Stealth Ninja


New Member
Hey guys.  I've been lurking here for a while, and I've finally had a bit of a idea block that finally convinced me to register and post it.

Okay, so tomorrow I'm planning to have a scenario in which our 50 xp Night Caste is going to have to sneak through a Deathknight's castle.

A night caste with Armor of the Immaculate Dragons, which includes a Cloaking device.

Okay, so obviously he's going to be pretty unstoppable sneaking through the place. However, I don't want to leave at "okay, you're there. you win". I want him to have a chance to show off and be cool and generally exalted while he's sneaking through.

So... any ideas on situations he can encounter while sneaking through the castle? Or should I just replay Metal Gear Solid 1 in stealth camo, or Tenchu, and jack whatever I can?

An idea someone had at the White Wolf forums was to have him encounter a Day Caste abyssal during his sneaking, who's wearing celestial battle armor and is also invisible, so they have a cool "when ninja's battle, it's like a silent, deadly game of... battleship." moment.  Any ideas along that line too?
I dont have my book on hand but I think theres an awareness charm that can spot unseen foes, and those using stealth charms, it just ups the difficulty to spot the charm using stealthy person.  You could have sentries that have that charm or some sort of artifact that does something along those lines.  

Though the Ninja Battleship fight would be neat and would be cool to see (or not see) how that'll play out.  My only thought would be that it would be a long long long long fight.  

I think you should have a bit of both (talking about the situations within the castle and tenchu/MGS).  Remember, though he can't be seen doesnt mean that he cant trip off alarms, traps, etc, etc.  So situations could be avoiding traps and alarms, y'know...Lara Croft that bitch. Also, there could be cut scenes were he gets to listen in on important information and such and that could lead into learning that he may have to continue to stealth the castle in order to either sabotage or assassinate key players so this diabolical scheme that he just learned about doesnt come to fruit.  

dunno if this helps.  Good luck.
If he gets cut at all, the ghosts and abyssals will be able to track him by scent. Zombies too. So that's a potential hazard!

I'd also direct you to "essence flare pillars" in Wonders of the Lost Age". They can force any exalt passing within their boundaries to spend up to 16 mote of peripheral. Although Night and Day caste can spend double this to supress their animas, that's a hefty hurdle, and he might be stuck on the other side when trying to leave without enough essence.

Another issue is, of course, essence sight. Maybe the stealth system is immune to this (I can't recall), but plenty of artifacts confer this special bonus.

Ghosts have a starting-level arcanoi that allows them to measure the amounts of essence in someone. I can't recall offhand if this might help them detect invisible essence wielders though.

Of course, as mentioned, traps and alarms can still be raised. Does he open a door? What if there's a slight creak or a bell tied to the handle on the other side? What of hidden pitfall traps near sensitive areas? Pressure tiles? Contact-poison on the walls?

There's plenty that can go wrong with an excursion such as this; invisibility isn't perfect by any stretch.

And if all alse goes wrong, an abyssal or solar with "Surprise Anticipation Method" will get a spidey sense when he is within range.
I know, I love those things! Every circle should have a set for making camp each night. All you need is a hearthstone to which all members are attuned.
Every Wyld Hunt must have one, need to find a Solar? Line the town with 'em for fun for all ages! From young hunters to old Dynasts ready to put another knock in their tetsubo's grip!   :D

Paid and brought to you by the Beat Those Solars Senseless Foundation.
Hell yeah, they're awesome.  You should have seen the expression on our Zenith's face when suddenly his anima flared up to the 9 mote level in the middle of a crowd in nexus.

I could just see a sidereal or an abyssal planting some of those in a commonly used alleyway in nexus or some busy city, and then sitting back and nabbing anyone who goes glowy.
Night? Day? Pshaw. Just give me a mosok! The Water Paths are all the ninja you'll ever need.
Every Wyld Hunt must have one, need to find a Solar? Line the town with 'em for fun for all ages! From young hunters to old Dynasts ready to put another knock in their tetsubo's grip!   :D
Paid and brought to you by the Beat Those Solars Senseless Foundation.
It's more than reasonable to assume that The Imperial City and Lookshy are practically carpeted in these: they're artifact two, and thus common enough to be used as a security measure in such cities. Of course, not literally everywhere because not ALL the Dragon-blooded can be attuned to the same manse.. But for sensitive areas of any stripe, hell yea.
What's the jist of these things you're discussing?

Well, you walk into an area corded off with these devices, and any Exalt not attuned to their Manse will IMMEDIATELY flare in 16+ anima banner. Handy.
Really handy. Requires a hearthstone, and you can set the amount of peripheral essence any unattuned exalt must spend upon entering the area. Artifact two, and you heard right: they actually spend that essence, they don't just hit that level. Great for defence as well as detection on account of the lack of essence the invader will have upon detection!

The night and day, as mentioned, can spend double instead to not flare, but that's -32 peripheral essence, right there.

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