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Fantasy Steam, Steel, and Sand

Fishman Lord

The year is 1875. Three nations rule the great deserts that exist in western North America: Deseret, a Mormon theocracy inhabiting the great salt lake all the way down to the red canyons and arches, Mexico, a large nation with riches and power that expands all the way from the deserts down to the jungle-filled yucatan, and the U.S.A., a nation fresh out of civil war, ready to expand towards the riches of the untamed sands. And all the while, Native Americans try to keep the land that their ancestors kept for centuries. Great scaly beasts lumber around this strange land, able to kill a human with a flick of the body. Steam-powered technology allows people to finally enter and cross the forbidding desert, as airships fly overhead to and from California, and mechanized walkers stomp towards wherever they wish to go. This is a land of opportunity, whether you be a merchant seeking profits, a mercenary with his horse and assault gun, or an explorer ready to share his discoveries with the world. This is the Wild West.
RP start!

Town of Hellsand, The Colorado Corner where the three nations meet along the Colorado river (where we all start)

A zeppelin hummed overhead. Tahoma waited impatiently for his catch to be evaluated. "I can give you 2 gold for each one." The merchant said lazily, eyeing the catch of 12 bird-looking creatures. "What!? That's prime archeopteryx! That's worth 5 gold each!" The merchant wouldn't budge. "3 gold each. That's the final offer." Tahoma grumbled something about con men these days and accepted the offer. He checked his map. He marked a course towards mammoth feeding grounds in Oregon and looked around the town. He could tell which part of the town belonged to which nation, with a mormon church in the Deseret corner, a Mexican base across the river, and an American recruitment office where he was. He admired it for a while, then continued on to the stables. He had a feeling today wouldn't be so bad.
Kane (Hellsand, Colorado Corner)

Screw this damnable heat,
Kane strolled through the streets of town, his hood pulled up so all you could see was his mouth. People gave him a weird look, judging him in many ways. Kane walked faster, his shoulder rammed against another person, sending them through the ground.

"Hey!" He had a strong Mexican accent,"Get back here!"

Kane felt a hand grab his shoulder, he spun around and whammed the man in the face with an enclosed fist. The Mexican man dropped to the ground, thoroughly passed out. No one acknowledged the small skirmish, they were all used to it.

Kane kept walking, he turned a corner and bumped into an Indian man who was checking his map.

He's a hunter. His clothes mark him as one immediately, Kane strengthened his façade.

Miss Grace K.

(Hellsand, Colorado Corner)

Miss Grace K came from a wealthy family. It wasnt until her stupid Pa decided to take Ma and join the Mormon church. Of course Miss Grace K refused, far to used to the relaxed lifestyle of the american's to join such a strict church.

Now Miss Grace K was walking about the salon that help to wearily travelers passing through. She huffed as she heat, feeling her pale skin getting burnt.

"One beer sexy!" An already drunk Mexican called out from the chair outside. Miss Grace K rolled her eyes, grabbing a pint and filling it up at the barrel. She turned back, walked outside into the heat and gave the man a smile.

"Here you go sweetheart. Dont forget to call out to me if you need anything else ya hear?" She grinned, turning away. As she walked she heard a ruckus. She looked over her shoulder, seeing a man knock another one out. She chuckled slightly, pulling up her knee highs. "Stupid men." She whispered, walking back inside. With that she called out she'd be taking her break. She walked back out side, pulling out a little cylinder from her bosoms and pressing the button. From there a parasol built itself, letting Miss Grace K get the shade she needed. As she walked down the street she passed a corner. Out of the corner of her eye she saw two men. Yet she walked right pass the confrontation. Something made Miss Grace K Stop though, she slowly walked back, her head peeking around the corner, trying to watch the action in secrecy. The hooded man already seemed so hostile.

"My gosh this outta be good." She laughed to herself, watching carefully.
"Sorry," Kane immediately strode past the Indian, a smirk on his face. Kane continued to walk, his hood flapping against the wind. He turned another corner, and his hood came off.

Shite, Kane reached up and pulled his hood to his head again, his brown hair covering one of his eyes, the only visible eye was his blood-red one. He walked across the street, his cloak following the actions of the wind. The wind blew harder against him, revealing his Colt .45 and his Tomahawk.

It was the heat, now it's the wind? Kane pulled his cloak to his body, and continued walking.

"Hey! You're that guy that knocked me down! Come 'ere!" The mexican man came rushing towards him, his pistol drawn.

