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Fantasy Starlight's Darkness Main Thread(Wolf RP Always Accepting)

Ruki - Water/Dark Wolf - Age:4 - Shadow Hunter
Ruki was a bit taken aback by Zen's words, "What do you mean...your father has never been wrong in his judgement. He has always given rewards were they are do and I think for Runa to have found us a camp site so quickly definitely deserves a reward." She said softly, not wanting to hurt her beta's feelings. But she couldn't help but feel that Zen was wrong, after all Zen had just been flirting about. Ruki shook her head, why should she care, it's not like Zen ever actually liked her. She had just been a she wolf near his age for him to mess with. "I....will leave you two alone....and do what I'm good at, hunting." Her words were a bit clipped as she backed away to go search for more food. She barked at a couple of the hunters who were glaring at Tez and Runa. Sure she wasn't the lead hunter but she was close and if they wanted food then they could go get it easier than most. There was a reason why they were the hunters of the pack after all. "I want to see if we can find another deer, we have been locked in that place for so long that we are all starved for normal meat. I know you all are not thinking clearly. But with time things will fall into place as they should. Now let's go get us some more food." She gave the hunters a small toothy grin and they all nodded.
Lenny2000 Lenny2000 SerenityAngel SerenityAngel

Kender - Earth Wolf - Age:5 - Starlight Fighter
Kender trotted off with a faint smile, this was one of the reasons that Kender respected Iah. Unlike most wolves who always seemed power hungry Ish got his job done and held control with a strong grip. But Iah never abused his power in any way, he always thought of what was best for the pack and others. "I just hope I can find them....'' Kender got the attention of one other fighter who had just woke up. He told the wolf of the plan and the nodded in understanding hoping for the best. Kender and the male set off heading for the last place Kender had seen Falith and Storm.

Tez - Dark Wolf - Age:7 - Shadow Alpha
Tez didn't eat a lot, as good as the fresh meat tasted he knew that it would cause his stomach to hurt if he consumed it quickly. He stepped back allow whoever was next to come up and eat, it should have been his son but his son seemed distracted. Tez nodded to Runa's words, "Yes, it would seem so..." Tez eyes roamed over Ruki as she seemed to disagree with whatever his son had said. He watched as she pulled away from Zen and head for the hunters. Giving orders to go find more food, "I have wondered if we got free who would become our lead hunter. Think it should be Ruki, or shall I wait to see if someone else steps up with better potential?" It was more so a question for himself but he would take Runa's opinion as well.

Storm - Dark Wolf - Age:6 - Loner
Storm glanced to the female and then back to the male who called himself Kiesso. Looking at the wolf now he seemed slightly familiar, "Storm, though maybe I should change my name seems how this is my second life." At Kiesso's asking if they needed to accompany her somewhere she shook her head, "No...I was going to head back for my pack and warn them. Though I think that would not be very wise on my part. They'd probably kill me right off the bat thinking I killed...well myself" She felt useless, worse than the mud she was currently standing in. Things had changed so quickly, slipping through her paws without her being able to come close to stopping it.

Freydis Freydis

((( Best Trekkie. Best Trekkie. still with us?)))​
Zen was in utter disgust at Ruki's words as she , his once trusted friend, sided with the people that made the pack go hungry " Runa only did what I ordered her to do she was nothing special at all and was only doing what I told her to do. I see you unveil your undoing ... next time you see me it's on the battlefield ..."

Zen starts to run off in a flash as he made up his mind, and he isn't going to back down upon that, he knows what he has to do.. off he goes into the uncharted territory that even tez wouldn't even find of him . The deeper and the deeper zen went , the more and more he went into the light pack territory .

Now the once proud beta of the shadowpack hat hated traitors that left is now a traitor of the shadow pack . " I can't believe her... I trusted her.. how can such a youngling betray me... " he growls softly as he now is starting to forget who is his friends again.

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising

Later that day..

As he continues running about , contemplating in his mind, as he feels a bit left out, he passed through the woods until he accidentally stumbled upon serenity's parents, " oh I'm sorry, I should go .." he says before he looks. Down a bit
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Serenity was surprised that she had been caught. She lowered and curled herself up even more for a bit. She didn't think it was safe for her to expose herself in front of the whole shadow pack right now. After all, she was half light wolf and they were all at dark wolves. At least none of them had light wolf in them like she did. Being discovered was a bit of a blow to her pride as she was normally very careful about it. She didn't feel very safe here. She would feel better and safer on her way back but right now, that seemed easier said than done. She didn't trust herself enough to come out of her hiding place, though she wanted to.

