Stat Based Dance Mechanics?

wizard nibblers

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So we have this RP about princes/furries/political plotting/dancing and one of the ideas we had for it is to have some sort of stat/luck-based mechanic to rank dance competitions. Does anyone have any cool ideas for a (simple) mechanic based on the dancers' combined skill stats? In the game we based it on, dancers have technical/artistry stats, but the actual application of those stats in relation to the results of the dance competitions aren't really elaborated on in-game. I was thinking of something where the stats are averaged with a dice roll or something so that the best dancers aren't winning every single time but they also aren't going to be at the mercy of luck. Potentially it could be extended to a simple battle system for arie magic later on?
Hey. I just wanted to point out that whenever you use dice, no matter how little, you are ALWAYS at the mercy of luck. The only way to eliminate luck is to not use dice and put all the information about your system out in the open. A good example would be in Chess (that is pure strategy).

The system you want, is low in luck.

I don't have any experience making simple dice systems that make sense, but I have come across some really good efforts I'd like to see more work done on. Let me tag one of those people for you.


BLUR has a really good simple dice system that I loved. Hopefully when he comes on he can explain it you. Basically you have stat points and the number of points you put in a stat, affects the dice roll.

So say you have a Passion stat. A 4 in passion would be +4 to the dice result. A 2 in Form would be roll two dice instead of one. A 10 in technique means you can redo a roll up to 10 times. It's really cool stuff Wizard!

To BLUR: The system I'm talking about is the one you used for your HxH RP. I never told you, but I really, really adored it. I'd like to work together with you on it for a reboot maybe? (:3)

Anyway, if you could explain it to Wizard to see if they're interested in using something like it, that'd be fantastic.
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Aw Kin, I'd love to work with you on whatever, whenever :D But Yeah! I'd be willing to work on a reboot, the problem with the first one was the extremely slow pace with which everyone (including myself) was working at so it never really gained any hype. @White Masquerade

But onto what I was sent here for! Yes, the dice roll system that I used for my HxH rp was quite a simple one. There were two dice for both ATK rolls and DEF rolls, like White said, one that decided the number of faces and the other that decided the number of dice rolled. Since your role play doesn't have any direct 1on1 competitions or battles, obviously you wouldn't need those specific stats, but in essence the idea could still work.

To help you with this though, I would need to learn more about the varying skill level of the dancers, as I can't find anything regarding the technical/artistry stats you mentioned and it seems that the depictions of dancer skill levels are pretty open for interpretation rather than being in set levels. If you're interested, PM me and I'll gladly help you figure something out.

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