Oh come on.. This is too easy. Kane spread out his arms, making him appear unarmed.

"That's right, surrender to me!" The mexican man stared at him,"Now, give me all your money you filthy thug!"

"No." Kane's eyes narrowed, his red eye glowing brightly.

"What?! I have a gun on you, you idiot!" The man held the gun with both hands, they were shaking.

So, he has never killed... I'll put him out of his misery.

Kane's eye narrowed yet again.

Here we go.

Time stopped. Kane's pistol was drawn lightning fast, already cocked back and ready to be fired.


The earth-shattering sound could probably be heard throughout the whole town. It was a classic standoff, Kane won. The opponent had a bullet in his chest before he could even react, and in a cliche action, Kane spun the gun on his finger and blew on the tip of the barrel and holstered it.

Kane looked around at the streets, there was a large crowd of people that had gathered. He spun on his heel and left the scene.
Tahoma, Hellsands

Tahoma rushed up and looked at the downed Mexican. He inspected his wound, then bandaged it up. He looked at the crowd. "What are you looking at? Help me get him to the clinic!" He said. Two others came and helped him pick the Mexican. Together they rushed to the clinic. He dropped him off with a medic. He turned back. "That escalated quickly." He said to himself. He turned and continued towards the stables, but not before taking 20 gold as an "Aggression fee".

He kept walking until he saw his faithful Al. He patted him on the snout and mounted him. He said "Let's go mammoth hunting." With that, they rode off.
Kane (Hellsand, Colorado Corner)

Another nail in that imaginary coffin,
Kane continued walking, he looked over his shoulder quickly, he saw the Indian he had bumped into help the Mexican man up.

Well. I missed. How unfortunate, Kan began to laugh softly, it was sinister, not joyful laughter. He rounded another corner, and entered the tavern.

Looks like I'm in the right place, the tavern was loud and rowdy, beer bottles being tossed across the room. Strippers being handed money in inappropriate places.

Perfect, Kane strolled past the rowdy civilians, he took a seat at the counter.

"Hey! I need a strong one, on the rocks!" Kane yelled out to the bartenders. In a minute, a drink slid down the bar to his position.

Awesome, Kane grabbed the drink by the handle, and chugged half of it. He was still sober, but he had no plans to get drunk tonight. He was waiting for his client. An old... acquaintance..

Auror (Hellsands, Colorado Corner)

Stupid Kane, he entered the tavern and immediately saw his... friend sitting in a seat having a drink. He walked through the commotion, his dirty blonde hair a stark contrast to Kane's brown, almost black hair.

"Well, if isn't Auror. The righteous son of-" Auror cut Kane off.

"What do you want Kane." Auror looked at his nemesis straight in the eye.

"We are not going to make it through that damnable Deseret alone. We need to group together, then after that, we separate. I need to get to Mexico." Kane returned the look Auror gave him, Auror pulled away, contemplating the benefits.

"Very well, we leave tomorrow at day break." Auror stood from the chair and began to walk away, then he stopped. "Oh! Kane, try not get anyone else killed, okay?" Both of them shared a small laugh, then Auror left the tavern.

It was almost night time in Hellsands, Auror pulled his coat closer to him and then walked down the street. The wind suddenly blew against him and his coat lifted slightly, revealing his 1875 Remington Army Revolvers; his prized possessions. One of the things cost him a whole year's pay, around 1.5 thousand gold a piece. The greedy eyes of thieves stared at the beauties.

"Hey, what'dya have 'ere?" Their accents were incredibly southern.

"Move along men, I seek no quarrels, only passage home." Auror looked at the three of them in the eyes.

"Give us at least one buddy. We won't hurt 'ya" Auror shakes his head, Gods save them all.

"Alright, alright." Auror cocks both of his pistols back silently, and holds out a hand containing one of the pistols.

"Good man.." A crook reached out and began to grab the weapon.

Faster than though possible, Auror had tilted the weapon so his fingers were on the handle and the trigger, the other revolver already in position.

"Boys, I would like to introduce you all to Angel," Auror lifted the pistol titled Angel," and Demon." He raised that pistol as well.

Bang! Bang! Crack!

In three rounds, the crooks fell on the ground, bullets shot straight through their hearts. Auror quickly holstered his weapons, and darted into the shadows. Leaving behind three bodies, with .45 caliber bullets fired perfectly at their hearts.