Seeing the two dark wolves disagree in their discussion she felt a bit bad for Zen since he seemed rather hurt by the female's rejection. When he darted off she fallowed him quickly. At this point she didn't care if she was seen. Zen looked deeply hurt and she didn't want him to feel such pain. Sure they had only just met, but still, he had been nothing but kind to her so she needed to be kind to him.

She gave chase after him and did her best to keep up. When he finally stopped she did as well and softly padded her way beside him. She gently nuzzled her head under his chin to comfort him as if to say that it was alright. "You can't believe she would betray you so quickly." she told him softly, "Not everything is black and white. Maybe she had her reasons for rejecting your offer? Not everything is always as it seems. From what I could gather, everyone looked starved. The alpha has to remain strong so getting first chance is understandable, there didn't seem to be enough for everyone though. You pack is so large that I doubt one dear would satisfy everyone. The strongest need their strength to hunt more food for the weaker ones. It is not a real hierarchy thing, but it seems like a......funnel? It makes some sense but you have to take everyone into account. Right?" she asked him with caring, bright blue eyes. She only wanted to see him happy and didn't want to see him lose his place or his way. "You are very brave to stand up for what you believe."

Iah paused his discussion about rabbits with a hunter as he watched Kender go. He quickly finished his discussion with one of the hunters, and returned to the rise overlooking the camp. From there, he could better see Kender slipping into the trees.
Iah sighed, his composure momentarily falling. However, to the dominant wolf, that was no more than a flicker of indecision going through his lime green eyes. He let some of the grip on his powers go, and the male began to glow. Unlike many Light wolves, who possessed a bright white sort of glow, Iah's mixed heritage, being part earth elemental, meant the light around him had a greenish tint. He sat there, a beacon to the wolves of the pack, his stature strong and unwavering, hopefully a beacon of hope.
Thoughts of past lives and past packs went through Iah's mind as he sat on his vigil. He couldn't help but think of his two Shadow-sisters. The twins were much alike, he reminisced. They were purely identical to the outside, not one spec of difference. But on the inside, one seemed to have a heart of gold, and the other one of shadow. It was a unique occurrence, he supposed. They were his half sisters, for Iah was the bastard son. The two she wolves would have been strong contenders for Alpha. They were the pureblood children of the Alphas. Their Shadow Alpha and his halfbreed mate. Iah sighed at the memories of the terms whispered in the old pack. Where the twins were identical, the Shadow had only bred true in one- Amunet. In her twin, Altheia, was nothing but pure light. It was a hard pregnancy and hard birth for the she-alpha. Only the twins were born alive, the others misshapen and strange stillborns.
It was to these two young wolves that Iah's thoughts turned as he sat. They reminded him much of their she-Alpha, Storm. He just hoped he made the right decision and didn't fail another she-wolf in his life.


Runa tilted her head slightly as she quietly considered Tez's words. A new lead hunter... Hmm...
"No others have showed the potential in the hunt as she has so far. Zen has been organizing hunts since we escaped, but I think it would be best to think of a second option. Ruki has skills, I just wonder if she has the constitution to lead the others as well. And to buckle down and show her authority when needed...." Runa trailed off, looking over the other wolves.
"Perhaps make it temporary, so we establish order and rank, but also see how she does. Assign her for now on a trial basis, and revisit it later once the pack is settled and all wolves are adjusted to living in this life. By then someone more worthy may appear, or she will rise to the occasion." Runa fell silent, assured in her logic. They needed to establish order, and quick it seemed. She felt there was a high chance of the pack splintering under their new-found freedom. What held them together, bonds of bloodshed and darkness, didn't seem to hold like they did in the shadow world. She knew for many wolves it would not be an easy transition, and she knew a few wolves at least wouldn't be as pleased by eating prey instead of the weak. She had never quite developed a taste for wolf blood like some seemed to, but she too admittedly felt a desire to snuff out the weak links and tear into those who displeased her with the slightest provocation. However, Runa was both strong mentally and physically, and she didn't give in to base urges on a whim.
"Also... I feel we should keep a close eye. There may be some who did not survive this in one piece. Sure, they may be physically here, but mentally..." She shook her head. "And there may be some who are afraid now. Afraid of the Shadow World, of being trapped again. It could cause issues if we need to quickly hide or disappear."

