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The Cake Boss

New Member
- Introduction -

Howdy folks! Name's Cake, and I'm in search of some roleplays - particularly ones of a more fantastical nature. My pronouns are they/he, I've been RPing for a fair number of years, and I'd consider myself fairly casual when it comes to writing. I generally try to mirror my partners, I don't mind if folks ghost (though of course I definitely don't mind a head's up if interest does start to wane!), and in general I just want this to be a nice, relaxing experience the both of us! RPing should be fun and not feel like a second job.

- Basic Info -
Nothing too much to say here. I'll try and keep things relatively short and sweet.

  • As I mentioned before, I usually mirror posts. Write however much you think you need o/ Be it a few sentences or 20+ paragraphs.
  • LGBTA+ friendly. Please be so too!
  • Any and all pairings are accepted. I generally play the M in MxF pairings, but I'm totally cool with FxF, MxM, and whatever else you need in mind. Of course I'm more than fine with strictly platonic pairings as well.
  • Please be 21+. I'm practically geriatric (read: early thirties) and feel super, super weird RPing with anyone younger.
  • Ghost-friendly. While I'd prefer a heads-up I understand that there are times where you just kinda lose interest in an ongoing storyline. Absolutely no hard feelings.
  • Private message, Discord, or threads are fine with me
  • As far as FCs go I generally prefer drawn/'anime' ones, but can also do descriptions as well!
  • I'm sure there's other stuff I'm forgetting but ah well. Will update if anything comes to mind!

So, what am I searching for?
Righto, in general I'm looking for long-term stories set in a fantasy setting. Be it medieval, modern-day, or something of a different flavor I'm generally pretty much open to anything. I'll go ahead and list some preferred pairings down below.

Witch x Knight
Newbie Adventurer x Veteran Adventurer
Newbie Adventurer x Newbie Adventurer
Struggling God/Goddess x Priest/Priestess
Tank x Healer
Misunderstood Monster x Kindly Soul

Superhero x Civlian
Supervillain x Civilian
Superhero x Supervillain

Mecha Pilot x Fantasy Hero/Heroine (kind of a isekai-esque situation)
Mecha Pilot x Mecha Pilot
Mecha Pilot x Enemy Mecha Pilot
Mecha Pilot x Mechanic

Childhood friends!

- Plots -

I've got a few more in-depth inklings as well. Will toss them down below! Changes of course are more than welcome!

Idea #1 -

A small village on the outskirts of civilization is suffering from some manner of issue - perhaps a strange beast is showing up, maybe the villagers are being beset by strange dreams, or just possibly a set of ruins have been unearthed - ruins that just might be home to countless ancient artifacts. A rather prestigious mage guild learns of this particular crisis and sends one of their own, a rather arrogant newbie who sees this as a chance to prove themselves to their betters. Yet, upon arrival, they quickly find that they’re not the only arcane user who’ve taken an interest in the village and their plight. A young witch, either an outsider or a denizen of the town, has subtly been trying to investigate the recent disturbances as well.

Unbound by any sort of guild, and reliant on a far different set of teachings than the mage, the two quickly end up butting heads with one another. Yet, it won’t be long until they find that they’ve no choice but to team up as their mission escalates into something far more than either bargained for.

Idea #2 -

A mysterious new dungeon has popped up out of the blue, filled with both danger and treasure alike. Two (or more!) newbie adventurers team up and decide to dive into its depths, contending with beasties, traps, and other (more eccentric) adventurers. Yet as they go farther and farther they find that there the dungeon has its fair share of secrets…some of which might forever change the world. Basically just Delicious in Dungeon lmao

Idea #3 -

Roughly a decade ago, a young hero/heroine went on a great quest to defeat some manner of great evil - a demon lord, an wicked emperor, a full-on divinity, what have you. Though victorious they’re left battered by their victory, both mentally and physically, and they end up retiring to a small village to live the rest of their life in isolation. They find their lonesome life interrupted however by the arrival of a young adventurer, one who idolized the hero/heroine and their exploits (and perhaps were even saved by them in the past?). WIshing to learn from said hero/heroine, the adventurer pesters them endlessly until the hero/heroine has no choice but to relent - if only to get the younger individual out of their soul. The two become mentor and student, and yet what should be a mundane training becomes something more when a remnant of the evil the hero/heroine defeated reveals itself once more.

Idea #4 -

A young hero/heroine goes on a journey to defeat a foul evil. Yet, when they go to deal the final blow they find themselves consumed by a bright light. When next they open their eyes they find that only has five years passed, but they’re stuck in the wicked villain’s body while said villain has taken over there’s! With the villain gallivanting about and using the hero’s reputation to cause untold amounts of destruction, the hero is forced to team-up with a former minion of the villain.

Idea #5 -

A variation of the above. A villain is defeated by a party of plucky heroes! Their strength sapped, they’re sealed away by the group’s leader. Yet, that’s not the end of them. An untold number of years later the villain managed to free themselves from their prison - yet, their strength and power has been reduced to nil. Weak and groggy, they’re taken in by a kindly soul - one unaware of the strange, seemingly delirious stranger’s true nature.

Idea #6 -

Ever since a near-death experience a year ago, Character A has been able to see (and maybe even turned into a bit of beacon for) the supernatural - ghosts, Yokai, so on and so on. Constantly frightened and harassed by these terrifying creatures they’ve spent the last few years trapped in a constant state of fear and as a result have turned into a shut-in. School, friends, anything resembling a social life - they’ve been forced to give it all up.

Enter Character B. Apart of an organization dedicated to hunting down dangerous supernatural anomalies, they’re a newbie thoroughly dedicated to playing hero and keeping the mortal realm. Alas, they kinda suck at their job. Lacking the same ‘sight’ that many of their peers possess they can barely even see the supernatural - let alone fight them. It’s only through sheer pluck that they’ve managed to stay afloat.

Having been sent to A’s town for one reason or another, they end up learning of A’s predicament and forms a deal with the shut-in. In return for A serving as their eyes, B will fight off any supernatural threat that scomes for them - all the while helping them find a means to solve their predicament. The two form a strange, though capable team.


And that should be that! Shoot me a message if any of these interest you!
Hi! I hope you don't mind me popping by but I'm really a big fan of witch/knight, tank/healer, and the "monster"/kind soul dynamics ^^ I also really love the ideas of your 1st and 6th plot options! Would you be willing to have me as a 1x1 partner?

A little about me:
I, myself, am 30 years old and use she/her pronouns. I trend towards somewhat longer posts (and I'm sure you can visit my post history to find my RP responses). I'd be more comfortable with something here in the RPN threads but I'm open for a DM option if that's preferred.

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