Miss Grace K

(Hellsand, Colorado)

The encounter between the men was very boring. No fight or anything. However, on her way to the Tavern she learned that a mexican man was shot, and an Indian man came and helped him. Miss Grace K sighed, growling over the fact she misses everything. While working she noticed to men, talking almost in secrecy. The white haired women attempted to get close, filling their drinks when need be, but not close enough to make it seem like she was listening. In the end however it was just worthless truce shit.

Later that night Miss Grace K was sitting in her office, sighing a contract with a man. "When you sigh this sir, just know if i know you told anyone who isnt interested in coming to me, you'll be dead by daybreak. Killed by my own hands sugar." The gulped, sighing it as he took the gun he had just bought and hid it away. He was walking out the back door when three gun shot were heard out front.

"Holy shot. What in hells name was that?" She called out, stomping her heels boot.

"If they show up here because of those gun shots theyre gonna find out." She mumbled, gathering up her skirt as she walked out to the front. Three dead body laid there, no one in site. Miss Grace K narrowed her eyes as she walked forwards.

"Hmmm. Nice clean shot. .45 Caliber bullets were used. Seems like the man who killed you three knew what is was doing. Haha suck for y'all." She chuckled slightly, pointing at one of the bodies with her foot. She looked around, trying to figure out where someone would go after shooting three men. Probably far.

Southwestern border of Deseret

Tacoma traveled along the border, careful to not leave the U.S. side. This was the worst part of Deseret, where Mormon "Saint Squads" would patrol to make sure there were no non-Mormons. Once you got to the center, it wasn't nearly as bad. Sure, it was rough on the interior, but nothing compared to the border communities. Tahoma continued riding, when suddenly a gunshot cracked from across the border. It whizzed by his ear. Reflex took over from there, as he took out his bow and fit an arrow faster than a frog's tongue. He let it fly and he heard a body fall to the ground. One less fanatic in the world. He decided to travel farther from the border.

Tahoma, Butteford City, North Arizona

Tahoma rode into the town at about 9 P.M. He tied up his allosaurus and entered the inn. He got a room for 20 gold and entered. It was small but nice, with a bed, chair, and a desk. He put his stuff down and went to sleep.
Kane left the tavern around an hour after Auror had done so. Not even twenty minutes after Auror left, three booming gunshots sounded from behind the tavern. Looks like he isn't a pussy after all.

Kane pulled his hood up to his face and opened the door out of the tavern.

He turned a corner and saw Auror's trail of destruction: three dead corpses.

Looks like he finally grew some balls, Kane stepped over the corpses, and crossed the street.

Kane tilted his head back, staring at the night sky. His hood came off slightly, and his hair fell on his nose, the rest of it falling further and covering up half of his face. Only his red eye shone ifself. Kane found a nearby bench and sat on it. Not bothering to put up his hood.
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Francis, Butteford City, North Arizona

Rays of sun began to penertrate Francis' wagon. He rolled over and yawned. Time to get up.

Once he had changed into his business clothes, Francis left the wagon. He checked around the back, where he had set up an annex for his raptors to sleep under. They were seemingly still asleep. Francis walked in quietly and secured their chains; he couldn't have them waking up and running amok in the city. It'd scare off all his customers.

Francis strolled up the street, looking for somewhere to get some breakfast. It was a tad early for most, and as such few eateries were open. However, eventually he found a nice looking inn, where he ordered an archeopteryx leg. He sat himself down at a table and began to eat.
Tahoma, Butteford City, North Arizona

Tahoma awoke to the sound of a distant sauropod calling to it's kin. He kept lying down for a sec, then the sound of the sauropod registered. He dashed up and got dressed as fast as he could. Sauropods were worth a ton in cash because they were hard to find. It was odd having one around here, seeing as they had all gone farther south, towards the jungles, or farther north, towards the forests. When you did find one, though, it was your lucky day (if were able to catch and transport it.) He rushed out of the building and charged towards the stable. As he ran through the tiny town, he wondered why it was called Butteford City if it was so small. He decided it didn't really matter. He saw a wagon and realized he couldn't transport the massive beast alone. "HEY!" He shouted. "WHO OWNS THIS WAGON? I NEED THEIR HELP!"
Francis finished up his breakfast as a man came running down, supposedly from his room. Francis thought nothing of it at first. However, when the man began yelling out, Francis stuck his head out the door to see what the man was hollering about. Seeing the man pointing at his wagon and asking whose it was, Francis quickly left the inn to meet the man.