Kiesso & Haldis

Haldis noticed the moment Kiesso's expression changed and took interest. It was not seeing it, no, he was on her blind side, but she felt it. She knew from experience it would be no more than a slight shift in stance.
Kiesso felt surprise at the she wolfs name, and shifted, his position becoming more respectful. "You are Storm, the Alpha of the Starlight Pack," he said, more of a fact than a question. "If this is your second life, then that means..." he took in the implications of her words. The Starlight Pack was without an Alpha, and there was a high chance that Storm's mate wasn't brought back. These were dangerous times indeed...
Haldis picked up on it all quite quickly. "They won't if you come with us," she said confidently. "Big Brother Kies will protect you. Having a Light Wolf on your side is a strong thing. and Kiesso is one of the strongest I know."
Kiesso smiled at the pride and confidence in Haldi's tone. "If you wish to return, we will vouch for you. The Starlight pack helped a lone Light Wolf in his time of need, and this Lone Light Wolf will help the Starlight Packs Alpha in turn." Kiesso then frowned slightly. "Iah is probably sick with worry..."

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Ruki - Water/Dark Wolf - Age:4 - Shadow Hunter
Ruki paused slightly watching Zen run off after saying she had betrayed him. Her body shook at his words, he was the one who was betraying the pack. They had just gotten free and now this was happening. 'Hunt young one' She glanced around where had that voice come from. The hunters seemed confused as to why she paused. "Uh...lets go guys...the pack needs us more than fighters right now if you see any small prey kill it and eat it then. We need our strength just as much as the others." She turned heading deeper into the woods, she would have to tell Tez of this new occurrence once they had brought something else large back for the pack. Unless Tez knew already, then she wouldn't have to worry besides telling the Alpha what his son had said.

Kender - Earth Wolf - Age:5 - Starlight Fighter
Kender padded along stopping and taking in the very faint scent of their Alpha's. He followed one trail only to go full circle, he couldn't help but chuckle slightly. "She is smart....noe if only I had actually followed my gut and followed her.'' Kender soon took another path and as they got further the scent of old blood filled his nose. His pace picked up and he was running the fighter next to him seemed just as worried. They skidded to a stop panting as they came upon a torn up body, "F-Falith...." Why hadn't he been reborn....Kender glanced to the fight giving him orders to head back. While he stayed looking over the place semi hoping to find Storm or not.

Tez - Dark Wolf - Age:7 - Shadow Alpha
Tez nodded, yes the sounded like a good plan. He had figured things would not go smoothly when they were set free. Which was also why he was being more harsh than usual, he needed his pack to keep their back bone. Needed them to keep the darkness that laid in their hearts from being sealed away... He had to keep his pack together so they could take down the Starlight Pack. After all this was all their fault that they had lived such lives. He looked around to find his son, but didn't see him. "Runa have you seen my son...." His voice was a bit of a growl, he didn't know what his son could possibly be doing at this time. But he was not happy that the boy was not sitting here in the camp, if he found out he had run off for some pretty reason then he was going to be very displeased.

Storm - Dark Wolf - Age:6 - Loner
Storm nodded slowly, "I was the alpha....but my mate is dead as are my pups...my mate won't be back he had already used his chances of rebirth...but that's not important right now." Her blue eyes shown brightly as the rain stopped fully, "They are back....the Shadow Pack was released because of my own stupidity. I wasn't thinking straight, but I should have been." She thought about Iah, perhaps with them she could talk to him. But for the rest of the pack it might be better if it seemed she was dead. She didn't deserve to be called the alpha ever again. She shook her head slightly, "I never will be called Alpha again...it wouldn't be right."

Freydis Freydis
As the young wolf was running he finally was feeling a bit woozy and tired, the heat was certainly having a effect upon him as he starts to see things though it was not a hallucination .. he saw serenity catching up to him and giving him a caring pep talk with him as it made him feel rather sad that he feels all alone

" I...I just don't like being cooped up in there... I feel like .. hunters deserved equal shares of food as well with alphas and such... we all contribute and I'm not really that important in the pack.. I'm only alive because I was the alphas son... tho sometimes I regret it.." he murmurent as he was struggling to remain conscious . He licked her cheek once before he starts panting again from the intense heat and clearly needs water to drink..

He again starts to talk about his feelings as he was still hallucinating wildly .." I feel like serenity was the only girl I wanted and she was the best, most adorable wolfie that ever appeared into my life... I truly love her but because I had to go I never got to know about her feelings back to me... I really miss her .." he starts to whimpers lightly as he walks over to the river taking in many gulps of refreshing water

Runa, ever observant, had been keeping tabs on everything going on around them. "He left," she said simply. "Probably some time after your announcement. Either way, he is not here."

