[Stars of Sinnoh] Character Sheets


Character Sheet

Openings: 7 out of 15

1 Reserved (Last 3 Days)

[color=#]First and Last Name

  • General Information

    [color=#]Name: [/color]Full name
    [color=#]Age: [/color]>14
    [color=#]Gender: [/color]Male/Female
    [color=#]Hometown: [/color]Anywhere, as long as it's Canon. No Fiore, Almia, Orre, or Ransei.

    Basic Description and Current Status


I've also included a character below that I'll be also be using, for an example.

Available Starters:

(There are more than 20 starters. It's nice to have more variety. If you would like to have a starter not shown, ask and I may or may not approve.)


Taken Starters:


Current Pokemon Trainers

Percivale Olsen - NyuNeon

Phoebe Jansen - amybri18

Kasumi Takasha - Infinities Lover

Alexis Finntry - Juuchanisu

Dewey Glants - Folkus

Pierre Zain Halfrey - Plushie

Leon White - EclipseRising

Elliott Scott - Juuchanisu

Steven Stone - NyuNeon

Kaede Fletcher - SideWinder

On their way!...


Retired Pokemon Trainers

Logan Jeckell - PoseidonSpawn
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Percivale Olsen

  • General Information

    "Hey there~ Nice to meet you."

    Name: Percivale Olsen

    Age: 20

    Gender: Female

    Hometown: Anistar City, Kalos Region

    This is Percivale. Depending on what she wears, she looks like an attractive young man. She is slightly bothered by it, but at the moment she tends to be very amused when women and girls confuse her as a guy. She's a complete noob in the art of pokemon battling, but she's on her pathway to master it. At the current moment, she has yet to prove herself as a cool guy.

Character Completion

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Phoebe Jansen

  • General Information

    Name: Phoebe Jansen

    Age: 16

    Gender: Female

    Hometown: Eterna City

    Phoebe is a new Pokemon trainer who currently doesn't know that much about it. She would sometimes pretend to battle with plush toys when she was young - this is where she got her inspiration to become a trainer. When she asked her mother to become one, she did not approve. Phoebe's mother thinks that training Pokemon to battle is wrong and mean towards the Pokemon. Phoebe then ran away from home to become a trainer.

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Kasumi Takasha

  • General Information


    Name: Kasumi Takasha

    Age: 18

    Gender: Female

    Hometown: Black City, Unova

    Kasumi Takasha. The shyest girl throughout Unova. Well, that's a bit dramatic, but it's pretty true. Never one much for conversation, Kasumi is pulled into other's schemes. She doesn't mind, so she easily goes with it, enjoying the simple things in life.

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"My dream is to see and take a picture of the legendary pokemon Lugia! Oh and,
Alexis Finntry
All Hail Lord Blarzigord!"
Alexis Finntry


Alexis Finntry

april 21st | fifteen years of age || female rookie trainer | photographer | hometown: snowpoint city, sinnoh


  • Meet Alexis Finntry, a young adventurous. reckless, confident girl who likes to called Alex. A child from Snowpoint City, Sinnoh, Alex is finally setting foot out of her hometown, and exploring the region she lived in.

    Alexis is a very
    observant girl, a trait that formed because of her hobby. She enjoys taking pictures of nature, wildlife and pokemon, especially pokemon. With every picture she takes, she can easily point out most of the secrets and messages each picture is trying to convey. And she's damn good at it. Because of that, she is able to see other people and pokemon and pretty much figure them out by the small actions they make. She doesn't have to know that person for long because it'll only take a day to figure out their obvious dislikes and likes, and the way he or she acts in front of others.

    Alex loves
    adventure, having to be one of the most daring and challenging person her father have ever met. Not only that, but she is very ambitious, having big dreams that resolves around mostly of her photograph hobby; this girl would go out a long way just to get a perfect shot, sometimes even laying in the middle of the road when she's not suppose to. Aside from that, if you give reckless challenge to Alex, she'll most likely accept it and complete it the best she can. Because of that, she can also be very competitive, challenge her and she'll most likely spit out mocks and threats, having a way bit too large of an ego... This girl is so reckless, it's not even funny. There are many times when she scares her parents half to death because of all the challenges she takes upon and the way she deals with those challenges...