"This here wagon belongs to me mister" he announced. "May I ask what you want it for?"
"I want because I could get a fair sum of gold from what's out there right now." He replied. "If you came, we might be able to get this thing together and get a good amount of gold. If only one of us came, we would try and fail and NOT get lots of cash. So, is this wagon available for hire?" Tahoma asked impatiently. He wanted to get there before someone else did and took the catch for themselves.
Francis looked the man up and down. He sighed. The mere mention of money got him excited. He never usually leant his wagon to anyone, much less people he didn't know. Unfortunately, Francis was a sucker gold.

"You got any cash on you, cause I'll need a little up front payment. Say, 50 gold?"
He whipped out his wallet and gave him what he wanted. "Ok, now get on that wagon and follow me. This thing will give us both some nice cash." He got on his allosaurus, signaled for Francis to follow, and set off.
Francis ran to his wagon. He hurriedly packed up the annex and awoke the raptors. Moving them around to the front, Francis jumped in his wagon and tugged upon the ropes connected to the raptors. The wagon lurched forwards as Francis directed the beasts to follow the man. Just then it occurred to him that he hadn't caught the man's name. Oh well, he'd find out soon enough.

(Hey @Fishman Lord sorry but I gotta go to sleep now. I'll be on sometime tomorrow though. )
Auror (Hellsands, Colorado Corner)

Gods damn it, Auror saw Kane sitting on a bench without his hood.

"You alright?" Auror took a seat next to him, despite the two being polar opposites, it was not a sin to help the other one out.

"I miss her." Kane's expression doesn't change. He just continues stares at the moon.

"Ah. Ember?" Kane nods, answering Auror's question.

"We're done with that universe Kane. We left it behind." Auror tries to reason with Kane.

"But that's why I miss her! You've never been in love have you Auror." Kane turns to look at his opposite. Auror returns the look, and shakes his head.

"I've never been loved, I have been in love though..." Auror put his hands together and placed his elbows on his lap, then looked at the ground. "No, Kane. I won't tell you who..."

Auror stood, and walked past Kane. As he walked past, Kane stood and walked the opposite ways. The duet's steps were in complete sync, they both pulled their hoods up at the same time. Then, kept walking.

Miss Grace K

(Hellsand, Colorado Corner)

Miss Grace K left the bodies for others to clean up. She went inside and locked her cellar, making sure no one could get in. She then headed to sleep.

The next morning the women got up, getting dressed in a mullet skirt, knee high, boots, and a midriff high collared shirt. She then placed work goggles on the top of her head. She then headed out to the tavern. I was early morning and no one in their right minds was up and drinking, so she spent most of her time picking up from the night before. When she finished she was called to the back, saying to had a call.

"Hello?" She picked up the phone. after a few words she told the boss she had to go. Family emergency. In all reality however she had a new shipment's of guns from the UK in Washington. "Ill be gone for a week or two George!" She called out to her boss before head out of the tavern.

The white haired girl quickly walked home, gathering a few clothes, food, and bullets into the few bags she had. She then went out to her backyard, calling out. "Theodore! Mommy and you are going on a trip!" She cooed, tying the bags to the corythosaurus onto into back. She then snapped her fingers, the large dino bowing down. Miss Grace K hopped up onto it upper back. "And off we go baby." She cooed, digging her heels into his side to let the dinosaur know to go. With that she set off towards Arizona, following the safest route.​
Kane (Deseret)

And here I thought Hellsands was hot, Kane trudged on the desert sand, Auror a few feet ahead of him. Kane saw multiple wagons traveling through the deseret, all of them following a route. Kane drew his rifle and looked through the sights.

Raaaaach! Raaaa-raaach!

Auror drew his weapon as well, aiming to the sky. Archaeopteryxes' spread their wings, making them appear larger. They surrounded the duet, and the men took steps backwards and ended up back to back. They looked at each other, red and blue eyes meeting. They nodded. Setting their sights on the birds, they began their display of extreme marksmanship.

Bang! Bang! Crack! Boom! Bang!

"Ha! I count three on me. How 'bout you Kane?" Auror separated his back from Kane, a cocky smirk on his face. Kane just shook his head and continued walking. Auror following him.

Auror (Deseret)

Auror's back slammed against the rock, taking cover from firing bandits. He looked to his right and saw Kane taking cover as well.

"How many do you count?" Auror checked his magazine, four bullets left.

"Six, including their pet triceratops." Kane looked at Auror.

"Crap." Auror stood from cover, checking the positions of the bandits.