Kiesso & Haldis

Kiesso listened quietly. "The Shadow Pack will still be getting their bearings of this world. We have time to get you back and explain whats going on, they need to know either way." Kiesso moved closer, and used his muzzle to tilt her head up a bit. "Chin up, little Alpha. Times are changing and your pack needs you. You are only wolf, and every wolf makes mistakes. Do not make a mistake out of this second chance at life you have been given."
Haldis smiled and nodded. "Being brought back a Shadow wolf is not a bad thing," she agreed. "And Iah can help you get a bearing on your life now. His younger sister was a Shadow Wolf born into a Starlight pack and he helped her."
Kiesso's gaze snapped to Haldis almost in warning. "It is not your place to speak of his family, Haldis," he scolded softly, and Haldis gave a meek grin. "Sorry," she said.
"Let's speak with Iah first before you make any crazy decisions," Kiesso said softly, reassuringly. "But know that if you choose to go your own way, you can have a place with us in our travels."​
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The wind roared with the storm as rain pelted his fur matting it down to his tensed frame. He had been out since before the moon set and the sun rose high above the horizon quietly stalking the territory that was his homeland since his birth. Now his gaze settled on a herd of grazing deer as they enjoyed the freshly doused greenery taking in the much needed hydration and sustenance.
Kaluii made no move other than the slow rise and falls of his chest as he surveyed the terrain and his targets.
Suddenly without warning he burst from his position in the tall grass.
The herd startled as evolution had always taught them before starting into a wild frenzy of panic but it was already to late as his legs contracted and drove deep against the earth propelling him for his strides rapidly closing the distance between himself and a doe who was just a split second to slow. His fangs bared he lunged bowling her over quickly spinning on all fours to turn and mount himself over top of the female deer. Its eyes wide as it knew this dance of life and death was over now. Kaluii's fangs found their mark at the base of her neck and a strong jerk ended her suffering with minimal pain. The male hunter allowed the rest to scatter and be hunted later on, he had done his part and now latched his jaws around the leg of the corpse and began the trek home his prize in tow.
Serenity was disheartened and sad to see the kind dark wolf so depressed and run down like this. It broke her heart. She did her best to stay near him. She didn't want him to be hurt in these surroundings he was not familiar with. When he finally stopped she stood near him and let him talk. She understood how he felt. With her family, everyone got a fair share at the same time, but then again it was just the three of them. She didn't know how well that would work with such a large pack. It certainly wouldn't feed everyone.

For the time being she just let him talk and listened to his every word. She was surprised to learn he was a beta. That is not a normal thing for their generations to be so high ranked so young. She gave him a sorrowful look, "You must not regret anything. Especially not who you are." she did her best to cheer him up and think positively, but that was hard with his state of mind. When he licked her cheek, if she could, she would have blushed. She did turn her head a little shyly. He had done that before when they first met but it was still new and made her heart flutter a little.

She fallowed him to the stream and couldn't help but feel like blushing as he continued to praise her and talk about her as if she weren't right in front of him or beside him."H-how can you say you love me when you have only just met me?" She asked him but his praise was getting to her. "D-don't you think it's a bit early to say love? Of course I like you but I hardly know you. Why do you miss me when I stand right here?" she then heard him whimpering and lay down by him. She softly licked his cheek with each whimper, trying to sooth him into happiness. Her white fur was cool and her presence was directly in front of him. Touching him. She was no vision. She was very much real.

"You know, you really didn't have to go. My father was just a bit over-protective. My mother is as sweet as you please. I'm sure you would get along well with her." she said then got an idea, "Why don't you stay with us? Hunt with us. We'll take care of you and because we're a small group we can all be fed. Maybe that is what your pack needs? Smaller groups within the pack so everyone can eat together! A group of say......five or six could take down a large prey and their group would eat, and so on with any other groups."
As zen finally regained conceousness and got rehydrated he looks back at her and blushes furiously after looking at her blush " I umm.. did I just .. tell you about me?..." he watches her reaction as he sighs softly and looks down " look I don't remember what I said but for whatever I said I'm sorry.. I may know this may be a bit early but we don't have to be... mates .. I mean the dark packs are normally instant in mating and I wanted to spend my .. umm.. romantic times with you because I like you very very much .. " he ponders his mind a little before he looks at the crystal clear waters beside her and the rising beautiful as he thought of it as the perfect scene for something.. he leaned his head in and kissed her lips once... then looked down feeling really embarrassed not sure of her reaction " d-do you want to be at least.. boyfriend and girlfriend... just as a start ? " he flutters his eyes and racing heart as his future is determined by her decision .

