Happy Necromancer
- Group
- Nation Building
Starship Trooper: Project Liberation
The War In Progress
Watch as Humanity pushes back the Bugs to the farthest reaches of human held space. The Brave forces of the Mobile Infantry kill the bugs where they stand and fight for the right of humanity.
Colonists are reunited with their homes so they can live again in land that is rightfully theirs.
The planet: Turangu VI was once a hotbed of terrorists and traitors to humanity. But once the Bugs appeared, they abandoned their thoughtless cause in favor of fighting for what was right. Fighting for the protection of humanity against the mindless destructive nature of The Bugs.
Will you participate in such a grand event, all for becoming a citizen? Joining guarantees citizenship!
Join our intrepid heroes of the Mobile Infantry as they help restore this once vibrant culture to its prebug state.
As the dropships bring in the new recruits, all green across the board, the General watches from his Command Center, high above the transport pad. The battle operations had gone well. But now all the more experienced troops have been taken off world for R&R before heading out into deeper territories to “take the fight” back to the bugs.
In their place, he has to watch many troops that have little to no experience in the field. And in some cases, older veterans that had their squads destroyed for one reason or another. That could do for now. However, command had also taken all of their best equipment and replaced it with confiscated weapons and armor from before the Bug War.
Useless, outdated, junk.
As the new troops finished arriving and lined up in the courtyard below, The General stood up from his chair, gave an authoritative tug on his shirt to make sure it was properly in place nad stood out onto the balcony.
The General was a Tall, black haired man with a scar across his left eye. He has a muscular physique, but his uniform fit well and seemed to more accentuate how strong he probably was. A man in his late 40s, he had a large chin and a tight grip.
A woman appeared at his side from seemingly out of nowhere, she seemed to tower over this already tall man, a rifle slung at her side. Her eyes scanning the skies and the troops assembled below.
The General opened his mouth and spoke in a Booming voice.
“I am General Arlium and this is Colonel Minos. This planet has been reclaimed from the Bugs. However, there is still much more work to restore what was lost and to make sure that the civilians can live their lives safely within the borders of The Federation.
If you have any questions or issues, take them up with the Colonel. I will not tolerate any issues between Ground Troops and Sky Boys. Is that clear?
You are all citizens and I know that you will do your part.
Make sure that you check on your mission assignments before going to your quarters.
You are dismissed.”
Without another word, The General went back inside off the balcony. The Colonel stayed, watching those assembled begin to disperse before heading back inside as well.
Mission 1: Clear Out the Abandoned Settlement
An old settlement from before the purge has been located and deemed in good enough condition for civilians to resettle. It is your task to make sure that it is fully cleared of bugs and restored to basic functionality.
Possible Hostiles:
Chariot Bugs
Sentinel Bugs
Worker Bugs
Mission 2: Rebuilding a Damaged Bridge
During the operations on the planet to clear it, an important bridge was destroyed. It is up your squads to repair this bridge to allow better transport of supplies between settlements in the region
Possible Hostiles:
Chariot Bugs
Worker Bugs
Warrior Bugs
Mission 3: Locate Missing Miners
A small group of Miners did not make it to a scheduled rendezvou to begin mining operations. Perhaps they were taken out by Bugs. Or perhaps they have become traitors to humanity and the Federation. Discover their fate and if possible bring them back.
Possible Hostiles:
Chariot Bugs
Sentinel Bugs
Bombardier Bugs
Mission 4: Investigate a Mysterious Signal Deep in the Mountains
A strange signal has been discovered in the mountains. It seems to be a series of numbers on a loop. If this is a prank, shut it down. No matter what, capture the radio station so that it can be used for the good of the Federation.
Possible Hostiles:
Chariot Bugs
Sentinel Bugs
Worker Bugs
The War In Progress
Watch as Humanity pushes back the Bugs to the farthest reaches of human held space. The Brave forces of the Mobile Infantry kill the bugs where they stand and fight for the right of humanity.
Colonists are reunited with their homes so they can live again in land that is rightfully theirs.
The planet: Turangu VI was once a hotbed of terrorists and traitors to humanity. But once the Bugs appeared, they abandoned their thoughtless cause in favor of fighting for what was right. Fighting for the protection of humanity against the mindless destructive nature of The Bugs.
Will you participate in such a grand event, all for becoming a citizen? Joining guarantees citizenship!
Join our intrepid heroes of the Mobile Infantry as they help restore this once vibrant culture to its prebug state.
As the dropships bring in the new recruits, all green across the board, the General watches from his Command Center, high above the transport pad. The battle operations had gone well. But now all the more experienced troops have been taken off world for R&R before heading out into deeper territories to “take the fight” back to the bugs.
In their place, he has to watch many troops that have little to no experience in the field. And in some cases, older veterans that had their squads destroyed for one reason or another. That could do for now. However, command had also taken all of their best equipment and replaced it with confiscated weapons and armor from before the Bug War.
Useless, outdated, junk.
As the new troops finished arriving and lined up in the courtyard below, The General stood up from his chair, gave an authoritative tug on his shirt to make sure it was properly in place nad stood out onto the balcony.
The General was a Tall, black haired man with a scar across his left eye. He has a muscular physique, but his uniform fit well and seemed to more accentuate how strong he probably was. A man in his late 40s, he had a large chin and a tight grip.
A woman appeared at his side from seemingly out of nowhere, she seemed to tower over this already tall man, a rifle slung at her side. Her eyes scanning the skies and the troops assembled below.
The General opened his mouth and spoke in a Booming voice.
“I am General Arlium and this is Colonel Minos. This planet has been reclaimed from the Bugs. However, there is still much more work to restore what was lost and to make sure that the civilians can live their lives safely within the borders of The Federation.
If you have any questions or issues, take them up with the Colonel. I will not tolerate any issues between Ground Troops and Sky Boys. Is that clear?
You are all citizens and I know that you will do your part.
Make sure that you check on your mission assignments before going to your quarters.
You are dismissed.”
Without another word, The General went back inside off the balcony. The Colonel stayed, watching those assembled begin to disperse before heading back inside as well.
Mission 1: Clear Out the Abandoned Settlement
An old settlement from before the purge has been located and deemed in good enough condition for civilians to resettle. It is your task to make sure that it is fully cleared of bugs and restored to basic functionality.
Possible Hostiles:
Chariot Bugs
Sentinel Bugs
Worker Bugs
Mission 2: Rebuilding a Damaged Bridge
During the operations on the planet to clear it, an important bridge was destroyed. It is up your squads to repair this bridge to allow better transport of supplies between settlements in the region
Possible Hostiles:
Chariot Bugs
Worker Bugs
Warrior Bugs
Mission 3: Locate Missing Miners
A small group of Miners did not make it to a scheduled rendezvou to begin mining operations. Perhaps they were taken out by Bugs. Or perhaps they have become traitors to humanity and the Federation. Discover their fate and if possible bring them back.
Possible Hostiles:
Chariot Bugs
Sentinel Bugs
Bombardier Bugs
Mission 4: Investigate a Mysterious Signal Deep in the Mountains
A strange signal has been discovered in the mountains. It seems to be a series of numbers on a loop. If this is a prank, shut it down. No matter what, capture the radio station so that it can be used for the good of the Federation.
Possible Hostiles:
Chariot Bugs
Sentinel Bugs
Worker Bugs