    Now everything doesn't resolve around the photographs she takes. Not only is she
    passionate about her hobby, but she also gets very excited about battling, and anything pokemon related. Her father was the former gym leader before Candice; and her taught her the tricks and tips of battling, and what to do when you're stuck in a corner. She has learned everything her father has learned and she is capable of battling without having to worry if she's messing up or not. She may be a rookie, but she does have experiences in the battling category of her life.

    When it comes to friendships and relationships, she is a very
    loyal person, having to be on anybody's side that she considers being close too. Also, Alex can be very blunt about her feelings. She isn't afraid to say what she's thinking, (unless it hurts the other person's feelings), and she isn't afraid to tell them how she truly feels about that person.

    With her friends, she is a very
    excited, light-hearted girl who just seems so innocent! Her eyes light up when she's talking about Dyrao, her Charamander or her hobby, because she loves those two so much! She is a very talkative person, for she never let's a conversation die and is able to keep an active conversation alive. If there's an awkward silence, she'll try her best to brighten it up by bringing up simple ways to talk to someone (unless they just shoot her down with short, blunt answers, then she'll just shut up and won't bother them.) When she's with her friends, she is very carefree, always laughing off the tension and waving away insults. Her father taught her that "If anybody ever talks crap about you, let it pass and don't let it affect you, or your future. You are you, and if people don't like that, then oh well, their loss." She never lets anybody get in her way of meeting her dream!

    However, Alex doesn't want her first impression on people to be the reckless, thoughtless girl, so in public, she is
    composed and calm. She may come off as obnoxious and loud, but most of the time, she knows how to act in public without embarrassing any of her friends or family.

    Thanks to living in such a cold city for her whole life, Alex is very
    cold-blooded. She can walk around a snowing place with only a thin jacket and not be affected. However, Alex can't stand the hotness. She'll easily get a sunburn and she'll easily get sweaty in a short amount of time. So if you see her walking around in short-shorts and a thin tank-top, out in a beautiful warm day, it's probably because she got hot very easily.

    Alexis doesn't necessarily like girly things, but she can be a bit
    girly when she wants too. Although her hair is hard to style, she tries to her best to make her appearance look at least appropriate. She rarely ever wears make-up, and when she does, it's when she is either forced too or she stayed up too late and was bored.

    Overall, Alexis Finntry is a very colorful girl, having her own flaws while being a great person to be friends with.


Dewey Glants

  • General Information


    Name: Dewey Glants.

    "Does my name give a bad impression?"

    Age: 15.

    "You could tell by the way I look, right?"

    Gender: Male.

    "I don't think I remember ever being asked such question before!"

    Hometown: Sandgem Town.

    "Been here since forever, but I never noticed!"

    At the moment, Dewey is, what people on the streets call, a 'rookie' at 'Pokemon Training'. He has studied Pokemon with the use of books, but never heading out to earn, to explore, and to experience, not until now of course. He has dreamed of having a Pokemon journey, but walking out from his home with packed bags alone, although his dream has made it to reality, so did his nightmare; he fears the concept of independance.

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"Why should I
Elliot Scott
listen to you? I rather lay in bed all day then go do that."
Elliot Scott


Elliot Scott

december 25th | seventeen years of age || male rookie trainer || hometown: newbark town, johto


  • Mean, cruel, lazy and pretty much everything that every mother does NOT want her child to be like. Or am I just over-exaggerating? Well, that's kinda how you sum up Eli. Anyways, meet Elliot Scott, or Eli for short. He isn't much of an interesting person...at least at first look. Really, he looks pretty rude, a big lazybutt and really, just not a fun person to be around...After being forced to fly to Sinnoh, Eli is on his way to beat the Sinnoh League in
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Pierre Zain Halfrey
Eh? Do you need anything?


Eighteen (18)




Jubilife City, Sinnoh

  • PersonalityPierre is a quiet guy but he isn't afraid to speak out if needed to. He is courteous and can be very eccentric when it comes to certain topics that interest him. He is cordial and is open to anyone. Just like his Silky, he likes company and meeting new people. He's a carefree fellow who follows no such moral or path. He goes with the flow of things and see where it will take him, the consequences he faces, he'll accept them. He has a policy he follows known as,"Having happy moments equal a good life.", where he believes as long as he can have days with smiles and laughter with those he love, his life is complete.