SerenityAngel SerenityAngel
The young she-wolf giggled a little when the male realized that she was very real and was embarrassed at what he just said though he doesn't remember. "You did. You told me about you and how you feel about your pack, your position.....and me...." she told him as she then lay down a bit to rest and drink some water herself. "I....I have no idea what it is like to be in a pack so I would not know about how to go about becoming a mate but...." she then was hushed by a soft kiss to her lips. She could not help it. She had never been kissed like that before and it made her shy and want to blush if she could. With a soft and shy smile, she nodded her head. "I....I would like that very much. And I'm sorry about my father. He's just....overprotective. He meant nothing against you personally. That's why I fallowed you. To apologize for him."
"Running through the forest; Rain was determined to get to the light on time. "This message must make it. IT WILL MAKE IT." Time flew by as Rain took his common route. It only felt like seconds but in reality hours had passed by. Suddenly Rain found himself deep inside another wolf pack's territory. He stopped when he saw a young she Wolf talking to a larger wolf. "They need to be warned." He thought as he stepped into view.

SerenityAngel SerenityAngel
Ruki - Water/Dark Wolf - Age:4 - Shadow Hunter
Ruki still felt a slight twinge in her back leg, but kept ignoring it. Her pack needed her more right now then anything. They needed food and this was what she had been waiting for all her life. To hunt freely for her pack and feed them all, so no one was hungry. Zen's words came to mind, he was thinking of the same thing but he wanted to separate the pack.... That would make them weaker than they already were. She sighed, bit shook the thoughts from her head as the smell of a deer came to them. "You know the plan, just be careful of those antlers....he may show more of a fight. But he is bigger so this will make hunting a smaller task....if we get him." She turned to one of the hunters who padded next to her, "You shouldn't be the one to move in...I will." She was a bit surprised, "What do you mean?" "Don't think we haven't noticed your faint limp." The hunters nodded and she sighed, "Okay." She joined the group to circle the left as they came up on the buck, he seemed more alert but didn't run at first. They soon had the buck trapped and taking it down in a matter of minutes.

Kender - Earth Wolf - Age:5 - Starlight Fighter
Kender sighed as he couldn't find any sign of Storm, he had mixed feeling about it though. From what he could tell they had a bad encounter with a large sized bear. If the paw prints were anything to go off of. "She has to be alive still...'' He changed directions following the faintest of scent left by Storm, it some how smelled the freshest. The rain had messed with small trails of blood that had probably been dried at the time. It was storms blood though, he inhaled sharply as he began to track the faint trail. It was getting closer and closer to what once was the Shadow Packs lands. His heart beat quickened as he got closer and closer to the edge of the two Pack Territories. He felt bad for just leaving the remains of Faliths's body but he knew Iah would take care of them once the other fighter got back to him.

Tez - Dark Wolf - Age:7 - Shadow Alpha
Tez frowned at Runa's words, his son...the beta of the pack had up and left. Without even saying a word to him, a growl rumbled through him. Now he was pissed, maybe he had been wrong to accept his sons hard work of making it to Beta rank after all. His ears twitched, he couldn't leave his pack nor could he ignore the fact that his son had just up and ran off. He didn't want to send Runs out after him because she was actually someone he trusted very much. "Ruki has went to go get more food, which is a splendid idea, so I suppose..." He groaned, this was not how he imagined things going once they were free. "Runa could you see if you could track down my idiotic son...if not then let him be. But do be careful I'd go myself but the pack needs their alpha more than anything." Another growl rumbled through his through, "They also need their beta....but...." His eyes glowed brighter as he spoke.

Storm - Dark Wolf - Age:6 - Loner
Storm shook her head, "N-no I didn't mean that being a dark wolf was bad.... More so what has happened because of me. I don't think all dark wolves are evil....I suppose a small part of me would like to settle things peacefully with those of the Shadow Pack." She gave a small laugh and a slight shrug, "Though I doubt they'd want to...I had thoughts of going to release them before. I knew the price of it but we get a second chance...even a third chance at living." She looked at the two loners, "Peace is one thing that these lands may never know now. I just hope things will work out, that the two packs can live together. I never did agree with them having been sealed away even though my parents raised me to think the worst of the Shadow Pack. Um...S-Shall we head for the Starlight Pack now...." She knew she was rambling but this was the first she'd talk to anyone since. It seemed to comfort her in an odd way, as she began to walk her stomach growled at her. Her ears went flat with embarrassment and she closed her eyes hoping she was just imagining it.

Freydis Freydis
Zen started to look at her softly and smiled hugging her lightly before he kisses her one more time " I love you .." he whispers to her

Since zen has been away he starts to feel like he is going to be followed by one of the alphas goons . He holds her paw and squints his eyes , trying his best as behind him he creates a shadow vortex, able to wistand two wolves as he looks at the incoming male , he doesent seem dark pack but always suspects Merc's as well .." please, get to the vortex with me , quickly!!" He whispers as he hops into the vortex as it cuts off the tracks if he was going to be followed, he waits patiently for his mate as once she comes in it would immediately close after her ...
Serenity could not help but blush and be shocked that he actually repeated his words. That he loves her. It was impossible right away, right? There was no way he could feel so strongly about her in just one day, one meeting. Sure, she believed in love at first sight but, still, this was a little sudden for her. She was still with her parents and she didn't want to tear him away from his pack without proper reason and not just for her.

