She yelled running to the front door trying to close it. The puppy stayed in the corner of the plane scared half to death. "Come on come o-on you stupid-" the next pull and the door jerked closed and pushed her back to the wall. "Phew, well then, that was enough drama today." She said walking back to Talia. Jane sat in the seat across form her watching the girl fiddle with her leg. "So, are you human or robot?" she asked. So many questions started to pop up into Jane's head. "I'm not trying to be noisy or anything, but I just have a couple questions; How did you get here? Who are you working for? Why do they need gasoline and how is that going to help with this hell hole? Have you even seen a human before?" she asked. The plane shook a little, but nothing to bad.

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