Auror's was almost blown off, but duked behind cover, luckily. He saw a bandit holding a Remington Lever-Action rifle and another wielding a Colt Single Action Revolver, much like Auror's. Kane fired at a bandit, sending him to the ground, a bullet hole impaled in his right eye.

"Another one bits the shitty dust."

Kane reloads,"I've got two mags left


Auror nods, then holsters his carbine rifle, taking out his revolvers.

"Those things have shit for range Auror." Kane looks at him, shocked by his stupid idea.

"I know what I'm doing." Auror stands, then fires twice with the revolvers, hitting two more bandits dead center, right at their hearts. Killing them.

Auror returns behind cover, cocking back the hammer on his revolvers.

"You've got the rest Kane. Let me handle the triceratops."

Kane just shakes his head, stands from behind cover and fires his carbine rifle three times. The sound of bullets impacting skin rings out, the last three bandits drop dead. All that remained was the triceratops.

Auror jumps over the cover and into the open field of the skirmish. There was around 150 feet between him and the dinosaur. Perfect

The dinosaur looked at Auror, it was nearing sundown, the perfect time for a showdown. The beast had a skin as thick as thick as four inches, the horns were ivory, a precious matierial that proved to be incredibly durable and, if sharpened, could be deadly as a projectile.

The beast began to resdy itself for a charge towards Auror. While Auror checked if the hammers of his revolvers were cocked back, they were.

The beast roared loudly, and then lowered its head. It began to charge, Auror took on the gunslinger stance. Feet spread apart to ahoulder width, and pistols holsetered.

125 feet.

100 feet.

75 feet...

50 feet. Auror took a deep breath. Time seemed to stop.


In a blur of motion, Auror's pistols were out of their holsters and aimed at the beast.

Bang! Snap!

Two bullet holes appeared in the beast's eyes. They were placed perfectly, just at the pupils.

"Show off." Auror heard Kane cough, but then he began to laugh. Auror laughing with him. They continued their journey to Northern Mexico and walked actoss the deseret.
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Atsuko, Hellsand, Colorado Corner

Atsuko rode in to the town and got off of his deinotherium. He had been riding all night and was extremely tired. He walked into the inn and ordered a rim and a full roasted microceratops. He was also pretty hungry. He paid the sixty gold and went up to his room. He was about to get some sleep when suddenly he heard gunshots. He rushed out and saw a Mormon saint squad attacking the American side. There was a nasty firefight, and he rattled his assault gun, killing two attackers. This was odd, saint squads usually didn't leave their side of the border. He continued firing, hoping help would come.

Tahoma, just outside of Butteford city, Norrh Arizona

Tahoma stopped as he neared. The sauropod hadn't noticed him yet, and he wanted to keep the element of surprise. He loaded an arrow, aimed the shot, and let it fly. Perfect hit. The beast fell and collapsed on the sand with a resounding BOOM. He ran up to it and started to evaluate it. "Come here!" He yelled to Francis. "Help me load this baby!"
Francis steered his wagon to where the man slain the sauropod. He opened up the back end of the wagon and jumped off.

"Good shot there!" He congratulated the man. Francis walked closer to man with his hand extended. "The name's Francis. Francis Knowles. What might yours be?"
"That would be Tahoma." He said, shaking Francis' hand. He turned back towards the sauropod. He pulled out a saw from the back of the wagon and started chopping off the tail. It would take two trips to get the whole sauropod there. "Okay, we'll split so we can get it there faster. You take this part..." He pointed to the legs. "And Al will take the tail... WAIT! Better idea..." He tied the whole sauropod the the back of the wagon and the allosaurus. "Now we can just tow it there." He mounted Al and began to pull.
Francis jumped back in his wagon. As the wagon moved forward (quite slowly due to the extra weight) he looked through his merchandise, looking for something he might be able to sell Tahoma. Tahoma seemed like a man of action; a gun or some bullets? Maybe knife? He gave up for the time being as they approached Butterford City once again. When they arrived back Francis dismounted from his wagon once again and walked up to Tahoma, who riding an allosaurus.

"So where do we plan on taking this here sauropod?"
Tahoma, Butteford City, North Arizona

"Probably to the airship station. We can't get this thing to where we want on foot, so we can sell it there." Citizens had started gathering to look at the massive beast. Some were even trying to climb on it. "Move out of the way, out of the way..." Tahoma said as he he tried to maneuver through the crowd. Finally he reached the airship station with Francis and the sauropod.

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