"I-I....y-you.....um....." she stuttered and looked for a way to respond without hurting him or pushing him away. He had to know that she was just nervous because they don't even really know each other. How could she respond so quickly when she doesn't even know what love was? Sure, her heart was pounding in her chest, she felt comfortable around Zen and she wouldn't mind hanging out with him more, but love? How could she know such a strong emotion for someone outside of her family? Didn't he already have a mate with that dark/water wolf? Why would he say that to her when he had an apparent mate already? Maybe they were just friends? She didn't know and she couldn't know until he explained it to her.

She glanced behind the male wolf and saw he was creating a void vortex like he was going to run away and hide from something. She looked behind and saw a light wolf coming toward them but he didn't seem dangerous. He seemed worried and anxious. She looked back to Zen as he told her to fallow him into the void but she didn't think it was necessary or really safe. She tried to call him back, trying to show him that he didn't have to be scared of this world. After all, she had heard from her father that the Shadow pack had been sealed away a long time and probably didn't know that things were safe now. Well, safer.

"Wait!" she called to him and attempted to fallow him for a moment to try and convince him to trust, "It's okay, The Starlight pack are not really violent or vicious. I'm sure you're safe, especially with me. Besides, if he is dangerous, it's two against one. You don't have to be afraid."
Lupa: Light Wolf : Starlight Pack : Healer
Something was wrong, Lupa could just feel it in the air. Swoosh. A gust of wind blew toward her nose and she caught the faint scent of something dark and foul, but with a hint of lightness to it. All though the scent seemed a bit off, she still recognized it, the scent of a dark wolf. She immedaitely leapt to her feet. Lupa considered warning her the other wolves but decided against it. Something was weird about the scent and she decided she would go to investigate. Lupa grabbed some herbs from the corner of her little cave apothecary and set off to find the dark wolf.
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
It was too late as it took way too long for the female to get in the vortex with him, within a flash it vanished and the wolf she was with for so so long was gone .. no trace ... only leaving her with the prophet ..

Throughout the time zen starts to ponder around I. The shadow void as it was filled with darkness and evil.. but also it is a great tool to use for traveling from place to place like a metro ... zen goes on his way to a random destination...


Runa nodded in response to Tez's request. "How would you like me to handle it, Alpha? If I do find him," Runa questioned. She paused for a few moments. "It is not an easy transition.... I could understand why he would feel betrayed that you allowed me to eat first rather than him..." she said softly. "Perhaps he just needs time to cool off?"

Kiesso & Haldis

Kiesso nodded in understanding. "It is not a bad thing," he agreed. "I have known light wolves who are rotten to the core and dark wolves with a heart of gold. It all depends."
Haldis sighed, and if the faint grumble of Storms stomach was any sign, they could all use something to eat. "How about we find something to eat first , I'm starving!" She complained, and Kiesso smiled and nodded in agreement. "We could all use some meat in our belly it seems. We hunt, then we find Iah."


Iah felt a sense of dread as one of Kender's wolves returned. He left one of the higher wolves in charge, and followed the wolf into the Forrest. When they came across the dead body of one of their Alphas, he held a moment of silence, and used his magic to bury their fallen Alpha male. But where was Storm? Iah admittedly had a soft spot for the she-Alpha, and fear struck his hear as he found no sign of her body .​
Mizu: Water & Air Elemental : lead hunter and fighter
Mizu crept stealthily among the tall grass, being careful not to make a sound. Then she saw the fat rabbit pause. Mizu smiled and in that split second, pounced. She brought her teeth upon the rabbit's neck and felt it go limp. Then she carried it back to Lupa's den. "Here ya' g-- She paused. Lupa was nowhere to be found. Mizu frowned. Usually Lupa was always hungrily awaiting her daily serving of fat rabbit. She set the rabbit down and started following her scent trail. Soon, she also caught the scent of another animal: a deer. Her favorite animal was a deer so she couldn't resist to go hunt it down. A few seconds later, shecaught another familiar scent: Iah. She bounded toward him. "What's going on?" She asked.