    He is selfless and leads a righteous attitude. He is willing to throw his life on the line to protect others. He dislikes seeing other in pain or distress and will act to take it away. He can be impulsive depending on the situation and will move without thinking but most times, he is logical on his actions so the consequences will only affect him.

    Summary; He is a nice guy who is too selfless to care for himself and loves his pokemons and friends equally.

    AppearanceShort, strawberry-blonde hair with long bangs that cover one side of his face, his hair is very fluffy and has soft texture. His eyes are a golden-honey hue with a mysterious but gentle look to them. His eyesight are slightly bad so from time to time, he'll put on some black-rimmed glasses or just wear contacts. He stands at 5'10" and has a ectomorph built. He has a ivory pale complexion with some cream-peach hue to his cheeks and lips. His type of apparel are anything comfort and keep him warm as he is sensitive to the cold but still love winter out of all four seasons.

Silky - Sewaddle

【 Tenacious | Loyal | Diligent 】Satoshi Tajiri is life! Though he is dead, he is life!

► Silky is a bug-type Pokemon that is able to sew leaves together to make clothing for himself. He is very protective of Pierre and dislikes anyone that tries to touch him in a way to cause harm and will bite if necessary. He follows Pierre orders and believes them to be absolute. If one do not follow, he will either, force them to follow or just ignore them and let them face the consequences themselves. He cherish Pierre dearly and loves spend time with him the most. If he were to ever be away from his trainer, he would be devastated.

Despite his overprotective manner towards Pierre, he is a very friendly bug who communicates through bumping heads together with another which will make a connection with him and the other person. He doesn't mind getting attention on him and likes the company. With pokemon, he would headbutt them as a greeting to be friends which leads to some awkward moments at times.

◽ Height: 1'0" ft

◽ Weight: 5.50 lbs


◽ Sling shot

◽ Bug Bite

◽ Tackle

◽ Razor Leaf

◽ Sticky Web

◽ Endure
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Leon White


  • General Information


    Leon Ezra White

    Age: 19


    Blackthorn City, Johto Region

    Leon, is a very quick learner. And even though he has no experience in pokemon battles being around the Dragon masters in, Blackthorn City is what motivated him to go on a journey of his own and explore the world. So he left home with some if his belongings and a dream of becoming a great trainer like those he knew before.

Finished, I think.

Logan Jeckel

  • General Information


    Name: Logan Sneer Jeckel

    Age: 16

    Gender: Male

    Hometown: Goldenrod city -- Johto Region

    Logan, being from a city like Goldenrod, didn't get to start training with Pokemon until recently. He started his journey because he felt trapped in the city, unable to move barely a foot without bumping into somebody. He values what he can learn from traveling with his Pokemon, and he knows that what he can learn in plenty as well. He aspires to become a gym leader someday, or perhaps even a member of the Elite Four, though he is quite a ways off. He might appear to be a nerd sometimes as well, analyzing every single battle he is involved in, win or lose. If he wins then he knows that he is doing something right, and if he looses, he knows that he can learn from his mistakes.

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Steven Stone

  • General Information


    Name: Steven Stone

    Age: 25

    Gender: Male

    Hometown: Mossdeep City, Hoenn Region

    Steven Stone. Once champion. Once heir. Now, he's once again your run of the mill Pokemon trainer! He has years of experience behind him, but somehow things happen when you decide to become an officially registered trainer. He is a Rock-enthusiast who lost all his current Pokemon to Team Galactic. Despite the circumstances, he finds himself enjoyment when battling in Sinnoh, that he decides to join the league all over again.

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Kaede Fletcher

  • General Information


    Name:Kaede Fletcher

    Age: 19

    Gender: Female

    Hometown: Nimbasa City, Unova Region.

    Introducing Kaede, or Fletcher as she is also sometimes called. This alternative trainer isn't new to the art of battling, but would still definitely be referred to as a novice.

