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Fantasy Gods Among Men


Mutants have been living among humans for centuries. They have stayed mostly hidden, although the ones who have come out have either been hunted down and killed or taken in for government experimentation. Mutants are seen as a pariah and regular humans fear them as the boogeymen. Due to public fears, the governments of the world are starting to hunt down mutants and exterminate them, and they are very efficient at their job. Now, a small group of very powerful mutants are choosing to step out into the light and fight back. You are part of this resistance and whether or not you want to kill humans for your cause, its the only option you have at this point...

You will be a part of a group called The Insurrection. It is a disorganized group of misfit mutants fighting back against a ruthless government regime. Resources are scarce and the odds are stacked against you, but with the right amount of teamwork and skill you might be able to get your point across. The point of course being that mutants are people too.

The government is currently deploying heavy military forces to hunt down and exterminate any and all mutants they encounter. Citizens are encouraged to report any strange activity that could possibly be mutant in nature. This is leaving many families caught in a terrible situation that may force them to turn in a loved one. This paranoia is very damaging to many people's minds and it is starting to show. Essentially we are dealing with a more extreme red scare. Many mutants have gone underground to avoid this entirely but the government is ruthless and is getting even better at "exterminating" mutants.
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