Freydis Freydis
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Ruki - Water/Dark Wolf - Age:4 - Shadow Hunter
Ruki ran up along side the deer, she bit into the leg even as it ran she could move faster if needed. She felt a small twinge in her leg but ignored it, she had to take this deer back to the pack. The other wolves finally latched on and the buck slowed, swinging with its head a wolf yelped as it got hit by one point. Though the wolf got up quickly and was back in and they took the deer down. Ruki glanced, "We did good lets get it back." She tugged on the buck limping slightly, her foot was starting to hurt worse.

Kender - Earth Wolf - Age:5 - Starlight Fighter
Kender picked up a faint scent of another wolf he knew, "Lupa???" He paused slightly and turned for her direction he wondered what had brought her out this far. She didn't seem to be in a major rush, but she wasn't going slow either. She quickly picked up the strongest scent and saw her, "Hey!!! Lupa what are you doing out here!?!?"
radical radical

Tez - Dark Wolf - Age:7 - Shadow Alpha
Tez huffed, "Perhaps he does just need time, sure he is beta but I am the alpha. What I say goes, that is and always will be the way things go. If he wants to pout about that then he can do so elsewhere. I will not, no I need not some wolf to pout about something as pretty as that." He shook his head slightly, "Do what you think is best Runa. If time is what you think he needs then so be it. If ye doesn't return by night fall then once the other are asleep we shall go look for him."

Storm - Dark Wolf - Age:6 - Loner
Storm would've blushed at her stomach growling, if sue wasn't a wolf, "Okay...food and then facing my pack." She shook her black brown coat slightly, trying to rid herself of any more water that still clung to her. She didn't know how these dark powers worked. She knew that some could vanish in thin air or become the shadows. She wondered if she'd be able to do any of those, the sun rested high in the middle of the sky now. Only a few cloud here and there, but they were slowly fading away it seemed.

Freydis Freydis
Within the twisted vortex of fate he travels along the dangerous narrow paths until he finally saw a opening to go through.. it seemed alright but he had no real Vision of what's on the other side beforehand...

He took in a deep breath and lunges into the vortex hole as it spews him out into the middle of the starlight pack , still disorientated , he groans in a bit of pain but finally gets up and rubs his eyes before he realizes where he just ventured off to ... " uh oh..." he commented as the vortex closed behind him leaving no escape but to run , the dark wolf slowly starts to back away as he kinda is nervous to see the light wolves .. and so many as by how he was taught ..

Iah heard another wolf coming up behind, and caught the familiar scent of his pack, and sighed in relief. He really didn't want anything else going wrong today. He turned as Mizu approached, and smiled a bit sadly. "We are out sweeping for a sign of the Alphas," he said a bit evasively. "Find anything tasty this morning? The others of the search group are bound to be hungry when they return."

radical radical


Runa nodded. "Sometimes its best to let a wolf go. If they come back, it was meant to be. If they don't, then too often they are meant to be crushed with bloodshed and darkness," She said simply, if not a bit viciously, her eyes flickering like flames. A bit of a bloodthirsty gleam lay within them, but quick as a blink it was gone. She smiled softly at Tez, a rare sign of normal emotion and softness that she usually reserved for only those she respected and found close to her. But just like the earlier darkness, she softness was quickly gone and replaced with almost a blank, noncommittal look.

Haldis & Kiesso

Haldis seemed to calm as the storm left, and she looked up at the sun. "All right, lets go!" She said excitedly, bounding off into the brush. Kiesso sighed softly with a smile at Storm, and followed the younger wolf It wasn't long until Haldis found the trail of a deer, which was something that happened often. Haldis often caught subtle nuances before Kiesso himself, something he often wondered at. Haldis had once said the wind told her, but Kiesso wasn't sure at the time if it was a pups imagination or real. Haldis didn't often talk about her powers.
Haldis slowed, looking back to Kiesso and Storm. She gestured ahead to a clearing where a lone lost looking deer was grazing. It seemed to have been left behind by its herd do to its injured leg.
Kiesso slipped back a bit further and gestured for Storm to follow him a bit further away. "Haldis has this," he murmured with some pride, watching as Haldis crouched low and began to prowl towards the deer from behind.
The wind somehow stayed in her silent favor until she was close. The small wolf seemed to be completely unhindered by her limited eyesight while in her hunting zone. The deer was unaware until Haldis leaped forward. Even then it seemed the wind had her favor, propelling her higher and further than a normal wolf like Kiesso would be able to do. Her jaw closed around the does neck right behind her skull, and her weight brought the deers shoulders and neck down towards the ground, easily snapping the neck.
Kiesso laughed softly to himself, and nodded to Storm before moving out to join Haldis and the downed deer. "With Iah's help, Storm, I bet you could bring down a deer with those shadow powers as well. Just hop out of the shadows and down goes the deer! Sometimes I wonder if the Shadows have it easier. All I can do is blind the poor prey," Kiesso joked easily with a laugh.
"First bite to the Alpha!" Haldis said cheerfully from her position near the doe.