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(OOC: I formatted my CS like this as it was much easier for me to use, Sorry if this caused inconvenience D:)


Age: 15 Years Old

Gender: Male

Hometown: Mossdeep City,

Hoenn Region

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.6f3997f510ad0dd121797ec0bd434e58.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52780" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.6f3997f510ad0dd121797ec0bd434e58.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Kai is of average build with slight muscle, he stands at around 5'9 and has pale skin. His skin isn't as pale so that it is white, but it isn't that dark either. He has very light blonde hair which is slightly messy in its look and his eyes are a sky blue in colour. For apparel, he wears what is shown in the photo, and is in love with his coat. Purely because it has a fluffy hood. Kai is very bothered by how he looks and takes great pride in what he wears.

Personality: Calm and composed is what Kai is often described as, he always carries a rather calm demeanour with him which makes him a nice person to be around, since he will hardly ever instigate arguments and just likes to 'Go with the flow' in whatever he does. He is very intelligent and incredibly kind, great with Pokemon and treats his own like they are family, if anything or anyone does anything to upset his precious Pokemon. Then the calm side of Kai diminishes rather quickly. He is very sincere but loves having fun, he can be quite lazy and immature at times as well. When Kai is in a Pokemon battle, he will always fight with the intention of winning.

Battle Style: Kai enjoys using status moves that increase his Pokemons stats to give him a better chance at winning. He mainly likes to use his Pokemons defence to wear the opposing Pokemon down before striking, he will use moves that increase defence to help do this. He also likes to attack at times when the opposing trainer would least expect it.

Strengths: Tactful- He is great at planning out what to do next.

Knowledge of the Pokedex- His many years of working in the Pokemon Day Care with his family has given him a great understanding of type match ups and such

Weaknesses: Overprotective- He hates to see his Pokemon get hurt and will begin to freak out if his Pokemon hit low health, which can cause his tactics to mess up.

Overthinking- If he overthinks too much he could potentially ruin his whole strategy

History: Growing up in Mossdeep City with his parents and older brother, Kai had a very happy childhood. He would often go out and explore the city as he wasn't allowed anywhere else unsupervised. His parents ran the Pokemon Day Care centre so Kai grew up surrounded by Pokemon of all different types, and he loved it. Kai's father was a very powerful and well known trainer in the region, but he retired so he could be with his family more often, he had (And still has) a Metagross that was his main Pokemon. Kai adopted his love for Psychic and Steel type Pokemon and recieved an egg from his father that housed a Beldum inside when he was 12. When Kai reached 13 the Pokemon egg finally hatched and ever since then Kai has done everything with his Pokemon.

A few months ago, two years on. Kai and his family moved from Hoenn all the way to Sinnoh, making their new home in Sandgem Town. Kai found it difficult at first but has since then gotten used to the way people live in the region. Now, 15 years old, Kai's journey into the world of Pokemon truly begins


Beldum (Iro)-


1) Take Down

2) Zen Headbutt

3)Iron Claw

4)Iron Defense

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.ae3aba9b61f94732e8b06468a5dcba46.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52788" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.ae3aba9b61f94732e8b06468a5dcba46.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Iro has been Kai's Pokemon since the start of his journey, he was hatched from an egg that Kai's parents had given to him. Iro is very much like Kai in most aspects, but what makes him stand out is that he is much more intelligent and can also be very stern at times. Iro gives off a very intimidting aura all of the time, but he doesn't mean to, that's just how he looks.

Satoshi Tajiri is life! Though he is dead, he is life!



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Sora Mitsuzaki

  • General Information


    Name: Sora Mitsuzaki

    Age: 18

    Gender: Male

    Hometown: Saffron City, Kanto

    Sora Mitsuzaki one of the most outspoken people of Saffron City. Known by just about everyone around, he has two reputations. One as the nicest people around and his second one of his slightly flirtatious nature. He enjoys spending time with others and enjoys life to the fullest, ready to grab his future at every second.


Ryou Mitsuzaki

  • General Information


    Name: Ryou Mitsuzaki

    Age: 18

    Gender: Male

    Hometown: Saffron City, Kanto

    Ryou Mitsuzaki is one of the coldest people found in Saffron City. He probably has one of the worst reputations as an extremely cold and rude person. The only thing that makes him an okay person in most people's eyes is that fact that he's not a criminal. Many are amazed that Sora spends time with his brother, and when hearing people talk like that, Ryou scoffs, or even throws out a rude comment, making the people dislike him even more.

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