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Ruki - Water/Dark Wolf - Age:4 - Shadow Hunter
Ruki stopped dragging the buck, panting slightly, a faint coat of sweat underlined her body. One of the hunters glanced to her in worry but she brushed them off, her pack needed this buck so she would get it to them. Her brain was in over drive while her body protested. Her right back foot now was swollen slightly, perhaps when she had tripped earlier it had been worse than she thought. Her mind went back to Zen's words, she shook her head, if prey was the probelm then she would hunt till she dropped. Then he wouldn't have to leave...they would have plenty of food then. Right? He would come back and not be mad at her... her heart ached slightly. After all she liked him even if it was a small crush, she liked him.
assholewithfeelings assholewithfeelings (You can interact with Ruki if you want) (( Small none important mention Lenny2000 Lenny2000 So you know her thoughts))

Tez - Dark Wolf - Age:7 - Shadow Alpha
Tez smiled slightly as the menace that hung in Runa's voice, he couldn't help but feel that Runa was better suited as the Beta instead. At least for the time being, he was a bit sickened by the thought that his son had thrown a tantrum out of the eating order. "Very true indeed, and we have more important things to worry about than some wolf acting like a pup, even if he is my son." He padded towards the larger den walking inside, it needed a little fixing up but nothing real major. "I know you are our lead fighter Runa, but for now I ask you to be our stand in Beta should my son not return...." He said as he moved back out of the larger den, he also wanted to check out the other dens. Sure his wolves had been living in darkness and he was fairly sure they'd live in anything as long as it wasnt that again. But he didn't want his wolves living in torn up dens, "I should find some of our earth users and have them fix up the dens fully...I also need to find the nearest water hole. If anything in time we can make our own personal water hole. That is even closer to camp to we dont have to travel to far, I know I can count on our water users for that." His tail swayed back and forth as he imagined slowly making their camp into and actual home.

Storm - Dark Wolf - Age:6 - Loner
Storm watched as Haldis took down the doe with ease, "That's pretty amazing...as for light powers I mean we do have levitation...er well they do have that and healing..." She was going to have to get used to not being a light wolf anymore. As Haldis told her to eat first due to er being alpha she shook her head, "Like I said I dont plan to be alpha anymore... anyways you took that deer down by yourself. You deserve first eatings I dont mind eating last." Storm's mind wen back to a few years ago when she wasn't yet alpha but the beta. Her father had told her to eat secondly but there had been a shortage of food and a few pregnant wolves. She had gladly ate last so the females could get what they needed, when her father had asked why she had done that her answer was simple. 'They are carrying the future of this pack...there for they are much more important. I can survive on little food while they can not.' Her father had been a bit surprised but also praised her, after that the mother wolves got first eatings and it had been that way since. She gave a small smile at the simple memory, "Those of the future are more important..." She whispered the words more to herself then anything.

Freydis Freydis
THank you very much BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising but also Is there anyone at the starlight wolf pack camp because if so I'm open to interaction and if not I think my character will just leave and free roam

Runa simply inclined her head, not showing a single sign of gloating or happiness at his words. Rank was just that - Rank. Being a certain rank didn't define at wolfs worth in her eyes. She had known wolves of high rank that were the worst possible wolf, and wolves of no rank who were extremely talented and strong. It just mattered what you did with the position of power you had, not the position itself.
"The tunnel through this cave leads to the underground water I mentioned earlier," Runa said. "We can travel to the above-ground water if you would like as well, to check it out further." She glanced around the den, having following Tez. She saw some old remains and ingrowing roots and her eyes narrowed. Suddenly black and dark red flame sprung from her, washing through the cave but not burning her or Tez. When it cleared the walls were hardened black, and the offending remains and roots were gone. The walls almost seemed to glitter, absorbing some of the outside light and brightening the cave. It appeared she had the same thought wave as Tez, that despite being made from darkness, after living in it so long perhaps the wolves would like some more light in their lives. "That is a good idea, my Alpha," She said as if she had not just fire-washed the entire cave.

Kiesso & Haldis

Haldis smiled softly at Storm. "Then you can eat with us as we eat," she said with a smile as both she and Kiesso moved forward. "Together," Kiesso completed the statement. "There is no reason for any of us to wait."
Haldis then dug in, taking a spot by the shoulder, and Kiesso dug into the hindquarters, leaving the soft stomach and nutritious organs for Storm.

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising

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